[Closed] the reception

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Kala Leukos
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Title: Lady
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When Baudric's movement was arrested by Karam Senue, the twins bowed; he was the heir of a Great House and they were only spares to a minor one. Whatever the political situation, they wouldn't bring shame upon House Leukos or Great House Briathos by being rude to him. They had met him before, and it was good of him to remember their obscure name, though they generally liked to remain obscure. They had that in common with the Great House to whom they owed direct fealty.

"Lord Karam," she greeted quietly. Otherwise, she listened as he seemed more intent on speaking to Baudric. It was clear that he felt out of his league here, and she could understand that. As a guest in her home—at least, that was where he was staying for the nonce—she felt a certain protectiveness about him even here among her social superiors. In any case, she had no particular prejudices against the man himself, nor against his House. Everyone had their role to play in civilization, and time would tell whether he was a just man or not.

Her eyes followed his to the Queen and she smiled faintly, though a part of her wished she might have caught her notice. She was a high-ranking Briathos, after all, but she was certainly busy and Kala was still quite young. There was no particular reason she should have caught the Queen's attention.

"Thank you," she and Kaus said as they picked up drinks.

"As memorable as your dance with the Shinsei?" she asked quietly before taking a savoring sip. There was no barb in her question, and she wasn't even prying, but engaging with the man in a bit of banter might prove interesting and at least Baudric wouldn't be the one under scrutiny.
word count: 306
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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His words were gentle, soothing and Lyrielle hung on each and everyone like a drowning man on a piece of driftwood. The mark on her soul grew warm at his touch, bands of darkness wrapping her in a comforting embrace as she found herself draw into those eyes that were impossibly deep. Lyra tried to keep hold of some form of dignity, but Lyrielle resisted such restraints.

"We remember." She breathed, the sound of that old name sending shivers down her spine as her hands were wrapped up in his. He was warm, strong, the rock that she had used to focus herself for centuries. He pulled her from the darkness of the crypts of Sol'Valen and gave her purpose, made her remember the anger that gave her life again. In that moment as he stroked her hair, Lyrielle would have done whatever he asked of her. She would slit the throats of every man, woman and child present. She would dance among the elite until their minds fractured and they gave in to the desires of the flesh. She would drive every soul present mad until they wept tears of blood in fear and ecstasy.

She reluctantly released his hands as he stepped away, biting her lip as she folded her own at her waist.

"I will listen to the music you play." She said softly, dipping her head ever so slightly as the words in the ancient elven language slipped out in a breath of black smoke, "Et'bara hes, Em'bra." Until darkness falls.

Both Naila and Lyra looked at the spot where the man had been for several long seconds before Naila finally breathed a slow sigh.

"What the fuck." She began, but before she could ask Lyra raised her hand.

"Locate Commander Dornkirk." Her tone was back to its normal cadence, but Lyra found her chest somehow heavy. She thought she might have felt a blush of color on her cheeks, but she stanchly pushed down the urge to check, "Also look for any others who we have dealings with. I believe representatives from house Leukos are present, and there are likely others."

Lyra unconsciously smoothed a hand over her temple, as she scanned the crowd, finding Talon once more before looking for the Iron Queen wherever she was.

"Alright..." Naila said slowly, her early nonchalance gone, "What do you want me to tell them?"

Lyra hesitated, "Nothing for now. Find them, and keep track of them for the rest of the evening. Come back once you have done so."

Something was going to happen. Lyra did not know what it could be, but it would be... spectacular she was sure. With a nod Naila slipped into the crowd, snatching a new appearance as she went to locate anyone that they might know among the crowd of people. Lyra looked upward, toward the sky as she heard the soft chime announcing the upcoming toast. She found herself smiling, though she could not say why.

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88th of Frost, 121 Age of Steel
Florian was late. He didn't really care that he was late, and the strange Kalzasern clothing — they had called it what, a hakama? What he wore was far out of his comfort zone, or what remained of it. He was just happy to have something to wear that he hadn't been wearing for most of the season, and thanks to his new job with Lyra, he was able to buy something for the event of the season. Even he wasn't totally sure on how he got his hands on an invitation, but what did that matter? He wasn't going to miss the crown prince Talon's wedding. If Zaichaer so despised the Avialae man, all the more for Florian to watch him, get to know him, out of spite for the people who had once controlled him.

So he showed up late, and he presumed he would know no one except Lyra, but as his eyes roamed the crowds of people, he spotted another one. Brenner. He almost threw up on the spot, but he held on. What on Ransera could Brenner be doing at Talon's wedding? As far as he knew, Brenner hated the man enough to travel, Florian included, in a perilous journey deep into the Warrens to retrieve aether-eating parasites just for—

The dots connected in his head in terrifying clarity, but it couldn't possibly be now. From what he knew of Kalzasi, the city was full of powerful mages who could know your thoughts in an instant. It was not like anyone would heed a warning that he could grant. No one knew him. And something told him, an instinct, an errant thought that he should not even try.

But he was already there. Florian took a glass of champagne, downed it like it were a carbonated shot, and walked right up to where Brenner spoke with a regal woman he did not know. He was fitted with a false sense of confidence and his hakama in dark blues and blacks. It had only been a few months since they'd seen each other, and it felt like centuries. Florian's eyes were blue, and by the way his right sleeve was tucked into his belt and his hair had been left to grow long, it was clear he was not the same Florian that Brenner had last seen. Even so, the gilded repair to his horn and the jagged scar across his nose were unmistakeable.

"Fancy seeing you here." Florian didn't know many here, nor their stations or power or who he should be wary of. But he knew Brenner, and he did not like him.
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Talon made his way up to the main table where waited his father. Just off to the side stood his mother, his stepmothers and the rest of his family that were present. All of them smiled brightly at him. Talon could feel their love and support. The knot that had embedded itself in his stomach loosened. Together with Aoren by his side he reached the main table where Savien embraced him tightly. Talon wrapped his arms around his father and squeezed just as tightly. He then released his hold only to watch as his father pulled Aoren into a hug leaving his husband looking slightly surprised. Talon could only smile as Aoren was far from accustomed to receiving such an open display of affection from his king. With that exchange finished, a servant stepped forward and presented glasses to all of them. His father then looked out over the gathered.

“Glory to Kalzasi!” There was a chorus of replies among the gathered. “Today, a Light shines upon our people as our Rising Star has been joined in a sacred union. Today, my family grows brighter, grows stronger, and I am filled with only joy. Today we celebrate love and honor the joining of my son, the Light of Kalzasi, my Talon and his beloved partner, a Knight of great skill and honor, Aoren.”

Applause resounded across the crowd accompanied by cheers and some artful displays of pyrotechnics. Talon watched as the line of Aoren’s spine straightened. He could see tension build in his husband’s shoulders. Talon merely reached up and placed a hand upon the small of his back, rubbing a thumb over that space as he sent his calm and support across the bond. Out of the corner of his eye, Aoren let out a breath and relaxed in his stance to one of comfortable poise. His father raised a hand, beckoning quiet once more.

“But today is not only a celebration of our family but is a celebration of our city.” Savien looked serene as he allowed a moment of pause to settle over them. “Many have been lost to tragedy in dark days of late. Among us are the heroes who showed incredible bravery in the face of such terrifying adversity. Today we celebrate them in remembrance and with pride. Today we bring a new hope to our people, with a promise that even in the face of these tragedies, joy can still be found.”

Savien turned to Talon. In his father’s eyes Talon saw warmth, pride, admiration and the love that only a parent could give their child. Talon’s heart swelled and he felt humbled.

“You are proof that even in the midst of darkness, a Light can still be found.” Savien raised his glass.

“To the newlyweds! To the glory of Kalzasi!”

Talon raised his glass, joining the chorus of cheers. As he did, the shadow of one of the moons crossed paths with the sun. That shadow blanketed all of Kalzasi causing a corona of sunlight to shine brightly. The explosions started then. Across the city. Causing a rumbling and sending a panic into the populace. Talon’s attention was immediately pulled to the bright flashes of fire that rose up in the distance at the edges of the city. His heart clenched. A chill went up his spine as he looked on in shock.

A shift in the shadows looming over Kalzasi drew his attention and Talon looked upward to see a skyship zooming toward the palace gardens where the reception was taking place. Dozens of figures were jumping from the sides of the ship. Small booms sounded from each of them as they opened fire upon the reception party. Immediately magical defenses sparked to life around the palace, a shield flaring into existence. As the shells from their weaponry pelted the barrier, a green-blue gas burst upon the surface followed by a loud thunderous boom. Wide-eyed with horror, Talon watched as the gas ate away at the barrier before with a resounding crack, a large metal shell blasted through the shield and smashed into the ground sending rubble and debris in all directions. The large metal sphere opened and began spewing more of that green-blue gas.

“TO ARMS!” Instantly the palace guard were in motion.

“Prince Talon!” He felt his arm grabbed and was pulled from his shock, watching as dozens of figures dropped onto the grounds and began immediately attacking everyone and everything in sight. Talon watched as people caught up in the gas began hacking and coughing, toppling over. Guards immediately moved to defend the guests and fend off the attackers. Talon jerked into motion, pulling his arm away from the guard.

Protect my family!” The guard hesitated.

“But my prince--” Talon turned the guard toward his mother, his stepmothers and the young children of his House.

Do as I say! Go!” The guard and those beside him nodded and sprung into motion, joining the Siltori elven attendants beside his mother, forming a wall of armor, swords and wings around the women and children of his family, ushering them toward the interior of the palace.

Aoren! Father!” The thud of heavy boots drew his attention and Talon whirled to see a group of assailants charging toward him. From his side, a gout of fire erupted from Aoren’s hand, hitting the ground in front of the attackers but though it ignited the ground and formed a wall between them, as the gas touched the fire it began to die down.

What the--” Across the bond, Talon felt Aoren’s confusion. “The gas. It’s absorbing my magic!

Talon looked to the edges of the dissolving barrier that was steadily allowing more gas and more attackers inside. The sound of a gunshot drew Talon’s attention before he could react however, his father’s form dropped in front of him, deflecting the projectile with the broadside of his blade. Savien produced a dagger from the shaft of his boot and expertly threw it, the blade landing in the throat of the shooter, burying itself to the hilt.

“Then we do this the old fashioned way.” Savien tossed a sword to both Talon and Aoren. “Let us show them the might of Kalzasi!”

Talon met the eyes of his father. He met the eyes of his husband. Gripping the sword in his hand tightly, he took up his stance and then flew into battle.


The Crown Prince and his father are kinder men than I.” Karam answered Baudric flatly. From the carefully restrained distance in his expression and the flatness of his tone, it was clear that Karam was not pleased by the presence of the Zaichaeri. For Kala, it would echo the message that House Senue had professed for years and seemed to reinforce that both Pavel Senue and Karam had little in the way of love for the City of Brass and its people.

Ah, so you heard about that, Lady Leukos?” Karam did not seem put-off by the question. A smile spread across his face. “I asked a small favor from His Highness. He was kind enough to hear my request. My father and I have…differing views about how relations between our families should proceed.

Before Karam could say much more, the chime announcing the Shokaze’s toast sounded, drawing a hush over those who had gathered. Karam took his glass with a nod, tucking his golden wings in more tightly so as to allow others to get a decent view of the sovereign and the men of honor. Karam’s expression was unreadable as he listened but it was clear he was paying attention quite closely.

Glory to Kalzasi!” Karam joined in on the final blessing with a smile. He raised his glass but just before he was about to take a sip, he was stopped as the explosion sounded. His head whipped in the direction of the bright flares of light booming in the distance.

“TO ARMS!” The palace defenses flared to life only to be shattered in the wake of the green-blue gas and the dozens of menacing figures dropping from the skies. Karam immediately sprung into motion. He threw his champagne glass much like one would throw a knife, landing in the face of an oncoming attacker. Karam then sprinted forward, grabbed the man by the throat and slammed him down onto the ground. He then stood up and firmly slammed his boot into the man’s throat before yanking his gun from his grasp and tossing it to a nearby Avialae who was also joining the fight. He grabbed a nearby table and launched it at several of the landing assailants.

SWORD!” He called out to one of the guards who produced one and tossed it to him. Karam caught it and immediately launched himself into the air, unsheathing the blade just as an attacker was beginning to aim at him from above. The sweep of his blade caught the man through the midsection, slicing him in half in midair. Karam then spun and darted back down onto the ground. He kicked a table firmly into the direction of another group of attackers, slamming it into assailants that were headed for Kala, Kaus and Baudric. From the dead man that landed on the ground, Karam grabbed another blade and held it. He looked at the three.

Seek shelter or fight!

Off Topic

Your area has not been suffused with the aether absorbing gas yet. You have (1) round before it covers the area. There are SIX ATTACKERS bearing down on you with rifles, crossbows, and swords. Their faces are covered with strange masks. KARAM is fighting by your side.


“TO ARMS!” The call broke the shock that had settled upon the crowd. Immediately, every Avialae warrior among the guests was launching themselves into action. The palace guard were jumping into the skies to meet the falling attackers as the barrier was dissolved. Some were shot down as a hail of supression fire greeted them, spilling blood upon the party guests. Mages gathered in the crowd began firing their spells only to find the wall of green-blue gas absorbed the magic and only seemed to grow, expanding and spreading more rapidly as it ate away at the magic directed at it. Tables were flipped. Cutlery and dishes were used as spur-of-the-moment weaponry. Shouting and screams began filling the air as the once peaceful and excited party immediately descended into chaos.

“Help!” Korvaelis knew that voice. He knew it intimately. Huddled down near a flipped table was Aki using the fallen table for cover. Immediately beside him landed one of the strangely masked fighters attacking the party.

Arvalyn and Finn were spared a moment’s reaction as two of the fighters landed near them only to be hit by a table thrown by none other than Karam Senue who then turned to rejoin the fray of battle. Nearby, the thud of metal spheres landing on the ground resounded in the chaos, spewing out more of the strange blue-green gas.

Off Topic

Your area is rapidly filling with the blue-green gas that absorbs magic. It will cover the area DURING your posts. There are FOUR ATTACKERS bearing down on you with one of them attempting to get to Aki.


Chaos unfolded around Hikami-Hyoga and Mino. The social gathering had quickly turned into a field of battle. At the helm of the battle, where most of the blue-green gas seemed to be concentrated, were Talon, his husband Aoren, and the Shokaze. They seemed to be fending off the attackers in an attempt to provide their family the time to escape. Meanwhile, all around them more and more of the armed assailants were dropping through the rapidly collapsing magical barrier. Everything magical that the gas touched was being dampened and only seemed to make the gas grow more aggressive as though it were a living thing.

Within view, the Lady Kala Leukos, her twin brother, a towering Orkhan-Avialae and Karam Senue were being attacked. Not far off, another group including Finn, Arvalyn and Korvaelis were being set upon.

The two of them had a choice. To join with Kala’s group would mean less presence of the rapidly spreading gas. To join the other was to jump into an area that was already mostly covered by it.

Off Topic

You have a choice on which group to assist.


The gas spread rapidly and only seemed to be growing hungrier like a living thing. It seemed almost reminiscent of the smoke that Lyrielle made her own, that was her, that obeyed her. Contact with it very clearly disrupted the flow of magic, if not seemed to outright absorb it and make it stronger. Indeed, Lyra would find that her ability to command the powers of Mesmer were severely dampened though not gone. There was, however, another power that was within her grasp. The mark that had been emblazoned upon her chest practically vibrated with power. Across the party, within the shadows of a tree, standing with his arms resting calmly behind his back, was the Dark One. His eyes were glowing embers within the shadows being cast by the moon over Kalzasi.

The song begins, Em’fala. Do you remember how to play it?

That was all that came to her before, as a figure passed in front of her gaze, the Dark One vanished from view. As soon as the figure stepped out of the way, he was gone.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Naila appeared by her mistress’ side, clearly having had to double back given that chaos had broken out.

Off Topic

Use of Rune Magic or World Magic tools is severely limited. The movement and behavior of the blue-green gas seems almost…familiar. Despite her current limitations, Lyra can still access the powers of her Emblem with definitive ease. Her command over it even seems to be heightened. NAILA has joined you.


Everything had been planned. Everything had been perfectly timed. Everything was unfolding as it should.

Except for one thing.

Florian appeared by Brenner’s side. An unexpected variable. A vulnerability that could expose everything.

What was to be done?

Off Topic

Your area is not yet filled with the gas. You have (1) round before it spreads to the area.

word count: 2496
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Baudric Broke from his anxiety as second nature reaction and instinct kicked in. Explosions heralded the entrance of Sky Pirates he had see many times before.
"Maloretsiev! They are Pirates known for quick attacks for surprise and disorienting their victims!"

Baudric quickly threw off his coat, Without his armor or shield he would need all freedom of movement he can get. Following suit behind the golden wing Avialae noble, charging like a bull at the pirates coming their way. A loud clap of his palms crashing against each other caused his Rune to flare. In that instant the room faded to the greyspace lighting up the swirl of formless beating crimson energy. They were not people. Just targets to destroy.
"Quadrat erweitern, ablehnen!"

Two anchors situated on his palms burst in golden glow creating two small square shields. Just in time as one assailant's sword slammed down on it. The aether stopping it suddenly. He brought up the other to add to the pressure as the first began to crack. Shattering a moment later and the blade bit into the first palm not protected by the shield spell any longer.
"Sie werden das nicht brauchen. Also nehme ich das einfach."

His voice cold and uncaring and his bloody palm gripped the blade, strong arming the assailant to pry it from their hand. At the same time he slammed the flat of his foot onto the man's knee, A shattering crack of bone echoed around him. The blade now won to him.

"AAAAH!!" the pirate fell to the ground in agonizing pain. His allies released two bolts that lodged themselves squarely in Baudric's shoulder. Causually he glanced to the bolts sticking out of him like the he felt them hit but not the pain. Frigid was the deadpan towards the pirate. Baudric's scales and tusks grew in size, more pointed and sharp. He Launched himself in the air spreading his wings with a powerful gust that staggered those around him before driving the blade through their shoulder towards their heart. Crimson spray bathed the half-Orkhan's torso and face. The body falling to the ground, dead before it could make a sound of pain.

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Korvaelis Dahshida

For a second, he wondered what it was like to have such a supportive family. Not only supportive but loving too. Watching Savien make his speech, one that displayed his fatherly love for his son and the joy brought to him by an additional clan member, warmed Korvaelis’ heart. He couldn’t help but think that this wedding reception was the sort of event he needed this season. Korvaelis needed to see others happy to know that there was so much more to life and so much to experience. Nothing could ruin such a fantastic evening.

“To the newlyweds! To the glory of Kalzasi!” Korvaelis chimed in, repeating after the leader of their great nation. He closed his eyes as he took a sip of his drink and so much had happened in that amount of time. It was dark, there were screaming and so many other noises. Opening his eyes and dropping the rest of his drink, he took little time to let it all sink in. Is this real? He thought. It was like a scene out of a history book, a war that sounded all too familiar to him.

He was still slowly coming to his senses. Korvaelis heard the king and the prince make commands, he heard the guards as they took action. Then he heard another voice. One that was small, familiar, and desperate. Panic rose in him and he wanted to cry. He should be with the Daizoku, right? Korvaelis didn’t want to take the chance. The young lord searched for the voice until he saw him.

His little boy with a puppy dog face, shrieking for help. Aki tried his best to be tough and pretend to hold his own, but the boy was scared and Korvaelis couldn’t bear to see him like this.

“Aki!” Korvaelis screamed before making his way to the child. He briefly jogged until a large masked fellow landed next to his child. Taking out one of his larger hairpins and running, Korvaelis put himself between the masked fellow and the Avialae child. “I swear to the gods, I’ll cut your throat for being in the same presence as my kid.” He had a grip on his hairpin, using the pointed end of it as a knife. Lunging at the fighter, Korvaelis made several attempts at the fighter’s face. The eyes of the intruder were his target.

88th of Frost, 121
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Company: Lots of people| Thoughts: This is madness!| Mood: Pissed
► Show Spoiler

Tears of joy overwhelmed the kathar as Talon publically acknowledged him for his efforts, commending him for what he had done. Hikami could see that he was in awe of the physical change that he had undergone, but today wasn't about him, it was about Talon and the kathar he loved. In a small way, Hikami was jealous if only a little of Aoren, being able to be with Talon in such a way.

"We should catch up at some point." he said as another familiar face came up to greet him. The slap on his ass caused Hikami to snarl at the swindling male. Yumeko couldn't help but chuckle at them both, nudging for the kathar to introduce them. "This is Mino. Mino this is my aunt Yumeko Yoko." he begrudgingly introduced. The elegant woman raised the sash of her attire that casually draped itself over her frame as to not step on it as she walked up to him.

"So this is the one that swindled you? You have a face I will no doubt come to remember." she purred, cupping the rathor's face in her delicate fingers. She would have said more, but the speech by the ruler of kalzasi began to unfold, he found himself tearing up, as he missed this, the warmth of family. He found his aunt squeezing his arm to help keep him from becoming a blubbering mess. As the speech came to its conclusion, the sun was eclipsed, some astronomical event that seemed to be a rare event in and of itself.

The area began to rumble and then the sky shimmered with magic, a barrier of some sort coming alive amidst an attack from the air. The roar of skyship engines echoed high above, soldiers descending into the venue, along with an eerie smoke that ate through the shield above. This was no random attack, this was planned. His aunt was already in battle mode, accessing the situation as her nephew accessed the battlefield.

The smoke seemed to be eating magic, which only added to fuel it as if it was a ravenous beast. The atmosphere shifted drastically. Warriors crashed through the barrier and the ground & air soon erupted in chaos and combat. He watched as the royal guards jumped into action to aid the defense of the innocent, shielding them from harm. He could see a few groups near him one with two avialae among them, both men seeming to be capable of handling their attackers.

Another group however was not as fortunate. He recognized one of the men among them, Finn, but he couldn't place the other two. He watched as one when to the defense of a child, an assailant poised to strike at the young child. Without even thinking, Hyoga lept into action. Soaring at breakneck speed toward the man & child, Hikami used a technique he had seen his aunt perform many a time in both their sparing and in battle.

With a wave of his hand, he concentrated on forming four copies of his guandao. with a flick of his wrist, the duplicates went rocketing forward, skewering the assailants before they could do any harm. Sliding to a stop, circling around them so that he would stop right behind the two, he quickly wrapped the man and boy up in his crystal wings. "Are you two alright?"

Not giving the two time to answer he had to move them to safety, scooping them up in his arms. "Hold on tight." he said, launching himself into the air with a mighty flap of his new wings. He could see his aunt was in action as well, defending Mino and taking out the attackers with unrestrained prejudice. Looking over to where Finn and the other male was, Hikami came to land next to them, seeing the assailants he had impaled were dead. With a smile on his face, he set the two in his arms down and looked to Finn.

"Not how I wanted to reunite with my seduction instructor, aye Finn? Are you two ok?" he asked, which at that time, Yumeko came over to join them with Mino hopefully in tow.

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"
word count: 780
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Brenner Dornkirk
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Brenner discarded his empty glass and checked his timepiece once more.

"Der Moment kommt bald, Bruder." He noted, as he opened his jacket and began to unfasten the top few buttons of the crisp shirt beneath. The Air Commander might have been raised and reared in Zaichaer, but he'd learnt enough from his Gelerian mum to know that the two cultures shared a penchant for punctuality. Precision was paramount to both his Fatherland and his Motherland, and precision was pivotal today.

From the inside pocket of his jacket, Brenner withdrew a silver comb with a broad shaft and a pointed end. He slid it through his slick, dirty blonde hair and cast his gaze toward Talon as his royal father proposed a toast. Onlookers might have noted that Brenner did not participate in the toast, but that wasn't particularly suspicious given that the subjects of the toast were in praise of two things in which he did not believe: "The glory of Kalzasi" and marriage between two men.

His line of sight to Talon was suddenly interrupted by an unexpected, familiar face.

"Florian!" He blinked, taken aback. "You've arrived just in time to witness the fruition of our efforts." With his left hand, he dug below his collar and pulled up a mask that covered his nose and mouth. "Time to pick a side, Albrecht. The great work..."

Right on cue, the thunderous clangour of explosions began to rock the reception.


Again his eyes found Talon, and he took a deep breath. Precision was paramount, he reminded himself. He had trained hard for this moment, but there were so many additional variables here that he felt a surge of nerves the likes of which he hadn't brooked in his life. He was standing amidst the crucible of something epic and he still had a pivotal role to play. Without his contribution, this gambit would be doomed to desolation. He extended his left arm toward his divine target and with the right, he drew back the silver comb. With a sharp stroke, he sent it hurdling towards Talon.

He could see almost immediately that he hadn't correctly accounted for Talon's increasing velocity as he lunged into battle. His instrument was going to miss. With a shriek of rage he extended both hands toward the silver projectile and willed it toward its mark. To Brenner's shock, the metal seemed to answer his demand and shifted its course toward Talon to pierce his flesh and administer the fruit of their labour into his bloodstream.

Brenner stumbled backward, shocked at the potency of the moment.

"Die Hexenfresser sind im Einsatz, Stefan. Wir müssen uns jetzt mit dem Nachtherr treffen." He adjusted the mask on his face and glanced to Florian.

"Come with us, Albrecht, and we will conduct you to safety." The attackers seemed to be consciously avoiding the Zaichaeri delegates as they wantonly assailed other guests all around them.

"This is your triumph as much as ours, Florian."
word count: 518
"I have set my life upon a cast,
And I will stand the hazard of the die."
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The words of the toast sounded far away, distant as a memory. Lyra's eyes were drawn upward as the burning light of the sun was obstructed, and then it all began. Explosions rocked the world and the barrier that draped the city shook and then finally began to crumble. Figures began to fall from the sky, and Lyra watched them with a curious gaze. Then the gas came, and all around her, the crowds of people began to react as one by one they were cut down either by sword or bullet.

Guns were obnoxiously loud. That one thought broke through to the surface of Lyra's consciousness as she winced as another shot rang out not a far distance from where she stood, drink still in hand. The gas was quickly spreading out to fill the entirety of the garden, moving almost like a living creature, searching out and extending tendrils of whispy greenish-blue mist that warped and surrounded everything it touched.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Naila's voice broke through the errant thoughts, drawing Lyra's attention. The woman was crouched, and though she wasn't breathing heavily her limbs shook ever so slightly as she seemed to struggle to straighten to her full height. Whisps of the smoke clung to her clothing, slowly dissipating but the effects lingered.

"My body isn't moving right." The woman said, raising a shaking hand as if to emphasize, "It's like I tell my legs to move, but it takes too long for them to get the message."

Lyra's brows came together and she looked around at other groups where the gas was thicker. Indeed, wherever the gas touched magic seemed to be affected strangely. Fireballs sputtered into sparks in the air, illusions were broken, and as she looked even magical items seemed to weaken and lose their effectiveness. More men fell from the sky, but as she watched them Lyra saw that they did not use magic themselves, but rather ordinary tools and weapons without magical enhancements. Some wore masks as well. Her thoughts clicked in place as a strange picture began to form.

"Did you find Brenner." Lyra asked softly.

"Yeah, he's over near the fountain. The guy with one arm is with him too."

"Florian?" What was Florian doing at the reception at all, and with Commander Dornkirk no less. He was Zaichari, but Lyra doubted that the two held any sort of comradery.

"I saw Finn as well." Continued Naila, motioning in the bard's general direction, "And that girl with the white hair. I think she's got, good bodyguards. I saw one break one of those masked guys' kneecaps."

Brenner, Florian, Finn and Kala. Lyra searched the sea of green that had spread quickly during that brief exchange, but she could not see Talon nor his family. As her eyes scanned she found her attention drawn toward a tree where a lone man stood, a man with burning embers for eyes.

The song begins, Em'fala. Do you remember how to play it?

A thrill swept through her soul as Lyrielle looked out over the stage that had been prepared. The Dark One had come here for a reason, but why? What was his goal? The obvious was Talon, the incarnation of Arcas and a force that directly opposed what the Dark One stood for. Was this a means to capture the prince? Lyra thought of her discussions with Talon, and with Brenner, and more began to fall into place. A mysterious trip into the Warrens left the Commander suffering a magical blight that seemed to wither and decay him. Then, on the day of the Wedding reception an attack by an unknown group who use a weapon that seemed to dampen magic? It seemed too much of a coincidence, but did that mean the Dark One was here by chance? More importantly, did it really matter?

Do you remember how to play it?

The words echoed in her mind once more. Was she supposed to aid Kalzasi, the prince who was the reborn vessel of Arcas and enemy to her master, or was she meant to aid the attackers to ensure they would succeed in whatever it was they hoped to accomplish? She had sworn an oath to Sahfri to bring Zaichaer to its knees, but that did not mean she had to ensure that Kalzasi itself survived. She and Brenner had shared some moments that Lyra had begun to feel were... different, but her goals were not aligned with his either. If he had orchestrated all of this then was she not meant to oppose it? If she did, would that cause the rest of her carefully laid plans to crumble and fall apart?

The questions swirled in a loop in Lyra's mind, making her hesitate. All things had a solution, one that could be figured out, dissected, and recorded. She was Lyra, a master of multiple world magics and one who controlled her own destiny. She should be able to see through the intents, solve this riddle, discover the reasons why...

Do you remember how to play it?

Sounds of people screaming, bullets in the air, and the swelling tide of gas were a confusing swirl of conflicting stimuli that made Lyra's mind fracture and struggle to comprehend. To Lyrielle though, she could hear it. A faint, nearly unnoticeable melody that underlay the cacophony of tones and screeches. There was a rhythm to it all, and as she watched the gas she realized that it seemed to follow that soundless music too.

We hear the song. Lyrielle whispered in the back of Lyra's mind, her voice washing over the countless buzzing thoughts that had begun to crowd Lyra's thoughts, It is not a complex thing. We know it. Let us sing as we used to, so very, very long ago.

Naila's voice barely cut through the growing whispers of Lyra's mind, and when she looked back Lyra saw one of the men in masks approaching. Naila stood between Lyra and the man, a dagger held in trembling fingers at the ready as the gas began to sweep in around them. There was a burning in Lyra's chest as she saw the man step forward and raise the end of a riffle to aim at Naila's chest. As if in slow motion Lyra reached out and touched the shadows at the man's feet, and with barely a flick of a thought a thin spike of darkness pierced upward straight through the man's chin and out through his skull.

You see, we do remember. Lyrielle purred.

"Go to where Brenner is." Lyra said to Naila, who looked back at her questioningly, "The longer you are in this gas the more your body will fail. Brenner can aid you." It was likely that Brenner would not be attacked, as he was the most likely person to orchestrate this, but Lyra did not say this.

"Alright, what about you?"

"I will follow shortly." Lyra smiled, and for some reason, Naila flinched, "Stay close to Florian as well. I will collect you once all is sorted here."

For a moment Naila looked as if she wished to argue, but after another look into her master's eyes, she nodded once and began slowly walking toward where Brenner and Florian were last located.

Lyrielle hummed softly to herself as she stretched her arms over her head. The gas was closing in, surrounding her and she could feel her body beginning to grow sluggish. Unlike Naila, however, her body did not require world magic to remain functional. The combination of Lyra's essence that permitted every organ and pumped through every blood vessel meant that while she could not move effortlessly, she could still function at a slightly below-average level. It did not really matter though, for the body was just a body. It wasn't who Lyrielle was. It could barely contain her.

Tilting her head back she let out a long breath, black smoke billowing from her lips and falling like fog to the ground around her. It started slow but gathered momentum until it all but gushed out of her in waves, billowing out in a wall of black that pushed against the gas that surrounded her. She had almost forgotten... but not completely. As she spread out Lyrielle felt the mark on her soul glow hot with divine power, and she drew on the growing shadows that were spread by her ever-growing form. She used them, pulled them into herself, solidified herself just enough that her form would not easily dissipate. Her mark resonated with her, for it was a part of her. How had she forgotten that?

The melodies from her rune were faint, but she could hear them still, undertones to the grand song that she could hear beginning to build louder and louder. Then in an instant, she pushed herself out, feeding tendrils of her essence through the glass to become a layer of dark smoke along the ground that encompassed the entirety of the Palace Gardens. It felt... right. She touched every shadow she passed, and with a thousand whispers, she spoke fear of an individual to cast a melody of dark foreboding and unease in the hearts of everyone present.

As she spread out she touched the gas, searched it for meaning. It was so familiar to her, but she could not focus on it now. She felt as Brenner moved through her smoke, and shifted her attention there to see as he threw the projectile. So it was true. He had orchestrated it all. She could do nothing for Talon, but for now...

She crept up as smoke along Florian's body, not fully forming but whispered words so soft that only the one-armed man could hear, "Go with him. We will follow."

As she said this a tendril of herself would flow toward Florian, a whisper waiting for acceptance and would be drawn into the man if he breathed in. She would then turn her focus to the garden at large, trailing from conflict to conflict to incite different emotions each time, preparing for a crescendo when the time came.

word count: 1747
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Title: Ransera's #1 Disaster Twink
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with Brenner
Florian did not want to be Zaichaeri. A bit of him wished he hadn't approached Brenner at all, even half-knowing, half-suspecting what was about to happen. He opened his mouth to speak a reply when the eclipse came, the toast came, and the world ended around him. He had no ties to these people, this city, but that was still better than the ties that came from Zaichaer. Brenner had certainly learned of his betrayal, of what he did to Eitan, but his excitement at his plan coming to fruition either overrode it — or he was going to trap him in return.

Florian watched wordlessly as the implement flew through the air towards Talon, nearly missing until it moved mid-air to hit the man. The Crown Prince. Brenner's plan was almost too successful, too clean. He knew his arrival was a stitch in the plan. He was close enough to the Zaichaeri man to realize that he was the one who had manipulated it mid-air. Another piece of the puzzle.

"What safety could you offer me, Brenner?" He hissed through his teeth, a breath from outright declining the offer and risking the wrath of the fighters from both sides when he heard Lyra's voice in his ear. He took a deep breath, unknowingly inhaling the wisp of her. "I will come with." He murmured now, "But this is not my doing." Seeing Brenner don a mask, he covered his face with his sleeve, speaking through his arm.

"So this was your plan? When you spoke of avoiding war, you meant to ambush a wedding?" He asked, though it was less accusatory than even he felt it should have been. He kept his attention was on Brenner, rather than the rest of the commotion, with a knowledge that if he stuck near him he would likely remain unharmed, and a thought crossed his mind that if Brenner and Stefan were in Kalzasi, perhaps Eitan was, too. "Who else is here with you?" He asked without a mind to think of how transparent it was.
word count: 383
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