[Closed] the reception

The Jewel of the Northlands

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She felt him just a breath before he spoke, like chill that preceded misfortune. His voice was different than she remembered, but the inflection, his words, and that sensation that caused a shiver to run up her spine had not changed in over 10,000 years.

Naila visibly stiffened, eyes widening before she quickly struggled to put a neutral mask in place. Lyra knew she still had nightmares about that night, of those dark eyes that burned like smoldering coals. Today he wore a smile, but to Naila that made him seem all the more menacing.

Lyra continued to stare out over the crowd, absently swirling the wine in her glass as if nothing were amiss. How easily one could hide the truth, for inside she felt in equal parts fear and exaltation. He knew of course, but it was to be expected.

"I knew you were here, somewhere just beyond what I could see." Lyra said softly, turning to search the man's dark eyes. There seemed a thousand things she wished to say, to ask, but as was her nature Lyrielle let them all fade to smoke and she smiled.

"It is indeed a fine day, Em'bra." It had been millennia since she had spoken that word which meant only him, could describe only him. She looked out to the crowd, her eyes following the queen of ice for a time before she settled on Talon once more, "Will we dance tonight as we used to?"

It was disconcerting how easily she fell into her old ways, but when near this man Lyrielle felt like she were waking from a dream. She felt more like herself than she had in the seasons since her escape from the prison that held her for centuries. Lyra thought she should be concerned about that, but Lyrielle simply didn't care.

"We were shattered, you know... It hurt." Her worlds trailed off, and though they were playful there was an edge to them that made her smile shrink. She didn't say it, but she put some of the blame on him for her current weakened state. There was anger there, but more there was loss.

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龍 88th of Frost, Year 121, A.o.S 龍
Company: Yumeko| Thoughts: I hope this goes well| Mood: Nervous

Hyoga found his nerves gripping him in a chokehold. He wasnt sure just how everyone would react with him and his new body, knowing what he is. He was so nervous he found himself shaking. He watched as others entered the venue of the royal reception and looked to the invitation he was given. Part of him wanted to just return home but he felt Yumeko's hand grip his.

"Remember, the prince is your friend, no matter what you are now, you were invited. So dont be afraid, hold your head up high, and believe in the friendships you have forged." she reminded him, squeezing his hand and nudging him forward. With a smile, he nodded and approached the threshold of the reception hall. After handing the security detail his invite, they advanced into the hall where he was announced, though he had one addendum to his announcement

"Presenting the Savior of Udori Lake, owner of the Heart of J'mora, Hikami Yoko." Entering the room eyes quickly turned to him, the light of the room reflecting off his crystal wings as he ventured forward towards Talon & Aoren. He couldnt help but wonder what he would say when face to face. He could see the eyes of every noble of Kalzasi looking at him. He ran his free hand over his attire as he finally was in view of Talon.

He looked to the man and his husband and gave as much of a polite bow as he could, his aunt joining him in their greeting. "Greetings your highness. It's been some time since we last spoke, it's me Hyoga, though I go by Hikami these days now. I hope all is well. A lot of things have changed for me..." he spoke, his tone masculine, deep but nothing near being a baritone. Taking off the heart, his hand began to revert into water that immolated what a hand would look like.

Placing the Heart of J'mora back around his neck, he stood, helping his aunt to her feet as well as he gave a smile to both men.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
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There was no way Arvalyn was going to miss the event of the season- if not the decade! It was only fitting that he be invited, even if he wasn't the obligatory 'plus one' to one of the grooms' favourites. He'd been standing by, after all, when the proposal was posed. Beyond his personal awe in the presence of fame, royalty and divinity, there were practical concerns to be considered. The foremost of which on Arry's mind was networking.

The guest list would be a veritable treasure trove of contacts that might grant him and his access to all manner of advancement. There was, of course, his acting career, which had recently taken a salient turn when he took over the leading role in an epic at the Golden Peacock, when the star they'd originally cast proved unfit at the eleventh hour. Arry's obsession with the role proved beneficial, as he was the only member of the ensemble familiar enough with the material to take on such a hefty role on very short notice.

It had been a large leap over rungs on the ladder to stardom, and he'd overpassed many senior members of the repertory company to assume the mantle of the title character. For the first time, his relatively unknown name was on a marquis. It made him feel like less of a beggar at the feast in these hallowed surroundings, and gave him better answers to the inevitable questions strangers tended to pose. One of the most important skills in the art of acting, as Arry understood it, was to boast without seeming like one is boasting. To that end, Finn could be quite helpful.

The actor straightened the lapels of his minstrel before they stepped into the reception hall. Their entrance would have to be finessed. The timing, the posture, the positioning. Entrances were memorable. He'd advised Finn on his choice of outfit, but only so it wouldn't clash with Arry's own look. When he was satisfied with the state of their garb, he claimed Finn's arm and adopted a faint, regal smile as they joined the queue to enter the reception proper.

"This promises to be quite an evening." Arry whispered as prelude to a kiss placed tenderly to Finn's freshly shaven cheek.
word count: 403
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
['faɪd,ɹɪn solˌzæl'kiɹi,on ɑɹˌvɛɪˈlɪn]
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Finn was glad that Arry was there to help him dress for these things. He had gone to several over the past season or two, but had worn his best clothes time after time. Now, at least, he had another few sets of clothes. These were styled much like Arry's, except in blues and silvers to complement his complexion and to provide a proper foil for the actor, who loved to pop out from the background. The minstrel didn't mind being the stem to his flower; supporting him felt good and his own star was rising both due to the patronage of Talon Novalys and House Zatrian, but also due to years of hard work.

Talon's invitation had been touching. He no longer had to attend these things to study the man's bond with his Kathar consort, but if he wasn't entirely comfortable among the glitz and glamor of the Great Houses, it felt good that the man wanted him there at this most important of events. All the same, he didn't know if the Shinsei would have time to get to every guest, so he endeavored to keep Arry entertained, introducing him to anyone he knew, and trying not to drink too much too quickly in case nerves became intoxication.

He waved his left hand to Lyra from across the large room, just to show her that it was healing well. She had protested that healing was not the thrust of her necromantic studies, but while it had taken longer to heal, the work had borne out.

There were other, unusual wonders to see: another Kathar other than Lord Aoren; Zaichaeri diplomats; an Avialae who looked familiar, but strange to his eyes. He opened himself up to the symphonies around him, well versed now at separating what was his and what was others so it didn't bleed over into his own emotional state, and also, perhaps due to nerves, opened himself up to his newer sense of the slipspace, in case he got overwhelmed and needed to make a quick exit for air.

Despite being friends with perhaps the most powerful person in the city—aggregating political, magical, military, and divine power—this was still a sea of shark-infested waters and Arry liked to point out that sharks love blood.
word count: 405
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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Kala Leukos
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"The Shinsei and his consort will not look down upon you for not bringing a gift, Baudric," Kala assured him with a knowing smile. Their gift was simple: a delicate flower crafted out of crystal, one found near Starfall, its base engraved with the date and 'Souls near and far wish you all the joy in the world.' It was likely lost among all the others by now.

When Baudric moved off to make new acquaintances, the twins remained side by side. Kaus' eyes darted hither and thither, and smiles bloomed every once in a while. Kala's gaze moved more slowly, her mien more serene. If she stood out at all, it was her strange attire; it was more of a blend now with Kalzasern fashion, but she kept many influences of the mountain tribes that had coalesced into what was now Starfall and its strange, insular culture.

She knew Kaus would float off eventually, but for now, they were just observing the flow of the party. Kala was a social creature as well, but she didn't seek it out for its own sake. Kaus, though, was likely to find several people and talk their ears off, eager to meet interesting folks and perhaps find new sparring partners. He was more focused there than she was, and so his skills were increasing far faster than hers, but she was also the one in charge of their family's finances here, and she was learning new magical disciplines as well. With their bond so strong, they didn't even need to speak out loud, so she caught Kaus' drift and looked in the same direction as he was.

Not only was their Imperial guest here, but there were delegates from Zaichaer.

How odd, she thought. Perhaps the Shinsei was making more diplomatic progress than they had been led to believe by the scuttlebutt.
word count: 314
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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You are warmly received, Lord Korvaelis.” Talon bowed his head slightly. He was joined by Aoren who was keeping a keener eye on him following his moment of lapse. When Korvaelis revealed himself to be a man of medicine, a veterinarian, Talon’s interest was piqued but he shook his head.

It was a momentary distraction. I am better. Thank you for the gracious offer. However, there may yet be something you may do, if you are of the mind? One of my siblings is very much interested in learning the healing arts. They are fascinated by the Icewings in the Dahshida aviary. Perhaps, if you have the inclination, you might share what you know?” Talon loved the great birds of Kalzasi. Though he had never had the chance to seek out one in an attempt to build a relationship and possibly ride one, as a boy his father had often taken him soaring in the skies upon the back of his ice phoenix. Just as he was about to say more, the announcement for a new arrival came and stepping forward was a face that was not familiar to him. The woman beside him was however. When the man introduced himself, Talon blinked. He opened up his senses and attuned his vision to the crystalline winged man. When the aura came into focus, Talon was surprised at the vast growth in its aetheric weight. There were aspect of it that he did not recognize but the underlying currents that he knew quite well.

The Hero of Udori Lake?” Talon spoke almost breathlessly. Emotions surged inside of him as he recalled the horrors of that day and recounted the stories of the bravery displayed by many. Namely, the bravery of a man who saved many lives by fending off the elements brought to ruin in the aftermath of the catastrophe. Talon set his drink aside. He stepped up to Hyoga and immediately pulled the man into a tight hug. Talon squeezed firmly but gently and then stepped back. He marveled at the transfiguration that took place in front of him.

I always knew the kind of man you were and are, Hikami-Hyoga. Our people were spared greater horror that day because of you.” Talon tipped Hyoga’s chin up, despite being shorter than the mighty warrior. He smiled warmly at him.

Stand tall. Stand true. You belong here. Never forget that.” Before he could say more, a voice interrupted gently.

“My prince?” At that moment, Tarshenna stepped forward. The ever faithful attendant that had served his mother for as long as he could remember. She bowed low before offering a nod to Korvaelis. “His Majesty would like to propose a toast to the guests and give honor to the occasion. He is requesting that you and Prince Aoren join him at the main table.”

Talon inclined his head. Beside him, Aoren chuckled.

That is going to take some getting used to.” Talon turned and placed a kiss upon the side of his husband’s head. He wrapped an arm around Aoren’s waist and hugged him close before releasing him. To Korvaelis and Hyoga, Talon offered a kind smile.

If you will excuse us, Lord Korvaelis? Hyoga, my friend?” With that, Talon turned and with Aoren beside him, the two of them began making their way toward the main table to join his father in making the evening’s toast that would spark the night’s festivities.


Speak of him and he shall appear!” The golden winged Avialae nodded to the newly arrived crystalline winged man. “He is going by another name following his bravery at Lake Udori but it is still him. I had heard the stories of his transformation but they are a marvel to see up close.

The man commented with what appeared to be genuine interest and curiosity shining in his eyes as he watched both Korvaelis and Hyoga interact with Talon and Aoren. When the man introduced himself, the golden winged man gave a bow.

Ah! Forgive my manners. Karam Senue. Heir of House Senue. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Ser Baudric.” Straightening, Karam looked to Kala and Kaus offering a friendly nod of his head. He did not interrupt as Kala spoke in response to Baudric earlier questions. The man nodded in agreement.

The Lady Leukos is correct. Prince Talon is known for his kindness.” Karam seemed to watch the interactions going on for a moment longer before speaking almost as an aside to Baudric. “Your accent, if you were wondering. I have never been to the Imperium but I have met several people from there. You sound much like them.

The evening seemed to be winding up as more guests filed into the reception space. Conversations were rising. The attending staff was getting busier. Karam however, followed Kala’s gaze. His expression momentarily hardened before it smoothed. He watched as Sahfri interacted with the Zaichaeri delegates before she turned away and continued on with whatever business awaited her.

The Zaichaeri must be blessed indeed to still be alive after a brush with our Iron Queen. It is no secret that she has a particular disdain for them and their…culture.” His eyes followed the Siltori elven procession before returning to the delegates. After that short commentary, a servant stepped forward with a tray of fresh drinks.

“Refreshments? His Majesty the Shokaze is going to propose a toast.” Karam reached forward and accepted a drink with a nod.

And so the evening’s festivities are about to begin. Hopefully they prove memorable!” He smiled at Kala, Kaus and Baudric.


“And here I thought you might have something interesting to say.” Sahfri’s face remained devoid of any meaningful expression. She shook her head, seemingly disappointed in something though what, she did not say.

One of the elves beside her leaned forward and whispered into her ear. Sahfri nodded. She moved to leave but as she turned she stepped closer to Brenner and looked into his eyes. Her gaze narrowed.

“What I am left to wonder, Commander, is why a man so entrenched in the power of science is brimming with so much aethereal potency. Could it be there is more to you than meets the eye?” She appraised him as though inspecting something upon one of her laboratory tables.

“I had hoped your presence here meant you were a symbol of the progress you so espouse. Yet all I see is another shining example of Zaichaer’s hypocrisy.” With that, Sahfri collected her gown and left the Dornkirks without so much as a glance back. Just as she left, one of the serving attendants approached and offered up another tray of drinks.

“Refreshments, Your Excellency? His Majesty is preparing to offer a toast.”


I know.” His voice was soft. There was no anger or mockery in it. Lyra’s emblem almost seemed to evoke a feeling of being wrapped in the shadows. They coiled around the darkness of her dress almost embracing her beneath the silken fabric. He stepped in front of her then and took one of her hands gently within his grasp. Bringing the back of it to his lips he kissed it softly.

Long ago, I made a promise to you, Em’fala.” The word flowed from his lips as easily as the first time he had spoke them millennia ago. Shadow dancer. “I promised that Sol’Valen would be broken. It is broken. The times of the Hytori ended and their kingdom was toppled, brought to heel by the very mortals they so detested. I promised you the world would be changed. And so it has.

He took Lyra’s hand into both of his.

I told you there would be pain and suffering. And so there was. Have I not delivered on all that I have promised, Em’fala?” He looked into her eyes, his gaze steady and unwavering.

Now I must deliver one more promise.” Leaning forward, the Dark One threaded his fingers into Lyra’s hair in an almost tender caress. He pressed his lips to her brow before resting their brows together in a solemn moment. “We will dance again. Soon. But not tonight.

He stepped back. Whether he was seen by others or not was unclear. There was no denying that he was clearly before both Lyra and Naila and yet he seemed to become more and more immaterial by the second. He stepped back into the gathering crowd of people as an excitement was building among them.

Tonight the shadows eclipse the light. Tonight, the world hears the Ar’Eon’afiel.” The shadow of one of the moons passed over the sun, swallowing the form of the Dark One. A party-goer walked in front of him as though not seeing him at all and between that moment and the next, he was gone.


Standing at the main table of the reception, was Savien, Shokaze of Kalzasi. He was dressed in formal attire befitting a man who had once served as a military officer and was now King of all Kalzasi. He stepped up so that he could clearly be seen and picked up a glass as he saw his son and his new son-in-law making their way toward him. He nodded to one of the attendants who picked up a glass and gently tapped the side to get the attention of those gathered.
Last edited by Talon on Sat Feb 12, 2022 8:59 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1580
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If there was one thing that Mino disliked about the season of Frost, it would be the cold. And in the inevitable need for many layers. Too many, in his opinion. The rathari had been wise to remove the dongjeong of his inner jeogori, slipping easily under the billowing sleeves of his magoja. Draped easily over his shoulders, patterned to resemble the snow that touched upon the grounds this time of year. An interesting time for one to hold a wedding — an auspicious day, too. Narrow eyes narrowed further as they scanned the crowd, feline ears flicking forward, swiveling back. Gracious bows were given to his betters and his peers, head tipped amicably to the side as they approached and he greeted him.

Clawed hand wrapped around the stem of a glass from the tray of the first servant he saw, eyes alight. As nice an event as this was, there were certainly other things he could be doing. People he might be doing. Wandering eyes trailed necklines, slid over wrists as people came in close. Things twinkled, shone. Appealing, but he wasn’t supposed to be making trouble. If anything, he was supposed to be making friends. Connections, really, but predominantly capitalizing on the chance meeting he’d had with the prince seasons prior. He sniffed as Lady Blue slid past him, dressed in her own fineries. Sky had been tamed beside her, holding the gift that would be imparted to the newlywed couple on behalf of the house.

A perilous thing, gift-giving. Care had to be taken and while Mino had not been involved in that particular process, he had been in charge of the money that had gone into it. He’d let a low whistle out at the figures, gaze lifting to exchange a knowing look with Ocean before returning to the receipt. The memory would have had caused a headache to form if his attention weren’t taken by the edge of a conversation.

...from Zaichaer, of all places!” Meant to be told in whispers, but caught by the flick and turn of keen ears.

Guests from Zaichaer? He remembered vaguely the trial held for one of the newlyweds on his behavior in a delegation to the same nation. Prince Talon, ever the peace-maker. The rathari followed the whispers and conversation until they brought him ever closer to the subject of them. And he might have gotten all the way there if not for — “It’s me, Hyoga.

Now, Mino liked to pride himself on being friendly and open. A caring friend to those that could truly call him that. But sometimes, there were individuals that were just too interesting to pass up on…interacting with. Their last meeting had been some seasons back, ending on fairly sketchy terms. But Mino worked well enough with sketchy terms. And as he turned his head, and caught sight of the jewel in his hand. And the watery hand. Things really had changed for him. Brows lifted as he changed course. But not so much that he didn’t get the slightest glimpse of the Zaichaeri delegate. He would be back for him yet.

Letting his glass dangle between the fingers of his left hand, he stalked closer to Hikami — my, he’d have to get used to that! — before swinging his right hand back to slap it down on the other’s backside.

Well, you’ve certainly moved up from skulking around young nobles and besting them in challenge.” A playful tip of his head, a raise of his brow as his hand withdrew from its spot. He stepped back, letting his free hand settle over the space between where the shortened jeogori ended and widened sash of his baji began. As if guiding his bow, eyes shutting for a moment as he nearly hit that perfect ninety degrees.

Looking through his lashes as he rose, a gleam to them and his smile, almost matching the sparkle of his own jewelry and Hikami’s wings. “Oh, but you showed quite a bit of potential from the beginning, I suppose.” His smile widened, gaze flickering to the jewel at the other’s chest before going to his eyes. “Aside from becoming a national hero, what have you been up to? And the beautiful lady beside you—” He moved as if seeing her for the first time, which — he was. A singular sort of focus on the jewel, gleaming bright in the light and sat there so pretty on Hikami’s chest. “I apologize for my late greeting, but it is certainly a pleasure to meet you.

He took another sip of his drink. “Did you hear anything about this awful business with Zaichaeri delegates?” If Lady Blue had heard anything, she’d not said anything to him. And well — he’d seen some expensive-looking cufflinks on one of them.
word count: 822
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"Oh, does Her Majesty find tedium in opposing views?" Brenner retorted instantly. It was odd to think, but her reaction was reminiscent of what he might expect from an entrenched, human noble back in Zaichaer. Just because they were New Atheists didn't mean there was any dearth of superstition, but that wasn't the point that struck him- It was the lazy dismissiveness of it. She'd challenged him, and now she was retreating under a guise of superiority any upjumped merchant's son knew all too well.

After a beat, he followed his rhetorical question up with a wry snigger.

"I am sorry I haven't more to say about the auspices and auguries that seem to interest you, but most of my passions are earthbound..." He cracked a smile, "Airships notwithstanding." As quickly as it had appeared, the smile departed him. His easy, friendly gaze hardened at the accusation into something at once cold as steel and hot as the belly of a furnace.

"You shall have to consult your fortune teller on the matter, for I know not of what you speak." He replied through clenched teeth. As she started to turn, another smile spread across his pale face- This one cruel and invective, though she likely only caught the slightest glimpse in her periphery as she hastened away.

"Progress is coming swiftly, Majesty, you haven't long to wait." He didn't raise his voice to account for her growing distance, figuring those knife ears would have no trouble registering his parting words. The Air Commander knocked back the remainder of his drink and discarded it on the nearest surface before turning to his brother and muttered in Kathalan:

"I think this evening will wax even more amusing than I'd expected." He slipped his hand into his waistcoat to withdraw the augmented pocket watch instrument he'd been gifted by Stefan for his birthday. The evening was moving apace. Glancing up from the watch, he scanned the room and his eyes met those of one of the guests from the Imperium. Once more his smile grew in earnest as he grabbed another drink, lifting it in a gesture of salute. Just then the clinking of crystal drew his attention to the Shokaze and his smile broadened as he took in the sight of the imposing creature. There was a time when such a sight might have cowed him, but not tonight.

"Progress..." He drew the cocktail to his lips and savoured the ensuing sip, before completing his reiterated sentiment: "...is coming swiftly."
word count: 442
"I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die."
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Baudric glanced to Kala for some acknowledgement that it was within reason to continue speaking with this man. There was still much he did not understand about the politics within Kalzasi. Let alone begin to understand the workings between the High Houses. He might not be particularly aligned with anyone in this place, but Kala held his trust and Kaus his respect. His current comfort being in this place was strictly tied to not drifting too far from them.

This Karam Senue seemed like an interesting enough fellow but Baudric's understanding of people in power has largely been poor, until the Leukos twins as well as the happy couple. He glanced over to the Crystalline Kathar. Another defector most like, was he really expected the next in line converted by Kalzasi? A dull pang of guilt bloomed within his heart. What was he doing here? It had been a month why had he not returned to the Imperium yet?

Baudric brought his hand up and clasped the collar of his suit to cover his collar further. This was a bad idea. He should not have come, he should not have! Why did he seriously feel compelled to? Oh thank the gods. It wasn't ale or spirit but he took the toast and began to drink it down until he heard it was for the royal toast. Looking ashamed, he had to save the rest for the toast

"I don't understand why they would be here. Even if we are not at war with anyone, Zaichaer is hardly holding political talks with Kalzasi. Or so I thought."
Dread began to creep over him as he looked to the twins and then back to Karam who was very keen on the idea of something happening. He felt the pit in his stomach churn in a thousands ways. He was a soldier. A knight against the Darkness that brews beyond the veils of the world. He didn't know the games of Kings.

Realizing he had been staring very intently once more to the Crystal Kathar, he knew he didn't belong here. He began thumbing a patch of embroidery upon his coat. He would leave soon. At the very least he would once he could speak with at least Aoren.

word count: 410
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Korvaelis Dahshida

Korvaelis thought it was best not to press the prince anymore. He could tell his partner was worried about him and he understood the feeling. However, it was completely out of his hands considering the half-druskai didn’t have an idea of the Shinsei’s symptoms. He could only speculate a possible headache although the Avialae claimed something different. So he could only nod and smile softly at Talon when he said he was alright.

“I wouldn’t mind at all!” Korvaelis exclaimed, catching himself afterward. He was just so surprised that the prince would ask him of all people. There were so many Dahshidas, and Sky Guards, that were probably better familiar with the creature. Korvaelis has worked up and closes with many at this point, but he has only seen the korihane at its weakest point. Never has he seen one soaring through the sky. He wished so often though. The chance to ride one would be an honor. “The Korihane are such interesting birds. I usually get a few young eagles whenever an accident occurs. The younger eagles tend to have more accidents, building caves and all. Since the young Icewing’s abilities aren’t strong, they’re easier for me to deal with. The trust of younger birds is gained easily too since they’re much more impressionable and, in my opinion, some are curious enough to allow me to work on them. Sadly, they forget me once they’re no longer in my care.” Korvaelis felt like he would soon go on a rant and didn’t want to take away from such a happy occasion. So he cut himself short.

“If you would like, both of you, you can always visit my sanctuary in Dahshida to know more. I usually have a few Icewing Eagles there. Send your siblings too, I’d be happy to teach them what I know.”

There was a special someone that entered the gardens making an entrance. It surely turned Korvaelis’ head and he watched as that person walked right up to the prince and made himself known.

Savior of Udori lake? He tried to remember, but it didn’t exactly ring a bell. Then again, there was a time when Korvaelis had completely shut out and removed himself from the world. Stepping aside, he just listened to the interaction and turned his smile toward Hikami as his way of showing appreciation for what he’s done.

“Please, go on.” He responded soon after as an attendant called the princes for a toast. Korvaelis would’ve said something to Hikami, however, he found the savior in conversation with another man.

What to do…

Turning away from the other two, Korvaelis began searching the room for the Dahshida Daizoku and Aki.

88th of Frost, 121
word count: 504
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