Horned Brawnbeetle [Fauna]

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The Horned Brawnbeetle

Name: Horned Brawnbeetle, Forest bulls.

Habitat: Forests of the Karnor region

Threat level Medium

Description: Giant herbivorous armored beetles that rove the forests of the Karnor regions. Known for often cutting grazing paths through all but the thickest underbrush. Left alone they aren't dangerous but should one threaten their young or get between them and their food they will lower their heads and ram any perceived threat with their great horns. Their armor makes them formidable foes along with the powerful multitude of legs that can carry them at speeds of up to twenty miles per hour in short bursts.

Notable Abilities: Powerful armor plating covers their sturdy bodies. They are one of the few predators of the Florist's folly seemingly immune to their poisons. Powerful legs that allow rapid movement in short bursts.

Reproduction The Horned Brawnbeetle lays clutches of ten to fifteen eggs in the fall in a deep hole it has dug. A male will then lay upon the clutch of eggs and hibernate tell the spring when they hatch. The female will bury the male and the eggs and guard the nest for the winter months. The Brawnbeetle will take three years to be fully mature molting its armor for increasingly harder layers as it ages. After their third year the Brawnbeetle is capable of mating. it is said they can live up to twenty five years.

Size Often four to five feet in height and five to six feet in length, some of the eldest of this species that have absorbed too much wild aether are said to grow even larger.

Reasons to interact Their shells make for fine light armor. Harder and lighter than wood, the shells can be boiled shaped and treated by competent craftsman into excellent armor that rivals with some metal armors. Their meat isn't particularly foul if you can get past its smell, nutritious and filling the hunting of Brawnbeetles is not uncommon amongst the poor and those who have acquired a taste for insects.

Recommended Stats Competent combat and hunting skills. Knowledge of the weak points in their armor. (easily gained from an insightful survivalist or hunter)

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