The Enchanted Bog

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The Enchanted Bog


The Enchanted Bog is situated roughly in the center of Karnor, and is a fairly circular region. It spans around 225 miles in diameter, 700 miles in circumference, with an area of approximately 40,000 square miles. The Enchanted Bog gets its name honestly, for it truly is a place of magic and mysticism. And isn't of this world. No, the Enchanted Bog was originally located within the Everwilds. When the Sundering tore the skies open, it wasn't simply just the unfortunate Fae who found themselves trapped within the wrong realm. The Enchanted Bog swapped places with the long established farming settlement of Oku, trapping the people and that town within the Everwilds.

The Enchanted Bog is a hot, humid, swampy locale at all times of the year, and it is unaffected entirely by the weather of the world outside of it. When it came over from the Everwilds, it tore out the entire reality of itself, so it still functions, within its borders, as it did within the Everwilds. Within the very center of the Enchanted Bog, exists the large Fae village of Blacklily.

Blacklily was founded by the Fae that came over with the Enchanted Bog during the Sundering, at the fork of the rivers now called Fae Falls and Oku River. Being cut off from the various courts and the majority of the Fae population, the founding members of Blacklily made a choice. They chose to move on with their lives, in this new world, as a new community, giving up all hope of returning home. In doing so, they collectively renounced all ties to the former Fae courts and founded a new one of their own, the Two Rivers Court.

The Two Rivers Court exerts its influence over the Enchanted Bog, over any Fae born within the Enchanted Bog, and over members of the Court. The laws that it creates are simple in nature; all of them revolve around the protection of the Enchanted Bog and the Fae that swear fealty to it. The Court exerts powers over all who are within its borders, broken up into three tiers; Court Members, Sheltered, and Outsiders.

While Blacklily is the largest of the villages within the Enchanted Bog, there are many other hidden villages and special locales within its borders. Court Members and Sheltered peoples can spend many lifetimes here discovering new, magical places typically only found in the Everwilds. It has many unique flora, fauna, and resources within its borders. The Two Rivers Court is a peaceful entity, with no desire to expand upon its borders.


Court Members of the Two Rivers Court
1. Are a Voting Member of the Court
2. Receive full protections while within the Bog.
2a. All Paths through the bog will reveal themselves.
2b. Food and water sources will present themselves.
2c. Physical and Mental Injuries will heal themselves entirely, albeit at a pace similar to normal healing. This includes severe and old wounds.
3. Acquires telepathic communication with any other Court Member.
4. Will find the bog will craft a natural home for them, suited to their needs and desires.
5. Must forsake any allegiance to any other Fae court and swear fealty to the Two Rivers Court.
5b. Breaking this oath automatically converts a member into Outsider tier.
6. Can choose to stop aging or age normally.
7. All powers stop upon leaving the Enchanted Bog. They will return upon re-entering the bog.

1. Receives some protections while within the Bog.
1a. Paths that lead directly to Blacklily will reveal themselves.
1b. Food and water sources will present themselves.
1c. Physical and Mental Injuries will heal themselves entirely, albeit at a pace similar to normal healing. This includes severe and old wounds.
2. Must have Fae heritage or have received permission from a Court Member by swearing an Oath of No Harm, which applies to the Enchanted Bog, Court Members, and all Sheltered peoples.
2b. Breaking this oath automatically converts a member into Outsider tier.
3. All powers stop upon leaving the Enchanted Bog. They will return upon re-entering the bog.

1. Receives no protections while within the bog.
2. Will find the bog actively working against them.
2a. All paths will either close themselves or create endless loops for the Outsider.
2b. Food and water sources will hide themselves.
2c. Physical and Mental Injuries will begin to get worse. Open wounds will fester and become infected quickly, mental deterioration will kick in. Staying in long enough will cause scars to reopen and further deterioration.
3. All of these effects will stop progressing upon leaving the bog, but will not revert back to normal.

Enchanted Bog Linkmap
1. Blacklily Village
2. Location number 2

Enchanted Bog Bestiary
1. Boggart
2. Creature 2

Enchanted Bog Flora
1. Plant 1
2. Plant 2

Enchanted Bog Resources
1. Resource 1
2. Resource 2
word count: 819

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