
High City of the Northlands

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Frost 121

The woman in the chair across from her wrung her hands, glancing nervously at the door as if expecting the Reconciliation to burst in at any moment. Yeva waited for her to speak first but silence stretched between them, interrupted only by the muffled street sounds of the outside world and the steady tick of the cuckoo clock on the wall. At last, she rose from the clothed table, waving towards the beaded curtain that separated the kitchenette, "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Uh..." the woman's foot jittered in place and she rubbed her fingers together, "Yes... please."

"Absolutely," Yeva made her way to the cabinet, retrieving dried tea leaves, with sprigs of mint and lavender and began to grind the mixture using her mortar and pestle. She was reminded of the servers at the Hobbled Gobbler and attempted conversation, "So, what's your name?"

The woman looked genuinely surprised, "You don't just... know? I just thought..."

The redhead chuckled, "I'm a mystic, not a mind reader," she found the kettle and began to fill it, speaking louder to not get drowned out over the sound of pouring water, "If I was, that would certainly discredit my work, don't you think?" The tension that had been plaguing the room continued and she moved back to the main room, brushing aside the clattering beads, offering a small, gentle smile, "I am not a mage, either."

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't be," Yeva could see the shame on the woman's face. Young, perhaps only a few years older than herself. She had an uncertain, almost fearful aura. What was most surprising, both when she entered and now that they were speaking was plain to see: She was human. It was a difficult thing to ignore, particularly since Yeva had yet to receive one at the shop.

She treaded carefully, "There are many assumptions about what I do... You must be quite brave."

The woman watched her.

"I am a stranger to you. A... foreigner. You have come all this way, with so much unknown in what I do." It was easy to feel a kinship in that way, as it was the exact thing she had done coming to the city, "I think that takes a lot of courage." she sat back at the table, allowing time for the words to process, "Tell me, am I as scary as you imagined?"

This made the guest smile, if slightly, "No... No, of course not. It's..." she sighed, clearly carrying a heavy weight on her shoulders, "It's what you might tell me... I'm almost scared to ask."


Fear of the future? Fear of clarity? Yeva regarded the woman for a moment before setting aside the mortar and pestle to go and set the kettle upon the stove. When it started to heat, she finished grinding the tea leaves and rejoined the woman with a smile and a deck of cards, "Let's start with introductions. My name is Yeva," she motioned towards her guest, who understood the gesture.

"Clara Dawson."

"Hello Clara," Yeva breathed, scooping the crushed herbal mixture into tea bag made of cheesecloth and delicate thread, "" she pulled the bag closed and lai

Notes: Self: eight of wands, situation: tower, solution: travel card... can't remember.
word count: 571
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