Frost 121 Calendar and Character Registry - Wild King's Forge

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1st (til solved or Glade) - Shemashk Aid - Due to the harvest season finishing, and over the road travel dwindling, the Goblins of the Hills of Deception have gotten more bold in their raids. They've begun attacking individual homes in Shemashk, stealing anything not tied down and kidnapping people when able. The goblin raiders have managed to outmaneuver the Shemashk town guards quite effectively, and such a call has been put out to the Kalzasi military and to adventurers alike to solve this problem.
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15th (til solved) - The miners of the Cavendish Mines dug too deep in one section of the mines and accessed the Warrens, unleashing many of the creatures within. Thankfully, the head of security of the mines was fast acting and prepared for this and collapsed the entrance to that section, cutting it off and trapping both the miners and monsters within. The Cavendish family has reached out to both the Zaichaeri military and to adventurers to come forth and help them conduct rescue operations, or corpse recovery, of the missing miners, and to seal up the newly opened entrance to the Warrens.
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29th (til solved or Glade) - A severe cold snap has taken hold of the Crystal Forest and won't let go. It is the worst drop in temperature in recorded history, and the Bulwark worry it will devastate the forest's supply of sugar and crystals for generations to come. They've sent word to Kalzasi and the Circle of Spells, asking for help solving this, if able.
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48th - In the night, a group of unknown assailants attacked the Temple of Nuenna. The assailants killed all who were in the Temple, destroyed all of the artwork and furniture, desecrated the beauty of the structure, and stole the Statue of the Dragon Goddess. In the wake of this tragedy, the surviving priests worry that if the Statue isn't returned, the roads of Karnor will become increasingly more perilous for all. They've put up a reward for any who can return the statue, and are also paying skilled artisans from all of Karnor to come and help repair the damage down to the temple.
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56th-66th - All around the Lover's Pit, the sounds of Krigog Lover's screams can be heard, far louder than ever before. The local Moratallen tribe has become increasingly unstable due to this, entering into bloodied frenzies with each other over the smallest of slights. The violence is maddening and contagious it seems, though comes to an abrupt end on the 66th, leaving the village population decimated and many of the Moratallen mourning the loss of their brethren. None know why Krigog was screaming so loud, nor even knew it was possible. But all say they can still hear his voice inside them.
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74th - Word was received to both Kalzasi high command and from spies to Zaichaer high command that a Kalzasi Airship that had been traveling from Antiris to Zeraphesh, then from Zeraphesh onward to Kalzasi was downed somewhere after having left Zeraphesh on the 73rd. By the time information has been obtained, a blizzard of extremely high winds has rolled through central Karnor, blanketing everything in heavy snow and making airship travel impossible. Many of the personnel on the ship were military, coming home as the Vykul clans slow their attacks for winter. The ship was also being escorted by Kisorika Novalys and her dragon, but she's also missing.

Both Kalzasi and Zaichaer high commands have begun scrambling teams to locate the downed ship, rescue/capture/kill as many of the members as possible, with Kisorika in particular.
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88th-91 - The Major Solar Convergence takes place. This is when the sun is eclipsed by the moon Xir, which is eclipsed by the smaller moon Ner. This alignment has not happened for over a thousand years. A dome of pure silver moonlight has formed around The Old Church and a large portion of the surrounding area. Nothing can be seen through the barrier. Earliest reports show that people can enter, but none have come back out.
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Moderator's Announcement: As I am taking over moderation of The Northern Wilds area in the middle of the season, I will not be producing an events calendar for this current season. I will have one prepared for December 1st for the season of Frost. However, I will be running threads and dropping modbombs this season, so if you'd like something moderated, let me know.

Note 1 - Travel: If you leave the cities of Zaichaer or Kalzasi directly (meaning not within their walls, but could still be within their controlled territories), you have entered the Northern Wilds. As such, I would like to request that all who are traveling by foot, mount, personal or mounted flight, train, or airship to drop their travel itinerary here in your registry post. This includes if you enter the wilds for hunting or exploration purposes. These dates don't need to be exact, as we know that things can change while traveling. I am currently working with the other members of Staff to get a variety of maps pumped out to show things such as the names of rivers, roads, showing the travel routes for trains and airships, and getting travel times determined.

Note 2 - Weather: Being such a large region, I will not be dictating the weather per the entire region, what happens in Zaichaer may be different from Kalzasi may be different from the Zerapheshi Desert. As such, please reference those specific registries to see the weather when near to them.

Code: Select all

[b]Name:[/b] [url=Character Sheet Link]PC Name[/url]
[b]Race, Age, Sex and/or Gender:[/b]
[b]Likes and Dislikes:[/b] What do you like to write about? What do you not like?
[b]Departure Location & Date:[/b] Where is your PC entering the Northern Wilds from? When are they beginning their travel?
[b]Intended Arrival Location & Date:[/b] Where does your PC intend to go and expect to arrive by?
[b]Method of Travel:[/b] How is your PC traveling? By foot? Horseback? Caravan? Train? Airship?
[b]Travel Companions:[/b] Are any PCs traveling with your PC? Any NPCs? How large is the group?
[b]Hopes and Dreams:[/b] What does your PC hope to accomplish while within the Northern Wilds? 
word count: 1720
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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
Character Secrets: ... 3686#p3686

Name: Hyoga
Race, Age, Sex and/or Gender:
  • - Kathar Avialae
    - 22{going on 23 this season}
    - Male
Likes and Dislikes: Magic & Combat, and putting him in awkward social interactions
Departure Location & Date: From Kalzasi, by the 28th
Intended Arrival Location & Date: Crystal Forest, by the 30th or 31st
Method of Travel: Flight
Travel Companions: Nope just himself
Hopes and Dreams: Figure out the cause of the cold snap and solve it
word count: 71
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Urs Wardell
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Joined: Sat May 02, 2020 10:06 pm
Character Sheet: ... 3548#p3548
Plot Notes:
Character Secrets:

Name: Urs Wardell
Race, Age, Sex and/or Gender: Human, 24, Male
Likes and Dislikes: Anything and everything.
Departure Location & Date: Urs will be arriving at the Northern Wilds to participate in the seasonal event on the 78th.
Intended Arrival Location & Date: That will be up to the quest!
Method of Travel: Travel will be organized by the Tower.
Travel Companions: None! Urs has no friends.
Hopes and Dreams: To stay alive!
word count: 72
“I will never know how you see red and you will never know how I see it.”

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