To the Dawnspire [Torin]

Travelers beware, the unprepared are quickly lost to these towering rocky sentinels of the North.

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Kala Leukos
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They all fell into an almost trancelike state while working on the illumite field. Perhaps it was the thinness of the air, the attentiveness of their minds to the task at hand, or the subtle song of the dragonshards. In any case, after another successful harvest, Kaus' mind nudged hers and she glanced toward the sun. Nodding, she stood up and stretched, wishing the sunlight offered a bit more warmth to cramped muscles. She carefully wrapped the dragonshard and put it into the bag slung over her shoulder.

Kaus began to gather their tools while she went quietly to stand in Torin's field of vision, not wanting to startle or interrupt him. When he successfully freed another crystal from the cluster she smiled down at him. It was strange for her to look down on someone so much taller than she was.

"The sun has marked an end to our labors," she suggested. "We are gathering up our tools and preparing for our descent. May I?"

She knelt down and spread out a soft, thick cloth to wrap his trophy in. When they returned, their small cache would be displayed and Feada would likely distribute them — the lion's share would stay with her, though some other mages might have use for them if she did not. But something would be offered to Torin and to the twins for their efforts in bringing the dragonshards safely to Starfall.

Kaus agreed to wing the tools down to the cabin for storage, so Kala and Torin turned off the shard beacons, leaving the illumite field to its sunbathing. After a quick, light meal at the cabin, Kaus took to the air and they took to their feet to meet with the airship.

Once aboard, Kala brought Torin to their spot below deck where he seemed calmer for the flying. Hot tea was served, as well as light foods to tide them over until what would likely be a heavier supper in her mother's home. Finally, she broke the companionable silence.

"Another milestone for us," she observed. "The runesmith has made his own tools, and now we have harvested our own dragonshards. I was always taught that it was best to do as much of the work myself as possible to better understand the process of a thing, to better understand the thing itself, the endeavor. You know?"
word count: 397
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Torin Kilvin
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Title: Runesmith
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The work took him, as it sometimes did, and he let it. It felt good, the movement of his body aligning so perfectly with the desire of his mind that he became, for a time, a singular purpose.

He was surprised when he looked up and Kala was there, watching him. It wasn't uncomfortable, only he had heard her coming or noticed her standing quite close. Blinking when Kala's kind voice offered to wrap the crystal he'd released for him, he eventually nodded, laying the glowing shard down as gently as if it lived.

"Oh, yes, of course." His voice returned to him as he watched her finish the wrapping and put the little package away. Though whether he meant as an acceptance of the task she had already done or the information that it was time to stop, he himself did not know. He helped gather the remaining beacons after watching Kala dismantle one so he would know how. Once they were packed up there was no reason to stay, but he lingered for a moment, letting his eyes absorb the field of shimmering, glowing crystals in the full light of day.

The walk back down the mountain was quiet, though not silent, each of them seeming content with their own thoughts and each other's company. By the time they reached the ship, and were safely ensconced belowdecks with hot tea and a light lunch his mind had come back on and he was happy when Kala started a conversation.

He flushed a little, mostly in pride and gratitude, when she mentioned them making his tools.

"We, made the tools, my Lady. I couldn't have done nearly so much without you." He used the title, for the first time as a little bit of teasing, a way to bring her closer, not one to maintain a distance. He nodded to the rest though, happily content with their word, and comfortably tired from it and the descent.
"There were no dragonshards near the village, prolly why it was a village and nothing more. But my first master taught me to do every part of forging, even though we got our metal in ingots normally, he taught me how to take it from raw ore to finished project."
word count: 389
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Kala Leukos
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"Aye," she agreed. "We made the tools and we harvested the illumite. I'm glad that the sort of partnership our House offers has proven beneficial to you rather than some sort of a yoke. Anyway, good master smith, it sounds like we had similar educations. I am sorry I will never meet your former master, though I am certain he would be proud of your work. Even Feada was impressed and that rarely happens. I know it doesn't show, but I have known her my whole life and I can assure you that she is."

She laughed. "And now, if you ever find yourself overwhelmed at the forge, you know you can call me to make viscerite for you, at least."

The learning had made the visit all the more rewarding for her.

Glancing out the window for a moment, she turned back with a weary smile for him. Sometimes, she felt she would have settled for the hardiness of the male Avialae if she couldn't have their wings. Kaus' constitution was made for the heights, and while she could find ways to follow, she always felt like a fish pretending to be a bird.

While she was a capable warrior and mage, her function was currently bureaucratic. Wanting to run numbers, she carefully unpacked the various dragonshards they had collected. Laid out on the table between them and their tea, she estimated several thousands worth of illumite.

"There were several of greater size, clarity, and power," she mused, half to herself and half to Torin, "but they all looked like they would be a challenge to harvest without damaging them. Best leave them to the experts while we hone our meager skills on less precious pieces." She smiled at that, including Torin on the joke.

"Hopefully, a few scraps for us."

She Looked at them all, getting a feel for their structures and signatures through her Rune even as she worked out the financial angle, not that they would be sold, but rather used by Feada and other artisans in Starfall—and perhaps Kala and Torin as well.
word count: 352
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Torin Kilvin
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Title: Runesmith
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The idea that a partnership between a noble house and a craftsman would provide more than a living income to the craftsman, more than useful tools to the noble house, had not been something Torin had been aware of before meeting Kala. His old master had not contracted to a noble house, and while his second master had done work for the nobility he had not been connected to any one house in particular.

It seemed better, the way she was describing it, living it. He hoped it was the normal way of things in Kalzasi, that each partner might be of help to the other in whatever ways they could be. Almost like a marriage.

The thought popped into his head unbidden, and while it made sense on a logical level he was also immediately uncomfortable with it. Glancing to Kala to make sure, irrationally, that she had not somehow heard the thought.

She continued speaking, and he relaxed again, shaking his head inwardly at his own foolishness. The mention of his master brought his thoughts back to Kala entirely, and, he was very surprised to realize that, for the first time, having him mentioned was bitter-sweet rather than merely painful. He still wanted to put his head down and weep, but it wasn't so overwhelming as it had been since he'd gotten the letter informing him of the man's death.

He smiled a little, not quite shyly, as she informed him that the Master Runesmith of Starfall was impressed with him. "They don't usually. Show it, I mean, but I am glad. I wouldn't want any unhappy feelings on her part when you send work out to me. She would do it far better, but she also has far better things to do with her time than make knives that keep an edge and plows that won't wear out."
To some, such things might seem an odd use of the Runesmith's art, but when you were a remote farmer, if your tools broke during the crucial parts of planting or harvest, your family would go hungry. It was worth the expense of a tool that you could rely on, and likely would save money over the long years of use, not having to replace it.

He grinned when she teased that she could not help him make Vicirite. If she wanted to watch him work, receive additional training in Runesmithing, he would be very happy for her company and the opportunity to teach. He would not have her making viscerite. Magic, in Torin's limited experience was simply too valuable to trust to a novice. Not unless she wanted to try and channel her own magic to make it... The thought had merit, and he would bring it up with her later, both as a way to train her without draining resources and as a possible resource that might save her having to purchase shards when she needed him to make things.

The conversation moved on to discussing the resources they had spent the moring collecting, and Torin listened with interest. Carefully inspecting the laid out shards with a professional eye he also esteemated their worth and wondered what use the Mistress of Starfall's forges would make of them.

The conversation continued to flow until they arrived back at the little city, moving between the shards and their possibilities, what each might do with what was afforded them of the treasures, and Torin's idea of possibly having Kala make viscerite from her own channeled energy.
word count: 604
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Body Building:
Training in Freezing Temperatures
Training in Low Oxygen Environments
Endurance Training

Mountain Hiking
While Carrying Weigh
All Day Climbs

Magical Theory:
Uses of Illumite
Harvesting Illumite
Use of Aether Nets
Dragonshard Growth Cycles

Spotting Something in Dawnlight
Searching Through Many Similar Items
6EXP, 2 Magic EXP

Nushen the White Goddess

Concentration While Exerting

Observing Physical Condition

Understanding Limited Quantities
Accounting for Sustainability
Leave Recourses Better Than When You Arrived
Providing Quality Supplies to Craftsmen
Stewardship of Natural Resouces
Understanding the Whole Process

Using Fire to Heat a Space
Setting a Weaving to Last All Night
Using Fire to Heat Liquids
1 minor Illumite Soul Totem for Kala
1 minor Illumite Soul Totem for Torin

Note: I chose minor because of Torin and Kala's personal inexperience with mining/harvesting dragonshards. If you believe it should be a different/higher quality, let me know why!
word count: 159
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