Cultists, Criminals and Creatures

The underbelly that lies beneath the city.

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Character Sheet: ... 676#p11676
Character Secrets:

13th Ash, Year 121, A.O.S
Company: Rezferia and Bandits | Theme: Investigation | Thoughts: What am I doing down here? | Mood: Unsettled.

۞ Dark, acrid and deeply unsettling.

The moss on the sewers, followed by the stone corridors and the makeshift metalwork structures of the shantytowns of Hahseu echoed with screams. Were they human or was it just the ambient noise of the water tunnels? Aurelio had been asked to meet here in regards to an unknown case; however he did find the circumstances strange. Who would meet in a dark, miserable shantytown?

Investigating the criminal underworld was daunting and dangerous; although Aurelio didn’t draw much attention to himself as he made his way into a housing structure; It is said that all kinds of deals happen within the shantytown; including the marketing of illegal goods as well as the meeting of thugs, gangs and various cultist activities. It was an unusual request that Aurelio had been sent here by an unknown contact as he entered what looked like it was a makeshift bar. He kept himself cloaked and hooded; not revealing a sight of his wings in case he drew too much attention to himself.

He nodded to the patrons; they looked rough, some even had tattoos, gang insignias amongst their bodies. The one that stood out to him most was a tall Moratellan man; pugnacious and unforgivingly criminal.

“What are you staring at…”

At that point he wasn’t sure if the Moratallen meant his sudden outburst at him; that he shook as a vixen-like female came from behind and tapped him on the shoulder “My my, it’s an absolute stink bomb down here… Welcome to Hahseu…” She appeared to have had a fox tail before she resumed her human form again, smiling at the large Avialae before sitting with her legs crossed in order to divert his attention away from the half-giant.

“Careful, here; any ounce of fear and people would think you have a lot to hide…” She whispered as she side-eyed towards the counter as she gestured to the seat “Have a seat, there’s much to discuss” She said. It appeared she was being secretive; the way she looked around constantly as if she was being watched. It was a survival instinct within these walls.

“So you’re the one who wrote the letter…”

The female glared at Aurelio and slapped him, hissing at him as he flinched slightly, closing one eye “Keep down, you young Avialae are so loud… It makes my blood boil.” She exaggerated. Clearly; there was a sense to deliver information but in a place like this, Aurelio questioned the suitability of such a location. Why was he dragged down here?

Moments later, three hooded men arrive in the tavern as Aurelio observed further, trying not to make eye contact with the Moratallen once again. It was wise for Aurelio not to have any flare up of activity down here; emotions often got high with thieves, black marketeers and other sources of criminal activity. Worse of it all; he was an avialae with a rare wing colour. His wings would probably fetch a high price in the black market if criminals found out about it.

“Look, here they are…”

Aurelio remained quiet and watched as he could hear chattering in Synskrit. He narrowed his eyes further and kept his head down, hoping to listen to what they were saying.

“Cenethira, our beloved goddess of pain, grant us your boon tonight…”

Odd, he had never heard of such a deity before; within his mother’s books he had never even encountered a Cenethira before within the chapter of patron deities within Ransera. Aurelio looked at the female curiously as she expressed concern for Aurelio as his cloak; draped off his wing slightly.

“Your cloak…” She whispered.

Aurelio quickly moved his cloak over his wings as he looked around, wondering if someone saw; Noone even took an ounce or look at his shimmering wings, except one person. He was watching vigilantly as he looked over at the female rathari “So, I take it you just brought me here for a date? Fine place, although I would prefer something much more upscale…”

“Why, you are a charmer, I know someone like you… The rat, Aurin… You may come across him one day. He has the same ginger hair as you, only a little more foxy and extremely clever.” She heaved with disapproval “And a clever tendency to annoy people easily.” She said as she tapped the table “Oi, get us a drink… I’ve been waiting for like forever…” Aurelio side-eyes at her mannerisms. She appeared impatient; controlling just like she owned the place.

“Yes, Rezferia!” The bartender said, glaring at her.

Her name; already revealed by the bartender as she proceeded to walk her fingers to Aurelio’s hand. Eventually, he moved away as he gulped “Sorry, I… I don’t know why but women just don’t cut it for me unfortunately; as charming as you are, as gorgeous as you are, I don’t think you and I would be a match...” She tilted her head and smiled; before reaching for her cup and throwing a pouch containing money to pay for those items.

Rezferia laughed as she rolled her eyes “Oh, that's such a shame… I think we could’ve made a great couple…” She said as Aurelio expressed his discomfort. This wasn’t the first time a female had flirted with him; but it did make him uncomfortable; especially as he wanted to get to the subject of the matter. Why was he down here in this large cesspit?

“So now, the ultimate question, why am I here?” She asked as she tilted her head “I figured this was a job for Slayer’s… You guys seem to know how to handle monster slaying… I’ll make it brief though…” She looked over her shoulder again; clearly showing the irritability in not being heard as she waited for a patron to walk past her. Her eyes peered towards the hooded men as she moved her head closer to Aurelio’s.

“There's a monster, lurking around Kalzasi… What, I have no clue, but these cultists appear to be the ones responsible for bringing it here.” Rezferia said quietly; she didn't want to draw attention to herself, especially when she had been willing to risk her life to give such information. However, Aurelio fixated on the hooded men for a moment, before looking back at the fox rathari. It was clear that Aurelio needed to do some investigation work “Alrighty, but… You also bring me to a place where I am vulnerable… Why?”

“To observe of course, and to run as fast as fuck if your caught…” She whispered, appearing agitated as she rolled her eyes.

“Do you have any idea what the creature looks like?”

The female sighed and shook her head “No, but I know it’s the source of missing person cases in Kalzasi… Last week they found a man” The Moratallen man walked over to Aurelio and Rezferia; slamming his fist on the desk as he looked over at the female rathari, before his eyes meet the Avialae’s “I was talking to you, big guy… What are you, are you some sort of brute!”

He removed his cloak and revealed the golden wings of the Avialae “Wow, you’re expensive…”

Rezferia sighed “Get out!” She slid nimbly between the half-giant’s legs and slashed his hamstrings with her dagger. An abrupt scream of pain came out as Aurelio kicked the giant in the face once again, before running as fast as he could out.

“Get the golden boy!”

He desperately smashed through the fragile structure of the house and ran as fast as he could through the water tunnels. He took a moment to compose himself as he spread his wings and flew upwards. With such vigor, he flapped his wings as fast as he could; as he looked behind him, noticing the distance he was away from the bandits down below.

However, he wondered where Rezferia went, did she survive? Or was she captured. She mentioned about Kalzasi citizens going missing, most of them included men; some women were taken too. Whatever it was, it was up to Aurelio to investigate further; could it had been a monster or is it a criminal force inflicting fear the citizens of Kalzasi? ۞
word count: 1429
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Stefan Dornkirk
Posts: 408
Joined: Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:15 pm
Title: Lord Dornkirk
Location: Zaichaer
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=4478



Listening Intently
Being vigilant in criminally associated environments
Defining character
Spotting ill intent

Hiding wings from criminal environments

Unarmed Combat:
High Kick

Points: 5, not to be used for magic.

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: Information about the Cult/Missing People

Notes: This kid just finds trouble, doesn't he? I'm interested in seeing how this investigation pans out.
word count: 89
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