Lost It to Trying [Dreyfus | Memory]

High City of the Northlands

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Location: zaichaer
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It wasn’t like Thysbae was unfamiliar with the practice of aether siphoning.

While his mother was alive, she’d explained some of it to him. Mostly through insults and using metaphors that likened him to a leech, but there had been some sort of...talking about what it was. Still, talking was different from putting it into practice. Practice was also something that had been barred to him for so long. Not until he’d somehow convinced his mother to allow it. Baby steps. Tiny, incremental steps that lead to this moment.

The area that Dreyfus had lead him to was one that he’d seen once on his tour of the estate. He’d not, before this, had reason to venture there on his own and he’d almost forgotten its existence. It remained in the back of his mind, though. Likely in anticipation for this day. He swallowed, wiped sweaty palms against his trousers and fidgeted with his shirt. There weren’t doing anything that would exert him too much; he was still a little weaker than was probably good for him to be doing anything too strenuous.

He wasn’t sure how this would work. Or what, exactly, they would be doing for him to practice. Perhaps it would be something simple with one of his magics? Bae hadn’t asked, up to this point, what those were, but he knew them to be more than one. The reconciliation that had delivered him to the Monteliyet estate had spoken about it briefly amongst themselves. He’d not linked that to his arrival shortly after.

Shifting his weight from one foot to the next, he looked back to Dreyfus, a question in his expression. Many, many questions. But he really ought to just start with one.

“L-lord Dreyfus, does This One have to try to fight you?” He glanced down at his much smaller hands, then back to the man. “He doesn’t know if he can.” Spindly limbs and stumbling legs that just barely passed the test of holding him upright. Surely, he’d be no match for the man that towered over him. A short thrill of fear passed through him at the prospect of having to potentially engage in an altercation with anyone close to Dreyfus’ stature.

Was this how his ancestors had learned the ways of aether siphoning? Through combat? He found himself terrified.
word count: 426
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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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♅ X of Frost, Year 120, A.o.S ♅
Company: Natasha & Thysbae| Thoughts: Lets see how this works| Mood: Intrigued

Dreyfus was unsure how to handle this task he had before him. On one hand, he was not certain if this....small male could handle his training, as Thysbae was somewhat of a pacificist in nature. A man like this is only good for is being a doormat. That wasn't something Dreyfus could allow to happen, so he felt compelled to help build him up both in confidence and in his own abilities.

On the other hand, Dreyfus couldnt help but find his polite and almost submissive demeanor amusing, plus he was a secret weapon against mages and magic that just made the reconciliator's decision easier. That being said he wouldn't let his own curiosity get the better of him as he didn't want to overwhelm or break the poor man

He looked to Natasha who had been carrying some medical supplies, a member of staff present just in case things go bad. He had an idea of what he wanted to do, or at least try to do as far as the young man's training, but he wasn't sure if Thysbae could handle it. He had only read the capabilities of Aether Siphoning once, and even then he didnt have a full grasp on the complete capabilities.

Dreyfus was not a teacher, and he knew that, but he was good at demonstrating. He would do his best to ensure some good came of this endeavor. Hearing Thysbae, he smirked, noting the apprehension in his voice. "Dont fret Thysbae, this is merely more so to help strengthen your ability, and for me to get familiar with what this ability of yours can do." he mused, holding a hand up to signal Thybae to stop where he was.

As he continued forward, he built a ward, a shield built with the task of blocking Thysbae. Once the anchor was in place, the wolf bending down as if to make the other he was picky up something he turned and motioned for Thysbae to approach. If the Lysanrin hadn't noticed this, he would walk right into it.
"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
Last edited by Dreyfus on Mon Nov 08, 2021 9:49 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 419

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Thysbae followed, at first, the other’s glance to the female attendant that always seemed to be present with Dreyfus. The presence of medical supplies on her person did nothing to alleviate the creeping worry that he would find himself injured, perhaps worse than when he was with his mother. And his mother had done a number on him a fair amount of times. Mainly in a drunken rage, but — Dreyfus seemed sober and of clear mind. His smirk, still, did not bode well.

His stomach churned as he came to halt when signaled. What exactly did the other intend if it might need medical attention? Bae swallowed, glanced around. He was supposed to be doing something — but a fair amount of what he did remember of his familial...boon was something he’d been taught by Thys. Thys, who was far better at these situations than he. For a moment, he remained in place after Dreyfus beckoned him forward, wary of stepping closer to the other. What had he picked up?

But the moment passed. Because if he did not obey, it would only seek to make things worse. Hurriedly, he stepped forward — and smacked firmly into something. In his haste, he missed the shield that had been put up. His hand flew to his nose, cheeks reddened with embarrassment. He blinked once, twice. He should have been able to see it. What had Thys said to do for something like this? The passing thought pushed him toward the almost unconscious flip of an internal switch. Another blink, and the blurry edges of the shield were made visible to him as his hands dropped down from his nose to the shield in front of him in wonder.

Bae had never seen a shield being used. He didn’t know the name of the magic, but he’d often overheard the drift of too loud, drunken conversation from the window of his attic concerning it. The Order had not told him much of anything about the place he would be brought to, but it was becoming more and more apparent that the person responsible for him was someone of considerable status to have magic.

“Was This One supposed to do that?” His cheeks warmed even more; he probably had made a fool of himself. The other would laugh, and find that he wasn’t worth the time of training, maybe. He sidestepped the shield, clopping forward with wide eyes. “He’ll do better next time. Promise.”
word count: 423
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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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Company: Thysbae| Thoughts: Lets see what you can do| Mood: Curious


He couldnt help but chuckle at Thysbae's confusion, knowing full well that was part of his plan. What better way to train someone's capabilities and discipline than by dangling something they couldnt resist. Sheepishness was for the weak, and as a Monteliyet, it was not something Dreyfus knew all too well. He knew he was going to have to toughen the Lysanrin male up, less his family feed him to the wolves...literally.

"No need to apologize, this is a part of the exercise for you." he soothed, coming to pat Thysbae on the head. Taking a step away from him he began to pool aether into his hands. He began making wards, anchoring each of them around where Thysbae stood. He found that the only way to train something is to put it under stress, in this case it would be his aether siphoning ability, as this was a way to see his control to be tested. How long could he go before hitting his limit?

Once done there were five wards in place around Thysbae, all of them glittering with an aetherical shimmer to indicate where they stood. "The goal of this is to see your limits, just how much of your ability you have control over, and to strengthen your ability with practice." he said as he sat down on a tree stump.

After a few moments, he motioned for Thysbae to go ahead and try and siphon any of the shields. "Do what feels natural and we will go from there." he added, eyes intently watching as he didn't want to miss anything.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
word count: 343

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Lore: 4

Points: 10, Dreyfus may be used for Negation

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: None

Notes: Abandoned thread
word count: 48
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