gentle whispers

The Jewel of the Northlands

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75 Frost 121

Talon stood outside the doors to one of the apartments within the palace. He was casually dressed and preparing himself to set out and answer the challenge that had been issued to him. Although the devastating avalanche had happened only a day ago, it still felt as though too much had happened and not enough. The authorities of the city were scrambling to sort out the full extent of the catastrophe. It would be a long time before they were able to fully recover from it but they would push forward. Kalzasi had weathered many storms. It would weather this one as well. Reaching up, Talon knocked gently on the doors. He waited a few moments before they opened. Standing there was the gentle healer who brought his beloved wolf so much love and joy. He smiled at Telion as she peered up at him with somewhat sleepy eyes.

Forgive me for disturbing you. I…” He searched for the right words. In the end, he did not have to find them. Telion’s expression softened.

“He is still sleeping, Your Highness.” She opened the door further and ushered Talon inside. He stepped across the threshold and looked around with a quiet fondness. The space had been made to thoroughly match the life that Rickter was building for himself.

I would like to speak with you, for a moment. If I am able?” The question made Telion blink for a moment before she closed the door and wrapped her gown more snugly around herself. Talon’s wings rustled as he sorted through his emotions.

Thank you.” He managed.

“For what?” A gentle albeit confused smile touched Telion’s lips.

You give Rickter what I cannot, Telion.” He let out a breath, elaborating on his statement. “I am Prince of Kalzasi. Rickter is my bodyguard. More than that, he is my Sorumeito. With me, he pushes himself to be a warrior. He strives to be a guardian who lives to embody the very idea of a protector for those around him. He toils endlessly to be the dutiful soldier, lover and friend.

With every word, Talon’s expression grew softer as he thought on the man that Rickter had become since he had first met him. He pressed on.

With you? With you, Rickter can be himself. Not the ideal that he constantly strives to race toward. You give him a freedom that I never could. You gave him a family that I cannot. You allow him to be just a man.” Talon’s brow furrowed in concentration. “Something I think is perhaps one of the most important things that he can be.

Talon settled his gaze upon Telion. The insightful woman looked steadily at him.

“You really do love him, don’t you?” A welling of emotion built up in Talon’s chest.

So much that it scares me. I was ready to go to war for Rickter. I still would. Without hesitation. Without remorse. But…” Talon shook his head. “He does not need to be burdened with the depth of my affection. I could spend every minute of the day with him and it still would not be enough. And I fear that my subconscious desire for him is affecting him.

At her confused look, Talon explained.

The Bond. Do you wonder why I have not deepened it with him as I have Aoren? When I first met Rickter, he was lost. I have used the Bond to help ground him. Aoren and I both have used it to help give him confidence in not just himself but in the happiness that he can have in the safety of a loving relationship. However, I cannot help but wonder if in bonding with him when he was so vulnerable that I robbed him of the chance to find his own way. The Bond is a gift but there are nuances to it that even we Avialae do not fully understand.” He let his words settle between the two of them. Telion was silent for a few moments as she studied him.

“You want him to decide on his own.” Talon nodded. She understood. He had no doubt that she would. Rickter surrounded himself with people of an earthly wisdom and insight. It was no less than his wolf deserved. The soft smile that Telion gave him made some of his nerves calm.

“Go see him.” He bowed to her and moved to where Rickter was resting. When Talon set his eyes upon the Rathari, he could not help the swell of warmth that spread through him. He let it trickle across the Bond. He wrapped his bondmate in that warmth, coming to kneel beside him. Talon gently threaded his fingers through Rickter’s hair, a fond smile playing across his features as he regarded the warrior sprawled out before him.

Sorumeito.” He whispered gently, leaning down to press a kiss to the man’s brow.

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Title: Dabu
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Sleep felt like one of the fleeting things in Rickter's life that night, probably because of the insurmountable amount of things he had to contend with in the days ahead. The twins had been put to rest without any problems, admirably, but the fact an expedition in the mountains was going to happen soon remained. Rickter's role in the coming trial ahead was one that hung heavy on his mind, and so, he had to prepare for what would already be a risky endeavor to save yet another extension of the pack. He had never had the pleasure of ever meeting her, but Kisorika was special to Talon as well, which meant the wolf already held fast obligation to see her returned safely with minimal harm.

Which was where the sleep part felt fleeting. While the wolf had managed to slip into a state of rest for most of the night, even his dreams reflected the thoughts of what they would encounter within the Astralar Mountains. Cold, creatures, even the possibility of enemy forces. The Vykul Clans were obviously a minimal threat due to Frost's weather settling into the climate, but that wouldn't stop others such as Zaichaer or even the Imperium from acting on opportunity. He knew not the odds in this particular situation, only that he would have to defy them through and through.

Which was why the moment he heard the light knocks on the doors of their apartment, the wolf's eyes fluttered open only a moment as he gazed into the night of the room. Telion stirred first as it had mostly been habit for her by now, having to wake up to tend to the children when one or even both awoken in the dead of night. He barely shifted as she rose out of bed, his eyes briefly on the figure of his beloved before she'd quietly sauntered off into the other room. It was perhaps by that point his eyelids fell heavy again, even with his mind on the verge of running at yet another fifty miles per hour.

But while his thoughts would've tempted him back into the grace of sleep, that period of rest wouldn't last long when he soon heard voices softly echo into the room. Talon came to pay the couple a visit, likely to see the wolf himself before he would go and answer the call he'd been given. Whoever instilled such threatening conditions on his Bonded lover, the wolf would've personally saw to their apprehension or even removal if given the opportunity. But his role here remained elsewhere... and while that concern remained most prevalent in his mind, there was that deliberate curiosity which kept him focused on the low tones he heard in the other room.

From the sound of it Talon was the one who had more to say, to Telion personally, as they conversed on matters that even revolved around Rickter in the moment. While he would've stirred then, he merely shifted to rest his head into the pillow more, the crook of his elbow used to support the cushion beneath him as his ears tried to perk a little. Something about their Bond had been mentioned, and the wolf could only speculate it had something to do with the dynamics of their relationship. There wasn't a shadow of doubt with how the wolf had felt toward his Bondmates, let alone the woman he loved, and yet part of him began to ponder if there was a shred of truth inherently found in what small talk he'd heard.

That said he knew his feelings deep down, only, he merely struggled to affirm them for reasons only he held onto. He hadn't forgotten what Hannah had told him on the summit of the Circle, but at the same time, he also hadn't found it in him to come forth with everything he felt either. The half-breed made a mental note to consider finally breaching this silent pact of his, if only for the sake of his loved ones, once they had finally returned with Talon's sister safe and sound. Before too long he soon felt the warmth of his Bondmate begin to fill him, the delicate utterance of his affiliation enough to relieve the drowsiness still felt in his eyelids. Talon had approached to sit near him at the edge of the mattress, his fingers brought to gently tussle through hair as the wolf took in that scent once more.

The mountain air smelt sweet to his nostrils as he came to stir beneath the prince, his shoulders shifted so that he'd lay on his side with a half-awakened gaze toward his Bondmate. Telion had taken a moment to stand at the doorway to observe them, before her faint smile left him to wonder as she pulled herself away to check on the twins in the other room. "Is it time already?" He sighed in a nearly fashioned groan as he could only speculate the hour, already anticipating the type of workday that was ahead of him. Regardless of how he felt about the amount of preparation he had to do though, it paled in comparison to the moment when his hand came to rest in Talon's. The folds of their fingers became entwined as his rough hand gave a firm but affectionate squeeze, before the eyes of the wolf moved to look up into the prince's eyes with a deep fondness.

"I'm afraid for you, Sorumeito..." He remarked as the first affirmation of his feelings, knowing full well Talon's intentions to face this threat alone with Aoren.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah"
word count: 992
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
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Talon brought his other hand up to cover the entwined fingers of the joined grasp. He leaned down, pressing his brow to the warmth of Rickter’s hands. Rickter was afraid for him. Hearing the words come from his bondmate’s mouth made the dam break in Talon. He let out a laugh that turned into a sob partway through. All at once he felt the weight of everything resting on his shoulders and it both felt like he was powerless and paralyzed. Talon clung to Rickter’s hand as though it were the only thing keeping him grounded. He had a mountain of things in front of him with no solution in sight.

Zaichaer was becoming more aggressive. The Dawnmartyrs were rebuilding and looking to him for leadership and divine guidance. The Imperium had taken note of his and their existence once more. He was facing more and more pressure from the Kalzasi peerage to form ties with the Greater Families and to bring more banners under the fold of House Novalys. The Warrens seemed to become more and more active with each passing season, putting a strain on the brave Sky Guards that now called out to his name in prayer. Now this disaster had crashed into their home and had swept away the lives of innocent people…and he was to blame for it. Kisorika, his big sister, one of the brightest and bravest people he knew, was potentially in danger. All he could think of was his brother-in-law and his nephews and the devastation it would cause to lose her.

Talon’s eyes welled with tears as he allowed himself, there in the privacy and sacred intimacy of being with a man he loved, to be completely vulnerable. He felt worn. He felt weary. He felt completely overwhelmed and right then? He just needed to be a man who needed his soulmate.

Rickter…” Talon croaked out. “I do not know what to do.

He shook his head, bringing Rickter’s hand to his lips. He kissed his bondmate’s hand and then leaned into it once more. His shoulders shook with how much he was trying to hold in. Talon did not let himself cry very often. He was always supposed to play the part of the strong and noble prince and now the demigod that would guide his people. He was trying to find the best way forward but at every turn, it felt as though the world was determined to steal every shred of joy and light away from him.

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Title: Dabu
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It was one thing for the pairs of lovers to slip into one another's bedchambers so late into the night, for Rickter used to stalk out of their own apartment to often times tread quietly into Talon's own private quarters of the palace. Those however were simpler evenings when the wolf simply had the habit of keeping tabs on all his packmates, finding peace in the fact all his lovers had found comfort in the grace of sleep. Tonight on the other hand, Talon's motivations weren't so innocent or mischievous, and while the wolf could've easily pandered for that latter idea, Rickter could see it in his Bondmates eyes after he confessed his true inner thoughts.

Things were set into motion a year ago. Things that neither one of them was ever able to change, merely, continuously struggle against with each pressing consequence that came their way. So where did the avalanche come from? Who was this enemy that Talon had to seek out and face alone? The wolf would've had his suspicions, but on the other hand, he was far too more wrapped up in his Bondmate to actually dwell upon the matter. For the first time since they had been together, Rickter had seen that Talon became the one in need of comfort for once. Rather than being that radiant beacon of hope for everyone, he simply beheld the demeanor of a man who was practically at his wit's end.

And it felt akin to soul-crushing. For the wolf had always strived to be the dividing line between Talon and his enemies, whereas here and now he was serving a different purpose in this grand scheme of events. It did not sit well with Rickter, enough to create a pit in his stomach when he leaned up more, so that he could embrace Talon with a snug squeeze within his firm arms. The prince did not know what to do, and neither did Rickter in this instance, only that it felt like more of the world stood against them compared to before.

That part of Rickter that wanted to argue it being fate wanted to struggle, to just defy whatever plans had already been set into motion, just so he would go with his Bondmate into the thick of the mountains. But the wolf knew better, and more importantly, the role he needed to play to ensure Talon's triumph within the mountains. Bringing home the survivors of the Merry Behemoth would be his new top priority, as Rickter knew just how deeply he cared for his family overall. Thus after a few moments to keep Talon braced endearingly in his arms, Rickter finally loosened his grip to allow himself to look into the man's eyes; and finally say what came to mind as a result of what he heard.

"Knowing is only half the battle, as far as I've come to learn." He remarked gently with expressive blue eyes locked on the prince. "For someone who always seems to know what to do in the moment, I'm not as surprised as I thought I'd be in hearing you say that." With that admittance came a soft huff, indicative that a chuckle would've risen if the mood were not so grim. What Rickter saw before him wasn't a God debating on how to carry out his duties, but a genuine man who had already been pushed to his limits by the circumstances at hand. It was no surprise that Talon felt overwhelmed by everything, and that just now, he finally started to show just how heavy the weight of the world was to him.

"It's like you've said before," he reminded the Synnekar with a near fond smirk tucking the corner of his lip, "Sorumeito. You give praise when deserved, criticism when it is wrong, humor when there is laughter to be shared, and of course anger when one of us is pissed." He reiterated practically word for word, as callused fingers brushed to rest along the jawline of his dear Bondmate. "I tell you this because those words encouraged me. Anytime I'm uncertain of what I'm doing, I need only to listen 'here' and remember those words." As he emphasized on the here Rickter used his other fingers to poke over Talon's core.

Obviously, the wolf hinted at where the Synnekar's heart resided, with a more soft smile suggestively on the knowing side. "At times I feel it directly, and then other times I merely need to think about how you would react to a situation. It really helps when I'm at my own loss on what to do, and nobody like Telion is around to help me decide..." The smile lingered but with a hint of a fade, his eyes briefly averted as he himself reflected on the fact Talon was a divine being now. A Demigod. Which meant far greater influences were destined to impact him, greater than the few that already had over the past season.

"You may feel lost right now, Talon, but you needn't dwell on that feeling for long. Whatever calling pulls you, just remember to listen to what's inside. Let your heart carry you home, with the best intentions you can come up with." He wanted to elaborate more but didn't have the words, not to match the feelings that welled within his own heart. When he looked to Talon there was often an underlying split between emotions, the latter often being uncertainty in regards to Talon's divinity. He didn't question Talon nor the faith he had in the Avialae, just the ever-mysterious influence Arcas had over him. Before he'd found it hard to confront those feelings honestly, since it was Talon, but now the wolf could understand the difference in that divide.

He loved, respected, and even beheld a faith both fierce and loyal. With Talon there weren't any doubts or suspicions the wolf had, and if he had the balls for it, he would've more than likely breached all these inner thoughts a season ago. Instead, Rickter toiled to preserve what good things he had, because he simply feared what another loss would do to him. Beneath all that inner quiet though, the wolf beheld a constant emotion that gave him such power; and even sometimes clarity. It drove him to act at the moment when he'd impulsively rushed at someone's side when he thought to offer protection and aid toward another who was a mere stranger to him.

It changed him entirely. And while he could reflect on what that feeling was, all he could express it as though, through their bond, was the irrepressible urge to tear down the sky for the ones he counted close. "Do what your heart tells you, Talon, and the rest will come together on its own." He added after he allowed that immense feeling to sink in, waiting to gauge the prince's reaction and see how he responded.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah"
word count: 1227
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: Forge your Legend

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Comments: This was a sweet thread, makes me look forward to the days when Rickter and Talon will just chill and snooze together.

word count: 48
Templates, Workshop
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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