The scholar and the commander (Brenner)

High City of the Northlands

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His interest was piqued. She could see it in his eyes, in his motions, could hear it in his words.

"Let us be clear Commander," Lyra said in response to her devotion to Kalzasi, "I care not for the political struggles of two cities at odds. I seek only to reset the balance, for a one-sided war is merely slaughter in the name of hubris. If the Everyman, as you say, is to fight then I shall give them the tools to stand on equal footing with greatest of mages."

It wasn't quite a lie, but neither was it the full truth. Lyrielle did not think much about the reasons behind the conflict, but Lyra knew that war without cause was little more than a mild irritant to either side. No, Karnor needed more than border skirmishes and legal debates between the warring parties. It needed blood, and both sides would only come to the battlefield if they both equally felt they could win.

Lyra's smile broadened in amusement as she was once more called a witch. Not a title she would have taken herself, but it seemed to set the man at ease to label her so. She leaned forward as well to match Brenner's gaze, tilting her head as she listened to the furtive whispering. A momentary pause followed before Lyra sat back and answered in a steady tone.

"You have answered your own question. If you have reason to distrust me, why would I expect someone of higher rank to even take the time to meet with me?" With a shake of her head she pointed at the man's chest, and then at her own, "You and I are not so different. True our beliefs may clash, but I believe it is for that reason that we can come to an understanding. Those you mentioned would likely not have given me the time of day to begin this talk, but you... You are still young, open to the possibilities and the opportunities presented to you. For that reason, I reached out to you so that together we could pave a new path for our people. We must do what others cannot."

Artur flicked his tongue at Brenner before raising his head to look at Lyra. She gently patted his head as she turned to regard her pet, "I do not ask you to trust me completely. In fact, I believe it would be against your nature to do so. Hold onto that distrust, that skepticism, for that is what is truly important. That is what Kalzasi has forgotten. They trust too fully in the might of their magic, and so have become stagnant. In some ways perhaps Zaichaer and Kalzasi are not so different. Like opposite sides of a coin. Both need to be shaken and made to realize where they have fallen short."

Looking to where Brenner still held the door Lyra tapped a nail on the still covered glass, "Let us continue inside. I believe we can come to an arrangement today that will benefit everyone."

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Brenner Dornkirk
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"And I will be clear in saying that I seek, not equal footing, but vast advantage." Brenner replied, with firmness in his tone and stoic resolve upon his deceptively soft features. "I wonder if you priorities will turn you against me should I be successful in achieving such boons for my Fatherland... Or is the imbalance created by magic of a different and more concerning nature to you than the brute force provided by manpower and industry?" He didn't expect her to properly answer his question... At least not without parsing, prevaricating or dissembling. He was gleaning from her words that her goals were grander... Perhaps imperial, in design, as some of his own notions tended.

"Ambition." Brenner smirked, comprehending. "You were drawn to my ambition- aware of the compromises I might make to secure my future status in Zaichaer." He glanced down to her bag of tricks, "Brooking illicit activity, for instance." He shrugged one shoulder, "You may consider your gambit successful. I am heartily intrigued and, as you likely suspected, surpassingly ambitious."

He nodded.

"Very well." And rapped his knuckle against the carriage door to signal the chauffer that it was safe to open it now. "You may wish to leave your bag and your, um... pet in the carriage. You have my word it will be attended at all times whilst we're within." Whether or not she would take him at his suggestion, he stepped down after her and led the way into the club.

"Commander Dornkirk!" The maître d' slinked over and offered an obsequious bow. "Am I correct that you've reserved a private sitting room to take luncheon?"

"You are." Brenner confirmed, "Please lead on." He glanced over his shoulder to Lyra, before following the man up a set of stairs and down an ornately decorated hallway replete with paints of battle scenes from a bygone era- all framed in brass that matched the diamond patter on the otherwise burgundy wallpaper. By and by, they turned a corner and were led into a private room with a smallish, cloth-draped table set for two. A porter rushed from his sentinel position in one corner to pull out a chair for Lyra, as Brenner claimed his own seat.

"A bottle of Gelerian Grüner on ice and charcuterie to start." The Air Commander instructed.

"Enjoy." The maître d' backed out of the room with a bow and the porter followed him out to fetch the wine and put in the appetizer order.

"Where were we?" Brenner mused, as he unfolded the cloth napkin and laid it over his lap. "Ah yes..." He hadn't really forgotten, after all. "An arrangement to benefit everyone... Or at least everyone present, I suspect. So, what do you propose?"
word count: 478
"I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die."
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Lyra did not answer Brenner's last question on the nature of her priorities. She thought to of course, but the conversation was on track. If he pressed later then, perhaps, she would give a clever answer or deflect. That was to be seen.

"I am pleased that what I have said is of interest to you." Lyra said. At Brenner's behest, she pushed her satchel back into the corner of the carriage, and then with some reluctance, she unwound the snake from her neck and gently set him on the carriage seat.

"Mind my things, little one." she whispered, leaning down to gently scratch the scales of the snake who was already curling up as if to sleep. With that done, Lyra stepped down from the carriage and followed after where Brenner lead. It was amusing to see the deference given to the man, and while they walked Lyra admired the architecture of the city building which was so different from what Kalzasi had to offer. The walk down the hallway was especially intriguing, for the paintings were beautiful in content and detail. One near the end made Lyra slow, and then pause in front of it. In it was depicted a man with a sword in hand, running through a woman with silver hair. There was a tingle of something in the back of Lyra's mind as she observed that painting in particular, but as quickly as it came that sensation left and she continued after Brenner, taking the seat that was offered and settling herself and her robes around her.

"You truly are intrigued." Lyra quipped as she copied Brenner's actions to unfold and lay the napkin in her own lap. Her fingers traced the edges of the table, feeling the smooth fabric of the tablecloth against the edge of one nail. When she looked up she saw a chandelier of what looked like broken crystal shards.

"Do all Commanders afford such lavish dining, or are you somehow different?" It was a question out of genuine curiosity, with no hidden motives and she would listen with interest to the answer before continuing to the topic at hand.

"I propose a joint venture of sorts. I would ask that you make a proposal to your leadership on my behalf, for the things we discussed. What I ask is a facility to work in, inside of Zaichaer, and funding to carry out my work to prepare the items and any other... requests that may come from your superiors." As she spoke the wine arrived, and she would wait until both of their glasses were full and the man had left before continuing, "The items for the masses can be put into production within a season, and your city and superiors will see immediate benefits. Other, more specialized products will take time and resources, but the first versions can be prepared by Searing."

Lifting her glass Lyra examined the liquid and swirled it before raising the rim to her lips, but did not drink, "I have a mind to open a jewelry shop in this city. Something that is affordable to many wealth brackets, and stylish enough to be popular. I would of course accept special requests from you, Brenner, if you had need of a gift for a certain woman."

She let that statement hang in the air as she sipped, raising an eyebrow as she waited for his reply.

word count: 590
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Brenner Dornkirk
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"Ah..." Brenner blushed slightly, "Well, the military and its officers are regarded highly here in Zaichaer. I know not how such things tend in Kalzasi, but here military service is amongst the highest of honours. It is also a means for those from humble backgrounds to advance and earn the respect of their so-called social betters." He pursed his lips,

"But this is not, in the strictest sense, a military officers' club. My family is among the wealthiest in Zaichaer, and that comes with certain social obligations..." A shrug, "As well as privileges. Membership at this club being amongst them." He sat erect, tilting his head as she made her proposal.

"I cannot promise I'll rate the sort of clout that will garner a meeting with the powers that be, but I can try. Just be aware that, even if I am successful in securing a meeting, that does not promise they will agree with my risk assessment. And, if they do concede to grant you such a facility, you can expect that there will be diligent, scrutinising oversight of your operations. The State will exercise great caution in allowing a foreign agent with ties to the Kalzasern Crown to operate within our borders. But you seem keen my skepticism, so hopefully you'll afford the same allowances to my countrymen in power..." He trailed off as the porter returned with the requested wine in a bucket of ice. It was presented, approved and poured- first a sip for Brenner's approval, then Lyra's glass was filled halfway, then Brenner's.

The porter stepped out to attend to the charcuterie, as Brenner parted his lips once more to speak.

"That timeline is encouraging. I'm sure you sense, as I do, that the coming war approaches apace. We must act in all haste if we are to be half ready to face the foe." He paused for a beat,

"A jewelry store? Would this be normal jewelry, or..." He cleared his throat and his eyes darted to the door to make sure the porter wasn't about to burst through, before lowering his voice to a whisper and continuing, "...the illicit variety? The State will be grateful for your aid, but there are limits to Zaichaer's largesse..." He took his wine glass by the stem and lifted it,

"To restoring the balance."
word count: 410
"I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die."
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So there were some things that broke that carefully crafted persona. His reaction was pleasing and somewhat adorable given how against the grain it seemed to his normal demeanor. So Brenner Dornkirk was not simply an officer, but from a family of affluence and wealth as well. That was a piece of the picture that Lyra had not expected to collect so soon. It needed further investigation, at a later date.

"To balance." Lyra said, raising her glass in an echo of Brenner's own motions before taking another sip. In her past life, Lyra was not much of a wine drinker, so she had little to draw on when tasting the one now. She had expected something sweet, but the, arid flavor at the back of her throat was not unpleasant.

"The store would be under the oversight of the Order of course. A branch of the first request. I have found jewelry to be exceptionally popular among all people, regardless of race or gender." Lyra looked at her glass as she spoke, a bit perplexed at the flavor on her tongue which seemed to change even as she sipped, "Think back on our earlier conversation, the product for the masses. Small, simplistic, and harmless, yet when worn it dampens the... irregularities in a small space around it. Though individually the effect would be small, if enough of these items were to spread through the city, the pests which plague your city would find their crafts more and more difficult to wield."

In essence, Lyra proposed to craft jewelry that would dampen the magic around it, especially those who wore it. If only one or two people had the items the effects would be negligible, but what Lyra proposed, in the vaguest of ways given their current surroundings, was to spread these magic dampening devices throughout the city under the guise of fashion. This would create a network throughout the city, making magic use as a whole within the boundaries of Zaichaer exceptionally difficult as opposed to outside of it.

"There would be no waste of materials, and it is likely that these items would end up in the hands of those who wished to blend in with proper society, thus weakening those individuals' effectiveness overall." looking up at Brenner Lyra smiled, "I respect the guidance of the authorities in Zaichaer. I meant what I said when I spoke of requiring your and by extension your superiors, skepticism. All of this would be pointless if I did not work closely with the regulators of such affairs."

Setting her glass aside Lyra folded her hands in her lap and nodded to Brenner, "These are proposals of course, and how we proceed must be agreed upon by both of us. The jewelry store, in my reasoning, solves 3 problems we currently face.

She held up three fingers, folding one down each time she spoke, "First it gives reason for why I would make frequent trips to Zaichaer. My position as an advisor allows me some freedom but was I to open another business within the city it would put down the rumors of my loyalties before they even begin. In fact, my doing so may be seen favorably, for the Prince himself seems intent on negotiating peace if possible. Second, it provides a centralized area from which I can work. That area can be closely monitored, to whatever degree your leadership deems necessary, and the contents of that single space can be actively inspected to see who and what comes and goes. Third, the current issue of the city, the terrorists who play with powers they do not understand. We sell luxury items that are popular with all in the city, and in doing so spread a web that traps all of the vermin inside like flies in a web. Their powers are weakened, and as an added benefit those who wear these items also gain some resistance to these powers simply by carrying them."

Lowering her hand Lyra paused and tapped a nail on the tabletop, "If you cannot trust my words, I understand, but let me clarify in saying the items in question in this scenario are not 'illicit' in and of themselves. They are quite the opposite. They enforce normalcy, in a more elegant fashion than any weapon ever could."

word count: 738
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Brenner Dornkirk
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"Ah... So you would disseminate the instruments of... Shall we say magical vaccination?- throughout the city by infusing jewelry with it? A subtler means than I'd expected, but perhaps there is wisdom in that so long as your jewelry becomes all the rage. My only concern with that method would be access. The richer quarters of the city would likely be far better inoculated against the corruption of witchcraft than the poorer areas where people may not be able to afford such luxuries. Besides, if is at all possible, it might serve us well to have stationary points carefully peppered throughout the city that emanate the dampening energy of which you speak. It would seem unwise to rely upon the movements of our population alone, when lives can be so..." He swirled the wine in its crystal vessel, "...erratic."

But a faint smile waxed.

"That being said, your infused jewelry would be a splendid complement to the system. Especially if, as you say, the fashion of your jewelry takes hold and even mages unwittingly hobble their own powers by donning your pieces. Besides..." He sat back as the porter returned with a charcuterie board and removed the bouquet that had served as the centrepiece of the table, replacing it with the selection of cured meats and diverse cheeses. " deserve to profit from such a service, if it is to be effective." She'd plainly stated that she didn't see herself as a 'good person', and it did not escape Brenner's notice that there was a profit-driven aspect to her plan. A new business was always a risky venture, but if she were successful in aligning with The State, she would be at a far greater advantage than most new merchants.

He spread a bit of brie onto a wedge of crostini as Lyra began her count. He tilted his head down and averted his gaze sidelong momentarily when he took a bite- as if he was somehow embarrassed to do so, or deemed it impolite in some fashion. Vexed, as Brenner often was by the sound of other people's eating, was quite self-conscious when doing so himself. By the time she finished her thought, Brenner had finished his crostini and nodded.

"The plan for Zaichaer is sound. Now what of Kalzasi? Would it not be to our mutual benefit to weaken magic there? Perhaps even more so, given that sorcery isn't even regulated there... At least in Zaichaer we have deterrents, such as the threat of stake-burnings, but Kalzasern witches ply their poisons unchecked.

"We should also, of course, speak of military applications for this innovation. It is no secret that our armed forces utilise negation magic upon our vessels, our arms and armour and so forth. Would it be possible to employ your invention to replace or append our current negation efforts?"
word count: 496
"I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die."
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Lyra nodded at Brenner's comments, looking thoughtful as the appetizer was brought out and set before them. She had not considered the limitations of her items being more prevalent among the affluent, but when he said as much it did make sense.

"You are quite sharp, Commander. It is true that the wealthy would be more apt to take to new trends in fashion than those who must scrape together a living... Perhaps jewelry is not the only thing that we could use. Once the process is optimized, we could apply it to other things as well. We could also create more humble pieces that would be affordable to a wider group. There are options I think."

You could use the thieves. Naila added, her tone showing interest, Every city has its underbelly, and plenty of the worst sort need or want items that they can use to pass themselves off as wealthy. If you can inject your stuff into the black market... It is likely that they will spread farther than they would through official channels.

That was a path that Lyra had not thought of either, and she held her tongue on the matter for now. She could not be sure what Brenner's take on such methods might be, and she needed them to reach an arrangement first before she started testing the boundaries of his tolerance.

"Stationary nodes are possible. Given time I am certain I could develop something that would function as you say." She considered this thought as she took a piece of brad herself, spreading a bit of butter and taking small bites to give herself time before continuing, "Yes, I am certain it could be done, and similar methods could be applied to your ships. The limits of course would be dependent on the funds and resources the State could provide."

He had caught on to one of her hidden motives, and she did not try to hide the fact that she would indeed profit from this venture. It would be suspicious if she didn't, and the more she could in-dept herself to the State the better. She doubted they would trust her words if she did not seem the greedy businesswoman they expected. Altruism was for stories and con artists.

The bread paused mid-way to her mouth as he mentioned Kalzasi, and she lowered the food and carefully wiped her fingers on the napkin in her lap. There was a slight hesitation before Lyra closed her eyes and nodded slowly.

"Given my position, I cannot say to you that the same methods can or should be applied to Kalzasi. It would be a grave betrayal to the trust I have been given, which I am certain you understand." Lyra put as much earnestness into her voice as she could, pushing the lie of her strained loyalty as much as she dared. When she felt that the moment was ripe she sighed and leaned forward, lowering her voice slightly as if she feared they would be overheard, "In honor of the frank honesty you have shown me, I will tell you this. My business in the city has many connections with not just individual magical facilities in the city, but with those tied in with Circle of Spells and with those who serve the Great Houses directly. I am called, from time to time, to... consult on certain projects given my expertise. Sometimes when I bring apprentices along mistakes are made, too small to be noticed. Such is the danger of working with those still learning the craft, as any true scholar knows."

There was a long pause as Lyra stared into Brenner's eyes before she straightened and took up her bread once more, taking a bite and swallowing before saying almost absently, "It is my intent to take on more contracts in the creation, and updating, of facilities in the coming seasons. Many work with dangerous things, and must have the right environment to ensure those projects are contained. Only those such as myself who are qualified are able to properly discern which schema is best used in any given situation."

She wouldn't say it, but the implication was there. If she were to update the labs in which these magical creations were being made, then she could add, or remove, anything she wished. For better, or for worse.

word count: 750
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Brenner Dornkirk
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The porter returned to hand the guests leather bound books, which contained a food and drink menu. Lyra was handed hers first, then Brenner, who set his aside as the porter quit the room once more.

"Streetlamps, if they could be outfitted with your innovation, would be ideal I should think. They are spread across the entire city, and the urban planning offices should have maps of their locations. I don't imagine we'd need to augment every lamp in the city, but we could use their map to strategise how best to spread our negation net." He recommended, before taking a delicate sip of the tart white wine.

He arched an eyebrow as his query halted Lyra in her motion. The line of Brenner's thought seemed jarring enough that she set aside the bread she'd been enjoying.

"I see..." He replied, glancing askance toward the menu he'd been neglecting for the past few moments. "I only thought, since your priority is restoring aetheric equilibrium, you might wish to impede the magic you seem to believe is the greatest threat to that balance. Zaichaer suffers no god-princes in our fair city, and we already do a great deal to curb the abuse of sorcery. Kalzasi is the primary threat to our livelihoods... All of our livelihoods in Karnor and beyond, if I truly understood your meaning." He pursed his lips and reached for the menu, opening the book and fixing his eyes down on its pages rather than the eyes of the woman across from him.

"But I suppose we all have a limit to our resolve-... Even when it comes to the most righteous of goals." There was disappointment in his tone- emphasised by how fixedly he now avoided Lyra's eye-contact.

Her next comment drew him back somewhat, though there was still a bit of ice in the steel blue of his eyes as they met hers once more.

"And what will you do with the access you're afforded?" In Brenner's mind it was all well and good to have avenues available, but that didn't mean one was necessarily prepared to trek down them. As the conversation lulled for a moment, the porter returned and the Air Commander gestured for Lyra to lodge her order first before he requested a sautéed calves' liver entrée dressed with sherry gravy and paired with creamed spinach and scalloped potatoes.
word count: 423
"I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die."
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Lyra accepted the book, opening it to study its contents while she considered the cooler tone which Brenner directed toward her. He seemed disappointed, but rather than be disheartened Lyra hid her smile behind the menu. This was a man who marched forward with a singular purpose, and nothing would stand between him and his ultimate goal. Fanaticism was, in its own way, charming. Were she younger she might have entertained... well, it was no matter now. Inwardly Naila frowned at the thoughts that crossed through their link, for it was not just Lyra who controlled the body they were in.

She didn't reply to Brenner's cutting remarks, opting instead to point toward one vegetable dish on the menu before handing the book back to the porter. While waiting for Brenner to place his order Lyra gently ran a nail around the rim of her wine glass.

"Resolve is a simple word, but implies more than just its meaning." Lyra schooled her expression, eyes softening as she stared at the wine glass, "It is not a matter of resolve, but of practicality. Zaichaer, as you said, is already somewhat in hand, so the methods we seek to employ can be done without great effort and to immediate effect. Kalzasi... Such things as we have discussed cannot be done there, for magic runs to its very core and spreads into every home and citizen."

Lowering her voice Lyra looked up at Brenner, her golden eyes searching his as she seemed to come to a decision, "What I can do depends on what it is you are willing to bear. Every person in that city is part of that imbalance, and to tip the scales as you desire would mean to bring low not just the rulers of Kalzasi, but every man, woman and child."

Lyra would pause to sip from her wine, staring once more into its depths before saying, "Do you have the resolve to accept the burden of innocents on your conscience? Perhaps they are witches in your eyes, but there are simple people, humans, within the city as well who wish only live their lives."

word count: 375
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Brenner Dornkirk
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Brenner's eyes remained fixed upon the crystal vessel that held his crisp, cool wine as he drew it to his lips. At first, he took her reply for dissembling. Typically the Air Commander found that, when one started to parse the meanings of words, it was a mechanism of defence. Brenner had been rather challenging in his response- a risky proposition with a new and volatile connection like his with Lyra. He would have understood if she'd been cagey, but as she spoke on he realised she wasn't dissembling so much as she was clarifying. His eyes danced back to meet hers as she further explained Kalzasi's connection to magic in plain terms.

"I do not believe that the loss of magic would be a death sentence for Kalzasi's citizenry. Least of all if it were stripped away by degrees, as it sounds like your apparatus would accomplish. If magic dwindled, they would adapt. Perhaps some would be unable, but... Well, sacrifices must be made for the Greater Good." Her last, pointed question was not one over which he'd failed to labour in his life.

"Conscience is a muscle." Brenner replied, after a beat. "And one which I have spent my life exercising into a firm, indefatigable force." His expression grew grim and when his eyes turned askance this time it was not out of disappointment, but because these were not thoughts easily expressed. It felt actually vulnerable as he began to frame these long-held notions into words.

"I would preserve life to what extent is feasible, but my resolve is in itself a matter of, as you say, 'practicality'. You've noted yourself that the presence of a divine being has escalated the threat and the need for expeditious action. I am not a cruel man, Lyra. I do not seek out butchery nor relish the occasions in which I have spilt blood out of necessity. I grieve the losses of the misguided and my hand in their undoing, but grief is not the same as regret. And speaking pragmatically, I will say this plainly so that you understand with whom you are dealing..." When his eyes rose from the table to meet Lyra's, they burned with the blue-hot fire of Zaichaeri zeal.

"If millions must be martyred to the benefit of billions, I would brook that burden without regret."
word count: 414
"I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die."
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