Character Registry: Frost 121

High City of the Northlands

Moderators: Principal Author, Regional Author, Associate Author, Junior Author

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[Quest]- A fully moderated thread that will be directed and overseen by either Paragon or Goule. A starter for the thread will be provided. Once the allotted amount of players listed have posted to the thread, it will be closed to all other entries. If players see an event listed and would like to make their interest known, please send a PM to one of the city moderators here on the forums (not Discord).

[Prompt] - A written prompt will be provided for interested participants. Any and all who desire to participate in this event, please get with Paragon. A starter for the thread will be provided. A prompt is different from a moderated thread in that the premise of the scenario is provided, players are left to determine the outcome of their own volition. However, a moderator can step in to offer a creative nudge where appropriate.

[Open Prompt]- Players are welcome to begin the event themselves.


Due to some events that will carry over from last season that need to be completed, any major events will not be listed on the calendar - yet. An announcement will be made whenever this is updated with the results and how they impact Zaichaer in the future.

In the mean time, please feel free to create your own calendar events! You can find further instructions in the code below

Code: Select all

[b]Name:[/b] [url=Character Sheet Link]PC Name[/url]
[b]Race:[/b] Character's Race
[b]Likes and Dislikes:[/b] What do you like to write about? What do you not like?
[b]Reason for Visiting:[/b] What brought you to Zaichaer?
[b]Goal for the Season:[/b] What are you hoping to achieve this season?
[b]Duration of Stay:[/b] How long will you be with us?
[b]Commentary Feedback:[/b] What would you like to see more of in Zaichaer this season?

[size=115][b]Frost Events[/b][/size]
[spoil]This season we, the staff, are taking a bit of a different approach with the calendar. While we hope to see a full roster of events, we feel that our player base should have the opportunity to contribute to the Seasonal Calendar as well! This isn't a necessary part of the Registry, just an opportunity for PC's to tag in with their contributions! You only need to use the template layout below to fill out your own!

[float=left][img][/img][/float][b]Frost (Timestamp): Event[/b]
[b]Weather:[/b] ([url=]You can use these icons for references to your weather[/url])

Describe what this event is and how it even ties into Zaichaer's culture.  [Tag: Is it a Holiday? Open Prompt or Event?][/spoil]
Previous Calendars: Year 121
Glade 121
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Searing 121

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Ash 121
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Name: Franky
Race: Hobgoblin
Likes and Dislikes: Open to anything
Reason for Visiting: Live here.
Goal for the Season: Get the newspaper business off the ground
Duration of Stay: For the foreseeable future.
Commentary Feedback: Open events, prompts, and moderator involvement.

Frost Events
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Title: Most Unemployed Janitor In The World
Location: Ecith
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Name: Imogen
Race: Orkhan
Likes and Dislikes: Up for dialogue-heavy scenes, navel-gazing philosophy, combat, light-hearted flavor scenes, smuggling and anything else you like. Would prefer not to be put to death by slow torture for at least a few more seasons, but we'll see how the schedule works out.
Reason for Visiting: Born in Zaichaer, trying to sweet-talk other smugglers into teaching her Traversion.
Goal for the Season: No specific goals, just want to settle into the character.
Duration of Stay: Until she is either forced to flee the nation or is hired to do something elsewhere.
Commentary Feedback:
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Location: Zaichaer
Character Sheet: ... 364#p13364
Character Secrets:

Name: Konstantin
Race: Human
Likes and Dislikes: Business threads, fighting, sneaking around, decapacitating vampyre heads
Reason for Visiting: Reconnect with biological father (Dreymund Monteliyet)
Goal for the Season: Get settled in the city
Duration of Stay: For the foreseeable future
Commentary Feedback: Heists, parties, chaos, vampyres, moderated debauchery events
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Character Sheet:
Character Secrets:

Name: Tobias Zorrothy
Race: Human/Siltori
Likes and Dislikes: Romance, Trouble, Redemption
Reason for Visiting: I live here
Goal for the Season: To redeem himself in the Order of Reconciliation, to continue his training, maybe investigate the Myshalarai or Railrunners.
Duration of Stay: Depends. (He will return back and forth Zaichaer.)
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Frost 121 Sign Ups

Name: Yeva
Race: Hytori
Likes and Dislikes: I like all kinds of things. Mostly plots with give and take from both writers, things that aren't overly plotted, and lots of room for surprises. I love when my character's grit is tested.
Reason for Visiting: She's currently a temporary resident, who came to Zaichaer to challenge herself. As an elf in a human-centric city, it has proven an interesting journey so far.
Goal for the Season: FInd more thread partners. Have Yeva create a new relationship (friend, enemy, lover, coworker, anything). I just want her to make connections with people.
Duration of Stay: To be decided. Yeva may be making a pilgrimage here soon.
Commentary Feedback: I want to see more activity.

Last edited by Yeva on Sun Jan 16, 2022 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 143
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Character Sheet: ... 346#p13346
Character Secrets:

Name: Leonard
Alias: He is living under the identity of Klaus Frankenberg (A Specialist in the Defense Corps who is also a Reconciliator)
Race: Human
Likes and Dislikes: Nothing yet off-limits, save for romance (Since it's his 'principle' to not be emotionally attached)
Reason for Visiting: Long story short, he stole the identity of a (now deceased) Zaichaer soldier and bring him back from the dead (Live as him)
Goal for the Season: Learn more about Zaichaer, especially the Defense Corps and the Order. Learn more about the Frankenberg, reunite with his crew, and prepare for settling down in Zaichaer permanently
Duration of Stay: Until he needs to move on. Hopefully will be setting down roots
Commentary Feedback: What would you like to see more of in Zaichaer this season? A white whale
word count: 135
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Brenner Dornkirk
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Title: First Minister of the State of Zaichaer
Location: Zaichaer
Character Sheet: ... 5964#p5964
Character Secrets:

Name: Brenner Stahl Dornkirk
Race: Human
Likes and Dislikes: Likes - Humanity, industry, the State. Dislikes - Subhumans, sorcery, complacency.
Reason for Visiting: Zaichaeri born and bred.
Goal for the Season: Developing a deployment method for his secret weapon, plotting subversion and sabotage, visiting Kalzasi.
Duration of Stay: Brenner will leave for Kalzasi toward the end of the season.
Commentary Feedback: What would you like to see more of in Zaichaer this season? Brutality.
word count: 72
"I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die."
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=2451
Character Secrets: ... =20&t=3110

Name: Slake
Race: Awoken (Caste II Stone Golem)
Likes and Dislikes: I like to write about relationships and interactions between characters, whether it be PCs or NPCs. I like deep storylines. I don't like shallow training and bashing fests, although those can be fun with a little bit of story interest added.
Reason for Visiting: He lives/works in Zaichaer.
Goal for the Season: Write interesting stories and meet interesting characters.
Duration of Stay: Until Slake has a good reason to leave.
Commentary Feedback: I'm new and not familiar enough (yet) with this setting to make suggestions.
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Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=2099
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=2111

Name: Carina
Race: Human
Likes and Dislikes: I'll write about near anything. Drugs are a favorite of Carina's.
Reason for Visiting: Resident
Goal for the Season: SMUGGLING. Traversion practice. Dance practice. The works
Duration of Stay: in Zaichaer: 1st - 12th, 63rd - 91st
word count: 44
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