[OOC] Tower of Lore Codex

Seat of the Circle of Spells, the preeminent mage's guild across the Northlands of Karnor.

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Located within the Guilded Expanse of Kalzasi, the Tower of Lore is a curious sight to any who pass by it. Unless one knows what they are looking for, it is easy to pass this structure off as nothing more than a contemporary structure built to enhance the scenery of its surroundings. Standing at the center of a grove of trees, the exterior of the Tower of Lore resembles a pavilion of aged white stone resting at the center of a small man-made lake. There are no guards and no doors and the center of the pavilion is host to a small bush that is perpetually illuminated by a shaft of sunlight. The structure of the tower rises like a spire that is only just tall enough to extend slightly above the treetops of the grove that surrounds it. Resting just above the archway facing the walkway is a single radiant blue crystal that swirls with the light of aether. Crossing the small stone walkway leading up to the pavilion at the base of the tower, there is no immediate sign that this structure serves as the home to the Circle of Spells at all. Looking up into the spire of the tower reveals that its interior is completely hollow with no clear source for the perpetual light that shines down on the bush resting at the center. For those who know how to enter the Tower however, the solution is obvious.

Entering the Tower of Lore requires only that one pluck a berry from the bush and consume it. Upon eating the berry, the individual will be instilled with teleportation magic that opens the door to the true Tower. The individual will be whisked away and set down before the gate to a colossal structure that dominates the skies. Resting midway up the tower is a massive crystal that seems to be taking in ambient streams of aether from the very air itself. The tower rests upon a large lake and in the skies, there can occasionally be seen airborne people or vessels that blink into existence as they cross the threshold of an unseen barrier.

This, is the true Tower of Lore. This is the seat of the Circle of Spells and a place where magic comes alives in stunning ways.

Welcome Traveler, to the most prestigious institution of magic in all of the Northlands of Karnor.


The Tower of Lore was constructed by the foremost magical practitioner known to not just Kalzasi, but one of the most powerful mages in the history of both Karnor and the Imperium. Briathor I is said to have built the tower using only magic. No mundane tools were utilized in the construction of this fortress of the arcane. The tower is situated on a convergence of ley-lines that forms a nexus of powerful aether. Unbeknownst to most denizens of Karnor, but a fact well known to the mages of Kalzasi, is that the Tower of Lore continually absorbs this aether and assists in redistributing it across the currents found across the region. This is, in part, one of the reasons why magic is not as volatile in the Northlands as it was during the height of the Age of Sundering. This helps to reduce the occurrence of Dread Mists storms throughout the region and is why they only tend to manifest in very low forms whenever they do happen in Karnor. In terms of understanding the Tower, it is an artifact of astounding power, displaying aspects of all known forms of magic that modern mages are aware of…and some that they are not.

House Briathos remain the Stewards of the Tower of Lore, with the head of House Briathos acting as Master of the Tower. This position is not just a ceremonial one, as Master of the Tower, the Lord of House Briathos is in complete control of all aspects of both the Tower’s physical structure and the landscape in its immediate vicinity. The Master can, at will, grant and deny entry into the Tower. There are many other powers afforded to the Master of the Tower but one can only guess at what is at their disposal. In truth, the Master of the Tower is seldom involved in the day to day affairs of running the Circle of Spells. House Briathos remains concerned with others matters, affairs that even some mages can only guess at.

The Noble Orders

The Circle of Spells is divided into three cardinal philosophies: Selflessness, Balance and Ambition. This is reflected in the color of robes that a mage of the Circle dons whether it is White for Selflessness, Red for Balance or Black for Ambition.

Those who don the white robes are noted for their belief that magic should be used for the benefit of others. The white robes of this order are taught to be selfless, compassionate, and to use their powers in the defense of others if necessary. They are individuals who avoid bringing undeserved harm to others and strive to exemplify figures of moral guidance and temperance among those who practice magic. Restraint, honesty and the avoidance of greedy selfish personal gain are hallmarks of a wizard of the white robes. White robed mages will share magic with any who display a serious interest in it and will do all they can to prepare them for the burdens that come with embarking upon the path of becoming a wizard.

Those who don the red robes are noted for their belief that magic is but an extension of one’s perspective on the world. It is a tool for neither good nor evil but is a means by which one can better understand the world and those in it. To don the red robes is to commit oneself to the belief that there is freedom in whatever path one walks, that the world is not black or white but endless shades of grey. Magic is to be used accordingly either in defense of self and others, or for the pursuit of personal gain if the situation is appropriate. The gift of magic is to be shared with any who desire it, for it is on them to prove whether or not they have the strength of will to command it.

Those who don the black robes are noted for their belief that magic is the supreme power to whom all others should bow. It is a privilege reserved only for those with the strength of will to command it. To don the black robes is to believe that the ends always justify the means, no matter how terrible and that personal gain, the coveting of secrets, and the uncovering of knowledge is all that matters in life. A black robed wizard is not necessarily an evil individual, typically they merely believe that people are inherently selfish and that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with casting off those who don’t have the wherewithal to better their positions in life. A black robed wizard will only share magic with those they deem worthy of its wonders.

Laws of the Circle

While each of the respective orders within the Circle has their own perspective on the manner in which magic should be used, the one thing they all agree on is that magic is important. It is to be protected. It is to be preserved. It is to be passed down from era to era responsibly. Granted, exactly how this is done varies from order to order but nevertheless those fundamental ideals unite every Wizard of the Circle.

  • Magic is sacred. Protect it. Preserve it. Guide those who seek it with dutiful responsibility and adherence to the precepts of your respective order.
  • It is better that the unprepared perish in their pursuit of powers they cannot control, than to live and be a danger to themselves, to others, and to the traditions of magic as a whole.
    All wizards are brothers and sisters in their order, all orders are brothers and sisters in their power.
  • Under no circumstances shall wizards unleash their powers against each other in anger in those places held as sacred and common to the Circle.
  • In the world beyond the walls of those places sacred to the Circle, brother may be pitted against sister, order may be pit against order, such is the way of the world.

Regardless of creed, every Wizard of the Circle adheres to these basic principles and to infringe upon them is to invite the wrath of the entire order upon ones head. More than that, it is universally understood by members that through these guiding principles they remain loosely united and thus benefit immensely from the security and influence of the Circle of Spells.

Oath of the Circle

Upon successfully completing their Trial of Judgment, the newly initiated Mage of the Circle will swear an oath to the Circle of Spells and to their respective subordinate order. The oath is overseen by a Master Scrivener and is made loosely binding through the use of an enchanted contract. The Oath of the Order ensures that every mage of the Circle will at least be somewhat compelled to obey the Laws of the Circle and that they will adhere to the ideals of their respective subordinate order. A vial of the wizard’s blood is then placed in the care of the Circle’s archives.

Breaking the Oath

The Oath of the Circle is not so binding that it cannot be broken. However, when a Wizard of the Circle betrays the ideals of their order or breaks one of the Laws observed by the wizards as a whole, the vial of blood retained by the archives signals such an act. A contingent of Oathkeepers will then be dispatched to retrieve the offender and bring them before the Council of Sages for judgment. At this point the offender has a few options

  • Accept their fate and turn themselves over for judgment by the Council of Sages.
  • Flee and go into hiding.
  • Fight.

It should be noted that only very rarely does the Council of Sages administer punishment that is disproportionate to the circumstance. For those who simply turn their backs upon the ideals of their respective order, oftentimes they are quite simply made to swear an oath to the order that matches their new perspective on life. Wizards who come to the realization that they no longer believe in the path they presently walk commonly simply petition for a change of order themselves rather than risking the wrath of the Oathkeepers.

For those who break one of the fundamental laws of the order as a whole, punishment is swift, harsh, and sometimes lethal depending on the manner of Oathkeeper hunting them. While an Oathkeeper of the White Robes will usually only kill as a last resort, Oathkeepers of the Red Robes vary in their approach depending on who they’re dealing with and an Oathkeeper of the Black Robes is more likely to destroy the offender as most view infringements upon the Laws of the Circle as branding oneself utterly unworthy of the gift of magic not to mention the ramifications of public ire for acts that escalate tensions across the Free Cities.

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The Spellgate

Individuals transported to the Tower of Lore do not immediately appear in its interior. They are brought to one of the bridges that connect to the archways simply referred to as the Spellgate. Crossing the threshold of the Spellgate requires the permission of the Master of the Tower, something that is done subconsciously most of the time. However, if a person manages to reach the Tower and they are, for whatever reason, deemed unworthy of entering then the individual will be barred entry. Whether attempting to breach its interior by magic or by force, there is no other known means of crossing the threshold for that individual. Once a person has crossed the threshold however, the interior of the Tower of Lore is revealed.

The Consortium of Crafters


It will become immediately evident to anyone who enters into the Tower of Lore that both the residents of and attendees of this institution do not hail strictly from Kalzasi. Entering into the Consortium reveals a bustling place where robed mages, armored battlemages, and arcane practitioners of all sorts gather to both converse and conduct business. There are shops, there are inns, there are places to gather socially and simply enjoy some of the sights available to any who wish to visit the Tower, even if they are not a member or a student of the Circle. One need only know where to look and what one is looking for, as they are sure to find it among the Consortium. Walking around the Consortium are various clockwork automatons that can serve as both guides and information resources on where and what one can find. Additionally, they can direct an individual to the Ascertanium where prospective applicants to the Circle of Spells may register and become a student or member of the Circle.

The Ascertanium


The Ascertanium is a humble office where visitors to the Tower of Lore can petition to either become a student or they can become a member of the Circle. Inside the office, they will meet with the Ascertainer. The individual tasked with assessing an individual’s application to the Circle. Provided they meet the requirements for membership, mages who are not affiliated with the Circle can register and schedule their Trial of Judgement to determine both their grasp on the powers they already possess and which subsequent Order they belong to within the Circle. Upon petitioning to join the Circle of Spells, prospective students will be brought into the inner rooms of the Ascertanium and tested for their magical aptitude, knowledge, and even quizzed regarding any history of magical practice in their family. If they do not possess a Rune of Magic or have knowledge of a School of World Magic, then they will be given a basic explanation of the differing fields of magical practice.

The Ascertainer will then quiz them on what some of their personal habits are, what their interests are, and determine which field of magic will most likely suit their arcane interests. If the Ascertainer believes the individual unsuitable for a life of magic, they will reject their application. Finally, when it is clear that a life devoted to the Circle of Spells is something that the individual truly desires and is deserving of, then the Ascertainer will sit them down and walk them through the Oath to the Order. This magical contract will bind the individual to the Laws of the Order and enroll them into one of the Circle’s three colleges of magic depending on which area the individual most clearly leans toward.

The individual will then be sent told to return at a date of the Ascertanium’s choosing for their orientation to the Circle.

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Prospective students of the Circle of Spells will be sent to one of the three Colleges of Magic that fall under the Circle of Spells purview. These institutions are the foremost learning centers of magic in the region of Karnor and as such they are fairly stringent on their assessment of potential attendees. Documents and information collected by the Ascertanium are forwarded to the respective colleges so that the staff of each college can review applicants and determine where they should best fall. The orientation is held at the Ascertanium where representatives from the three colleges present themselves. From a list, each representative will call out names and once called, the prospective student will join that representative and then carry onward to that respective college. Students from all across Karnor and indeed from other regions of the world, come to the Circle in order to attend its institutions.

The day of orientation is a busy one for potential students. From the Ascertanium they are transported to one of the three subsequent Towers that belong to the Circle of Spells and once there, their education in the ways of magic begins. The first day is spent going over the rules and regulations of each respective institution. They are given their apprentice robes, they are introduced to their fellow students, they are introduced to their teachers, and the staff of their respective tower, and they are welcomed with a celebratory banquet prior to the beginning of their first day of classes, which is usually the following day. This is an exciting day that is often laced with displays of colorful magic to showcase exactly what the students have signed up for.

At the end of the orientation day, the individual is shown to their dormitory rooms where they will rest for the evening and be awoken for their first day of classes.

First Steps

Following the Orientation Day, the student will be awoken and escorted to the dining hall for breakfast. Once breakfast has finished, the teaching staff of the institution will begin breaking the students up into groups and then taking them to their first classroom. It is here where the individual’s frist true introduction into wielding the powers of magic begins. They are given their Initiate Artifact. The Student Artifact is a device that is imbued with the power of a single rune of magic. It is imbued with powers up to the Novice level of magic in that respective rune. Each student is given an artifact that most suits the type of magic that they are interested in. These artifacts will only work in certain areas of the institutions, primarily when they are under the supervision of a professor. The students will be given basic lessons on how to tap into the powers of their artifact, how to feel and harness the flow of aether, until such time as they are able to successfully use at least one ability from their artifact. This period of instruction will comprise the majority of their first week of curriculum.

This is also when the first round of disenrollment happens. Individuals who fail to adequately tap into the powers of their artifact and wield them with some level of aptitude, are quickly ferreted out and removed from the institution. Lacking in both discipline and willpower is a near certainty that one will not adequately command the powers of magic adequately. As a result, the herd typically thins somewhat after that first week, though usually not by much. The Ascertanium is particularly good at discerning whether or not one will pass the first tests but they are not foolproof.

Following this first week, the real education in magic begins. While it differs depending on which College one attends, each is no less rigorous and demanding of both mental fortitude and capacity to wield arcane forces.

For information regarding how each of the colleges of magic approach the subject of teaching, please refer to the individual college pages.

  • College of Glass
  • College of Sands
  • College of Entropy

Support NPC's


Ascertainer Dinah Jascheel
Race: Human
Order: White Robes
Bio: The Head Ascertainer of the Ascertainium, Dinah Jascheel is a shrewd judge of character with an uncanny ability to get a clear sense of what one wants out of magic. Originally hailing from the Republic of Cathena, she is familiar with the passions that drive mortals to pursue powers beyond the mundane. She is a generally warming presence that goes out of her way to make each prospective applicant feel at home around her. Her ability to ask poignant questions is without equal and she is a primary reason why so many of the potential students at each of the Colleges not only end up where they’re supposed to, but also survive. She takes her job as the Ascertainer very seriously and will gently but firmly dismiss someone if she suspects they will not be ready for the trials ahead of them as they embark upon the path to mastering the arcane. She is known to be one of the most gifted practitioners of Semblance that the Circle of Spells has and is responsible for contributing a considerable amount of information regarding the study of various arcane minerals across her career.

Order of the Black Robes


Sage Fiora Briathos
Race: Siltori
Order: Black Robes
Bio: The Head of the Order of the Black Robes, Sage Fiora Briathos is a name invoked carefully by those who know of her. She rose to power after the mysterious disappearance of her predecessor and following an incident where two rival Black Sages were lost to a tragic accident. She is a woman with little tolerance for those who do not grasp the enormity of the majesty of magic. She is one of the foremost Summoners that the Circle of Spells has and is rumored to have brought into her service a Kahl demon. As Mistress of the Black Robes she prides herself on ensuring that only the most worthy and capable candidates get accepted into the College of Entropy. She is the eldest daughter of Daizoku Briathor IV and takes immense pride in occupying a position that solidifies the legacy of her family as one of the greatest authorities on magic in all of Karnor. She is known to carefully scrutinize things brought to her attention with a level of awareness that shocks most. Few things escape her notice and even fewer things surprise her. She is a woman who seems meticulously prepared for any and all eventualities, having proven her cunning many times over the course of her life.


Savant Inirith
Race: Lysanrin
Order: Black Robes
Bio: A leader in occult studies at the College of Entropy, Inirith possesses no runes of magic but is one of the most adept practitioners of Necromancy and Scrivening that they have seen. She has proven repeatedly that her lack of ability to personally possess a rune of magic is inconsequential. Her level of mastery over the powers of Aether Siphoning have few equals and she has dedicated her life to exploring its secrets. She is a noted advocate for Lysanrin and has repeatedly gone out of her way to usher Lysanrin students under her wing. As a teacher at the College of Entropy, she is thorough in her periods of instruction. She will give students all of the information they need to succeed and then she will test them with the expectation that they grasp the material entirely. She never tests beyond what is expected of a student at their given tier of mastery but all the same, she is brutally efficient at weeding out those who are ill-suited to a life dedicated to wielding arcane powers.


Savant Malerakas
Race: Human
Order: Black Robes
Bio: Malerakas is known to both envy and bitterly hate the current Head of the Black Robes. The son of a late Black Sage, his father was a contender for Head of the Order following the previous Head’s untimely demise. When the selection of the new Head of the Order came up, he was very vocal about his suspicions of foul play. The Council of Sages investigated the matter but nothing ever came of the investigation. Despite being cleared of accusations, Malerakas still harbors anger toward Fiora and has quietly vowed to uncover the truth and vengeance for the humiliation he received in the aftermath. Nevertheless, he is a powerful mage in and of his own right. He is a known master of Affliction magic and more than once, his skill in the use of curses has been called upon to deal with threats to both the Circle and the city of Kalzasi. As a teacher, he is unforgiving. Succeed or be crushed under the weight of your failures is something that he lives by, ironic, given his lot in life. Still, he is a capable instructor and takes immense pride in the Order of the Black Robes. He has little tolerance for those whom he believes to be unworthy of the pursuit of magic.

Order of the Red Robes


Sage Ardel Vayn
Race: Rathri (Mountain Lion)
Order: Red Robes
Bio: The Head of the Order of the Red Robes, Sage Ardel Vayn is young compared to most Sages of the Circle. A man only in his mid-thirties, he has distinguished himself as one of the most creative minds when it comes to applying theories of magic. An accomplished practitioner of Masquerade, the man weaves illusions as easily as breathing. He has a passion for history, archaeology and spends the vast majority of his time embarking upon expedition after expedition into the latest site of interest to the Circle. He is single-handedly responsible for retrieving and preserving some of the strangest artifacts in the Circle’s possession. As Master of the Red Robes he goes to great length to instill in the minds of those within his Order a vast appreciation for the history and academics of magic. On top of his mastery over illusions, he is one of the foremost authorities on Artificing in all of Karnor. He has a particular interest in studying relics of the Clockwork Empire, especially those that relate to Artificing. To interact with Ardel is to be put at ease. He is a charismatic and charming individual with a love of telling stories and hearing about the exploits of others.


Savant Serenielle
Race: Hytori
Order: Red Robes
Bio: The resident Mistress of Doors, Serenielle is a Hytori elf of indeterminate age who has traveled across as many countries as she has planes of existence. She is the authority of teleportation magic at the College of Sands and by herself, has likely chronicled and served as cartographer for more places than most people can name. Hailing originally from Sol’Valen, she traveled to Kalzasi following stories of the Warrens and the secrets they hold. She has spent most of her life attempting to catalog and map out as much of the seemingly infinite expanse of caverns as she can. On top of portal magic, she is a noted Scrivener who has been responsible for expanding the use of interdimensional spatial magic by augmenting utilization of the Slipspace. There are rumors that she is attempting to develop an entirely new Rune of Magic but whether or not she has seen success on this front is unknown to any not involved in her research. As a teacher, she is patient. She will often teleport herself and her students to places where they can experience weird manifestations of the magic they seek to command, forcing them to adjust their view of how aether can be manipulated.


Savant Ekem
Race: Half-Hobgoblin
Order: Red robes
Bio: A noted runesmith, Savant Ekem is a quiet man who would much rather spend his time at the forge than he would anywhere else. Nevertheless, he is a respected figure across the entirety of the Circle of Spells and is the wizard responsible for forging the Student Artifacts that all students of the Circle receive. He is diligent and patient in his crafting, displaying an uncanny ability to discern exactly what is needed to produce a well balanced artifact. As a teacher, he is a man who is akin to show a student how to do something as opposed to lecturing about it. His views are that magic is something that must be experienced firsthand in order to truly grasp what it is capable of. He is a man who was born and raised in Kalzasi, with his family having lived in the city-state for generations. He is one of only a few who have turned to the pursuit of the arcane arts.

Order of the White Robes


Sage Ryom-Yun Briathos
Race: Synnekar Avialae
Order: White Robes
Bio: Head of the Order of White Robes and Grandmaster of the Oathkeepers, Sage Ryom-Yun Briathos is the eldest son of House Briathos and one of the most formidable mages in all of Karnor. An accomplished battlemage and warrior, he spends a great deal of his time training the battlemages of the Kalzasi Sky Guard. Additionally, he serves as the chief guardian of a place known only as the Vault of Ages, which is rumored to be a repository for artifacts and relics that the Circle deems too dangerous to be loose in the world. Among the warriors of Karnor, he is reputed to be one of the few people to have ventured all the way to the Fourth Deep of the Warrens and survived with his sanity intact. He is a noted practitioner of both Reaving and Negation, powers he puts to good use in helping to keep his homeland and the Circle safe. As Head of the White Robes, he is a supreme believer in the idea that magic exists to serve the public good. Having witnessed firsthand the horrors that are out there, he vehemently opposes the very existence of the Order of Reconciliation. He goes to painstaking lengths to ensure that those who pick up the practice of magic, will wield their powers wisely.


Savant Nezendae Anzandi
Race: Half-Orkhan
Order: White Robes
Bio: The daughter of an Ecithian Orkhan explorer and an alchemist mother, Nezendae grew up among the Otherwilds of the Second Deep of the Warrens. She was taught herbalism and medicine by her mother and how to defend herself by her father. Her parents long ago made the decision to move to her father’s homeland of Ecith but Nezendae chose to continue the work of studying the many flora and fauna of the Otherwilds. She is one of the most brilliant alchemists that the Circle of Spells has ever seen and wields the powers of Elementalism with an uncanny ease that makes some believe she might have Moratallen ancestry as well. As a teacher, she is infinitely patient and guides her students toward the solution to problems with a compassionate hand. She routinely takes her students to the relatively safer areas of the Otherwilds so that they may experience firsthand some of the wonders that magical forces can produce. Those who travel with her, do so with the knowledge that she is rarely alarmed by the dangers that are present there for she is seldom unprepared to face them.


Savant Syun Tae-Hun
Race: Synnekar Avialae
Order: White Robes
Bio: Savant Syun can come across as very rough around the edges. Having spent the majority of his life working alongside the Slayer’s Keep hunting some of the vicious monsters that make their homes in the Warrens and in the Wildking’s Forge. As a result of his career, he has become an expert survivalist with a knack for knowing when danger is around the corner. An accomplished practitioner of Kinetics and a notable tattoo artist, he is skilled in the use of pictograph tattoos. As one of the more accomplished user of Scrivening in the Circle of Spells he has developed a variety of theorems, techniques and practices that blend together and manipulate magic in quick and practical ways. He teaches that magic is only as good as the individual who wields it, meaning that if you cannot adapt your use of magic to suit the circumstances in front of you, no amount of knowledge in the world is going to help you. His strict teaching regiment aside, he genuinely believes that magic can and should be used to make people safer. He grew up in Kalzasi and has no desire to call anywhere else home, as a result he has seen some of its most dangerous aspects, being one of the first people to respond whenever a need to deal with incursions from the Warrens crops up.

The Trial of Judgement

The Trial of Judgement is overseen by the Daizoku of House Briathos and the entirety of the Council of Sages. Those students who have shown themselves to be prepared for the ordeals faced by mages of Ransera are gathered together in groups of three. No more. No less. Each of them is ushered into the Proving Chamber by the Archsage and from there…the Trial begins.

The Trial of Judgement is unique for each group of its participants but it is a true test of the wizard’s magical aptitude, their mastery of their powers, and the knowledge that they have gained as a student of the Circle. They will be tested physically, mentally, and morally to determine the final outcome of their studies. There will be danger. There will be challenges. For to fail the Trial of Judgement means being consumed by the powers that one sought to control and thus, death. For in the views of the Circle, it is better to die than to be released into the world and be proven ultimately incapable of handling the challenges beyond the walls of the Circle.

As a general guide, every Trial of Judgment will comprise three stages and should be approached with the following in mind:

The Order of the White Robes will incorporate a test to see how one uses their magic to benefit others. They operate on a scale of right and wrong. Magic is a gift that should be used to uplift, protect, and benefit others as well as the self in as benevolent a way as possible overall.

The Order of the Red Robes will incorporate a test to see whether one uses their magic to further themselves, others, a cause or a multitude of things. They act on a spectrum of grey where choices of morality are never a question of what is right, what is wrong, what is easy or what is difficult. There is no black and white with Red Robes. Ultimately they will force the individual to examine why they are pursuing magic and to what ends.

The Order of the Black Robes will incorporate a test to see how one pursues power, how one protects power, knowledge and secrets, as well as how to navigate circumstances with cunning and ingenuity. The Black Robes ultimately pursue magic for personal gain. They are interested in the advancement of knowledge and magic at any cost.

Every Trial of Judgement will incorporate elements that force the aspirant to confront hard truths about themselves and their approach to how magic should be wielded. Every Trial incorporates tests constructed by white, red, and black robed mages.

Passing the Trial of Judgement means one is inducted into the Circle of Spells as a full Adept. It comes with the knowledge that the individual has survived one of the most grueling tests of their life…and succeeded. They are now a Wizard of the Circle entitled to all of the rights and privileges that go along with that prestige.

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The Circle of Spells has a very simple hierarchy that is largely based on ones skill and knowledge as a wizard. Ascension through the ranks of the order often denotes just how powerful the wizard in question is. These ranks rarely come into play except for those at the highest echelons of the guild as most junior members are left to their own devices. Across the centuries, it is decidedly common for the Daizoku of House Briathos to simultaneously occupy the position of Archsage of the Circle of Spells. The Mage-House of Kalzasi has inserted itself heavily into the hierarchy of the Circle so as to make many of its most prominent members interchangeable between the two factions.


The Archsage of the Council of Sages is the undisputed leader and master of the Circle of Spells. Their word is law for every mage of the Circle. In theory, a decision made by the Archsage can only be overturned by a full session of the Council of Sages. The Archsage is elected to their position by popular vote. This vote is made by the members of the Council of Sages only and while traditionally it is usually someone from within the Council itself, this is not necessarily required. The only prerequisite is that they be the rank of Sage before being considered. The position is for life barring special circumstances. The purpose of the Archsage is to provide vision and direction for the order as a whole, thus the Council will elect whom they feel can best ensure the security of the organization through whatever challenges may or may not face them in the days ahead. Generally speaking, the Archsage is often the wisest and most powerful wizard in the entire order.


The rank of Sage is bestowed upon those members who have proven themselves to be masterful in the ways of wizardry. Wise, powerful and deeply knowledgeable, it is a title that commands respect with many Sages of the Circle taking up residence in the courts of nobles or serving as patrons of knowledge to entire cities.

Council of Sages

The Council of Sages is the supreme governing body of the Circle when it is in session. It is comprised of wizards from each of the subordinate orders for a total fluctuates in number across the years. The only prerequisite for eligibility is that the wizard in question already be the rank of Sage within the order before consideration. Each of the subordinate orders is left to their own devices as to how they elect their representatives but the position is an appointment for life, barring special circumstances.

Head of the Order

Just as the Circle is guided and directed by the Archsage, each of the subordinate orders is guided and directed by its own leader. The only prerequisites are that the individual in question be the rank of Sage before being considered and also be one of the Sages seated upon the Council. They are elected by popular vote by the entirety of their respective orders.

Master of the Tower

Each of the Towers of the Circle was constructed using very powerful magic involving Runeforging, Artificing and a number of other forms of magic, some believed to be lost. They are essentially extremely powerful magical artifacts. The Masters of the Tower are those wizards charged with seeing to the daily activities of each tower respectively. Each Master of the Tower undergoes a ritual that binds the towers to their will giving them undisputed control over the tower and the grounds that fall within the purview of its domain. The only prerequisite for eligibility is that the individual being considered must be the rank of Sage before being considered. The Masters of the Towers are appointed by the Council of Sages by recommendation of the Archsage. Tradition sees that the Heads of the respective orders are usually chosen to become Masters of the Towers.

Sages usually occupy multiple roles at once. For instance, the Archsage of the Circle of Spells is usually also the Head of their respective sub-order, as well as one of the three Sages representing their order and is almost always the Master of the tower where they choose to reside. There have been times in the history of the Circle where this isn’t always the case but it is exceptionally rare.


Savants are those intermediate yet still powerful wizards within the Circle who have proven themselves as knowledgeable and capable. While the rank of Savant comes with certain privileges, unlike Sages the rank of Savant has very few specific functions other than to serve as a recognition of personal achievements. However, it is common for Savants of the order to be placed in roles such as Chief Archivist of a tower library, or as the Headmaster of one of the schools within a Tower, or as the master of a specific laboratory or group of laboratories. Savants can be appointed by a Sage or by petitioning the Archsage directly. A Savant is expected to have impacted the goals of their respective order in some way. Many go on tasks given to them by the respective Head of their order or embark upon a research project with their peers.


Skilled enough to be left to their own devices, many are younger and just beginning to push the boundaries of the powers at their command. Some choose to set out in search of lost mysteries, some take up positions in various places around their homelands, some become teachers at one of the schools of the Circle. Most venture forth simply to pursue whatever it was that drew them to magic in the first place. An Adept can be appointed by a Savant. The aspiring Adept merely needs to petition for the promotion once they have displayed competency above the run of the mill Initiate. If circumstances warrant it, an individual can bypass the rank of Initiate and be admitted into the Circle of Spells at the rank of Adept so long as they pass a Trial of Judgment.


Still a student in the ways of magic, these individuals have successfully received at least one rune of magic and are making preparations to receive their next one. They have not yet passed their Trial of Judgement.


A student in the ways of rune magic and magic in general, they are always overseen by, at the very least, an Adept who serves as their guide and mentor. They have yet to pass their Trial of Judgment. Most usually live either with their mentors or in one of the dorms of the Towers.

Promotion and Advancement

Being promoted within the Circle of Spells is a rather complex process beyond the rank of Initiate. It requires that one perform something of service to the Circle that serves as advancement to the study of magic as a whole. Exactly what this constitutes is largely based on the opinions of one’s peers and superiors and sees many members embarking upon research projects either by themselves or with groups of others. Promotion requires the endorsement of a member of higher rank, regardless of what rank one is attempting to ascend to. In the case of the rank of Sage itself, it requires the endorsement of the Head of their Order an additional member already at the rank of Sage and their petition must be accepted by the Archsage of the Circle.

The Oathkeepers of the Circle of Spells

A grim bunch, Oathkeepers are a special brand of wizard within the Circle of Spells. Its members work in tandem with the hierarchy of the Circle in order to police the mages within its ranks and even serve as a police force employed by outside authorities when petitioned to do so. When not hunting oathbreakers they usually serve as the militant arm of the Circle of Spells, standing as guardians over the Towers, ensuring magic stays in check and even safeguarding the interests of the Circle from outsiders. The Oathkeepers are frequently turned to in order to deal with renegade or particularly dangerous mages in the Free Cities friendly toward the Circle. The Circle of Spells is backed by the powerful House Briathos as well as several other Great Houses in Kalzasi.


The Grandmaster of the Oathkeepers is seated in the Tower of Lore in the city of Kalzasi. They are the head of the Oathkeepers and occupy a rank within the guild equivalent to that of a Sage and the Head of an Order. They are a member seated upon the Council of Sages.


A Captain within the ranks of the Oathkeepers, the Speakers are the leaders of their respective divisions across the holdings of the Circle of Spells. The number of Captains fluctuates across the years depending on the need for them. They are equal to the rank of Savant in terms of guild affairs.


A Lieutenant within the ranks of the Oathkeepers. These individuals are those who have distinguished themselves in their ability to enforce the laws of the guild and are awarded greater oversight of their fellow Oathkeepers. They are equivalent to the rank of Adept in terms of guild affairs.


The basic rank within the Oathkeepers of the Circle of Spells. They are equivalent to the rank of Initiate in terms of guild affairs and are the most common rank among the Oathkeepers filled with veterans and rookies alike.

Becoming an Oathkeeper

A Wizard of the Circle wishing to become an Oathkeeper merely needs to express interest in doing so to the resident Speaker. They will then be placed under the tutelage of a fully fledged Oathkeeper and trained in the prerequisite knowledge. When the aspiring Oathkeeper completes their training they are brought before the Grandmaster and the Speakers where they are tested. If they display proficiency with their tactics, their skills, and their knowledge they are admitted into the Oathkeepers. If they fail, they are either made to train more until they are ready or are barred from entry depending on the circumstances.

Prerequisite Rank: Apprentice

Disciplines: Negation (Novice)

Skills: Melee Weapon (Journeyman), Ranged Weapon (Journeyman), Survival (Novice),

Riding: Horse (Novice), proficiency in wearing either plate armor, chainmail, or leather armor in combat

Appointment: Upon meeting the requirements necessary to become an Oathkeeper, the aspirant will be tested. They will be observed for their ability to successfully track, subdue and handle an opponent and if they display proficiency they will be admitted into the Oathkeepers.
word count: 1801
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Privileges and Obligations of a Circle Mage

The Circle of Spells is recognized as the authority on magic across the Free Cities of the North. With that comes a responsibility to uphold certain perceptions and to abide by certain customs. In the city-state of Kalzasi, the Circle of Spells and the House Briathos are almost interchangeable on a day to day basis as many members of both the Great House and its vassals are also members of the Circle. In other cities where the Circle operates, there is a more clear distinction where the Circle is not so heavily ingrained into the city’s culture. Across the Free Cities there are numerous factions devoted to the persecution and the celebration of mages and magic. As a result of this dynamic across the Free Cities, the Circle of Spells goes to great lengths to ensure it maintains as positive a public image as possible. That translates to several key beliefs:

Loyalty- Every member, whether White Robe, Red Robe or Black Robe owes their loyalty to magic first. Above nation, above race, above origins, the oath that all members swear demands they spend their life in service to the pursuit, preservation and protection of magic. Betraying the ideals of the Circle of Spells as a whole as well as the ideals of the subordinate order to which one has sworn loyalty can result in severe punishments to include banishment, imprisonment, and even death.

Obedience- While uncommon, there are times when summons are issued to specific members either by the Head of one of the subordinate orders, an immediate superior in a position of authority, or perhaps even from the Council of Sages. When a summons is issued the member is expected to do everything in their power to answer it swiftly and with respect. If a summons cannot be answered then a clear explanation as to why must be provided. Rest assured, if a summons goes unanswered, the Council of Sages will be notified and the member will be found one way...or another.

Lawful- The Circle of Spells leaves most of its members to their own devices. It is left to the subordinate orders to police their members according to the precepts upon which they were founded. However, the Circle does not tolerate the reckless use of magic for the simple act of causing mayhem, chaos and destruction. Even wizards of the Black Robes do not go around flinging fireballs at random cottages as it would draw undue attention to the Circle of Spells and harm the organization as a whole. Though, that has not stopped members in the past from being particularly clever about their motives and methods.

Stewardship- Whether wearing the White Robes, Red Robes or Black Robes, every Mage of the Circle is expected to be a steward of magic. If an individual approaches them seeking to learn the ways of the arcane then the member is expected to ensure they are properly prepared to embark upon the path. While how this is done is left to the philosophies of each subordinate order, few wizards of the Circle turn away those who show a marked interest as it means they have potentially found a new member for their patron order. Additionally, if a mage encounters what they believe to be the reckless misuse of magic, they are obligated to put a stop to it. They can do this either by alerting the Oathkeepers or by intervening themselves. Again, how this is done and what constitutes as the misuse of magic falls in line with the philosophies of the subordinate orders, no Mage of the Circle is permitted to knowingly turn a blind eye to the misuse of magic.

Of course, being a member of the Circle confers a great many benefits. These include but are not limited to the following:

Sanctuary- The Towers and chapter houses that the Circle maintained throughout the region are safe havens where all members may congregate. Absolutely no violence against other members is tolerated at these places. They are safe havens of rest, refuge and study for those members in need of them.

Laboratory- Some chapter houses maintain laboratories catering to specific forms of magic while the Towers maintain laboratories for all of them. Access to these laboratories are restricted to none. However, members must provide the materials necessary to conduct their experiments themselves or receive funding with permission. They are also responsible for any damages done to Circle’s property.

Funding- Beginning at the rank of Adept, a Mage of the Circle can request funding for research projects or other endeavors that would be beneficial to the Circle. Only one endeavor will be funded at a time and only those projects which have been carefully reviewed and prove to be prudent will be approved for funding. Every petition must be submitted to the Head of the Adept’s respective order. The project or endeavor will be reviewed periodically with the expectation that the funding is being used wisely. If misuse of Circle’s funding is discovered, repayment will be expected along with punishment proportionate to the offense.
word count: 884

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