Shamblers On the Horizon {Job}

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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Title: The Boy with the Eldritch Tattoo
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
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₪ 54th of Searing, Year 121, A.o.S ₪
Company: ???| Thoughts: ???| Mood: ???

Running....that's all he could hear was the sound of himself running, the pounding of his own feet against the sun touched ground. Accompanying his footsteps was the sound of something giving chase behind the black robe. There wasnt a doubt in his mind that there was definitely more than one behind him.

Two sets of sounds, more like the squelching of mutated flesh, kicking up dirt as the rabid Shamblers they belonged to were right behind the summoner. He cut around a corner only to find himself in a dead-end of the village and turned to find his pursuers closing in on him. Many would panic, and Siorey was slightly, but as the first shambler came at him, he lunged forward.

The zinging sound of flesh being severed by steel echoed as Siorey relieved the creature of its head, blood spraying about as the head fell to the ground and rolled off to the side as the body thudded the ground and gave its lasts twitches. Surprised at his victory, he couldnt believe his nerves were on edge, facing a shambler of all things, creatures he had encountered many times before in the Warrens.

He knew however that occurrences such as this one were not uncommon. A village had been reporting missing cattle and when it was discovered that an opening to the Warrens had let out roaming Shamblers, the Circle was sought out to help in dealing with them. By the time they had arrived, however, the village had already been overrun and many of the villagers who survived scattered.

Siorey's job was to find as many of the Shamblers and slay them, saving any surviving villagers he came across. Focusing he set his sights on clearing out as many as he could before the sun began to set, so when the first shambler went down, the second one came at him, aiming to sink its infected fangs into his ebony flesh. It too was met with the same steel as the other, Siorey slicing off writhing tentacles that came at him. Like before he put his strength into bisecting the warren crawler hoping his blade wouldn't get stuck in its body.

With the demonic gurgling of the dying creature, Siorey moved to finish it off, decapitating it with a smooth cut. He could tell he was getting better, even if using a sword wasnt his weapon of choice. A deep sigh left his lips and he took a breath, only to recoil from the scent of death and rot around him. He was beginning to regret taking this call for help.

At that moment a distant cry came over his ears, the clear sounds of shambler grunts and wails with it. "Shit" he exhaled, taking off into a sprint in the direction of the noise. Seeing that he didnt have the time he pooled aether into his summoning rune and held out his hand as he ran. He could hear Dhasali's words of the technique he was about to put into practice.

"A gilded summon is the solution to when a summoner needs a spirit and time is of the essence. This kind of conjuring of a spirit comes with loose terms already enacted, and any spirit that answers this urgent call for aid is immediately bound to those terms, which cuts out any negotiation needed with the spirit. Though useful in a pinch it can also be dangerous especially since you run the risk of the spirit betraying you."

He knew the risk that came with this type of summoning, but he had no other option and if someone was really in danger he needed the spirit to come as quickly as possible. "Heed my call and come to me, kill any and all Shamblers you see." he commanded, setting the terms in place with his aether.

He continued to be astonished at the sight of a Kimyona Kiba materializing mid-stride alongside him. With an otherworldly bark as if acknowledging the terms of the summon, the beast took off in the direction of the screams. "Fucking hell!!!" he growled as he rushed into the abandoned home, quickly tearing off a piece of her shirt, and trying to stop the bleeding of a red robe mage that was in the group he came with, wrapping it around the neck wound.

The poor bastard was gushing blood faster than he could stem the bleeding, which was only making Siorey more frantic. He wasn't a doctor, he didnt know how to keep someone from bleeding out. His hand gripped at the black robe's arm and he watched the pain expression as he died, right there in his arms, a gurgling mess before he fell limp and silent. He slammed his fist into the ground, pissed he wasn't able to save the red robe. A lone tear found its way running down his cheek and when he realized it, he quickly turned away from the corpse and wiped it clean away.

The Kimyona Kiba was tearing into a shamber with its claws and razor-sharp mouth. Bloody and covered in monster flesh it looked up at the mage and came to nuzzle up on his leg. Petting it, Siorey's head snapped to the left as he heard the cry of children and a woman off in the distance. Growling the Kimyona Kiba took off, the black robe not far behind it. Siorey wasnt going to allow another member of his group to die, not because he cared, but it wouldn't look good on his part if more of his group members died.

The sound of encroaching wails filled the air, crows fleeing the trees as they could sense the danger Siorey was running toward. Soon Siorey found the source of the cries, seeing a white robed woman and at least two toddlers hiding behind her. They were being surrounded by a group of Shamblers numbering at least eight. The eldritch hound lunged onto one, and Siorey wasnt going to allow his spirit to have all the fun, as he too prepared to enter the fray.

Remembering the training he underwent from Dhasali he calmed his nerves, he leaped right next to one of the monsters, and with his sword arm arched, he bisected the beast in half with two hacks of the weapon. The force in both swings was more than enough to get the job done. With a devious look, he began to tear through the abominable flesh monsters, his blade gliding through them like hot steel through butter, his attacks getting better.

As he and his otherworldly companion brutalized the Shamblers he didnt even realize that he looked to be more of a monster than the ones he was dispatching. But given he was having the time of his life, letting out some much-needed frustration, so much so he didnt care. He continued to hack through them one by one, looking at the Kimyona as it pummeled the flesh fodder with the tentacle mane, the disturbing sound of flesh being crushed with each strike of its many tentacles.

One came forcing Siorey off his feet, caught in his distraction in watching the Kimyona work. In his astonishment, Siorey held his own against the Shambler, using his sword to keep the mutated maw of it at bay. at that moment another technique came to mind, Dhasali's voice echoing into his ears as he began to pool his aether, knowing what was to come next.

"Summoners can empower the spirits they summon to an elevated level of power, enabling them to perform feats they would not normally be able to do. By offering up your aether and feeding it to your contracted spirit you can give them an empowering boost to the spirits' natural abilities. In exchange, however, you will become exhausted of stamina from the offering."

"Take this, and use my strength to unleash your rage upon these abominations!" roared, drowning out the grotesque noise coming from the shambler. Accepting his gift, the Kimyona let out a blood-curdling howl, and everyone present watched in awe as the tentacles on its head multiplied fivefold.

All of the shamblers that were left were soon found ensnared by the eldritch beast's tentacles, and soon the air around them filled with a song of flesh being torn apart. With the one that was hovering over him removed, he watched, his breath heavy from the aether expenditure. The shamblers writhed and squirmed, their flesh and mutated organs being pulled apart with fervent brutality of the beast.

It didnt stop there as the Kimyona began to smash the torn remains into nothing more than putrid paste. With the shamblers gone Siorey was quick to send the Kimyona away, as he didnt have the energy to deal with it if it decided to turn its rage-filled tentacles on them. Rushing to his side the white robe woman began to tend to his wounds, thanking him for coming in time.

"Common Speech"
"Mythrasi Speech"
"Inner Thoughts"
word count: 1598
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Title: Conscript of the Dead Legion
Location: Kalzasi
Character Sheet:
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Summoning: Technique - Gilded Summon
Summoning: Technique - Awakening
Summoning: Becoming familiar with your spirits
Running: Pick up the pace
Leadership: Taking control of the situation
Leadership: Not faltering when other people are in danger

Loot: Gratitude of a White Robe

Points: 5, 5 Points may be used for Summoning. (Summoning [Apprentice])

Comments: Siorey sure has been busy lately, defending the realm from the monsters. Well done, and keep it goin!

word count: 113
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