84 Searing 121
"Come along, now."
It was raining. Slightly, Hozxi had been assured by the Zhal whom she had met. 'Tis naught but a minor sprinkle, they would say when they saw her walking with her bag held over her head to keep out of the downpour. It gets much worse, they would confide as they sat under the overhang of the tavern and drank and spat into the storm drains and watched the wad of saliva fall through along with the trickle of water that made its way across the stone streets and down into the sewers.
To a woman of the desert this was not a slight storm. Never in her life had she imagined it would rain without end for days. It had let up yesterday; Ysa had escaped her prison behind the darkened clouds, and then the rain came down in broad daylight.
And to top it all off, Hozxi was not making this venture in the rain by herself.
As she looked behind at the boy trailing, Hozxi thought more about the favor asked of her. For all the devotion Petra was given by the boy, the circle mage had naught to say on Yshvold's behalf. A lopsided relationship, and that was always bad business.
Nevertheless Hozxi could not argue that the boy needed to do something. On that, she and Petra were in agreement. It was decided he would help her with the affair of collecting her next batch of reagents for an order Master Jacun had placed. Half a kilogram of oblivion powder was not a small ordeal, and deep down Hozxi was desperate that her connection would have what she needed.
As the oil lamps cut through the fog so did the outline of their destination cut its own silhouette into the dark and stormy skies of Kalzasi. A mast that rose out of the misty water at the edge of the harbor was crawling with deckhands. To secure the ship in the nasty weather, the seer guesses. Other sailors were milling about with crates and barrels, moving on and off the vessel. One of those must have what she came here for.
"We're almost there, Yshvold. Let's find the captain."
Turning toward the Good Marianne, Hozxi puts out a hand behind her either to grab his wrist or take his palm, depending on the willingness of the child to cooperate.