Non-Player Character Requests


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Welcome to the Kalzasi NPC Request Topic!

In this topic players in the city of Kalzasi are welcome to submit their contributions to the local community. This can be in the form of general NPC's, local bad guys, business owners, city officials, soldiers, etc. In order to avoid the hold-up of having to wait for approval, items submitted here can be considered approved for use as soon as they are submitted. However, at any point a moderator can require or make a change to the items submitted to this forum.

Anything submitted to this forum is considered freely available for use by players in the community.


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Info On NPC's Backstory Here


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Kala Leukos
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Title: Lady
Location: Kalzasi
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Kaus Siv Leukos

Name: Kaus Siv Leukos
Race: Avialae
Birthdate: 15 Searing 102
Birthplace: Starfall, Karnor
Title: Lord
Composition: Poetry10Novice
Biography: Kaus followed his twin into the world already corebonded to her. If the priests of Ahtivan thought it a good omen, it was certainly out of the ordinary. He grew into manhood following his sister's lead. She has all the drive; he has the ability to keep her on track and to prevent her from spiraling out of control. It is almost impossible not to like Kaus. He is a good person, loyal and dutiful. He's generally smiling whether enjoying the wind in his wings, the shudder of steel in his hands, the rush of arcana, or any odd thing that catches his fancy.

Due to the perilous multiple birth, he has always been on the small side for Avialae and his family. Of course, that still makes him tall for a human. Thus, in combat, he aims for quickness and dextrous flying rather than brute force.

His current goals are to complete his Warren March and join the Sky Guard.
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 ! Message from: Paragon
Approved for play. 10/28/2020.
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I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Eitan Angevin
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Location: Zaichaer
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Name: Leir Angevin
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 12th Cinderfall [60]
Place of Birth: Zaichaer
Title: Admiral, Zaichaer Air Defense Corps
Skills: Leadership, Politics, Diplomacy, Tactics, Hand-to-Hand and Air Combat

Leir was born to an admiral and was raised to follow in his father's footsteps. From his youth forward, he excelled under the exacting eyes of his parents, tutors, trainers, and all. Angevin was a royal lineage, it was said, and its scions were brought up to be paragons of what Zaichaer's first citizens should be. He earned a commission straight away, married well, and began his career and continuation of the family in earnest.

His rise was understandably meteoric. He had everything going for him. Brilliant in the military and in Zaichaer's high society, he also made some headway as an occasional ambassador to the Gelerian Imperium. He and his wife had three daughters and when age and ailment made more procreation a problem for his wife, they began to look for potential suitors for their daughters who would be happy enough for the connection that they submitted to matrilineal marriages.

He also fathered a bastard on a Dratori slave and for whatever reason, he had the halfbreed legitimized. His reasons were varied, but at least publicly, he was projecting a merciful narrative to add richness and depth to his character, and also seeking to prove that cultural indoctrination could humanize even the lesser races. His wife did not complain publicly.

The eldest two daughters followed him into the military, while his youngest daughter sought a civilian life. The bastard strove harder than any for his father's approval, which was difficult to obtain. His son became a pawn in his game, befriending the son of an up-and-coming merchant who shared his birthday to cement mercantile interests. Dornkirk came out better for the affiliation. Angevin was far from destitute, but his political, social, and military currency were far greater than his gold.

Young Eitan's revelation of magic was a further issue to be dealt with, but he deftly turned him into the Order of Reconciliation for training and indoctrination. His son managed to join the military as well, using his Negation to protect airships and sever mages from the source of their magic — a mongrel turned work dog.

The Admiral might have pretensions of becoming the Head of State, but he would never admit to it openly. But there are many who would welcome him as their next supreme leader, for his record is rife with wins on Zaichaer's behalf and he has long been looked up to by the masses and the elite.
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Mind is a razor blade.
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Character Sheet:
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NPC Gorg Fiorik

Name: Gorg Fiorik
Race: Orkhan
DoB: Frost 22nd, 68th of the Age of Steel.
PoB: Ecithian Empire, Ecithian

SkillSkill LevelProficiency
Blades 30/100 Apprentice
Elementalism(Fire) 25/100 Apprentice
Business 50/100 Journeyman
Cooking 60/100 Journeyman
Appraisal50/100 Journeyman
Storytelling 25/100 Apprentice
Writing 10/100 Novice

Gorg Fiorik was once an aspiring warrior mage with the power of fire at his fingertips, but in his travels he developed a love for food that soon eclipsed his love of battle. After managing several bars and taverns, Gorg now goes from town to town across Karnor, searching for rich and exotic foods to satisfy his insatiable appetite. For Gorg, the stranger, the better. Accompanying him is his ever faithful scribe to whom he loudly dictates his experiences. These writings, along with his own personal cook books, have gained a popular following, making Gorg something of a legend among chefs, restaurateurs, and all those with a passion for food.

The Orkhan has gained substantial notoriety for his eccentricities and the attention his presence demands, often barging into establishments with jovial zeal to try their signature drinks and entrees. For better or worse, a visit from Gorg Fiorik is sure to attract attention to any business.

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Character Sheet: ... 676#p11676
Character Secrets:

Letitia Gurvans

Name: Letitia Gurvans
Alias: Cenethira, the Sanguine Mother
Race: Fae'ethalan
Type of NPC: Villain.
DoB: 47th, Glade A.O.S
PoB: The Wildking's Forge
Title: Criminal Lord, False Deity.
Skills: Affliction, Summoning, Torture, Tactics, Unarmed Combat
Additional Info: She is a false deity worshipped by her cult, The Sanguine Cipher. She is also a mantis fae.

She's an embodiment of a criminal mastermind; a sociopath in the making as well as a cruel manipulator, she is a female presenting Fae with features of a mantis. As a way of fulfilling her narcissistic and sociopathic pleasures of manipulation she instils fear in humanity by claiming she is a deity known as the Sanguine Mother, or Cenethira in this case. However, to this day there can be no records found of such a deity existing, only that she uses this cult to her advantage as a puppet for her own goals. Her goals for magical power become even more selfish; indoctrinating her followers into practicing the art of mage supremacy. She strongly believes that runes of magic should be passed down from generation to generation as she believes that they are keeping their blood pure by doing that.

As the Sanguine Mother, blood sacrifices are often needed as she wishes to communicate with an even darker entity. An ancient evil that she wants to unleash upon the world. To do this, she must use the resources she has in her disposal. A city full of citizens that she can freely snatch to hatch her evil plan and unleash this evil upon the world.

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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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Character Secrets: ... 3686#p3686

Shiori Novalys

Name: Shiori Novalys
Race: Synnekar Avialae (Recessive), Half-Human
DoB: 45th Day of Ash, Year 98 of the Age of Steel
PoB: Kalzasi
Title: Third Daughter of House Novalys, Princess of Kalzasi, Icewing Rider

Additional Info:

Known to her people as the "Tomboy Princess", Shiori is the youngest of the Novalys princess, who has an undying loving and loyal to her family and her people. Like most of the children of the royal family, Shiori is a warrior before she is a princess and will willingly lay her life down for her people.

Many described her as a woman of exemplary strength, and given who her father and brothers are this trait is something that she admires. She isn't impressed by most of the men she encounters and is especially offended when they don't take her strengths seriously simply because she is a princess. It is said that she holds a harem of men and women who exemplify strength in some way, be it in battle or of another kind.

Shiori is also a woman who comes alive in the thralls of battle, living up to the warrior blood that courses through her. She does not enjoy bloodshed and conflict yet finds that it is inevitable in the times she lives in. Since she is a naturally gifted warrior, Shiori has no problem handling herself in battle and will often challenge anyone who tries to court her to a duel to see if they are of the same caliber as her.

Though a warrior by nature she is still a woman and princess and isn't all that rough around the edges as she portrays herself to be. When not in the roar of the battlefield, Shiori is a caring and gentle woman to the weak and innocent, especially sweet on children and the elderly. A perceptive woman who thinks of the greater good for her country, she rarely has tolerance for procrastination or excessiveness.

Whenever possible she seeks to reach quick, efficient, and decisive conclusions to conflicts as is expected of a Novalys child. Intelligent and elegant, she appreciates the value of patience and planning. To her friends and loved ones, she is quite generous and can be quite nurturing to them when she wants to be. Despite her composure, Shiori has been shown to be quite sarcastic at times and will openly chastise those who act selfishly or insensitively. She also has little patience for those who underestimate her and chauvinistic attitudes in general.

Last edited by Hikami on Wed Sep 28, 2022 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 420
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Title: Koiteki
Location: Dahshida
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Kodi Lakyeos

Name: Kodi Lakyeos
Race: Human/Druskai
DoB: 12th of Searing, 83
PoB: Zaichaer
Title: Lord
Skills: Negotiation, Tactics, politics, business, persuasion, rhetoric, intimidation
Additional Info: Over the years, Kodi has become a pompous and arrogant man that's grown accustomed to getting whatever he wants whenever he wants through his job as a lawyer to many nobles and great families. What started out as a simple job for a better living has turned into more. Through connections, Kodi's wealth and power has grown to the point that he's become a powerhouse. Kodi is a famed lawyer who continues to climb the city's ranks. Sadly, it isn't enough for him. There is something Kodi wants that money and even the connections he has now just cannot buy. The man wants power equivalent to the city's great houses, and he plans on using his brother to receive it.

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