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Joined: Mon May 17, 2021 4:49 pm
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets:


Full Name: Destynrael Dromlach’darach
Race: Fae’ethalan
Sex: Male-presenting
Age: 20
Height: 6’1
Weight: 142lbs

Birthdate: 17th of Sun’s Zenith, 101 Steel
Birthplace: On the shores of Lake Udori in the land between Kathiid and Kalzasi.

Profession: Summoner
Housing: Wanderer
Partners: N/A

Titles: “Barkbone”
Factions: Clann na Feithidí Uisce of The Court of Summer

Fluencies: Valasren & Common
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None


Destyn typically presents as a young, human male with large, sky blue eyes that often appear wide with wonder. With a sun-bronzed complexion and flaxen blonde hair, Destyn retains an open, child-like quality that exudes an air of innocence that often misleads people to the benefit of the young Fae’ethalan.

If one were to see him wearing a cape or cloak, one might easily mistake him for a human or perhaps a Hytori if his rounded ears were covered. Strip away the layers of clothing, and his Fae features become more evident. Notably, his spine resembles an ashy-hued branch of oak, which protrudes from the otherwise smooth flesh of his back. Dark rivulets are visible beneath the skin surrounding the oaken approximation of vertebrae, spreading out from the branch and seeming to blend into his circulatory system joining the network of the veins and arteries visible beneath his skin. These threads also spread into the set of four translucent, somewhat prismatically-hued, wings resembling those of a dragonfly that protrude from the bark of his spine and typically lay against the length of his slender back.


Destyn is a sweet, good-hearted young Fae whose apparent innocence has served him well with his penchant for pranks and playful barbs. In some ways, his innocence is actually earnest as he is very young by the standards of his race, but in other ways he plays it up to more effectively disrupt the days of unsuspecting marks. His predilection for mischief is not typically mean-spirited or intended to cause lasting harm, and he always expects his sense of humour to be received with shared amusement and connection. Though his little games are more often received with umbrage, he is regularly surprised at angry responses to what he considers well-intentioned barbs. He often ends up being hurt by the negative responses which catch him off-guard despite their regularity, but doesn’t tend to hold on to his distress for more than a day. He is a fiercely loyal friend to those who are willing to put up with his shenanigans. Beyond that, he is fascinated by his surroundings in Ransera and an utterly curious creature who is more engaged with the world and its inhabitants more than many of his race.


Destyn Dromlach’darach was born to Chieftess Nienna of Clann na Feithidí Uisce and Lethrael, one of her consorts. Their modest tribe of Summer Fae roamed the banks of the many waterways that traversed woods and plains between the Free Cities of the North. Though they had no permanent settlement, they’d wandered these lands for many years and migrated between a few glades, caves, coves and canopies that sheltered them well for generations. With a marked reverence for both sunlight and rolling water, their migration path remained relegated to areas that granted access to plenty of both. They didn’t seek out the roads, paths or trade routes of men, but it was not uncommon for them to happen upon outsiders who were typically treated with kindness and welcomed with gifts of food or other useful resources. There were also a few merchants known to the clan who occasioned to trade with the Fae wanderers.

Nienna was not one to shirk her maternal duties with her only child, and her attention and devotion to Destyn was consummate. He was far from the perfect son with his tendency of wandering off on his own, and blithely causing mischief amongst the other members of the tribe as well as travellers met along the road, but he was dutiful in his way and extremely loving, albeit defiant.

Most of the members of Destyn’s modestly-sized clan were magic-users, including his mother who was a Master Summoner and his father who practised Kinetics. Magic was a casual and regular part of their daily lives, and Destyn was raised with the understanding that it was a potent part of his Fae’ethalan culture for whom it was more natural than it was for the people borne of this realm. Within Clann na Feithidí Uisce it was traditional for a young Fae to undergo a Rite of Majority, in which an adolescent would choose to mark their advancement to adulthood in some salient way. Some would go forth to hunt and slay a beast of darkness, some would recite an epic poem from the bygone days of their people in the Everwilds, but most would take on their first cardinal rune. Destyn was no exception. With Summoning potent in his blood, Nienna strongly encouraged Destyn to choose to follow in her footsteps with his first rune. It was an ongoing argument, with Destyn pleading to take on the power of the Masquerade to step-up his impish arts of mischief and mayhem. Ultimately, Nienna won him over by convincing him that there was no dearth of mischief to be found amongst the Spirits he could call forth should he take on the rune of Summoning. The notion of a preternatural partner in crime was enough to sell Destyn on the idea, and so in Sun’s Zenith of 119 Steel, Nienna brought forth her Aidolon and endowed her child with the mark of her Craft.

The clan travels in lands where the populations are sometimes hostile to fey and certain precautions must be taken. Now that Destyn is considered an adult amongst the clan, he is often sent scouting or to trade with the human merchants who cross their paths. He has been successful at passing himself off as a human, since his preferred morphology most resembles theirs, provided his back is covered to conceal his wings and oaken spine. Presently, Destyn and his tribe have been foraging along the banks of the Talacara River where they’ve noticed an unusual amount of air traffic lately with, not only dirigibles from Zaichaer to the South, but also the sleeker Kalzasern vessels. The sight has caused restlessness amongst the tribe, who are well aware that the two powers are at odds and that a conflict between them would be disastrous for the lands they frequented between the mighty city-states.

Last edited by Destyn on Mon May 24, 2021 9:23 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 1172
“Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
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Posts: 284
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Character Sheet:
Character Secrets:

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Flight 100/100 Master
Medicine 89/100 Expert
Summoning 42/100 Apprentice
Survival 27/100 Apprentice
Stealth 15/100 Novice
Animal Handling 15/100 Novice
Deception 15/100 Novice
Disguise 10/100 Novice
Navigation 10/100 Novice
Tracking 10/100 Novice
Psychology 8/100 Novice
ThreadPoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Starting Skills+100-100 0
CS approval+15-15 0
"When the River Runs Dry (Volume I)"+5-5 0
"Time Has No Friends"+8-8 0
"Shy Away"+8-8 0
"Sick of the Silence"+8-8 0
"What You've Done"+8-8 0
"As if by Fate"+8-8 0
"As if by Fate (Part 2)"+8-8 0
"Treading Air"+8-8 0
"Boys' Night Out"+8-8 0
"The Perfect Party Guest"+8-8 0
"Sunlight"+10-10 0
"Confused Little Butterfly"+10-10 0
"Roam With You"+10-10 0
"Set My World On Fire"+10-10 0
"New Years Party"+10-10 0
"Aching to Pupate"+10-10 0
"Delirious"+15-15 0
"Expedition of the Duck: Potluck"+10-10 0
"Welcome to the Jungle"+4-4 0
"Birdhouse in Your Soul"+10-10 0
"Birdhouse in Your Soul (Part II)"+10-10 0
"A Boy Named Mr. Me"+10-10 0
"Curiosities"+10-10 0
"In Syzygy"+10-10 0
Starting Package:
+25 Flight
+20 Summoning
+15 Survival
+15 Animal Handling
+15 Deception
+10 Disguise
Last edited by Destyn on Tue May 30, 2023 8:03 pm, edited 12 times in total. word count: 240
“Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
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Last edited by Destyn on Tue May 30, 2023 8:09 pm, edited 16 times in total. word count: 721
“Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
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Posts: 284
Joined: Mon May 17, 2021 4:49 pm
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets:


1. Starter Package
One set of cloaking with a traveling cloak, one waterskin, 50 feet of hempen rope, ten torches, one bedroll, one blanket.

2. One pet stoat kit named Marú.
3. Ensorcelled gem pendant fashioned by Sivan to exude calming energy
4. A vial of enhanced Valerian root sedative made by Sivan

Destyn currently dwells with his clan who are encamped in a glade along the Talacara River.

1. Starting Gold, +500 gp. 500 gp Total.
word count: 145
“Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
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