Bandits In The Wind {Job}

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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Title: The Boy with the Eldritch Tattoo
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
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₪ 61st of Searing, Year 121, A.o.S ₪
Company: Dhasali| Thoughts: I hate bandits| Mood: Annoyed

Siorey and Dhasali had left the city that night, answering a call for help of a merchant family who had their last few shipments ransacked by bandits on the outskirts of the city. Dhasali stood watch as Siorey went into that otherworld, hearing the eerie crash of waves as he opened his eyes finding himself in that place.

There he put out an offer to the spirits around him. It seemed easier now, and he felt he could call up more than one spirit this time. As such he held out both his hands and filled them with aether. He decided to call on two familiar spirits, ones he has become used to calling. Within moments he could feel a slime-covered tentacle in his left hand, and a cold and clammy paw in his other. Both the Ja'akuna Me & Kimyona Kiba stood in front of him.

"Come and fight with me once again." he offered, raising his aether-soaked hands up toward them, both spirits looking to one another before looking to Siorey and beginning to hum and vibrate, the mage feeling the offered aether being siphoned from him. "Kimyona Kiba. Ja'akuna Me." he whispered his eyes returning to normal as both spirits surrounded him.

They were informed that they had to ride aboard a fake transport in order to draw the bandits out into the open. Siorey knew that this would be dangerous but he had Dhasali with him, and their summons too, and was more so concerned about making out of this job alive. Though they were mere bandits, Siorey knew to expect the unexpected, holding on Strange Edge with a tight grip.

They stood there waiting for a while, always looking over their shoulder, checking to make sure nothing was creeping upon them in order to fill their belly. Siorey's eyes, the glow of their amber filling the shade he rested in with an eerie light like a beacon in a fog. After waiting several hours, the faint sounds of caravan wheels could be heard. He was glad they finally made it, the quicker this being done, the faster he could be in the safety of the city walls. He didnt like venturing out into the Kalzasi landscape unless he was researching something.

Signaling the caravan, they approached, showing them the letter from the client detailing they would act as an extra hand of muscle in dealing with these bandits. Delighted for the extra help, the caravan driver shook both their hands and welcomed them aboard. As the caravan began to move, the spirits trailed alongside it, keeping a watchful eye for danger. Siorey was fighting a battle with his own paranoia, the feeling that something, if not everything, was watching him.

The overwhelming feeling that they were being observed was too strong to be mere paranoia, and he could only chalk this defensive feeling that the bandits were definitely following them and watching from the treeline. Once the city could be seen in the coming distance, Siorey's worries became a reality, though if you were to ask him it was more like a nightmare. In just a few moments, several figures began pouring from the treeline.

One of the guards that were working with the caravan in the front was killed, an arrow flying through their eye socket. Full of panic, those at the helm of the caravan carts gunned it past the dead guards and out into the open. They wouldn't get far as the shadows appeared, figures in the distance that just rolled in out of nowhere. All dressed in black with hoods over their faces, their attire somewhat savage in a way. A man one could only suggest to be the leader stood at the forefront.

"All you gotta do is hand over the goods and you get to keep your lives." he said, brandishing his axe and pointing it at them. During all of this Dhasali & Siorey had slipped off the side of their caravan and began to sneak towards them. They had to save these men and destroy these vermin in order to get their job done. The air around them was tense.

Was this going to be a blood bath or were they going to be able to save the poor hired hands on this endeavor? Siorey was hoping for the former, wanting to see these vermin dead as quickly as possible. Calling forth his own spirit, a bird of fire soaring overhead, the battle line was set as it rain flames around the group sealing them all within a large ring set ablaze.

Not wasting any time the bandits came in full charge, and Siorey and the other hired muscle answered in kind. "Be careful my lord, they may be just mere bandits, but dont let your guard down understand." his bodyguard warned, rushing into the fray alongside his bird of flames. Seeing the two, summoner and spirit fighting alongside each other made Siorey take the initiative as well.

Siorey could see two bandits charging toward him, and with a flick of his wrist, the two eldritch spirits by his side went into action, the Kimyona taking point with Siorey and the Ja'akuna right behind it. The first of the two bandits coming his way was tackled by the tentacle hound, screams agony and pain echoed under the sound of flesh being torn from the bone. The other was met by the Ja'akuna, the ugly brute being stunned by its electrical shock allowing Siorey to come around it to the bandit's left and drive his sword straight through the man's waist.

Seeing this as an effective tactic, the black robe mage stuck to this plan of attack, allowing the Kimyona to attack and brutalize who it could, while the Ja'akuna disoriented them with its discharges and he lands the finishing blow. As he and his spirits continued to take down as many of the rogues within the fiery circle, he caught the sound of large footsteps approaching. Charging through the flames a rathari came into his view, a bear one.

It let out a roar that caught the attention of the hired men and earned a rallying cry from the bandits. The beast locked eyes with Siorey and began to charge the mage, clearing the distance in no time, forcing Siorey to rolled out of the way. "Help me kill this beast." he ordered, offering both spirits a small piece of ether as an extra incentive for their cooperation.

Howling the Kimyona took off toward it, leaping onto its back and latching on with its mouth, tentacles squeezing and coiling around the beast like a serpent. The bear rathari struggled against the eldritch hound, tearing at it with his paws, his axe swinging violently around. Siorey and the Ja'akuna took that chance to try and end it, the other spirit coming to stun the beast with an electrical pulse, forcing him to fall to one knee. Seeing that as his chance to strike, Siorey rushed the beast, plunging the sword straight into the Rathari's chest.

The result of this however wasnt what the mage expected. Siorey found himself being sent flying back, pain surging his body both along the torso and from the impact of hit the ground as hard as he did. The Rathari had sent Siorey flying with an upward swing of his axe, a large laceration going across his abdomen. So many things were happening around him, the pain of the slash across the abdomen, the disorientation of sliding across the terrain, the dread that he could possibly die in this very moment.

But the icing on the cake was what his eyes fell upon. Broken in several pieces was his sword. It held more sentimental value to the mage than he would dare let on. It was made as a coming of age gift for the young man by Dhasali, something he cherished since receiving the weapon. Seeing it broken, his anger boiled over the pain of his body, and the rage & adrenaline fused and acted as fuel for a second wind.

He could care less about his injury, he was more so pissed about what this savage had done, and wanted and was going to rip him apart. "!!" he said, malice in his voice, as tears of anger fell from his eyes. "I'm going to rip you to shreds! Do you have any idea how much that sword meant to me?!" he said rushing the rathari as it managed to escape from the Kimyona, slamming it on the ground several times until it stopped moving, dissolving back into the inky void it came from.

Picking up a discarded war axe from one of the dead bandits, Siorey came charging at the brute. The savage was going to try and cut the black robe down, bringing his axe down in a diagonal right swing, only for the Ja'akuna to surprise it from behind, securing itself onto the Rathari's head and proceeding to shock it. Siorey took that opportunity to roll out of the blind swings of the rathari as it was being shocked by electrical pulses. "Dont stop shocking him till he is dead." he commanded, coming around behind the rathari.

In mere moments, the summoner had delivered a horizontal slash across the bear's back, then brought it back so he could chop at the brutes knees. Planting the axe head into the back of the Rathari's knee, he let out a roar as he toppled to the ground, Siorey coming to hack at his other leg. He had to admit he wasn't himself at this moment, as he was a man fueled by rage, venting his anger and frustration out on the poor wretch hacking the body up. The rage he was feeling was similar to what he felt when he first summoned and contracted the Kimyona, feeling compelled to unleash all his fury upon the rathari. After about 10 minutes of turning the brute's body into a mess of cut-up meat, the mix elf fell to his knees and seethed.

Once the high of endorphins died down, the pain had come in full bloom. Struggling to his feet using the war axe as an anchor, he limped his way to the broken weapon he was so used to. Looking at it with disappointment, he picked it up and secured it tightly in his hand, and walked over to the caravan. Dhasali had finished his own assault, walking over to his young lord with the bandit leader's head in his hand.

"Go and round up and stragglers, leave no bandit alive understood." he commanded, to which the other hired hands nodded in agreement. The ride back to the city was quiet, but Siorey didn't mind, his wounds & fatigue were screaming loud enough for him as he clutched the war axe he used to brutalize the rathari close to him. All he wanted to do was return to his own bed and have Dhasali patch him up.

"Common Speech"
"Mythrasi Speech"
"Inner Thoughts"
"Dhasali Speech"
word count: 1970
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Title: Conscript of the Dead Legion
Location: Kalzasi
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Lores: (6 Requested, 6 Eligible)
Summoning: Controlling more than one spirit at once
Summoning: Calling forth spirits becomes easier as you progress
Summoning: Experiencing the midset of the spirits you summon
Axes{War Axe}: Good for hacking up a body
Axes{War Axe}: Chopping at the knee
Tactics: Coordinating attacks with the summons

Loot:+1War Axe taken from dead bandit
- 1 Longsword{Broken}
Injuries: Large laceration across the abdomen

Points: 5, 5 points can go to Summoning. (Summoning [Apprentice])

Comments: Exciting thread, well paced, and lovely description. Always nice to have an action packed job, huh?

word count: 138
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