The scholar and the commander (Brenner)

High City of the Northlands

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It was clear from his reply to Lyra that Brenner had a few preconceived notions of the state of Kalzasi and its people. Perhaps he had never visited the city or had not spent much time there, but the simple act of removing magic by layers would cause great upheaval. Many in the city would not know how to adapt, and many systems and policies would fall to ruin as they were held in place by the magic that permitted everything. Health care would fail as medical treatments lost potency, crime rates would rise as the effective methods of impression would be eliminated, and worst yet was the cascading effects this would have on the containment of the Warrens. Grande barriers and skilled warriors that both relied heavily on magic and aetheric control were what kept in check the streams of horrors from spilling into the city proper. If those defenses were weakened, then the streets would almost certainly run red with the blood of civilians.

Lyra mentioned none of these, choosing instead to listen quietly as the man finished his thoughts before replying.

"I see you are an uncompromising man, Brenner Dornkirk, but not an unkind one." Their food arrived shortly after, and Lyra waited until they both had their plates before sampling her own dish. Despite herself, Lyra's eyes lit up by the flavors that rolled across her tongue. It was a simple dish, or so she had thought. Lettice drizzled in a dark oil-like sauce, adorned with small round berries that tasted more tart than sweet. There was a fine grating of cheese, and it came with bread baked to a crunchy exterior but still soft enough to easily tear apart with her fingers.

"The food here is quite extravagant," Lyra said while covering her mouth, "I had not realized Zaichaer offered so many delicacies." Her eyebrow raised as she said through a half-smile, "I will admit I have come to realize your people have much more to teach us than I had suspected."

Her smile faded and she refocused on her plate, taking another bite and chewing slowly as if to give herself more time to think.

"I will accept your words as they appear for now. I believe that something can be done, but the complexity of it will be great and will require time." With a sudden swiftness she stabbed one of the red berries with the prongs of her fork, holding it up at eye level a moment before biting into it and savoring the red juices that flowed out once its taut skin was pierced, "Let us make a deal then, between us. An arrangement. If you can be the spearhead for our plans in Zaichaer, securing a location, funding, and all necessary approvals, I will develop a method of correcting the imbalance in Kalzasi."

Wiping the corners of her mouth with her napkin Lyra searched for Brenner's eyes with her own, "Is that agreeable?"

word count: 540
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Brenner Dornkirk
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Title: First Minister of the State of Zaichaer
Location: Zaichaer
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"Compromise is a luxury we cannot afford with stakes as high as those you've set before me." Brenner retorted without missing a beat. His feelings on the threat of magic were well documented and had been considered extreme at the best of times, but Lyra's concerns only amplified his fervour. If even a Kalzasern witch was concerned about the threat Talon posed- One of his own advisors worried enough to treat with the prince's enemies behind his back- then Brenner's opinions felt more than justified.

Brenner leaned back from the conspiratorial lean he'd adopted to discuss such delicate matters, allowing the porter to place down their plates. He smiled at the aroma as he took up his silverware, which was of course actual silver, and sliced off a strip of liver. He ran the offal across an artfully placed dollop of deep, brown gravy before drawing it to his lips for a relishing bite. He smirked, glancing up to Lyra as she spoke of the venue.

"Well, far be it from me to bring a guest from afar to some low tavern. I gather from what you ordered, you might not appreciate the blood sausage and lamb stew that typically dominate the menus of our pubs..." He trailed off, as he considered the appendix to her observation.

"If all goes to plan, I expect Zaichaer will be instrumental in modernising Kalzasi and all of Karnor towards a healthy system reliant upon the merits of industry, rather than the exploitation of sorcery." He inclined his head, and returned his attentions to the dish in front of him. After a few more bites, Lyra was posing her proposition and Brenner glanced up, running his tongue over his teeth and reaching for his glass of grüner.

"It is a start, I think..." He conceded with obvious ambivalence, "And plenty for a first meeting. I believe I have made my concerns abundantly clear, and if you are able to foster a means of addressing them in earnest? Then we will be very satisfied indeed. In the meanwhile..." He paused, "Well, in the next few months at least, I will endeavour to address matters here in Zaichaer. Typically I would set about my work straight away, but you've caught me at a bit of an awkward moment as I'll be heading out of town for my thirtieth birthday in a few days..." His eyes danced down as he circumvented the more important details of that trip, "But once I'm back, I'll get right on it." He lifted his glass in a toasting gesture and took a sip, before tearing into another slice of liver.
word count: 463
"I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die."
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"Your thirtieth birthday?" Amusement colored her words, "Had I known I would have brought a gift. You should celebrate your youth while you can."

Things had gone mostly as planned. It was not quite all that she desired, but enough had been laid down that the footing on her next journey would be far smoother. While he was on his journey she would begin her other preparations. She would need to investigate methods of transferring the properties of Abjinirium to other items. Perhaps there were some that held those qualities better than others? Was there a method of refinement that could be used to get the most out of lesser quality, yet far cheaper, materials? Idle thoughts such as these began to threaten Lyra's attention, so with an inward sigh and a promise to herself to ponder more later, she turned her attention fully back to Brenner.

She found herself intrigued by this man in more ways than one. The refinement which was far more elven than he would ever suspect, but a hardness within that would cut diamonds with the ferocity of his will. There was the smell of blood from him, and as she studied him intently she thought she could see something else through the veil. What a blessed man the commander was indeed.

"In the south, there is a culture of people who entwine business and pleasure in a very intimate way. To settle contracts and close on agreements the two parties will attend one another in the evening before the ink dries, so to speak." Lyra smiled playfully over her cup, "Shall you take me to bed this evening, Commander?"

Oh fuck no. Naila growled, which only made Lyra smile broader.

word count: 303
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Brenner Dornkirk
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Title: First Minister of the State of Zaichaer
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Brenner chuckled at the well wishes and shrugged,

"I like to think I lead an examined life... It isn't all business with me. I do find time to unwind with a Gelerian schnapps and a proper soak every now and again." He would leave out the bit about visiting the odd upscale brothel and sharing a woman with his brother. It didn't happen often, and this was mixed company regardless.

In the silence that followed, he enjoyed a bit more of his food and was washing it down with some wine when Lyra spoke again about some strange culture from remote climes, who-

A stream of wine sprayed forth from his mouth, which was fortunately facing at a diagonal from Lyra so she missed the brunt of the spit-take and was only subjected to a bit of the mist.

He blinked, wide-eyed and froze there for a moment, processing the shocking proposition and waiting for her to break into laughter and confess it was all a jest. That moment didn't come, and so the Air Commander was forced to face the prospect in earnest. He was intrigued by her... captivated in a way that wasn't typical for him. It was a rare woman who stirred this certain part of him, but Lyra was one of them. Perhaps it was the taboo of a foreign witch, at least in part, but more so there was something potent about her. In an odd way, she made him feel safe. As if her attentions might keep him alive in this world of tumult where they were plotting the downfall of a demi-deity. After a pause of nearly a full minute, he dabbed at his mouth with the cloth napkin and cleared his throat.

"Apologies." He began, but quickly pressed on, "If your offer is sincere, then I would be a fool to decline. And if it was in jest, you may take my answer for a compliment."
word count: 345
"I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die."
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I did not take you for the blushing maiden.

Say what you want, you are not using my body as a plaything. The mercenary's tone grew more heated as she sent as strong a glare through their link as she could muster, No.

Is that so? Lyra said sweetly, Let us set aside the fact that I own you, body and soul, and instead focus on the benefits of the situation.

In their soul space-time moved at a slower pace, and it was there that they held this conversation. Naila stood beside her soul gem, arms crossed and expression livid as Lyra twirled around her form as black smoke. A pale, black-nailed hand gently touched the woman's cheek before gripping her chin to force Naila's hazel eyes to meet Lyra's gold.

The pleasures of the flesh deepen the feelings of trust and dampen the wit. It does in just a few hours what takes years otherwise, and encourages a sense of closeness that cannot be forged easily even by magical means.

Hours? Naila scoffed, batting away the hand at her chin, He's a kid, I doubt he would last more than a minute or two.

A raised eyebrow met that retort, but Lyra returned calmly, Then the discomfort is even more bearable. Do not forget, to me you are also but a child, and in the years of humans he is past the age of adolescence and well into adulthood.

Naila's eye twitched and she pointed a finger at where Lyra's chest should be, though her finger passed straight through the slightly denser smoke there, Thats beside the point. You already puppet my body for hours, sometimes days on end. I don't complain when we have to sit stooped over a desk working on your little doodles, even when I have to stretch twice as long to work out the kinks. I said nothing when you took me into the sewers, or when you let that... Thing touch me all over. she shuddered but continued, I won't let you treat me like a sex toy for whatever prick you want to put inside. Fuck you and fuck him too.

There was true anger there beneath the bravado and indignation, which gave Lyra pause as she considered the woman's words.

I am confused, little one. Have you not used your body in your work before? Haven't you played the part of the harlot or whore when the time called for it? Curiosity showed through, which seemed to surprise Naila whose shoulders relaxed slightly though her eyes still smoldered.

The sex doesn't bother me Lyra. I chose to do it then, but this is different.

Because it was not you who chose?

Naila opened her mouth to argue but shut it once more as annoyance showed through. Lyra tilted her head, scrutinizing the mercenary as she had not done before. This was a woman who had done many misdeeds and taken many lives. For coin, yes, and not out of cruelty or pleasure. Still, she had not seemed the sort to be so sentimental.

I had not taken you to be the sort that valued such things.

We all have something we hold onto that keeps us grounded.

Indeed. Lyra nodded slowly, thoughts turning over as she looked out through their eyes to see the reaction Brenner had to the turn in the conversation. It drew a smile to Lyra's lips, and despite herself, Naila seemed somewhat pleased as well.

Then I take it your complaint is not with sleeping with the man, but in my deciding on my own for us to do so. Correct? Though she hesitated Naila slowly nodded. Lyra nodded in turn and sigh, resting back in the air as she drifted closer to the mercenary, Very well. Then I ask you to consider all I have said and to recognize that my decisions are to the benefit of both of our ultimate goals. In matters such as this, I will deign to ask for your cooperation. Shall we?


"You seem surprised." Lyra said once Brenner had regained his composure, "A man of your status and refinement must hold the hearts of many, far lovelier, women than myself. I find it difficult to believe that others have not propositioned you before."

Setting her own glass aside Lyra leaned her cheek on one hand, resting her elbow on the table as she leaned forward to say in a lower voice, "You will find I am not one to jest. Tell me that we have an accord, and let us seal this engagement in a place more private."

When she smiled her golden eyes glimmered in anticipation, and deep down she felt something old, and very hungry stir.

word count: 820
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Brenner Dornkirk
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Title: First Minister of the State of Zaichaer
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The porter entered to clear their plates and Brenner promptly sat upright.

"We will not be taking dessert today." He declared rather triumphantly, and fished around in his pocket for a bit of coin with which to tip the man. "Put the meal on the Dornkirk account." He instructed and lifted his hand to wave him away so they could conclude the conversation in private.

"I am rather surprised, yes... The woman of Zaichaer, at least those in the circles I frequent, do not tend to be so..." He paused for a beat as a series of words danced through his mind, each one potentially insulting, until he landed on: "...forward." Relieved that he'd come up with an innocuous word that still got his thought across, he downed the rest of the wine in his glass.

"Yes, yes." He nodded once, "I believe we have an arrangement, of sorts." There was only so much to which he could properly commit, at this point. "You will work on 'correcting the imbalance in Kalzasi', as you say, and I shall work on securing support from the Zaichaeri establishment." He inclined his head, and then scooted his chair out to rise and offer his hand to help Lyra from her seat.

"It would seem that you've found a way to offer an early birthday present for me after all..." He noted with a wry, little smirk that some might have deemed dashing on his fair features. He didn't think himself the most attractive man in Zaichaer- Nor even the most attractive Dornkirk, with his taller, fitter, tanner brother in the mix, but Lyra's interest was certainly flattering and he found himself compelled to take her up on the offer of coupling. It was likely to be his last opportunity for quite some time- Perhaps ever, if the treacherous mission to come proved fatal.
word count: 328
"I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die."
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Lore: 18 each

Points: 10 each

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: None

Notes: This one went long
word count: 43
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