{Memory/Thysbae} A New Arrival

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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Company: Thysbae| Thoughts: How interesting| Mood: Curious

Listening to the Lysanrin explain his ability and how it worked made Dreyfus ponder how it would work in the field, he was certain that he would have to act as a distraction in order to allow Thysbae to get close enough to drain aether. If anything it would be good for taking down other negation mages by having him eat their shields.

He watched as his choice of words caused the younger male's demeanor to shift, like that of a child being scolded by an elder. It wasnt intentional, and Dreyfus couldnt help but let out a sigh. He didnt mean to make Thysbae upset or doubt himself, but he needed the Lysanrin to know the reality of the situation they were in now.

He placed his hand on the Lysanrin's head, messing up his hair. "My apologies if I made you think you aren't accepted, but it's imperative that you know the reality of your situation. If you want to be accepted by me, to be accepted as a Monteliyet, you'll have to work hard understand. Follow my every order without hesitation or question Thysbae." he explained, cupping the smaller male's face in his hand and raising it till they locked eyes.

"There will be danger thrown at you, especially now that you are associated with us, so you'll need to be prepared." he added, allowing the hold he had on Thys' face to release. He sat back in the chair and just stared for a moment, before getting up and moving away from the bathroom.

"Come, you should get out of that tub before you prune. I need to give you a tour of the place you'll be calling home." he mentioned, using his kinetics to float a towel of luxurious cotton over to the Lysanrin. Opening up the large walk-in closet, Dreyfus began looking through the clothes that were in the room. They all seemed to be made for a child, but given the way Thysbae spoke, he supposed that was appropriate.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
Last edited by Dreyfus on Sun Sep 05, 2021 1:16 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 407

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Thysbae had a complicated history where touch was concerned. Most had not been kind in how their hands landed on his body; some had been cold and some left him aching. But Dreyfus did a fair amount of touch that did neither of those things. Still, he couldn’t help the flinch as a hand raised, eyes shutting momentarily to brace for a slap that hadn’t come. He couldn’t tell if it was meant to be affectionate. No, he could — but the other had said he would need to work hard to be accepted. So what did this mean? The ruffle of his hair was met with wide eyes.

An apology. A word of apology had been given to him. Even if it had been meant to placate him, probably, and nothing deeper than that. But it was the first he’d ever had that wasn’t soon taken back at the sight of him, or said to mock him.

“This One does know.” Said quietly, timidly. Not a real challenge, but still some assertion that he wasn’t an imbecile. Not completely. He blinked, another flinch away as a hand cupped his chin and he was forced to look the mage in the eye.

He couldn’t feel any sort of malice in the other’s gaze, so perhaps he did mean well. Perhaps he was telling the truth and this was all spoken from a place of concern. Bae nodded his head, wide doe eyes staring back at Dreyfus as he released the halfbreed and sat back. And stared. At what, for what — Bae did not know. His skin heated up as he shrank further into the water, waiting for the man to look away.

‘Home’. He blinked at the word. This, his home? Rather than a place to simply be held. He thought he might like the sound of that, cheeks hot and skin pleasantly warm. His tail wagged in the water as the towel was moved his way, wrapping it around his shoulders. Soft, so much softer than anything he had used before. He gave it a sniff before stepping carefully out of the tub and following after Dreyfus.

“Is This One supposed to wear all of these?” He gaped at the closet, the clothes. Maybe he really would like this home. “How does This One decide what to wear first? There is so much here!” But, they surely hadn’t known he would be coming, so how did they have a closet full of clothes that might fit him. “This One isn’t...taking someone else’s clothes, is he?”
word count: 444
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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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Company: Thysbae| Thoughts: How interesting| Mood: Curious

He chuckled at the excitement of the Lysanrin, as it was like he had never seen clothes before. Dreyfus realized however given the background in his file, and how the order had treated him, it wasnt all too surprising that he would be shocked. "It would appear my family knew of your coming arrival and prepared this room for you beforehand. All the clothes are yours to wear. This is your room after all." he noted.

After grabbing a few outfits he placed them on the bed with the others. "Chose whichever one you wanna wear, once you are dressed I'll give you a tour of the estate. Otherwise, you will become lost, and I would rather the staff not find your starved body somewhere. That and we dont want the Beomir hounds to make a meal of you." he teased, poking Thysbae on the nose.

Dreyfus glided across the room as he awaited Thysbae to change. He wondered how this one was going to fit in with the rest of the family. Part of him wasn't sure, but the Lysanrin seemed eager to make sure he was accepted. It also wouldn't help if his partner felt inferior to him, especially in a grave situation. "I will show the entirety of the estate and the grounds, if you have any questions please ask them, clarity is of the utmost importance if we are going to be working together."

Once he assumed Thysbae was dressed he began to venture down the hallway. This was going to be an interesting partnership, Dreyfus knew that much and was trying to make this as easy for them both as possible.
"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
word count: 341

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This was...all his. The clothes, the room; his. Possession of items was not a foreign concept, but to him — it was a novelty. Perhaps it was sinking in more that this was his home. Home. Not a place the Order had dumped him at. Not somewhere he would be disposed of. He sniffed, eyes watering. But he mustn’t cry, he told himself. No matter how moved. Dreyfus had already told him he would need to work hard, and crying wasn’t working hard. He wiped at unshed tears, sniffed again as he trailed after the reconciliator to where he’d placed a few outfits on the bed.

At first glance, he could be certain that they were of much finer material than he’d ever had the pleasure of putting on his body. Soft to the touch when he tentatively reached out. His fingers slid over the fabric as his teeth worried at his bottom lip in thought. Not thought; admiration. A second of doubt, to follow it. His mother had never thought much of buying him anything, let alone food. The clothes he wore were third-hand if not second, or fished out of a gutter when she thought about it.

Bae sighed, pushed those thoughts from his mind as he picked one of the outfits at random. A simple one; a white button-up with puffed sleeves paired with green pants that would probably stop around his knee. He wondered if they’d found some measurement of his size or maybe the reports had gotten his age wrong. In a way, it was understandable. But it also confirmed that they didn’t care to get their intel past the surface level. He wondered what else they’d assumed of him.

Once dressed, and unsurprised to see that the clothing given to him fit well enough, he clopped over to Dreyfus as the man turned around. He seemed fine with touch, so the half-breed reached forward. His hand hovered by the other’s for a moment until his ears picked up the words hound, and his excitement overtook him. All other information had flown over his head as he grabbed Dreyfus’ hand, eyes wide.

“There are puppies?” Hound itself did not imply puppies. Bae had always had a fondness for animals, as they seemed to discriminate less on race and more on if you had something to offer them. Pets and food seemed to work best on furry creatures. A slight bounce took his steps as he went beside the man into the hallway.
word count: 435
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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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Company: Thysbae| Thoughts: How interesting| Mood: Curious

"Come mating season there will be. The Beomir hounds are a special breed of hunting dog, hounds that have a distinct nose for mages." he chuckled lightly as he waited for the Lysanran to catch up to him. "There are at least 8 on hand as of right now, four male and four female" he confirmed, looking back over his shoulder at Thybae.

The began with the courtyard that the lysanrin arrived at, Dreyfus explaining the history of the some, how it was built during the early years of Zaichear and was designed to be impregnable and dangerous to those not born within the family. "Do not hesitate to ask the staff for help finding a place, as this house has many paths that lead nowhere, and trap doors that could spell your death if you aren't careful."

Next on the list of the tour was the main vestibule, Dreyfus coming to stop at the grand staircase that lead into the foyer, looking at a portrait of a woman. "This is my mother, the late Maria Monteliyet. She is the reason I joined the order, to try and carry on her legacy as a reconciliator, though sadly I doubt I'm living up to be the legend she was during her time." he whispered, placing a hand on the elaborate portrait as looked up at her, before continuing the tour.

Dreyfus didn't feel the need to show him every nook and cranny of the estate but he could definitely see the important places. Next on the list of stops was the family library. "Here you find almost every book on any subject, be it history; domestic or foreign, magic, strategy, torture tactics, and the like." he mentioned, leading the horned male outside and around the grounds.

He showed Thysbae the small pond they had outback, as well as the stables for the horse and the kennels for the Beomirs. The last location on the list was a greenhouse. "This greenhouse belonged to my mother, I took over its care and maintenance once I was old enough. It's my safe space so to speak, my quiet like paradise away from the troubles of my obligations." he whispered, coming to sit in one of the chairs set in the center of a large garden like area within the greenhouse.
"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
word count: 473

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The things Dreyfus showed Bae ranged from practical to...personal. He couldn’t quite figure out what that meant for him in terms of a tour of the house. Their stop at the potrait left him with a churning stomach. A mother; Dreyfus had lost his. Bae’s...his brows furrowed, gaze suddenly unfocused as he tried to recall just how she had died. He wouldn’t say that she was taken from him. Their relationship had been close, but not in the same way that Dreyfus and his own mother would have been. A relationship maybe built on love. The details of her passing would remain with Dreyfus like the details of Bae’s mother would remain with him — and the reconciliators that found him. He licked his lips, an uneasiness settling in.

If he was being shown all of this, there was an expectation for him to be capable of staying a while. Of meeting some level of demands, both physical and mental. But he worried that that might not even be something he could fulfill. Sucking in a breath of air, he followed after the man. The clop of hooves echoed in the halls as they went.

Again, they stopped at somewhere that had more meaning to Dreyfus than it would the normal estate occupant. A personal thing. A private thing. His excitement at seeing the stables — the horses! the puppies! — had diminished to an absorbed reverence as he was directed as Dreyfus spoke. A quiet place to relax.

Thysbae figured he ought to make note to not disturb this place. His presence was already a bit of disruption and doing further wouldn’t make the forming relationship fare well. They would be a partnership, from what he understood. And there had to be respect, especially where a reconciliator was concerned. “Should….should This One be here?” It had meant to apply to this particular location, the little greenhouse, but it could very well have meant the whole manner.

Should Bae be there? “This One doesn’t...want to intrude. He will be sure to not come here with-without permission.” He fidgeted with his sleeves a moment, gaze on the ground. His words were slow, as if chosen carefully when truly they weren’t. Put together in the heat of the moment, but steadied by the lingering fear of being sent away.
word count: 403
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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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Company: Thysbae| Thoughts: How interesting| Mood: Curious

The poor lad had never seen anything luxurious as the Monteliyet Manor. Dreyfus felt pity for him, and he couldn't help but pat the boy on the back as he took a seat. He couldn't imagine what he went through, but he planned to find out, he planned to dive into who Thysbae was a person. He couldn't call the man a partner without knowing him at all.

Taking a seat he motioned for Thysbae to take a seat smiled. "It's fine, you don't have to walk on eggshells here. It gets rather lonely in this place anyway, and both I and the flowers could use the company." he assured, looking to the roses that were in bloom. For a moment he closed his and allowed the silence to sink in, then looking to the other as he lifted his head to peek at the opaque light coming through the greenhouse glass.

"You are more than welcome to come here if you wish if it makes you comfortable. I would rather you not feel caged in your new home." he added giving a nod to the Lysanrin. He hoped Thysbae could hear the genuineness of his words, he didn't want the man to believe he had to fear anything from him or the other wolves of the house, both four-legged or two.

After some time a servant came delivering refreshments. Gesturing to them Dreyfus pushed a tray of assorted snacks toward the horned male. "Hopefully this will hold you over till dinner is ready, we unfortunately eat somewhat later given our lines of work." he hoped that in the coming days the two would become close, Dreyfus already having a guess of the kind of man Thysbae was, but he wished to see him in his rawest form.

Only time would tell how their relationship would blossom in the coming days.
"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
word count: 380

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Bae shouldn’t have been excited by the prospect of the other’s loneliness. It was a means for him to be of some use outside of their Order duties. As a companion, he could be present and offer conversation. Dreyfus seemed open to that. Presented with this option, his expression brightened considerably and his tail gave way to his contentment. Clopping along behind the other, he paused.

Dreyfus was a kind man. That much, Bae was beginning to truly understand. Or feel; there still needed to be proof of his goodness, right? Even if he had given the half-breed clothes and a room, there was a need to save face, right? They’d already told off the reconciliation that had brought him about his treatment so they could have done this merely to prove that they were better. He didn’t know how things worked in the Order, but his mother had always had a keen interest in knowing how one found themself to be better than others. Though, her methods always seemed to fall back on the idea of getting rid of Bae and leaving her dismal life behind.

As the refreshments arrived, he looked up to the light filtering in through the greenhouse. This would be better than the life he had before. He would make himself worthy of this place, he decided.

He would make sure of it.
word count: 240
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Lore: 14 each

Points: 10, Dreyfus may use for Negation

Injuries/Ailments: None (memory)

Loot: None

word count: 47
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