Broke Down And Stranded

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Broke Down And Stranded
Glade 2nd, 120th AoS

Flakes of white softly travelled to the ground as grumbles were shared, a band of four men gathered around their wagon as they'd inspected the damage that had been done. Earlier during their trek towards the capital, now a distinct landmark within the Dread Mist, the wagon had experienced a situation with snow and slushy mud, the cold temperatures hardly a contribution to their passage towards the city of Kalzasi. They were all so close now, and yet...

"Oooooh, forget it!" The voice belonged to the youngest of the bunch, the well-toned and evidently animated one of the bunch, as he raised his coated arms up to support his head as he leaned back into a stretch. "That horse is probably long gone by now."

"Relax Connor, chances are it could've reached the city by now." One of the older men assured him with his tone deeper, a bit more experienced even, as he and the oldest inspected the wagon itself. Where the straps that connected to the horse's harness, the wooden peg used to secure all the bindings seemed to have snapped off entirely. Which meant that the horse found it suddenly easier to gallop, as the weighty wagon itself no longer had weighed it down either. So, broken down within the middle of the road, four brothers worked to assess their situation, and in turn, draw out a conclusion that would have to solve their current predicament.

"Well, this sucks." The younger yet somewhat matured of the bunch remarked, his hazel eyes shifting between the oldest, second, and then youngest of the trio with him. He sighed and looked at the world around them, while brushing the upper sleeves of his coat, hoping to rub out the cold felt within his forearms. "I don't see any other way of getting it there without pushing." The others then sighed heavily with great disapproval. Patrick honestly didn't want to have to either, but seeing as how they were left out in the open, and exposed to the cold like this, they needed to resort to a plan of action soon.

Though they had plenty of daylight left to burn through their morning, the light showers of snow weren't going to recede any time soon. Therefore, it was imperative that they moved their wagon... one way or another. "Come on boys, time to push."

"Oh, man, and I was really looking forward to enjoying the ride." Connor remarked in turn as he moved toward the back of the wagon, while the other two then walked to approach it from the sides.

"Yeah well, stop bitchin' and start pushin' little man!" Burton called out hoarsely as he tucked a half-emptied bottle within the left corner of the wagon, shifting his body so that his upper shoulders leaned toward the wagon more.

"If we work together, we may actually get there pretty quickly." Dominik reassured the group as he took hold of the wagon from the right side, doing the same as Burton did before beginning to push. Patrick joined the youngest one at the back, picking the corner of the side Dominik was on as he planted his shoulder against the wood of the wagon in turn.

"Let's get to it then..." The third-born son sounded utterly reluctant to the cause, however, put all his weight into pushing just as the others would. The wagon began to groan then as the sound of crushed snow started to fill the air, with their wagon on a sluggish roll towards the city still awaiting them. Slowly did the wheels churn through the slush that covered their path, as the road before them stretched onward for at least a few miles longer. Yet already did Patrick feel the strain of pushing begin to weather his stamina, for the wagon was hardly getting anywhere in comparison to before.

"Man... this really blows..." Connor whined aloud between his groans as they kept pushing, the oldest brother scoffing in turn when everybody heard him.

"Quit your whinin', the sooner we get there the sooner we can rest!"

"We've walked longer distances..." Dominik weighed in between deeply paced breaths, as they kept pushing the cart onward. "Conditions can always be worse too, then again, they could also be better by now!"

"No kidding," Patrick agreed grudgingly as he felt his lower back stiffen throughout his spine, "hey Burt... think you can take over for a while? I might need a break here soon."

"Don't you fuckin' do it!" The oldest growled as he pushed harder, clearly driven to reach their destination more than the rest.

"Awe come on old-timer, you're as strong as an ox, I bet you could practically drag this whole thing there yourself!" Connor added over the wagon as Patrick noticed the sinister grin on his face.

"If we don't die out here in this frozen wasteland, I'll kill you myself if you let go of this wagon!"

"Remarkably, you lot have way more energy to bicker, when we'd get a lot farther if you all push together!" Dominik remarked to the lot of them, putting in a bit more effort on his side as well, which seemed to help drive the wagon through the snow in turn. Slowly but surely, their combined effort allowed their cart to plow through the snow, and carry ever onward toward the outskirts of the city itself. They still had quite the ground to cover, but it wouldn't be much longer before they'd reach it, and in turn finally pay a visit to a very dear friend.

"Patrick" "Burton" "Dominik" "Connor"
"Freedom is everything that matters in the end."
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Broke Down and Stranded
2 Glade 121
Talon’s boots thudded against the icy earth, his breath frosting in the air around him. He wore his customary chainmail, sword at his hip, and shield unslung and on his left arm at the ready. He was running at a dead sprint, moving through the underbrush with his senses on high alert. The time for stealth was well and truly gone. Caution had been thrown to the wind. The monster had their scent and they had it within their sights. Talon tucked his wings in close and ducked below a low hanging branch, he skidded to a halt within the open terrain of a grouping of trees. Across the ground, the light layer of white snow was sprinkled with a trail of red blood. In the center of the small clearing there rest the mangled corpse of a deer. Talon narrowed his eyes. He carefully approached the remains of the corpse hand coming to rest on the hilt of his sword. He gripped it tightly, ready to draw it in an instant at the first sign of danger. He reached the corpse and it was a grizzle sight.

The body of the deer had been torn, the shredded strips of flesh and muscle were bright red with congealed blood. The animal’s innards were spread across the ground behind it while jagged bits of broken bone jutted out at unnatural angles. A shadow drew Talon’s attention and he immediately drew his sword, ready to strike. His attack was halted as he felt as much as saw his bondmate drop from the skies, landing in the clearing. As he dropped his wings, the winds gathered by them blew snow into the air sending a flurry of frost through the air in the small clearing. Talon relaxed slightly, feeling safer with the presence of his companion. Aoren pulled off his helm as he strode up to Talon.

Did you see it?” Aoren’s deep voice was tight with concern. Talon mirrored that concern.

No. I caught sight of it and followed it to here. It is clever.” Talon turned his attention back to the corpse of the deer. He lowered himself into a crouch.

They always are.” Talon grunted his acknowledgement. As he was about to rise to his feet there came the snap of a branch in the cold silence. Both he and Aoren’s heads whipped in the direction. Talon felt his heart clench in his chest. The world seemed to slow and he felt his breathing heighten. The silence stretched on for several long moments before another snap in that same direction made him slowly begin to rise from his crouched position. His hand went to his blade.

Aoren--” An echoing roar pierced the silence. Not in front of them but from behind them. Talon whirled around ready to leap into action only to feel a burst of strong winds slam into him. He was thrown back, grey eyes going wide with fear and realization as the beast they had been hunting extended its claws to wrap them around the body of his companion. Aoren had a hand raised and his sword drawn as a gust of wind billowed out from him. Talon watched in horror as the beast grabbed Aoren and together, the two of them went crashing through the trees.

AOREN!” Talon picked himself up off of the ground. He sheathed his sword, spread his wings and took to the skies with several mighty beats. He could hear the branches and trees snapping as both his companion and the beast barreled through the forest. From his vantage point in the skies, Talon could see the main road leading to Kalzasi. What disturbed him more was the fact that it appeared there was a wagon in the road.

Damn! Goddess grant me patience.” Through their bond, Talon could feel that his companion was in pure battle mode. Aoren’s mind, his heart, his soul was burning with a fury at this creature with a determination to not only survive but to put this monster down for good. That was a good sign. It meant he was still alive. Talon angled himself and began flying in the direction of the two.


Aoren stabbed his sword into the gnarled claw that was wrapped around his waist. The beast let out a roar and its grip loosed on him. Drawing his aether to the forefront he called upon the cold winds of the North and sent a burst billowing out from his body. The creature’s claw loosened completely. The raven winged Kathar took that moment to tuck his wings in close and drop to the ground. He grunted in pain as fell to the ground, the force of the wind knocked the beast off of its course. Aoren rolled and had just enough time to bring himself to a stop, rise to a kneel and get a sword up as the monster leapt at him again. He felt a claw swipe just over his head as he ducked. He kept his blade close to his body and used it to parry another swipe. Just as he was about to leap away, the other limb crashed into his side sending the Kathar warrior flying. He cried out in pain as the branches snagged at his wings and let out a grunt when he impacted the ground.

Aoren rolled, feeling the cold touch of snow gliding over his body. When he came to a stop, he groaned and pulled himself up, extending his wings to test for any broken bones. He felt none but he was a little sore. The Kathar brought himself to his feet. He folded his wings behind him and raised his hands. He felt the tell-tale sting of dematerializing his blades only to materialize them into his hands. Bringing his swords in front of him, crossing the blades in a low “X”, he held his breath but he did not have to wait long. It crashed through the trees. A monster cresting above even his impressive height, Aoren glared at it as it bounded through the snow. It was a mix of sinewy muscle, fur, bone and crooked horns that protruded from an elongated skull. Several pairs of thin but muscular arms drooped down from its body, each one ending in hands with wicked claws that grazed over the snow. As it bounded toward him, Aoren let the icy cold of the winter winds settle within him. He breathed and readied himself. He tightened his grip on his blades.

As he did so, not just one, not just two, but seven duplicate blades appeared around him, hovering in the air beside him. The warrior moved then. He sprinted forward rising into the air, feeling the sweep of one of the creature’s claws pass beneath his feet. He twisted in the air, slicing the flesh of another claw swiping at him. Three of the duplicate swords flew at the creature at Aoren’s mental command prompting the creature to swipe at them to defend itself. The Kathar somersaulted through the air before spreading his wings and rising higher. He sent the remaining swords hurtling toward the monster, seeing all three bury themselves in its flank. The creature roared just as Aoren landed, raven wings spread. It was as the monster whipped around to bound after him once more that a chunk of the earth was ripped from the ground.


Talon hovered in the air, just above the field where his companion did battle with the monster. He opened his senses up to the flow of the aether flux and extended the tethers of his aether into the ground. His heart clenched as Aoren engaged the beast but his companion was a skilled warrior. Still, Talon felt a cold fury enter his body. He focused on that cold anger. He knew this beast. He knew its type. It was merciless and cruel. It hunted for both food and sport, delighting in causing as much pain and suffering in its victims. He raised a hand, fingers spread, he clenched his fist making a twisting motion at the wrist. A chunk of the earth was torn from the ground just as the beast turned to charge at his partner. Talon raised his hand and with a force of mental command he sent the chunk of earth careening toward the monster. It hit the beast, eliciting another roar of fury but Talon felt none of it. Slowly, he lowered himself until he was beside his partner.

Do you think that did it?” Talon shook his head.

Stunned it, perhaps. It will take more than us to kill this thing.” Aoren sighed.

Well, at least we have an audience.” Aoren inclined his head to the travelers near a wagon on the road. “ that…?

Patrick!?” Talon called out in surprise.

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Broke Down And Stranded
Glade 2nd, 120th AoS
Patrick pushed as hard as he could with his left shoulder, feeling the weight of the wagon bearing heavily into it as his feet nearly skidded through snow in a slow manner. "Y' know I'm gonna buy a nice hot meal when we get there. Something served with a side of potatoes and gravy now that I think about it." Connor shared with the group in between his grunts, often exchanging glances with Patrick before peering over the wagon to see how closer they were.

"I'd settle for a hot bath so I can feel my toes again." Dominik remarked in turn without poking his head over the wagon, as the wheels slowly churned through the snow-covered path before them. Burton couldn't help but scoff at the both of them in turn, bellowing out what he planned to do once they had settled in the city.

"Well I'm gettin' my money's worth for damn sure." He remarked as Patrick, like the others, already knew the eldest brother's own mantra. The three big F's that he liked to refer to, and often, were principles that all four brothers shared to varying degrees. In a way, it sort of became their little motto in the past, one that stuck more true to Burton than the rest, however. Frolicking, fighting, and of course... fucking. Even as the eldest sighed longingly at his own thoughts, it was apparent to Patrick that everyone present had a variety of their own reasons to be excited. Soon. He couldn't wait to see what awaited him in Kalzasi, given that he'd only heard stories from those who'd ever ventured down south.

Yet it was while they were all pushing that something else happened, something going on within the background that they weren't aware of quite yet. Fighting. Though indistinct initially the sounds of battle weren't something completely far gone, and while they kept focused on the task of pushing their cart... the roaring sound of a beast in the area made all four of the brothers look up in sudden dread. "What the hell was that?" Connor asked first as the combined efforts to push lessened, making it more difficult to push until all four just reasonably gave up.

"For all we know, it's some big beast we want nothin' to do with." Burton called out to three of them as they looked about, hearing the sounds grow substantially as something large came surging across the road, almost a dozen yards behind them from where the wagon itself was located.

"Whoa, okay uh, don't take my word for it but uh..." Snow came cascading toward them as whatever ran past barreled through, retreating into the thicket of trees nearby as the cloud of snow it generated died out within the winds. "Pretty sure whatever that is is going to kill us."

"Pull together!" Dominik called out as he came around to the back of the wagon, balling his left hand into a fist before he threw out his left arm. Sapphire blue light swirled around the padding of his arm as aether coalesced into a uniform shape, generating a large gilded kite shield that he clutched in his left-hand moments later. Burton responded immediately by bringing his own hands up into the air, calling upon his own aether as an emerald light flourished, materializing into a steel greataxe as the hilt rested in both of his hands. Patrick quickly threw out his own right arm, flourishing it so that in one easy swing of the limb, crimson particles of aether collectively swirled to materialize into the steel broadsword that was his pact weapon.

Connor however did not materialize but rather reached down, pulling out a triple barrel flintlock from the holster on his waist. And then others joined them, others that knew one of the brothers almost immediately, as he did with them of course, when both parties finally came to lay eyes on one another. "Hold on, Talon!? Aoren!?" Patrick realized who they were rather quickly, leading the rest of the brothers present to look in awe but with confidence now. Another snarling roar was heard from within the trees as whatever they were fighting lurked closer, undoubtedly watching them as it prepared to make it's next move on the banding party found before them. "The hell's going on!?"

From the looks of it, they were fighting something big and nasty, seeing as how it plowed through the fields of snow not even five minutes ago. "So, can I just call it here and say we're doomed?" Connor retorted as he pulled out his single-barrel flintlock pistol, checking to make sure it still had the round in it from when he'd loaded it at another time.

"Nah, we got this!" Burton called out almost with a determined grin, the greataxe rested over one of his shoulders as he glanced to Aoren and then Talon. "Looks like you guys could use a hand!" Just as he stated this the ground felt pelted by heavy claws, pounding the layers of icy dust into packed snow as it came barreling through the trees once more.

"Here it comes," Patrick warned as he adjusted his stance, so that his sword hung low at an angle behind him, "let's wrap this up!" With the blade pointed down Patrick focused solely on the target closing in, his eyebrows raised when he realized just how many claws this creature had. Four fucking limbs to grab at things with?! Well this wasn't looking so well for them... Still, a set of fangs and claws wasn't going to deter him, nor any of the other brothers, who all stood near one another as it started towards them. "Connor!"

"Sendin' out another me!" The youngest brother responded with a finger pointed towards the creature, his aether swirling around his figure before coalescing into one singular form altogether. Within an instant Connor's aether molded into a human form, almost quickly resembling him to a lesser degree as it appeared to be running headfirst into battle. Dominik took position between the illusion he'd cast and his brothers, raising his shield arm just enough to where he could still see over the outer edges of the shield. Together, the brothers watched in wait to see how the monster would react; and if it would take the bait cast before it in return. From there they would all have their next part of the battle to carry out, for strategy had to be as adaptive as intuition was when dealing with the unknown.

That much Patrick remembered well from his father, and he'd see that he remembered all the other lessons the brothers shared in turn.

"Patrick" "Burton" "Dominik" "Connor"
"Freedom is everything that matters in the end."
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Broken Down and Stranded
Glade 2, 121 Steel
Talon arched an eyebrow at the way Patrick and his brothers rallied together with a swiftness that seemed more fitting from a fighter’s band than traveling siblings. He recognized them all but with only the vague familiarity that came with knowing someone by virtue of proximity. When he had visited Atinaw with Aoren, Talon had not had much of a chance to truly get to know any of them. As Patrick hailed them, Talon inclined his head. He looked to Aoren and jerked his head in the direction of the travelers. Talon landed fully on the ground and together two of them made their way over. As they walked, his Companion slowly underwent the rite of Sanctuary, a technique he had seen him use a number of times. The form of his blades slowly dissipated and across their bond, he could feel the pain lancing its way through his partner’s body. Aoren’s jaw muscles flexed but his steps did not falter and by the time they both came to stand near the Barnell Clan, his blades had fully returned to being dematerialized. Reaching up, Talon gently brushed his fingers along his companion’s spine in a show of comfort.

It is a wendigo. They are known to awaken in the cold season and prey on things that fall into their grasp. Be warned, they are fairly sadistic.” Talon turned his attention to the creature as it gathered its wits and shook off the brief stun that it had endured.

Looks like it’s time to get back at it. Also, I lost my helm. Think you can forge me another?” Feeling Aoren nudge him in the shoulder, Talon just chuckled.

I am thinking something different. You always end up losing them anyways.” His companion’s answering grin just made Talon shake his head. Aoren walked forward then and Talon could feel his companion reaching for his aether. The swell of power inside of his partner had begun to grow even stronger in recent days. As the illusory construct built by one of the Barnell brothers darted forward, the wendigo snarled and pounced upon the illusion, slashing at it with its claws. After a moment it reared back and growled before its attention turned away from the illusion. Talon rest his hands at the small of his back, calm flowing over him as he watched fire wrap around his companion’s hands and arms. The winds in the area around them began to pick up and Talon simply waited. Seeing its prey, the wendigo barreled past the illusion and redirected its efforts toward the raven winged Avialae.

Thanks for the distraction!” Aoren raised his arms, the winds gathering around them blending together with the flames already there. There was a crack of thunder before fire and air wove together to form lightning just as the wendigo leapt into the air. Talon tilted his head up to watch the creature vault into the air.

Be ready.”

Come on, beastie!” Aoren roared just as the wendigo extended its claws to slash at him. Talon felt neither worry nor fear as he knew his companion’s capabilities well. The warrior wove his arms in a circular pattern, the lightning gathered before he thrust it all forward sending jagged bolts crashing into the wendigo’s form. The boom of thunder as the lightning speared through the air and slammed into the creature sent it veering off course.

It is not stupid. It will try to find cover. Do not let it!” Talon sprinted forward then, blade drawn. He spread his wings and took to the air. Reaching out with his kinetics, Talon wove his aether flux into the flux just beside the wendigo. The result saw him magnetically drawn to that spot. At the last moment, Talon released his hold and spun bringing his blade out in a wide arc that slashed across the creature’s flank. It roared and at him but he veered out of the way and flew just out of its reach.

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Patrick gazed upon Talon and his companion Aoren briefly, witnessing the rite that the Kathar Avialae underwent after he joined. He recalled a bit of a lesson their father was supposed to teach based on that, as it was some sort of meditative trick to ease the backlash a bit. The logistics he didn't quite grasp at the time but to see it in action, well it certainly looked like a promising trick to learn if it did work. With the blades gone Aoren walked it off almost as though it barely phased him, leading Patrick to give some credit to the trick when they drew near the band of brothers. And there was that sign of friendly affection the Avialae were known for, leading the bartender to grin a bit when he saw Talon brush the man's spine briefly.

"A Wendigo huh?" Dominik noted the name aptly with his free hand brought up to stroke his chin, Burton looked directly in the direction of the Wendigo, his greataxe rested over his shoulder as he wiggled the fingers of his free hand. One could tell that he was ready, maybe perhaps even eager, to test his steel against the mettle of this beast. "Understood!" The second brother assured Talon and Aoren as the creature loomed closer, the stunned spell it had been inflicted wearing away as it drew nearer the group.

Talon and Aoren had a moment to banter on the shield that his companion lost, leading the brothers to all lightly chuckle as they focused on their target. As one. Right on queue, Connor created his illusory construct to distract the beast, the bait taken easily as the mirage of aether quickly dissipated upon the attack. Aoren reacted with a quick thanks as he blended elements together with his magic, creating lightning as soon as the Wendigo vaulted into the air. Burton already darted off away from the group to try and get a run around the thing, in hopes that he could flank it from the side or rear when the creature didn't see him. Dominik stood protectively between Patrick and Connor, his shield raised to be ready for an attack if the beast went for any of them at all. "You got it! I'm just perfect!"

"Con! Focus!" Dominik remarked as he reached out with his other arm, another flash of sapphire materializing his other weapon; as the second son armed himself with the broadsword as well. Patrick split from them as he rolled away to avoid the Wendigo altogether, it's strike sent for Aoren as Dominik and Connor ran further back. The Kathar taunted the creature as he unleashed every bolt of lighting he mustered, blasting the monster before it could close in on all of them. Patrick's eyes widened at the sight of it, the sight of another casting such a powerful spell made his brain nearly tingle, as he watched the Wendigo veer off into the back area of the woods. Burton held his position as he watched everyone nearby, surprised to see that kind of power coming from Aoren.

"Right!" Patrick remarked after Talon expressed its intent, the third-born looking to his brothers with a determined look on his face. "Let's go!" Talon took flight just as he declared this, his brothers agreeing fervently as they started to pursue after the beast as well. Patrick, however, focused on where he heard the fighting continue. Talon didn't take long to catch it off guard, and he likely injured it in a way to impede its escape. So that meant... With a focus of his eyes on the area, Patrick let his aether lace around him for a moment before he waited. He'd only been doing this off and on, and his brothers have only helped him practice it a little... But it'd get him there the fastest, and help buy him and Talon more time before the rest got there.

With his sword arm held across to the left, he charged forward, the blade arced downward as he laced his aether out once more. With just a thought his foot smashed into the snow, before the space around him buzzed and folded, the aether he released enveloping him as he warped past the thicket of trees. In one straight motion, Patrick reappeared above the Wendigo, the lash out he made for Talon missing the Synnekar as he dodged the attacks mid-air. While he had wings, however, Patrick did not. Therefore the bartender plummeted down with his blade clutched, the hilt grasped with two hands as he soared down like a comet. "Gotcha!" He roared as he swung the blade as hard as he could, cutting into the upper shoulder of the beast, as well as clipping the second shoulder of its lower arm as he still tumbled down.

The beast roared as he about reached the ground, the bartender hitting the snow as he rolled out of the landing. With the Wendigo injured the beast turned it's attention to him, another mangled claw lashing for him before he could regain his footing. What looked to be a very terrifying moment quickly turned into one of mild relief, as Dominik closed in between Patrick and the claw to deflect the blow. The second-born growled as the impact of the attack stalled him, the man staggering into a rotation as he regained his footing right over Patrick. "Thanks!" Another clap of thunder though only this time, it was from one of the barrels of a pistol, Connor closing in as he'd aimed down the sight at the beast; the shell he'd shot pelting it with a bit of flame as it grazed over one of the other arms.

"You're dead!" Burton roared next as he came in from the other flank, just as he planned, to swing the blade of his greataxe into the other thigh of the beast; the momentum of his swing wicked enough to cleave into its flesh when he hacked into the thing. The beast roared more as Dominik moved to help Patrick scramble onto his feet, the two standing together as they focused on the beast's next move.

"Never jump ahead without thinking," Dominik scolded him bitterly, "Always look where you're going before you blink like that!"

"Yeah, right, got it." Patrick remarked with a pat on Dom's shoulder, the older brother groaning as he held his shield up with the blade rested over it, the point aimed for the beat's head as he stood defensively between it and Patrick.

"Wait for the right moment to strike, and take off its head if you can!" Patrick looked further up at the beat's head, past that to see what Dominik meant. Now he understood.

"Okay!" He agreed with a bend in his knees, waiting to see what the Wendigo did next, so that he could pitch in with Talon and Aoren while they closed in on the beast.

"Patrick" "Burton" "Dominik" "Connor"
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Y O U R xR E V I E W


Kinetics: Hurling a large chunk of earth to stun a large opponent
Flying: Ascending through branches, being mindful of snags
Leadership: Directing a plan of action against a wendigo
Tactics: Advising on the intelligence of an adversary

Points: 8 May be used for Kinetics

Injuries/Ailments: N/A


word count: 88
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