My Life for a Halberd Ⅱ

The regions surrounding Nivenhain, ruled by the great ducal families.

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Location: Lyonesse, Daravin
Character Sheet:
Plot Notes:

♅ My Life for a Halberd Ⅱ ♅
13th of Frost, Year 119, Age of Steel

"Common Speech"
"Silvain Speech"
Continued from HERE
♅ Astride his horse, Constantine was on his way back to Nivenhain, back to civilization after his traumatic hallucinations during his training. Many things entered his mind on the ride home. He needed to visit the family home, go to the graves of his parents, even though their bodies were never recovered.

It was a lot, and he wasn't particularly looking forward to any of it. It was all far too emotionally draining to bear for him. It had been years since that dreadful day, but he knew he couldnt run from it forever. He knew he would have to deal with it sooner or later, the latter more so to his liking.

As he was deep in thought, a shrill, no a cry for help rang in his ears. It was a woman's voice, and she wasn't too far from him. Nudging the sides of his horse he galloped towards the desperate call for help. He prayed that he wasn't too late, that whatever or whoever was after the woman hadn't killed her yet.

Coming down the road he could see them, a woman cornered by several individuals. She was obviously scared so he had no choice but to step in. Charging in Constantine found the tip of his halberd rammed into one of the aggressors. The attack caused Constantine to be dismounted from the horse but rolled in front of the woman.

With a quick glance he could tell she was young, and siltori, which pissed him off even more. "Are you ok?" he whispered, never taking his eyes off the group of people before him. Among them, a woman came forward a smile on her face and a devilish look in her eyes.

Well well well, looks like we have ourselves a hero gentleman. I didnt think heroes still existed. she teased, folding her arms under her chest. If you don't mind moving we are very busy, and this girl here is a valuable asset to us and our employer. I'm giving you one chance to stand aside and only one chance. she warned her kind sentiment fading into a cold and demanding stare.

He couldnt stand aside, especially with the girl cowering behind him, and he returned her glare just the same. His grip tightened on the halberd, and upon seeing that, the woman sighed and snapped her fingers. Fine, throw your life away then, a shame too, you were rather cute too......kill them both. she ordered, a few of the men advancing.

Extending his aether into the flux, Constantine sent a ripple through the flux intending to lift them up into the air. The first aggressor that stepped into the ripple of the flux found himself floating, letting out a startled yelp, then a yell of pain as Constantine's halberd pierced his abdomen as he soon dropped right onto it.

Tossing him to the side he clashed with the other, the sounds of metal and wills filling the space. Constantine was so focused on the enemy in front of him he never saw the other assailant circle behind him. The girl called out to him, warning him about the enemy from behind. With a panicked hiss, he was still locked with the other enemy, and couldnt engaged the other.

Part of him, at that moment, felt he was going to die saving this girl, then he came up with another quick idea. Reaching into the flux with his aether he sent out a ripple into the flux, giving the surprise attacker a forceful push back, and allowing him to kill his current aggressor.

With his current aggressor dead, he turned his halberd onto the one he pushed back, driving the spear tip across the man's neck, decapitating him, blood splattering against the poor elven girl's face. Standing in front of her, he glanced her over to make sure she was still ok, which she was to his relief.

Clapping took his attention as the ringleader was sarcastically clapping, before unsheathing her sword. It really is a shame you had to come to her rescue, you have some skill. But you are outnumbered, and even a mage like yourself cant fight four of us at one time. Its been fun kid, but you and this elven bitch die. she stated, the four of them surrounding them.

A staredown had ensued, but soon all four of them came at Constantine. The siltori girl ran for her life which was a relief for him at the time, he could focus on fighting rather than defending. Not wasting any time at all, the closets one ran forward, a wide arcing slash coming down on Constantine's left. The Kinetic saw it an ran right for it, deflecting the slash with the hilt of the halberd, catching the tip of the man's blade as it slid across the side of his cheek. Dodging to the side, he took a finger and wiped the blood from his cheek snarling at them.

Springing into action Constantine came in with several strikes of his own, a flurry of jabs and slashes to try and catch them all off guard in some way. They were able to keep up with him, however, and gave him some nasty wounds of his own. The fight between them was both exhilarated and nerve-wracking for Constantine. Where he was excited to be defending someone in need and fairing well, he was nervous as he knew that being overconfident could be his undoing.

As he continued to fight he almost got ahead of himself, or in this case, got closer to losing his head, as the female leader's blade came around in a precise arcing motion. Rolling out of the way he glared at her as she twirled her weapon in her hands and readied herself for another attack. Blood began to trickle down Constantine's face as she had managed to slice the left side of his head.

The sound of metal clashing against metal rang out around Constantine as he was fighting off his combatants. They seemed skilled in their preferred weapons, and he could admire that level of dedication. It was something he wished he could admire more, but now was not the time for such things.

No, he had to kill these enemies as soon as possible. Mid-dance between clashing with their blades, Constantine caught a break as one of the kidnappers ran into the blade of another amidst the scuffle. Using that confusion, the warrior brought his halberd down upon the bewildered man's head splitting it effectively. Both warriors were taken down and it added more relief to Constantine as now he only had two more to deal with.

Just as he went to move on another warrior, the woman, came charging at him. Using her momentum against her, he waited till she was too close to react, and impaled her through the ribcage with the sharp pummel of his halberd, and with the strength he put behind the hit alongside the speed she was running at, the impact shot straight through her.

He had taken three out, but there was still one more fodder to handle. He would have to deal with him, but before he could the man had taken the girl as a hostage. Shocked Constantine was in a bind, as the man ordered him to throw down his weapon. Complying Constantine dropped his halberd onto the ground.

He didnt really know what to do at this moment, he had no ranged weaponry to take the man out with, and no back up to aid him. It was looking like this creep would get away with kidnapping this girl right before his very eyes. Looking at her he had nothing but regret on his face, regret that he couldnt protect her, but the look on her face surprised him. It was a look that read "Trust me" and when he acknowledged that look, she showed him that she was more than your average defenseless damsel.

With a vicious bite, she latched onto the man's hand, breaking the skin and causing him to bleed and yell in pain. She wasn't letting go even as he was trying to get her off of him. That was Constantine's chance, quickly grabbing the halberd and charging him. Seeing this, she moved out of the way, and by the time the aggressor saw him coming, it was too late.

He found himself pinned to a nearby tree, a halberd buried deep into his chest. He reached out toward Constantine, but the avenger only twisted the spear end of the weapon killing him. Collapsing to the ground, Constantine let out a loud sigh, only to find the girl hugging him a moment later. He could tell she was grateful for him saving him, thanking him in Silvain. It seemed that was her main dialect.

"It's nothing, I would have done it regardless." he told her, standing to his feet. She clung to his arm as he called out to his horse. It came trotting over to him as he pulled his halberd from the corpse on the tree, and once saddled upon it he extended a hand to the young girl, bringing her up on the mount as well.

"You should tell me how you got caught up in this." he asked, making his way back to the city. He wasn't going to let something like this slide, he needed to get to the bottom of this before things got out of hand. ♅

Last edited by Etro on Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:06 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1682
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Joined: Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:29 pm
Title: Chief Author of Ransera


XP: 5/5
Magic? Yes. 3 can be used for Kinetics.

Investigation: seeing where the call for help came from
Kinetics: Using Lift to lift enemies into the air
Kinetics: Using Push to force enemies back
Polearms{Halberd}: Good at impaling enemies
Polearms{Halberd}: Can split skulls easily
Polearms{Halberd}: Can be used against multiple opponents

Comments: Woohoo! Go Constantine! I am a fan of heroic characters. Not gonna lie. Here's hoping he solves this mystery soon! Reach out to me if you have questions or concerns.
word count: 97

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