Paying in Kind, i. [Tobias]

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Eitan Angevin
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Eitan frowned slightly when he felt Tobias tense up. He had hoped their rapport would sidestep some of his trauma, but it would seem not. He sighed and stepped back from him.

"You're not fine," he noted, not needing Mesmer to read Tobias, who was a bit like an open book to him anymore. Eitan didn't have the same tools, but he had the training and the experience to read people like a good little spy for the Order and the Corps. "But you will be. I'm not angry at you. I want to help you—you know that. Both with your career and your family, and to help you move through the things that have happened and come out the other side stronger. This is why I think you need to use your Rune regularly—every day, but only a little. Build up your resilience, learn how to read people without taking on their emotions."

Later, it became clear the airship's roundabout patrol wasn't going to get them to Haqs that day. The crew was a complete complement, so there was only one spare bed for a minor officer, hardly what Eitan was accustomed to as a commander, but now he and Tobias had to figure out what they were going to do about it. It was dark now. Both of them were weary from their magical endeavors.

"Well," Eitan opined. "We can either take turns with the bed or we can share it. You're slender and I'm not much bigger, so it might be possible. I know you're a bit... Well." He shrugged and began to strip off his uniform. He would have liked a bath, but the day had been taxing mentally more than physically and he wasn't a mess. Once in his smallclothes, he climbed into the bed and scooted up against the wall to make as much room as possible. He figured that if Tobias wanted to try, being on the edge of the bed might feel a bit safer as he had nobody between him and escape.

Not that Eitan was one of those coven rapists.
word count: 375
Mind is a razor blade.
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Tobias frowned slightly at his noting that he wasn't truely fine; the fact is he was still trying to cope with many things. His trauma, his abilities and mostly the daunting task behind. For a moment, he smiled at Eitan and nodded "I... I'm sorry. It's not you I'm just... Worried" He took note that he was indeed confused by the emotional overload he was having with his mesmeric abilities. He was strong, but was he strong enough to ascend further into his magic or would he become corrupted? Would he turn worse than what he already was? Only time would tell. All he knew was he needed to keep his head down and focus on his rehabilitation. It was truely working, but there was a sense of discouragement from the other Reconciliator. He smiled as he rubbed his shoulder "Hey... It takes time, maybe this is part of the healing process for me." He said with a shrug.

"Anyway, we better start filing that report up." He said with a smile. It was evident that both reconciliators had a lot in common. Elven ancestry, followed by the need to redeem; a need to prove themselves to the state. However, the thing Tobias lacked was emotional control. Eitan had it, which would explain the burning anger resonating from his Symphony. It bothered the white haired half-elf further as he was present.

Later, after all the bustle on the ship; he would eventually arrive towards the only bedroom available. He shuddered at the thought as Eitan felt the most comfortable sleeping on the edge of the bed. The reconciliator was bold enough to do that. Tobias questioned it deep in his head as he seemed reluctant at first "Err... I... I guess... Hang on..." He eventually stripped off his uniform and placed on his smallclothes. With a slow reluctance, he slowly climbs into bed with Eitan. It was strange. He felt somewhat some trust in him, followed by that sense of comfort. Perhaps he was truly safe, although he did have questions deep down.

"Erm... Eitan... Have you ever, y'know... Been in alot of awkward situations like this? If so, would you deem it as socially acceptable?" He asked.

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Eitan Angevin
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"It doesn't have to be awkward, Toby," he said. The light was turned down; it almost felt like a boyhood sleepover. "We are just making due with the facilities at hand. Have you never shared a bed before...?" He yawned, turning his head to the side so he wouldn't blow his breath into Tobias' face. Though he wanted to turn toward Tobias to ease the pressure on some of the aches from earlier in the day, he didn't since the man was obviously uncomfortable.

Remembering the man's reaction earlier when they had spoken, he felt compelled to say, "Hey, I recognize that you are working hard and you are making improvements. I'm proud of you, and I don't regret taking you on as an Aspirant." He yawned again. "Sorry. Anyway, just remember that I'm only ever trying to help." Once more, he yawned. "Mists. I'm tired. All right. I'm going to fall asleep, so I'll just turn over and you can try to pretend I'm not here. Good night, Toby."

Gingerly, he turned away from Tobias and toward the wall. Soon enough, his breathing evened out and if Tobias was wakeful, at least Eitan wasn't thrashing or making a lot of noise. And at least he kept the Frost chill out of the narrow bed. Eitan often worked himself to exhaustion; if he wasn't weary at the end of the day, he would exercise. Or he would have a nightcap and let the alcohol lull him into sleep. Since the expedition into the Warrens, it was even more acute, the better to shut out memories and things he could see and hear. They left him alone for the most part when he slumbered and so it was a state he enjoyed.
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Mind is a razor blade.
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The other male sighed as he looked at the other male and sighed "I... I can't say I have shared a bed in my life, no..." He said. The flush against his cheeks were saying alot, although he did not face Eitan. Instead he remained back to back with him as he thought to himself. It wasn't the easiest thing feeling those constant emotions streaming through his mind, but what bothered him most was Eitan's anger. That burning Dratori rage filled with passion and yet it burns so deep within him that he keeps it in check. It was something which filled Tobias with both fear and a willing to help.

He remained quiet and looked back at him; he appeared to smile in content as he slowly moved backwards onto the bed, ever so slightly as he looked back at Eitan "I know, Eitan. I... I trust you." He mumbled softly, it was soft yet inaudible as if he had lost the breath to speak for a moment. Perhaps he felt too safe with him as he shivered in the bed slightly. The frost chill was coming forth within the northern chill. He turned over as he moved somewhat closer to Eitan as he placed moved his hand over to his shoulder, resting it there for a moment

"Good night, Eitan" He whispered as he fell asleep beside him, yet strangely comfortable against him.

Last edited by Tobias on Mon Feb 21, 2022 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 245
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Eitan Angevin
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Eitan fell asleep easily, slept through the night, and woke before dawn without fanfare. He had trained himself to follow the clock, though he still sometimes went on a bender with his mates and slept until after noon. That was uncommon, no matter what rakish off-duty reputation he might have acquired. Tobias' presence hadn't bothered him at all, though he had a strange revelation when he did wake up, finding the slender Aspirant huddled against him like he was shelter in a storm.

It made sense to him given what he knew of the man that he would need something like this and from someone he trusted. It was gratifying to know that on some instinctive level, Tobias trusted him enough to sleep beside him, enough to seek comfort against him.

As he had said, it didn't have to be awkward. In many ways, the world was against Tobias. In Eitan, he finally had an ally invested in his redemption and success. If the Aspirant was drooling a bit on his chest, well, no harm, no foul. He let his own arm close protectively over skinny shoulders, though there was a bit of muscle definition developing after all their training, which also made him feel like he was having a positive role in the man's life. There was no reason he had to jump out of bed, so he just made himself comfortable and settled into a bit of a doze, ready to come fully awake whenever Tobias did, though he wouldn't drop back into true slumber either.

Soon enough, the day would begin and he would do some last-minute checks on the shields of the Ascendant Dawn, and then they would debark in Haqs to continue his investigation into the disappearance of one Florian Albrecht.
word count: 316
Mind is a razor blade.
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The early hours of dawn approached and yet Tobias was struggling; the sounds of yelping could be heard in his sleep. It was as if he was reliving the pain he had felt from the coven's advances. He woke up with a slight gasp as he opened his eyes wide for a moment. Although, he didn't move; the fear somewhat paralysed him in place for a moment. It was normal for him to have nights like this, although this figure of normality was not particularly within his usual routine.

For a moment, he was surprised by the strong arms that wrapped around him. It appeared they are protective of Tobias, although it was obvious. He trusted the man, he knew he did and not to mention he started getting a little fuzzy and warm inside. The blush radiated from his warm cheek as he leant into the other man as he tried to get back to sleep. As difficult as it was, he laid there awake as he looked up at him "Eitan..." He murmured softly "Thank you, for being understanding. I appreciate it" He said.

However difficult it was, he pretended to fall asleep, although afterwards he laid with his eyes open till dawn. The difficulty of getting back to sleep was drawing in, although this was a yet again another normal factor of his life.

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Eitan Angevin
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Eitan woke long enough to soothe Tobias; the yelps had roused him, but once he knew everything was all right, he drifted back into a more untroubled slumber. At least, whatever he dreamed, it stayed in the confines of his skull. It was enough for his mind to recognize that the physical closeness didn't offend, and he doubled down on it, holding the warm body closer.

But he woke with the dawn, which was a bit late for him. Perhaps his injuries had required a bit more rest than was normal. His eyes opened on a head of prematurely gray hair, which was odd, but Tobias seemed comfortable enough. He nuzzled at it, knowing it was likely this physical intimacy would cease once they were up and dressed. At least, Tobias might pretend it had never happened, that he hadn't needed the comfort. That would be all right, Eitan supposed, though if it was something he needed, he ought to get it; if not from Eitan, then from someone he trusted.

"Good morning," he murmured. Tobias' breathing was measured, but not so slow that Eitan couldn't guess he was awake. "You're warm."

He gave the slender body a squeeze. It was certainly nice to share a bed in the grip of Frost. Airships ran efficiently and didn't spare a whole lot of energy for creature comforts, especially aboard military ships. This wasn't a pleasure yacht, but a war machine. Soon enough, he would have to give its shields another once over before they docked at Haqs and he had to speak to the head of the chapter of the Order of Reconciliation.
word count: 292
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Tobias felt the warmth of Eitan as he also felt him squeezed; he let out an inaudible purr. He didn't wanna leave the bed, the comfort was one thing, but the warmth appeared to be the thing that was drawing Tobias in further "So are you." He chuckled, although blushed slightly as he leant against his colleague, or rather friend. He was right, it didn't have to be awkward to share a bed with his friend, especially if they had no choice. However, it felt good on a personal level, the fact he had found someone he could trust and look up to. He knew he was in safe hands, that there was no ill intent from Eitan.

"You're so warm that I don't wanna leave the bed now... This is your fault, I blame you for having this wonderful idea" He teased, although he suddenly realised what he said. The blush on his face was evident, yet he hid his face in denial within Eitan's chest as he mumbled "Can we just, stay here a little longer? It's cold..." He said as his voice was muffled. The clinged to Eitan was child-like. He was craving the warmth of the blankets, followed by the warmth of Eitan's body against them. It was evident that they couldn't stay in bed, as much as they'd like to; they had work to do. As much as Tobias wanted it, it was a wish that couldn't be easily granted. Their work came first. It was part of their responsibility.

"Don't answer that, Eitan. I know the answer already." He murmured in protest as he groaned out, knowing he would have to get up, ready for their assignment. To find Florian Albrecht.

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Eitan Angevin
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"Five more minutes," he whined quietly, perfectly immitating a teenager. But he chuckled low in his throat, his voice deeper for the sleep. He nuzzled into Tobias' hair because it was safer than kissing him, and his arms tightened around him. They had done good work the day previous and their work in Haqs oughtn't to take too long, so they would be able to fly home again upon the Ascendant Dawn, and anything that might have been left undone could be rectified then.

"Go back to sleep," he murmured. "I'll keep the nightmares away. That's an order, Aspirant."

There was humor in his voice, but also a hint of tenderness. People had been unkind to him, but Tobias hadn't. He could afford to be kind to him and have kindness reciprocated. Soon, Eitan would be married and he knew Lucerne had tenderness for him as well as all sorts of other diverting feelings, but none of them had received enough, might never receive enough. He could share that with his mentee, his friend.

They worked well together. They would work even better together if they cared, if they were personally invested in each other's future successes.

"Right now, you're safe."
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Mind is a razor blade.
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He noticed the way Eitan would whined; like he was a teenager protesting to get out of bed. The way he nuzzled into his hair, it was endearing to him. He looked up and smiles "Five more minutes, eh? Talk about being lazy" He teased as he nuzzled into the warmth of Eitan's body. He eventually smiled as his arms tighten around him. The work they had done would be sufficient in this.

"You're ordering me to go back to sleep? Fine... As you wish, Watcher." The way he said I'll keep the nightmares away spoke to Tobias. It was soothing, yet endearing to know he actually cared. It was true that in this world, Tobias had alot of things against him, however it appeared that he was starting to become attached. Was it normal to have these kind of feelings? Tobias didn't know what to think, what to feel; the biggest question was should he act upon it. For now, a mixture of fear and anxiety would race through him. Those butterflies in his stomach, they were telling him something. He should act on these feelings. He was fearful that these feelings weren't truely recipocrated. Were they?

That was something Tobias had to put to the test; it was anxiety that stopped him. The thing was, he actually cared for Eitan, knowing he was part of his success now. They had to take the ride together through thick and thin. It was him who gave him the encouragement he needed, now he needed to give something in return. A friendly shoulder to rely on.


word count: 285
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