Don't You Hear Me Prayin?

The underbelly that lies beneath the city.

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9 Glade 121

He smiled at her with a gap in his mouth and a tooth proudly on display.

How old were they? She couldn’t remember off the top of her head, but she knew them to be young. This was a memory, surely. An old, tired memory that she replayed when she felt lonely. Like now. He was holding his tooth out to her, face grimy from their play in the dirt. Their mothers would have fits. But she couldn’t get over the twinge of jealousy, the marvel of the first tooth gone. A little bit of blood at the top of the tooth, a darker red on his gums. But he smiled so big and proud, dark hair framing his then too-round face as cheeks pushed toward his eyes, forcing them into crescent moons of glee. The same glee she shared for the moment before that jealousy took hold.

“You’re a big boy now, huh?”

He puffed out his chest. “Sure am, ma’am.”

“You gonna pray on it?”

“What woul’ I do tha’ for?” He snorted, like some middle-aged man on his way from work ready to spit into the gutter. It was red when it came out.

She shrugged. “That’s what you’re supposed to do. Mama said you’s gotta pray to Malgar to accept the offering of your tooth.”
“Why would he want that?”

“It hurt when it came out, didn’ it?” To Matthias’ shrug, she nodded. “Then you pray and hope he makes the next one less painful.”

Matthias eyed her dubiously, then dropped his attention back to the tooth in his palm. A moment’s suffering for something that would mark the start of change in his life. She wondered if he’d ever thought they’d be in the habit of discussing pain and suffering in the future.

She wondered if he’d even said the prayer that night like she told him to.

Maybe then they wouldn’t be in this mess.
word count: 359
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The boy that had smiled so widely to show off his teeth had become the man who had smiled just as widely when he introduced his wife to her. And now, he was the man that wept bitterly over his wife while she watched. The legionnaire had pushed herself back to the wall, watched and waited as the inevitable took hold. Waited for that choppy movement of a puppet on strings, but he just — he cried. Like she had.

Her breath hitched in her throat. Was this what she had looked like, crying over Jieun? Had she looked this miserable? His hands went to his wife’s throat, checking for a pulse, but moving away impatiently as he patted her cheek. Pleaded with her to open her eyes. And then, when she remained all too still and didn’t respond, he cradled her head to his chest. And rocked her back and forth while she lay limp in his arms.

The legionnaire watched all of this with baited breath. Because, like everyone else, he would turn on her. She would not blame him. Matthias had welcomed her into his home, and what he got for his trouble was a dead wife. She had been lovely and she had been kind and now she was dead. Dead and cold and her finger twitched. Not much, but it did and then it did it again. The legionnaire opened her mouth to speak, but found herself frozen. Like she’d been in the room. Matthias fixed her not with a glare, but a look so empty of hope she would have cried herself if she could do anything in the moment.

They watched each other for another handful of seconds before Matthais slowly leaned down to kiss his wife’s forehead. A soft groan left the woman, followed by a raspy gasp that the legionnaire could relate to. The sound of a labored breath. The wraith had done to her what it had been doing to everyone that had ever crossed its path. It took and it took until there was nothing left, but a shell. But it had found something more full of life to feed off in Matthais, the height of his fear at seeing his wife on the floor and unmoving.

But the woman was not dead. An awful groaning sound, one not dissimilar from what she had heard earlier, left the woman as she lay in Matthias’ arms. It only seemed to pick up as he held her closer, and the legionnaire realized something. Too late, but not too late for her. The man’s grip on his wife was much too tight, her chin tucked into his elbow. She watched the muscles of his arm strain as he slotted her head between forearm and bicep easily.

Matthias looked up at her once more, not quite at peace but his sobbing had died down to silent tears. They ran through course down his cheek, traced his jaw to his chin where they dropped down onto the floor and his wife’s forehead. His entire body seemed to shake with effort as he fought. For dominance? The wraith was winning, had won. His jaw clenched as she sucked in a breath and the air around them was filled with the gentle, slow sound of Isabel slowly — but surely — being strangled. She remained limp, eyes open and blank, but turning the red of a ruby as she struggled for air. Her face changed shades quickly. The bulge of her eyes, either from surprise or the act of strangulation itself, stayed trained on the wall. Not once, as he wrung the life from her in silence, did she look at him.

She gave one last cracked attempt at an utterance before her fingers stopped twitching and there was the deafening silence between the two of them. Within the legionnaire, she could feel the wraiths practically singing. Aching to be released into another host to see what they might do. The tight grip on her they had wavered — and she forced herself up to run.

She fell with the first step, but that wouldn’t stop her from crawling. Matthias still had a body in his hands, still had to get up and move. She could use that time to get up. The wraiths, appeased by the stifling fear that threatened to swallow her up. The woman used the wall to push herself up, limping toward the door. Fingers threaded through her hair and yanked her back.

The air knocked from her lungs once more as her back kissed the ground. A delighted reunion, supplemented by Matthias holding her down.

“This is on you.” The words were strained, as if the act of forming them alone had been foreign. “This is your fault.”

She coughed, turned onto her side. “I know.” Another cough as she attempted to crawl away from him again. “I know.”
“We’re all going to die down here.”

Someone had said that once before. Somewhere. The Warrens? That was a common sentiment often thought, but never shared. A fear they could wordlessly pass around with each step they took deeper into the Warrens. Had that someone been her? She wondered if it had been a moment when her squadron of the day would have shut her up in some way. Now, she couldn’t bring herself to tell Matthias that he was wrong. He would die down here, with his wife.

She’d already been dead, for a long time.

Maybe the night that Jieun had died. She blinked; that wasn’t right. Not true; Jieun was still here. Somewhere. Her search for flowing silks turned desperate and her struggle kicked up anew as he raised a fist to strike her. Or strangle her, perhaps. No — his knuckles collided with her cheek. Jerked her head to the side with the force of it. The metallic tang of blood filled her mouth as she coughed again. He raised the other hand, struck again. The split of her lip was but a momentary sting as he aimed for her eye. Her head bounced back against the wood of the floor as he sat back on his haunches, watched her.

“We’re all going to die down here.” It was more forcefully said, but the edge of laughter colored his words.

Fear drove itself deeper into her, wedging itself through her ribcage to her heart. He meant it. They were all going to die down here and it had everything to do with the wraith. With her. All because of her. She was almost content to let him kill her there on the spot. His hands wrapped around her throat, his weight resting on her fully. She gasped for air, harder to do with her having been so weakened.

Adrenaline spiked through her as little black dots began to spot her vision. At first small, then larger as she sputtered. Spittle and tears — when had she started crying? — covered her face. He loomed above her, rainwater and his own tears dripping down onto her. Was he still fighting? That had to be the only reason she was still conscious, still thinking even if sluggishly. She kicked, clawed at his wrists so hard that her nails carved into flesh. But he seemed unfazed. His left eye had blackened — or maybe that was just her vision. A blotchy thing that replaced the browns of his eyes prior.

She’d really ruined him, hadn’t she? She let out a choked sob, lifting her knee to hit him. Weak at first, but a pulse of a squeeze from the man had her kicking harder. Kneed him in the back enough to force him upright and slacken his grip. She leaned up, pushed him back. He stumbled off of her and as they scrambled — one away and the other toward — she kicked out. He reeled back, hands to his nose. And then she kicked again, lower this time.

Her legs weren’t long enough to reach his groin, but she did land a solid kick that sent pain reverberating back up her leg at his collarbone. He fell forward, a howl of pain and indignation let loose. He sounded more like a wounded animal as she got up, and forced herself to run out to the street.
word count: 1398
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Title: The Iceborne
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Don't You Hear Me Prayin?

Points awarded:
  • 5
  • Endurance: Holding onto consciousness while being strangled
    Unarmed Combat: Brawling: Kicking and screaming
    Unarmed Combat: Brawling: Aim for the soft bits
    Unarmed Combat: Brawling: Scratching at limbs
    Unarmed Combat: Brawling: Breaking out of a chokehold
    Survival: Using the adrenaline spike
  • N/A
  • Some light strangulation (bruising around her neck); a split lip; a swelling eye
  • Great thread!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!
word count: 128
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