Frustrations of a Young Synnekar (Talon)

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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Character Sheet: ... 676#p11676
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26th Ash, Year 121, A.O.S
Company: Talon.| Theme: Monster Hunting | Thoughts: Curious... | Mood: Tired

۞ The morning looked promising for the young Synnekar; already taking a journey flying across towards the Warrens. Aurelio had been assigned a bounty to hunt an unknown creature; It was said to be picking off traveller's in their sleep. It was also clear that he was to meet an unknown contact at the area. It frustrated him not knowing what sorts of dangers he was facing. It could've been a trap; sent by any bandit or Avialae poacher in the city. However, usually cases like that were checked and intercepted heavily by the law.

However, it appeared that his mind was not in the same place. Ever since he met the Kathar two days ago; he hadn't been the same. Aurelio had been suffering from insomnia for the past two days, leaving him unable to focus; what was worst was he lashed out at a few slayers, leaving him to do his work alone. He pushed himself often; maybe far too much that he would exasperate himself.

He kneeled down into a bush as he used it as a spot to hide. however; he didn't know the creature. They could've been visually enhanced to look out for their prey. It was highly unusual for him to hear such a scream, but he sensed that it was calling for help as he ran along the crystal roads, only to find the two bodies of travellers nearby, followed by the corpse of the large bird creature; which appeared to have had a saddle on it. It was clear one of the travellers used it to ride. He sighed.

"Today is gonna be a long day..."

He had a lot on his mind; firstly the emotions from the Kathar's embrace left his senses dull. The aftermath of feeling flushed; accompanied by bouts of exhaustion, wearyness and yet a hint of crippling depression. There were more pressing concerns; finding his unknown contact. It was getting late; the peak time of when the creature manifests themselves. It was described as nothing but a black mass; or traveller's would say. This could be anything; a mage playing tricks or something that takes a darker yet sinister turn. It was up to Aurelio and this unknown contact to investigate.
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Talon landed nimbly, his wings spread wide as he found solid ground. Beside him, the winds swept outwards as his bondmate landed as well. The two of them looked at the scene in front of them with a mix of uneasiness and sadness. There were numerous large avian creatures found throughout the Wildking’s Forge. It was not unheard of for some of them to be befriended and used as mounts by travelers. The hawklike giant bird in front of him had been gravely wounded. One of its wings had been broken. The ground was covered in blood. The bodies of what had likely been the travelers using the hawk were nearby.

Talon opened up his senses to the flow of the aether in the world around him. He attuned his perception to the lingering impression of the events that transpired. He sensed hunger. He sensed a gnawing desire to consume. He sensed the fear of those who had been attacked. The impressions were fresh and stung his nose with the pungent scent of terror and death. He turned his gaze further along the road, following the direction of what he could make out as the source of the attack.

It is wounded.” Talon pointed in the direction of the road to where he could trace the trail. “They managed to hurt it before it killed them.

He had been in the area, collecting materials to use in one of his projects at the Skyforge. When he had heard the screaming he and Aoren had moved as swiftly as they could. Too little, too late. It frustrated Talon that despite the amount of precautions his people took to make the roads and wilderness as safe as they could, people were still claimed by the denizens of either the Warrens or the Wildking’s Forge. He understood that it was the nature of the world. There was no way that they could prevent every tragedy. All the same, he still felt as though the beasts and creatures of the land they lived in mocked them for trying.

Talon.” His bondmate placed a hand on his forearm, inclining his head subtly to one of the bushes. Through the lens of his Semblance, Talon immediately spotted the observer. Reaching out across the flow of the aether flux, Talon took hold of the bush that was in front of the observer. With a flick of his thoughts, he tore the bush up from the ground by the roots and tossed it into the distance. Revealed was a young Avialae, crouching in the dirt.

Who are you?

"Be a light in dark places."
word count: 522
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Character Sheet: ... 676#p11676
Character Secrets:

26th Ash, Year 121, A.O.S
Company: Talon.| Theme: Monster Hunting | Thoughts: Curious... | Mood: Tired

۞ Where could his contact have gone?

Anxiety shook Aurelio, followed by the accompaniment of emotions that he had expressed. He still thought about his time with the Kathar; how shortly lived it was. It was stopping him from focusing on what really mattered. His assignment. He perked up as two avialae figures caught his eye; one appearing to be black, raven winged in appearance. The other more silver; a polar opposite to him. He noticed the blue mark on his face, followed by the Spellforge Raiment he wore.

“Talon?” He whispered with confusion in his voice.

His eyes fixated on the prince for a moment; curious. What had the crown prince of Kalzasi been doing here? It seemed strangely out of place for him to be in the middle of nowhere. It is wounded. The other man said curiously as he listened intently for the other male. He wondered where his contact had gotten up to; did he succumb to the same fate as the travellers before. He was startled immediately by the bush being lifted from the ground.

Aurelio sat up immediately as nerves shook his inner core before he took a deep breath and exhaled deeply, composing himself. He wasn’t usually the skittish type, but it appeared that the events two days ago had affected his morale of concentration. “Sorry, if I were intruding on private matters, I’m Aurelio… I was sent by the Slayer’s Keep to investigate the area; reports of a creature had been swiping travelers at night.” He said, still appearing deeply troubled for a moment. The pressures of living up to the expectations of a Synnekar were even more problematic, as he stood amongst the epitome of what his aspirations should be. He sighed, looking over his shoulder for a moment “I was supposed to meet an unknown contact here, but he didn’t necessarily show up…” He said with worry in his voice.

“Shhh!” He pointed.

He heard a guttural growl in the distance as his eyes widened. The silence was deeply harrowing, as it drove him to stare “I can feel it… It’s nearby…” He said as he looked over at the two men “So, tell me… What are you two doing out here?” He asked curiously, tilting his head inquisitive as he raised an eyebrow. ۞

word count: 418
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