Warlords of the Air. [Myles] [Flashback]

High City of the Northlands

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Eitan Angevin
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"Posh," Eitan scoffed. "You clearly aren't afraid of anything."

A glance at the man's belly told him all he needed to know: the burns were far beyond any medical skills he had been trained for. The airship's few medics were making the deck a triage as the engines thrummed and the ship began to dart back toward the Brass City. Eitan grabbed the man's hand and held it.

"You're burned, but you aren't fully cooked. There isn't a lot they can do for you until we get you home, but we're en route. So I'm going to need you to keep talking to me so you don't succumb to shock. That's what I can do for you. Break my hand, though I implore you try not to as this is the one the ladies like best. Tell me about yourself. Scream. Whatever. Just stay with me. I'll be damned if the cultists are going to claim you. To die a martyr would be glorious indeed, but not today, all right?"

He swiped at the dribble of blood still coming from his nose with his free hand, then glanced at it ruefully.

"Damned cultists already ruined my uniform. Look, I'm the cursed bastard who keeps the shields lit on this boat. That took a lot out of me and so I'm going to need to keep talking myself so I'm lucid when the Minders take me. We'll keep each other alive so we get another shot at the enemies of Zaichaer, eh?"
word count: 281
Mind is a razor blade.
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Myles Arnnett
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Grabbing the proffered hand he grinned. “If we see any ice cold lakes on the way home just dunk me in alright?” Letting gallows humor ease his pain Myles winced as he laughed the pain at this point wetting the soldiers eyes slightly, stars danced at the edges of his vision but he kept his eyes locked on Eitan's as the world threatened to go sepia.

“So just medium rare huh?” Myles chuckled painfully at his own expense but the ache it caused helped him stay awake. The feelings of airships usually unsettled him but in his current state he wasn't able to say if the world spinning was on him or the ship at this point. The stars at the edges of his vision danced so vibrantly it was difficult to resist their charms the comforting blanket that darkness and rest offered. Still he knew that it could be the last time he slept if he wasn't careful. Forcing himself to sit upright even as the movement cause lancing pain through him Myles was begrudgingly thankful for the agony the helped him maintain his consciousness.

“I'm not tapped out yet”
Myles spoke through gritted teeth. He knew Eitan was there before him but it was damned hard to focus on the man. “As long as my manhood doesn't look like my stomach,” He winced “I'll probably survive” Forcing a grin over his gritted teeth he gripped Eitan's hand thankful for the anchor on the rocking ship. “After this is all said an done... Remind me I owe you a drink and a dinner” Forcing himself to keep talking so he had something to think on Myles attempted to maintain as much small talk as he could with the airman. “Don't think on the stain too much, You'll be in a higher rank's uniform in no time. S'pecialy with shooting like yours”

word count: 323
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Eitan Angevin
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Eitan clasped the man's hand, prepared to feel a bit of pain if it would lessen his.

"A swim would be nice," he agreed. "Get the stench of burnt cultist off us." He smiled. Myles was a bit crispy, but their enemies were fully toasted. And Eitan was physically unscathed, but would have to deal with illness and mental fatigue if he was lucky; temporary, he hoped, derangement if he was unlucky.

"But slow down, soldier. We only just met and I did mention I'm good with my hands, but already you're inviting me for drinks, dinner, and to check on the status of your hidden dagger?" The aftermath of battle was always a charged time. The veins felt afire, or crackling with electricity. They would mourn those who had fallen, but the mind wanted to celebrate its survival. Perhaps that was behind Eitan's humor.

When he caught the eye of the nearest medic who had taken a moment to pause, he waved him over.

"Can't do much for him here—"

"I know that, of course," Eitan interrupted. "He'll get care in clean facilities soon enough, but he's putting on a brave face and will need something for the pain in the meantime."

"Sir, your eyes—" The medic looked concerned and, knowing him to be a Warder, was as nervous around a State-sanctioned mage as he was grateful for the wards that had kept him alive.

"Will be seen to by the Minders as soon as we land," he promised. "Now, pull something out of your satchel before he hits full delirium and asks me to marry him."

The medic's lips twitched, but he was digging through his satchel until he pulled out an ampule of milky white latex. Kneeling down opposite Eitan, he prepared to administer it. "Poppy milk," he identified.

"Ah, the good stuff... well, then you won't be much for conversation soon, but if you start making too much sense, I'll know my mind is going too. Sweet dreams, hero."

word count: 366
Mind is a razor blade.
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Torin Kilvin
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One-handed, Shield:
Shield bashing
Redirecting a blow
A mundane shield will still block magic fire

One-handed Sword:
Reflexes are made through repetition

Keep talking don't black out
Battle Fatigue
Do or death, survival isn't an option, it's the only chance
Overheating and dehydration

Forced downhill retreat
Dodging debris


Chain of Command

Renewing Wards as They Tear
Warding Underfire
Directing a Ward's Movement
Carefully Overstepping
Controlling the Effects of Overstepping

Aiming While Physically Ill
Aiming Through Smoke
Reloading on the Run

Searching for Wounds
Understanding Triage
Assessing Burns

Points: 8 Points Each, Eitan can apply them to magic

Injuries/Ailments: Severe burns for Myles, they have been healing for a year but the scars and possibly stiffness will still exist.

Loot: Survival

Notes: This helps bring an understanding as to the underlying hate that Zaichaer holds for unsanctioned magic users. It is easier to hate those who harm us.

Myles has the option for one more lore than was requested, just send me a message if you want it added =)
word count: 211
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