"Into the Abyss" (The Expedition Party)

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Brenner Dornkirk
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"Into the Abyss"

“Wer mit Ungeheuern kämpft, mag zusehn, daß er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer wird. Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein.”

The gaping mouth of Wraedan's Maw, as cartographers of yore had dubbed it, loomed before the stalwart adventurers as they disembarked and descended the gangplank of the airship Nachtherr. The vessel, true to its nomenclature, had arrived at the landing zone by night, and so most of the party (those with normal, human eyesight) hadn't been able to take in the breadth and grandeur of this southerly point-of-entry into the dreaded Warrens.

Shouldering his travel pack, Brenner was the first to step onto terra firma, where he was followed by Piers Lightborn, the hulking man he'd hired to serve as their ranger. He was technically a member of Myles Arnnett's tactical team, though he'd only answered to Brenner thus far and had only met Myles very briefly during the mission briefing and on their flight over from Zaichaer.

"Here we are, Ladies and Gentlemen." Brenner enunciated, as he swept round to regard the others who were assembling at the foot of the ramp. "I'll spare you another of my speeches, and give the floor- or rather the grassy knoll- over to our sterling ranger and guide for a quick run down of what we should expect as we delve. Piers?" Brenner had to reach up to pat Piers on the back, which was answered with a gruff nod as the tall man looked to the clump of hopefuls.

"I have spent more time in the Warrens than a body has a right to. That wasn't by any choice of my own, but it's outfitted me with knowledge that will hopefully keep most of you alive. Now..." He met Eitan's eyes, "To be very clear, I've never used this point-of-entry and I don't ken the tunnels we'll be exploring..." He looked, next, to Stefan. "But I've done my research in preparation for this mission." His eyes met Myles', "Pored over old tomes, and spoken to them what have made forays through Wraedan's Maw. So, as we make our way into the depths, the main danger I'd like to put you on alert for..." His gaze lowered to catch the ethereal eyes of the diminutive Lysanrin, "...is creatures what rely upon stealth to stalk their prey. They don't manipulate aether to conceal themselves, mind. All your fancy aetherial powers aren't like t'help," He glanced sidelong to Brenner, "...nor is the aura glass you commissioned that may aid us further down in the depths." He crossed his arms over his broad chest and peered across at the group as a whole,

"Like chameleons or octopods, many of these creatures can manipulate their appearances to blend in with their surroundings. That means you need to be on high alert- everyone one of you. You won't always be able to rely upon your eyes, so make sure you keep your other senses engaged. Smell something funny? Alert the group. Hear a rustle against the wall? Point it out. I'd rather you irritate me by marking every little anomaly you observe, rather than ignoring something that gets party members killed, yeah?" He paused, waiting for acknowledgement before proceeding.

"Good. I believe a watch order has been established and disseminated, yeah? Four shifts per rest. First time we camp, I've got Dienerin and Dornkirk the Elder on first watch, followed by Albrecht and Angevin..." He paused and turned to look at Brenner, "Did you intentionally pair people up based on the first letter of their surname?" He arched an eyebrow, but glanced back down at the list, "Oh, nevermind. Dornkirk the Younger and Arnnett are on third watch, followed by Evanson and myself on fourth.

"I'll do my best to locate camp sites that optimise security. I've marked off a few spots based on my research that might serve us well, but whatever the case- It's absolutely paramount that you keep your wits about you and really focus on your surroundings when we camp, yeah?" Again he waited for acknowledgement, then took a step back. "All right. That's all I got." And with that he grunted, nodded and looked to Brenner.

"All right! Last call for supplies from the ship, but otherwise? Off we go!" The Air Commander grinned broadly. This was it. The culmination of his entire life to date was truly upon him. All of his work... his education, training and all of his beliefs were wrapped up in this and so, too, was his future. His chest swelled with the pride of it as he regarded each member of the party, attempting to memorise the moment- Every detail of each of their expressions as they prepared to change the world. Albrecht and Lightborn were hardest to read, but Brenner was feeling too optimistic to let that mar the moment, even if he marked it.

Brenner stepped between Stefan and Eitan. He placed an arm around either man,

"Here we are, gents." He began, guiding them toward Wraedan's Maw, "Let us into the abyss..."
word count: 902
"I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die."
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Eitan Angevin
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Eitan was quiet as Brenner introduced Lightborn and the ranger iterated a few things, reiterated a few others, and generally prepared them for the drop into Wraeden's Maw. He nodded tersely at appropriate times, knowing the man appreciated acknowledgment but preferred no excess. It was a heady thing to have such responsibility, though the gravity of it kept him anchored in reality. He glanced at his team: at Albrecht, who would sad but would soldier on; at Beeman, who watched the giant man through her giant spectacles and thought things he could not guess. Beeman's expertise might often be needed by Stefan and his—Eitan glanced at Dr. Stechpalme, his pick for that branch of the expedition—but he was responsible for the Orator, and was glad to have such an esteemed member of the College of Minders here with them. It calmed some of his own worries.

He and Albrecht had spent time in the Warrens, and he knew they would do their best to surprise the expedition. But the Watcher and his ward would be more alert than anyone. He readjusted the straps of his travel pack, wanting to be sure the weight was evenly distributed to prevent injury and keep him mobile should agility be required at any point.

Brenner's glee and his arm around his shoulders snapped him out of his reverie. Grinning back, he reached around to give Stefan an inclusive pat on the shoulder before resting his hand on Brenner's. It was quite a thing the three of them had organized here, and under Brenner's measured leadership.

As they began their descent, he wondered allowed, "I can't quite recall how it works for the ground troops. Ought we to still call you Captain while in the Warrens or are you Mission Commander Dornkirk in the interim? I wouldn't want to face a court martial upon our victorious return for contempt or hierarchy or somesuch nonsense."
word count: 342
Mind is a razor blade.
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Stefan Dornkirk
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Months of preparation, physical, mental, and yes, even emotional, had gone into the step they were about to take. Stefan had sheathed his body in the new armor and clothing tailored for the harsh environment of the Warrens, his mind was girded by hundreds of books and time spent in his laboratory, his emotions were wrapped securely by the twin presence of his brothers; one by blood and one by marriage. Dienerin's presence at his back helped too, put an attitude of work and duty to the endeavor into the unknown.

Everything he would need for the next few weeks, and longer in the case of disaster, were about his person; in his pack, strapped to his back, or Dienerin's, or his belt. The weight of firearms against his legs was unusual but comforting, satisfying.

As they took their first steps from the light into the darkness he turned and did a headcount by eye, noting how the people fell in together, how they moved as a unit more than the actual number. If something went wrong he wanted to know where people had been and with whom. The soldiers seemed mostly to stick together, the Orator and good Doctor had their heads together, having a discussion that Stefan was vaguely sorry to not be a part of. Dienerin was a few paces behind Stefan, making a quick note about something. Albrecht was, for that moment, behind Eitan, almost mirroring Dienerin behind Stefan. But the Private had a mercurial feel to him of late. Since they'd boarded the ship there had been something lacking that had been there on their previous meetings, a spark of self-assertion and even defiance that Stefan had noted, in the Windworks and training rooms that now felt drained out of him almost.

He had not spoken as Brenner and Lightborn gave their instructional speeches, and he did not speak now. The moment felt too... big, somehow; too heavy to allow words to escape him. So, he held them inside, as though holding them might give him strength, or warmth in the cold-dark to come.

The path began to slope downward more steeply than the gentle deception of the entrance, as the threesome who walked arm-in-arm passed from the last of the sunlight into shadow.
word count: 393
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Myles Arnnett
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With Jonah's help Myles strapped on the last of his armor taking comfort in its reassuring weight. He couldn't think of too many injuries beyond gravity and fire that could surmount armor out in nature. Stomping off the ship he rang of triumphant chain and plate. Jonah in his hardened leather walked behind him with a new spear in his grip this one with a one half the blade serrated for utility. Stepping out he saw Brenner preparing to make his speech, Myles grinned knowing that the man had prepared a speech to kindle his men for an harrowing adventure. “he sure loves his speeches” Jonah whispered behind him. “If you ever want to climb rank, you'd do well to love em too” Myles retorted. “Charisma wins wars Jonah.”

Listening to Brenner speak he nodded along approvingly and eyed the ranger with new interest as he spoke. Deciding that he'd do well to keep pace with that man and learn what he could from him Myles planned to make the most use of his armor by keeping himself between whatever dangers arose and those who would ensure their safe return to the surface. Thus the ranger would be a priority until Myles could match his navigation skills. He disliked being calculating but those who lacked survival skills were less likely to keep them all alive than those that did. “You'd do well to hang on every word that comes out of Peirs's mouth Jonah.” This time it was Jonah's turn to retort back “When'd you get so preachy Myles?” Deciding not to cuff him then and there he wondered if there wasn't some truth to his lieutenants words, perhaps it was simply his fondness for Brenner but he'd personally always enjoyed the pep the man brought to the scene.

As the the reality of their venture set in Myles and Jonah stared towards the gaping hole in the ground. He wasn't sure who intended to take the lead but assuming Piers was going to be the one to do so Myles stepped in near the man and grinned as he heard Brenner say "Let us into the Abyss” It sounded like the man had already repeated the words a hundred times in preparation to say them. "Aye aye Captain Brenner" Myles said winking at their leader and sending him what he hoped was a reassuring grin as they marched towards their destiny.

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Florian felt...odd. Hollow, even. It was not quite the same feeling that had plagued him on and off for the past week. Despite the secrecy, fabled importance, and essentially hand-picked nature of the mission, he still felt like the odd one out. He didn't have a particularly close relationship with anyone but Eitan, though Myles was overtly friendly and one of few who seemed to view him as a person more than a useful thing.

He listened, though. Regardless of odd feelings, it was not a situation to be taken lightly, and he wanted to return from the warrens in much the same shape as he entered it. So he was quiet and obedient. He had no personal stake in the mission, and as far as he could figure, blame could not be passed onto him if they failed to find their quarry. He was more overwhelmed by the prospect of entering the warrens and traveling the warrens and sleeping in the warrens for an extended period of time than anything else. The anxiety of it all made him feel itchy.

Florian stood and tagged along behind Eitan like a lost puppy. None of his feelings mattered in the scheme of things and he would have to pull himself together in approximately the time it took to walk from where they had landed to when they entered the warrens, and he would have to stay that way until they walked out. How long this stalwart resolve would last in practice was anyone's guess; he figured that it would disappear as soon as it was time for him to sleep. He could be lucky and have a dream that was not so terrible, but he never considered himself lucky.

He rubbed his eyes. There was no reason to be so caught up in his own feelings. He was here, after all, and was important. The only thing that mattered was the lives of everyone involved.
word count: 335
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Brenner Dornkirk
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Day 1

Brenner chuckled at Eitan's query. He found it oddly amusing to focus on formality as his old friend posed a point-of-order ere they trod their inaugural steps into the beyond and below.

"Let's stick with captain, as not to get confusing. Consider me a..." He shrugged, "Squad Captain, for the sake of argument." The ranks may not have aligned perfectly between branches of the Zaichaeri military, but Brenner had spent his life seeking captaincy and, Science damn it, he was going to cling to the title for as long as he could- Even if it was mitigated and finite.

The first few steps into the mouth of the cavern were yet bathed in the morning light that crested over the hills to their rear. It felt unnaturally abrupt how quickly that ceased to be the case. Darkness seemed to hold greater dominion here than it did in the world without... Or perhaps Brenner was just being overdramatic. Whatever the case, Piers paused them at what seemed to be the border between the realms of light and dark, and set about lighting lanterns and assigning people to bear their literal torches ere trudging further into the penumbral-pitch darkness.

Time passed quickly at first. The rush of adrenaline that propelled them forward made the hours fly by while their focus and attention were sharp. Pier's dread warnings were fresh on their mind at first, but the Warrens were an insidious place and the fell fiends that inhabited this corner of it were clever. And patient.

The party pushed themselves over the course of nearly ten hours on the first day, before Piers pointed out a relatively secure spot to serve as their first campsite. Brenner was glad to stop. He felt like his body could have trekked on for far longer, but his mind was starting to wander. He felt his focus fading and he knew that he wasn't as alert as he'd been when they set out. He was sure most of the others would be feeling similarly, if not worse, by this point. Being so prepared for action, the complete lack thereof was utterly unnerving. He was starting to see more and more movement in the shadows, but he couldn't ascertain whether it was one of the camouflaged creatures about which they'd been warned or simply a trick of the mind. Whatever the case, Brenner was relieved to yield up some of the responsibility to the First Watch. If he was slain in his sleep, it was on their heads not his own and, oddly, there was comfort in that. Comfort enough that he slept well despite their dismal, threatening surroundings and needed to be nudged thrice before waking to take up sentry duty himself alongside the strapping Myles Arnnett.

Day 2

"Insidious, clever and patient." Those words kept coming to mind in later days, and would feature heavily in Brenner's log of the events to come. Their first encounter with inhabitants of the Warrens didn't come until midway through their second day, when minds were beginning to wander and Piers' warnings of the prior day felt like a distant memory. The Warrens sent their first salvo in the form of large, bat-like creatures that swept down from the stalactites above them as if emerging from the shadows themselves and lashing with their razor sharp talons. Piers, true to form, had been first to sound the warning that put the others on alert in time to expel the attack- slaying one of the creatures, and setting the others back to their perches in the distance above. Brenner congratulated the team, lauding their prowess and alertness, unaware that their first conflict had been little more than a test of their defences.

Days 3 & 4

There would be more such instances with various creatures as they trekked. Sometimes it was when they were all together, but increasingly the attacks seemed to emerge when the group split up- When a pair stalked ahead to scout an offshoot to the path, or when two stood sentry as the others slept. They were being harried. Haunted day and night by threats great enough to exhaust them. Tenderising the meat for the feast to come.

Day 5

"Halt!" Piers held up a warning fist as the he promptly armed himself and assumed a cautious stance. After a pause, he gestured for the others to approach slowly. As they rounded the corner, they could see his face awash with a dim, but shifting glow emanating from what appeared to be some sort of subterranean, self-illuminating forest. The odours that met them didn't seem to match the view, but the party didn't have time to process the landscape as the sound of a primal roar pierced the air and echoed through the grim expanse of cavern that lay before the edges of the ethereal forest ahead of them.

"Arm!" Brenner shouted as he caught sight of a large figure charging toward them, "Arm yourselves and prepare to engage... whatever the fuck that is!"
word count: 867
"I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die."
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Eitan Angevin
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Day 1

Eitan chuckled, and would have called out "Oh Captain! My Captain!" except the Captain in the poem was dead and he was going to make sure Brenner returned to the High City with his life. When perforce, the threesome had to break their embrace, he turned on the small lantern that hung from his belt, a requisition from the Order of Reconciliation that he had forgotten to return. Powered by a shard of illumite, the glow of the thing didn't reach far, but it was comforting and warm as the arrival of morning after a long night, and it might just repel a few of the lesser dangers the Warrens held within. Even that would aid their cause; stopping to fight would slow them down, and success also relied on getting in and getting out with all due haste.

He claimed the First Watch and, once he ensured Albrecht wasn't coming apart at the seams, made sure he was on a different watch. Orator Beeman wouldn't take a watch until the next night. She was a Minder, and less prepared for the rigors of the journey, but Eitan did want to spread out those members of the Order as were present so there was someone with some training to handle magical dangers alert for as much of the time as possible.

Day 2

Eitan popped a squat beside Beeman as she hovered over the corpse of the batlike creature.

"I would say a member of the order Megachiroptera, except..." She mumbled to herself. Dr. Stechpalme stepped over to peer down as well.

The Watcher handed the Minder his monocle of aura glass that she might scan it for its aetheric siganture before that fully faded away in death.

"Oh, thank you, Angevin... Mm... larger than a giant golden-crowned flying fox, which you wouldn't see this far north... Clearly happy to hunt mammals as well as insects and fruit, however, hmm, hmm, hmm..." Her giant spectacles reflected light like full moons on her face, and it was clear she would happily crouch here in the middle of the Warrens and dissect the thing if given the chance.

"Orator, perhaps one of your specimen bags?" he suggested. "More light can be set up when we camp if you would like to make a closer examination."

"Ah, yes, of course, of course, you're right." She removed her pack and found the things, which had been treated by the Order's world mages to prevent decay; she might even keep it entirely fresh until they returned to her laboratory in Zaichaer, but he doubted she would have the patience to wait.

Days 3 & 4

The attacks did seem to have a rhythm to them, and it was speeding up. He discussed this with the other leaders of the team, offering what strategic perspective he could. So far, he and Albrecht hadn't been called upon to bring their powers to bear. It seemed wiser to hold those in reserve until it was certain that the threat required a magical solution. The Lysanrin had grown more powerful over the last season, but he still had a tendency to overdo it when in a crisis and they wouldn't have time for him to sleep until his reserves had returned.

"I wonder," Beeman mused aloud while speaking to him privately, "whether there is a higher intelligence about the ecosystem here. Or if the ecosystem acts as an organism itself..."

"Fascinating," he allowed, "and troubling for us. Perhaps you ought to discuss this with Dornkirk and Stechpalme?"

"Of course, of course..." She was clearly a Minder, more interested in the magical phenomena than she was worried about self-preservation.

He was once again glad the requisition had afforded him such expensive armor.

Day 5

"A Fungelione!" Beeman exclaimed. "Oh, oh!"

While she tried to sort through her mind for the most relevant information for the impending battle, Eitan locked and loaded. Nothing that made that much noise was good news for them, but he could see it now that Beeman had spotted it, as well. It did indeed look like a fungal big cat.

"Orator?" he asked crisply. "Report."

Just as he deferred to Lightborn in this emergency, the higher-ranked Orator deferred to the Watcher while in crisis.

"Its hide will regenerate," she managed, speaking up so all could hear her. Dr. Stechpalme was taking cover and drawing her own sidearm. She wouldn't be the front line, but she didn't want to die either. "Ahh... It draws in ambient earth-type aether to heal itself. The fungal colony, I mean. I don't know if that will include a Lysanrin blast. Careful, careful... they often hunt in packs!"

"Thank you, Beeman." That said, he aimed, getting a bead on it, and fired as soon as he was certain he wouldn't miss. A headshot might put it down long enough to make the fungus work, he supposed, in which time they could finish it off.

He hoped.
word count: 855
Mind is a razor blade.
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Stefan Dornkirk
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Day 1

The first day, after the thrill of entering the Warrens, had been almost boring. There were myriad of interesting geographical features, a few of which Stefan had made quick sketches of, discussing with Orator Beeman those which she knew, and speculating about those with which she was unfamiliar.

The hike had not been particularly tiring to Stefan, neither for his mind nor his body. He was used to long runs with forty pounds on his shoulders, so the comfortable walking pace and pack of supplies felt natural to his body. The years spent pouring over books, of writing schematics, working through the mathematical equations required had trained him for endless hours of concentration and, aside from the mild boredom, it was, overall, a good day. The two-person tents he had ordered for the group seemed to cause the group to split into pairs quite naturally, and though he seemed to have ended up with Brenner, the time they would spend together in the relative seclusion of the thick oiled canvas walls did not seem likely to allow them much bonding time. Stefan was taking first watch, figuring he was still alert enough for it, and Brenner last, which meant that any time they spent in the tent together would involve them both being asleep. At least having his brother nearby as he tried to get himself to sleep in that strange place helped.

Day 2

And then the Warrens began to test them. Though the attacks each seemed individual, done by a variety of different creatures, Stefan couldn't keep the idea that The Warrens as a concept, had noticed their uninvited intrusion and were beginning to poke at them, searching for their weak points, where they would buckle.

He was more than happy to crouch down over the one body they had managed to fell, listening to the three members of the Order discuss the specimen. He made a few notes of his own, happy that his little Expedition journal seemed to be filling up at a pace to have it full by the time they returned home.

That night he helped set up several light sources and donned protective leathers to assist Dr. Beeman in her autopsy. Dienerin stood by to take his notes for him, since his own hands were quickly quite messy. The hours it took to finish the experiment seemed well worth the sleep given up in the pursuit. Eitan had even been kind enough to wrap them in a bubble that warded against scents, in case anything that enjoyed feasting on the bat-like creature was hunting close enough to their encampment to scent the blood and come by for a look.

Day 3-4

As amusing as the idea that The Warrens had been testing them had been on the second day, by the end of the fourth Stefan was not so sure it wasn't true. He had begun to record the times at which they were attacked, and they did have a timing to them. They were coming closer and closer together too. It could be said that, as they were making their way deeper into the abyss the creatures were more prolific, which would explain the uptick in the incidents. Even the timing might be explained scientifically; if the creatures had territories, as their above-ground cousins did, they might be encountering them once per territory. Stefan was just about to ask the two doctors about his theory when Eitan brought the observations up to the group leaders.

Beeman's theory that the entire area might be a single, large ecosystem with a greater connection, a greater communication, than was seen outside the Warrens was as fascinating and troublesome, just as Eitan said. When the militant leaders moved off he was free to discuss his own ideas with Stechpalme and Beeman, quietly off to one side together.

Theories and notes flowed between them; Stechpalme offering clear and clinical options while Beeman theorized a variety of possibilities. Stefan felt like the middle ground, integrating the options into a theory that stayed within the bounds, if barely, of known science. It wasn't that he didn't think that the biology in the Warrens would offer things as of yet unknown to science. He certainly hoped they would, but for the purpose of keeping everyone alive and hail for the journey, he preferred not to implement any ideas that had no basis in studied phenomenon until there was no other option. Guessing with the lives of his friend and colleagues was not something Stefan would do unless given no other option.

Day 4

At the excited exclamation from Brenner Stefan slipped out of his pack and pulled his rifle over his shoulder, stepping into the formation that Lightborn had devised on the second day of the attacks. Dr. Beeman's own exclamation caused him to briefly lower the weapon and give the charging species a better look before his instincts caught up to the exact level of danger he was in and raised the weapon back up.

The Orator offered useful, but basically just scientific information. Stefan was in the useful position (at the moment) of being steeped in both science and military information. Catching the eyes of Lightborn, Brenner, and Myles he said,

"We should adopt a circle formation, the pack will send out a single, loud leader to catch our attention while the majority circle to the sides and rear to catch us off our guard. We should aim for the heads whenever possible, eyes for the sharp-shooters. Body shots are more likely to anger them into a frenzy than take them down. Inner folk should recharge and have rifles at the ready for the outer circle."

He snapped the information off as he would have an active battle report to a commanding officer in the ZADC; calmly and loud enough for everyone to hear. The soldiers appeared well trained, and the civilians seemed mostly on board. It wouldn't be the first time Dienerin stood a pace behind his master reloading for him.

Moving himself to the 'rear' of where the charge was coming, the report of rifle fire exploded into the air just as he got into position and pulled his own weapon up. His breath came quickly and he could feel the adrenaline filtering through his blood as a few tense moments passed before...

"There!" he yelled, not bothering to point with his hand as he swung his rifle toward the three oncoming animals.
word count: 1098
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Myles Arnnett
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Day 1

The march's beginning was uneventful the quiet and dark of the gaping wound in the ground called the warrens quickly consumed the adventuring party. Tromping along in heavy armor Myles grimaced as he trudged along with his heavy load thankful for the first time for the many miles he'd had to trek up tell now in the service. The uneventful hours were filled with much chattering from Jonah who seemed to have the horrible habit of wanting to talk the more nervous he got. He knew he hated being hushed as a grown man but Myles was often forced to do so as he tried to hear each and every new sound the warrens produced.

Each of the parties various members seemed to be coping with the changes to their environment. Their guide walked with a comfortable ease, others gawked wide eyed or slowly gave into nerves as was the case with Jonah. Myles for his part was excited. He was ready to face any foe if it meant the acquisition of a weapon that the enemies of Zaichaeri would quake at the sight of. With that in mind that fervor carried him to the site of their first camp where Myles praised his luck at avoiding first watch, quickly crawling into the confines of his tent and plush bedrolls as soon as he and Jonah had pitched them.

Day 2

They came as quickly as they left with little more than a shout and a screech of warning Myles raised his shield just in time to deflect a set of raking claws. Jonah quick on the draw the swatted the creature away with the haft of his spear, producing an indignant shriek as the creature retreated with its companions as one was felled. Turning to his lieutenant, Myles was met with the most smug looking Jonah he had seen in a long while.

“If I didn't know better, Myles, I'd say that startled you”

Rolling his eyes at his lieutenant, Myles snorted, “To be fair, you don't often think to look up so far down.”

Soldiering on for the rest of the day, Myles now glanced upward more often than he had before, even on his complains topside. Jonah, for his part, while smug, also seemed far warier than he had before. Pondering what might challenge them next, Myles wondered if this was the Warrens showing its teeth, a mere warning at best.

With that in mind, Myles resolved to not allow himself to relax for the remainder of their trip.

Day 3-4

As they delved deeper into the Warrens, the ecosystem's spite manifested stronger and quicker with each league they descended. As the conflicts grew more numerous and harrowing and more and more dents and abrasions on his flesh, he found himself smiling. While the others were for the most part, unnerved, Myles found himself in a familiar scene, constant and harrowing combat was not new to the infantryman, who with locked jaw set his blade on all who approached the party. By the time they neared the end of the fourth day, Myles and Jonah's arms and armor were stained dark with the blood of the denizens of the deep. While the others grew tired, Myles found himself galvanized by the conflict. In his mind, each stroke of his sword cleaved them closer to their destination, each strike against his shield and every blow against his armor, he counted a boon as he kept his comrades safe and sound. Even in these depths there was no darkness Zaichaeri light could not banish.

Day 5

Alerted by the horrible roar of a beast far greater than any they'd thus encountered, Myles head snapped up his reflexes took over. His purpose clear Myles met the challenging roar with glee. Heavy steel boots dug into the earth as Myles charged out of his throng of comrades putting himself between the creature and them. As it charged towards them Myles opened his mouth and let out his own frothing roar as he too charged the creature, raising his shield to bash his would be opponent in its open maw.

It was not so devoid of intelligence however to simply collide with him head on. As they neared each other the freak lion of the deep reared and swiped an arm like the trunk of a small tree towards his head. In this moment the crack of gunfire had already filled the air and whatever ordinance that had struck the creature managed to slow it enough for Myles to dodge the strike, ducking into a deep crouch now nearly beneath the beast. Springing up with his shield still held aloft, he slammed his iron clad arm into the Fungelion's core with a resounding clang of metal against wood. The creature, more gasping than roaring now, tumbled across the ground. Before Myles could confirm a kill against it. He found himself now facing three more where one had stood, the beasts leaping over their own downed friend and forcing Myles to leap back as he swiped his sword and cursed at the beasts before him.

word count: 864
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Brenner Dornkirk
Posts: 438
Joined: Wed Feb 10, 2021 5:50 pm
Title: First Minister of the State of Zaichaer
Location: Zaichaer
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43& ... 5964#p5964
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1285

Brenner unshouldered his pack and tossed it out of the way, promptly drawing his rifle as he listened to the report from Beeman, who seemed to recognise the creature's species, and the recommendation from Stefan, which struck him as a sound one based on the information thus far. They were fortunate that the glowing foliage (or was it fungi?) broadened their field of vision beyond the limitations they'd suffered in prior corners of the Warrens. The boon to their eyesight also afforded them more time to prepare as the odd entity bounded headlong in their direction.

"You heard the man! Form up, and I want levels. Taller shooters stand, shorter shooters take a knee!" Brenner dropped to one knee, in so saying and took aim as others began to circle up around him.

"Shooters, fire at will! Loaders, keep 'em coming!" He instructed as he loosed a round toward the creature taking up the vanguard. He handed the rifle back without bothering to look at whomever accepted it and passed back its replacement. He was lining up for another shot when none other than Myles Arnett blustered into his firing line.

"Scheiße!" He snapped, through a snarl as he heard Stefan over his shoulder drawing attention to the additional threats emerging from behind the luminescent surroundings.

"Keep low, Arnnett!" He commanded over the din of blasting rifles. Everyone with a firearm was experienced enough that he didn't worry overmuch about Myles being struck by an errant bullet as long as he kept his head down. They were aiming for the heads, so it would have to be a wildly bad shot for Arnnett to take any friendly fire.

Of the four incoming attackers, Myles had incapacitated one and another took a headshot as it bore down on the enthusiastic young knight. The other two took only glancing blows, and made for the phalanx of riflemen, loping past Myles and making for the larger group.

"Brace for melee combat!" He commanded, trying to get off one more shot before dropping the rifle in front of him and drawing his sword. The imposing Piers Lightborn raised his warhammer and slammed it into the side of the malodorous beast that had been darting toward Brenner, sending it tumbling sidelong and slamming against a stalagmite. Brenner swung his blade down to behead the beast, blinking in surprise as his eyes landed on the ghostblossom that protruded from the ground where the head rolled from the rest of the body.

At least if they survived this, they were on the right track. He shook off the notion, and returned to the moment to assess the situation. Stefan and Eitan were engaged with the other creature that had hurdled into their group, and Myles seemed intent on making sure the two in his vicinity stayed down for good. Lightborn's focus was holistic, his nostrils flared, his eyes were wide and his ears perked, surveying the surroundings for additional threats- Fungal or otherwise.
word count: 515
"I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die."
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