a spider and her wolf, iv.

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Title: double bubble disco queen
Location: kalzasi
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68 GLADE 101
“They’re getting too close.”

It was hissed into the quiet of the night. The family had settled for the evening, gathered around scattered fires as they finished off the remainder of their meals. Fingers licked clean before they turned to the idleness of after dinner tasks, mindless things. But conversation sprung up in low tones. The adults favored the talk of the borders they’d imposed, and the people that were edging closer and closer to them.

“They’re challenging us.” Mama’s fist was quiet against the wood as she put it down. Not to disturb the sleeping child on her back and the many scattered around her legs. “They’re looking for a fight, and I think we ought to give it to them.”

“If we gave in every time they tried this, we wouldn’t be here.” One of her aunties; Nnerka wasn’t paying much attention to who it was that had spoken. Her head rested on Tuti’s side, the wolf curled up. His stomach was warm with the fullness of his meal as his head rested on his paws. His eyes had only just slid close and she thought she would have joined him, if not for the talk.

“You’re right, but this is different.” Mama seemed so sure. Maybe she was; this was her area of expertise. She took the spiderlings out on border walks often, and had secured a fair amount of their territory. There were murmurs of agreement from the others, but sighs of disagreeance.

The loudest came from above her. “What if we aren’t ready for a fight?” Mitka’s voice was soft, pleading. Nnerka had never known her aunt to be confrontational, let alone step out from the status quo. Maybe there was something to her concerns if she was doing this now. Maybe there was reason to be cautious. “Their numbers grow with each turn of the moon. More of them — able-bodied men — show up with more...weapons.”

“Glorified sticks and stones.” The venom in Mama’s voice might as well have dripped from her mouth. “Nothing we haven’t seen before. And we have numbers.”

“We have children. Not ready for...for war.”

There was a moment of silence, and then another sigh. The passing wave of murmurs; she turned her head and met the gaze of her sister. Dulan shook her head, but glanced toward someone over Nnerka’s shoulder. It must have been Heftre. From her position, she would not be able to see the older spider sign her opinion on the matter.

“We get that everyone is worried, but if we do nothing, we will have so much more to be worried about.”

Her Mother sighed, standing. “Enough. Let’s get the kids to bed and we can all discuss this in the morning when we’re not all about to pass out.”

As if on cue, she yawned. Loud and contagious; it passed from her to Tuti, who passed it to Dulan, to Sythi, to Matryl, to Camci — and so it went that all children old enough had been revealed to be fully awake before being ushered to the sleeping den.
word count: 556
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Title: double bubble disco queen
Location: kalzasi
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1085
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1094

75 GLADE 101
Nnerka was hunting when she heard them.

The crunch of footsteps. She thought it might have been the prey that Tuti had been chasing in her direction. She was supposed to drop down on top of it, as Mama had taught her how to do once. But it was not a deer that had barreled through the trees. It was a man. Hair red like a flame that blurred as he rushed through the trees. On his heels, there was Tuti, but following closely behind the wolf were several other men. One holding a blade that winked in the light as he ran and another a strange stick that he cradled with both hands. A strap connected it to his body. A third roared behind them, making their position easy to spot. Easy for them to be found. It also wasn’t like they were trying to be quiet about it, either.

They trampled through the undergrowth like they owned it. Boots thudding down. The first man slashed his way through the trees, though there wasn’t much need for it. Anything that might have been in his way would have fled long ago with the noise he was making. Laughter, of all things, bubbled up from them as they went. They didn’t notice her as she followed, brows furrowed.

Tuti was still running after the first man, ears pressed back against his head as a snarl left his maw and barks followed suit. It grew worse the further they went and she realized: they were headed for their borders. She swallowed, climbed higher into the trees as she moved faster. Her pace picked up until she heard the sharp cry that cut through the trees. She froze. Turned her head.

She dropped down, the thud as she landed a sound that certainly would have carried. She used her back legs to push herself up, make herself seem larger than she was. She would not be as large as her mothers and aunts, but it would be enough. Maybe, certainly. The push of her mandibles as she waited, eyes searching the forest for them. Tuti knew where to come to when injured.

But the cry had sounded human. Not lupine; maybe he’d finally bitten the man in warning. Her hair stood on end as she tried to listen for them. Tried to catch even the faintest sound. She picked up a rustling, and followed it immediately. Her legs carried her fast, faster with her panic. Everything would be fine, it would be alright.

But was it? They’d only just spoken of the disregard of borders. What would stop the people of the city from continuously pushing their luck if they did nothing? Exactly that: nothing. It certainly hadn’t stopped them from turning their weapons on Tuti. The wolf bore his teeth, red on his maw as the red-haired man twisted and turned to inspect his calf. The man himself whined and groaned while the laughter had left his companions. A grim ensemble they were now.

The merry band — the ones that could stand — closed in on Tuti. Her hiss cut through the quiet as she stalked toward them, eyes trained on them. The men turned on her, eyes widening at the sight of her. Four hands armed with claw-like nails, a face partly ripped apart by a mouth full of teeth. It couldn’t be that they hadn’t seen her kind before, or her mothers or aunts or siblings. Why would they have marched their way where they didn’t belong if they didn’t know what lurked in these trees?

She hissed again, puffed up her chest as she drew closer. Tuti barked, snarled for another moment as he backed away, before he lifted his head and howled. Good; any of her family nearby would hear and they’d come running and these men would be dealt with. The surety of it, the certainty that they would not be alone made her bold. And perhaps, in that moment, she was no better than the stupid people of the cities.

Nnerka had only the advantage of limbs and foresight into the terrain, but they had weapons. Blades and a thing she did not know. She had only ever watched her mothers fight against men, and even then they were just farmers with pitchforks. These looked like something else — felt like something else. Tuti knew and soon was drawing their attention away. Another bite to the injured man, leaping away before his knife could fully swipe at him and find purchase in his fur. He darted back, baring his teeth in a snarl. He licked his lips, howled again. And then he took off.

The spider had taken to the trees as this proceeded, vanishing into the foliage. The leaves and branches were dense, trees close together as they reached for the sun with their wooden heads and fingers. The two that remained — the one injured man and a guard for him — were busy surveying the ground for her. When they should have been looking up. Smaller branches fell as she did, the crack of them from their trunks echoing as she came down. They blinded both men, who shielded their eyes from the leaves and splinters until her claws dug into the fabric of the standing man, shredding the cloth and sinking into skin with the weight of her landing. Another hand reached around as he struggled, stumbling back to shove her against the tree trunk. It felt like her fingers were sliding through melting butter as she tore out his throat.

His gurgling filled her ears, blood trailing down her hands where both his and hers stoppered the bleeding. But crimson still seeped through their fingers as he dropped to his knees, falling forward. The injured man fumbled with his weapon, another stick-like thing with a metal end. He pointed it in her direction, hands shaking. But he couldn’t get it to work for him.

The fae watched him stumble once more with the weapon before slapping it out of his hand. Her mandibles slipped past folds of flesh as she stood over him, bite poised for his neck. The flood of iron on her tongue filled her first with pride, then further exhilaration as she let venom pulse into his system. A timed beating of his heart through his veins with hers for a short moment before she pulled away. Her smile was all teeth as the weakened man gasped for air.

She would tell her mothers about this. She would tell them all, and they would be so proud of her. Of Tuti. A brave pup who defended their home. A crack like thunder cut through the forest, punctuating the dying man’s last breaths. And she realized: the howling had stopped.
word count: 1168
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Title: The Iceborne
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A spider and her wolf, iv

Points awarded:
  • 5
  • Intimidation: Making yourself seem bigger than you are
    Stealth: Keeping your distance
    Tracking: Following the noises of loud men
    Unarmed Combat: Brawling: Element of surprise
    Unarmed Combat: Brawling: Claws are for ripping throats out
    Unarmed Combat: Brawling: Using your weight to your advantage
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Great thread!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!
word count: 120
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