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Title: Dabu
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Frost 89th, 121st Year
Daybreak. The night had passed quieter now that the howling had stopped, and the first light of dawn began to gleam across the pillars of ice that had risen just a kilometer outside of camp. Even the wind fell silent throughout the night, as the glistening diamond dust leftover from the blizzard glistened with the pillars of ice.

What happened? Well, the only expected thing that could happen when you lose a lover. It all started late into the night, however, when his eyes first opened and the revelation he awoke with hit him hard. It was a startling way to grip reality, too much to bear for one who felt themselves on the verge of death.

So I give in...

The veins in his skin had glimmered with a silver light as though Talon himself reached out to cleanse him, Telion quickly rising off her pillow to crawl near his side when the event was noticeable. The wolf fidgeted more than before and the sweat, though still coated over his skin and hair, had lessened impeccably once the light manifested. As it faded Rickter stirred more, before another soft jerk finally resulted in the opening of his eyelids. He looked out within the tent before his eyes fell on Telion, utter confusion in his gaze as his thoughts were still left in a tangled mess. "Oh thank gods! Rickter!"

Her voice was soft as honey to his ears still, even when his heart felt clutched by irons. There was no denying it, this pain was the equivalent of a hot knife whittled across such a precious organ. He could only clutch his chest in pain, his throat too dry to utter a sound when he exhaled sharply through his nostrils. The healer drew closer to check his chest with a gentle hand, concern in her eyes as she realized something was wrong. "Rickter?! What happened?" She inquired before looking over at the waterskin laying near the bed. Quickly she ushered for him to lean up a bit, and brought the container over for him to sip out of once he propped himself up by an elbow.

After a prolonged gulp, he finally lowered the waterskin from his lips as the tears just hit him then. Telion bore sight to a wolf in mourning as Rickter stared at his palm in pure awe. Last he remembered... He had stood to protect his expedition from Odison, but beyond that was when things turned into a pitch black. Yet he remembered feeling everything beyond that, the constant overtake that the darkness held on his body and soul... the opening of that space to allow strangers inside... He remembered everything up to that very last moment, when he felt that intense white-hot burn graze across his soul. Was that why his heart hurt so much? He wanted to reach out to Talon now, yet, felt his confusion peak at a lack of reasoning for why.

He was gone now, and what felt just as bad (if not worse) was the lack of connection with Aoren. The Bond... was gone. He felt only absence in the void that they had filled, or now created, after what had happened during the events that took place in his mind. Rickter could only clutch over his chest, as the first wave crashed into his soul. The magnitude felt as large as the cleansing that purified his soul, as Telion brought her hands up to his cheeks with a deeply earnest stare. "Gone... They feel gone..." He finally expressed as the flap of the tent lifted open, with Hannah and a few of the rangers coming in behind her.

"He's awake!?"

"But how?" The rogue looked sharply at the brown-haired ranger that made the remark, before she moved to kneel next to Telion as they shared space with Rickter.

"What happened? Has no one reported back to Kalzasi yet?" The wolf inquired worryingly with soft huffs in his breath, his mind spent on keeping a calm demeanor, while his heart brew a raging storm gradually on the rise. Both the ladies before him glanced at one another, their expressions grave as Hannah looked down to him to answer the question.

"We don't know. Trevor nor I have been able to access Kalzasi, they've shut down all their gates for whatever reason..." She admitted with a fold of her arms, concern written all over her expression as the wolf softly groaned before lying back down. It was still cold out that he could tell, the air still fresh with ice and the scent of campfire. They had come out here to search for the Merry Behemoth, and somehow, Rickter can't remember who it was that sent him on this mission, to begin with.

I know the dawn is the bitter end, So I put my mask on and I start to pretend.
To be someone I ain't never gonna be again...

"... I need... time. To think..." Rickter quietly requested as he kept his breathing in check, keeping the heartache in his chest concealed as he shut his eyes. Though they lingered for a bit, Hannah gave in with a sigh before looking to Telion, the rogue giving Rickter one gentle brush along the forearm before she stood up toward the rangers. The wolf heard her ushering them out quietly as Telion's sweet scent still lingered, her hand gently folding into his as he slightly tensed. "Telion... please."

"...I know." She sounded apologetic almost, her voice nearly quaking from the emotion she kept contained. "Just remember, I'm always nearby whenever." Her hand lingered for a moment before it started to slip away, the wolf's hand gripping it tighter before she had the chance to leave.

"I love you." That still burned within him. He felt that for someone else as well, before that burning sensation tore it away entirely. He felt it for Telion too, and somehow, physically feeling her hand within his reassured her. That was enough to keep him from slipping away, from letting the overwhelming tempest burst out of his heart. Having looked up to her he could see it in her eyes, the tears she fought back as there was a mixture of love and guilt in her gaze. When he finally loosened his grip, he used his hand to help turn over, the healer staying to make sure he was on his knees with no trouble at all.

Somehow his afflictions have completely healed, the darkness that plagued his body no longer present. She had no idea what it meant or what it had to do with Talon, but deep down, she understood that something had gone wrong when it happened. The blonde gave him a soft kiss atop the head as he drew out the undershirt of the Skyforge Raiment, before her gentle stride outside the tent left him alone to finish dressing. He needn't the overcoat or the chest piece, just the overshirt would keep him warm when he ventured out into the cold. He didn't want anybody within the camp to hear him, not this close at least, because in order to allow himself to think...

Rickter needed to confront this pain inside his chest first.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah"
"I am living in the night,"
Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 02, 2022 3:49 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1339
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Title: Dabu
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Frost 89th, 121st Year
A great amount of effort went into Spatial Mapping a kilometer away from the camp, the wolf having held his breath a few times with each search to pinpoint the exact spot he'd Blink to. With a simple shift of his form he felt the small warmth of the tent immediately brew into a cold front, after the initial rush that always coursed through him when he ventured through Slipspace. At last, his walls came down. Or rather...

Every minute, From the morning 'til the sun goes down;

They gushed apart like an overwhelmed damn, as the surging waters tearing their way through quickly brought the wolf to his knees. His chest ached immensely from the amount of pain he was in, he clutched desperately over his sternum with one hand and a frigid clump of ice within the other. The night was open to pure crisp lighting of the moon, as the faintest echoes of chatter from the camp could still reach his ears. Whispers on the wind as he could call them, but not as important as the desire to seek out something within the very heavens above him. The Northern Star. Where was it? He yearned so deeply to find it, and yet when his eyes finally found it within the celestial bodies above, his heart merely pined harder for the one he meant it as.

I know that inside of me, it's a fucking ghost town,
And anyone with half a heart wouldn't let me drown

Rickter's jaw clenched hard enough to where he felt the back teeth grind heavily, desperate to make sense out of what it was that wracked his heart so much. He thought about the mission and how important he felt over it, the constant amount of vigilance he invested in the expedition's safety. He thought back to the one who provided it to him, which, still remained blank as he scoured his thoughts for answers. Why? Why couldn't he remember what drove him here, more importantly, what happened to the Bond between him and Aoren? Was that it? His eyes widened in awe at the realization, Aoren was gone completely. That caused the welling in his heart to surge, the constant stream of steaming hot tears met with a wretched cry of anguish out into the night sky.

I know I can't breathe,
While the sunlight hurts my eyes

Rickter felt the rough cracks that briefed his throat from such intense shouting, yet he couldn't contain himself anymore, his hands burrowed deep into the snow as if to rake it in pain. His face was soon buried in his forearms as he lay in a fetal position over his knees. A heavy silence lingered but after a short gasp, it quickly shattered with the sound of another loud and anguished cry. Aoren was gone. What had happened!? There was another too and Rickter fought desperately hard to search his memories, determining the only logical choice being Talon since... Since...

A silver gleam surfaced within his memories and he reflected back to that moment. That one moment when Talon met him within the confines of that restroom, just to talk with Rickter and address the few of many insecurities the wolf had. Why did he... There was a reason why the Prince did this at the time, why he came to offer what was known as The Bond. It was how he became Bonded with Aoren too after all. So then was all this... from Talon? Was all this emotional turmoil everything left from their broken connection?

I know I can't live, Until the moon will arise.

The gentle silver light originating from Talon's chest lingered, before a bright flash around the Prince changed him into a silhouetted being out of a legend. He then remembered the final moments spent seeing Talon, feeling the last shred of love left in him, before that piece of Rickter tore away with the connection. The wolf's pained cry faltered for a bit, the hairs across his body tingled before fur started to sprout out of his arms and shoulders. Gradually his form expanded as steam rose from his form, the Lycan wolf only elevating his head to let out a mixed sound between a yowl and a cry. He felt nothing but pain from the absence, a soul-numbing pain that seeped far deeper than any ice ever could.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah"
"When I watch the stars fall down,"
Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 02, 2022 3:49 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 889
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet:
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Frost 89th, 121st Year
There was no denial in the possibility that a connection existed, even if the tattered fragments of his memory left enough room for doubt within his thoughts. The pain that ravaged his heart and soul were of a deep origin, the kind that could only stem from what was once a real connection. And what happened to that connection? No matter how many times he asked, the wolf's answer was the same constant thing. Hurt.

The two moons above would hear his howls into the night as the hot tears would nearly freeze on his fur. Rickter's breathing felt ragged from the exaggerated amount of yelping and crying out he had done, and yet, none of it alleviated the immensity unraveling within the confines of his heart.

I'm wondering, Could I ever get my feelings back?

The winced gaze in his woeful eyes widened as he pondered for a minute. If he hadn't fallen into that deep and dark dream, if Talon had indeed come to rescue him... then why? He was a bodyguard... Just how deep did their Bond grow before the end? He felt such frustration building inside of him now, further fanning the fires that burned in his heart, and fueling the storm that raged deep within his core. Rickter was tired of it all, so tired already, enough to where he had enough.

This empty shell is like a noose around my neck, I am nothing but a huge creaking wreck.

A flash within his mind created a splitting pain in his skull, his next cry out followed with an ambient rise of aether from his form. An intense ringing pierced his ears as he shut his eyes tight, Rickter having caught a glimpse of himself as black aether radiated from his position before the inevitable release. The frigid air dropped several degrees lower around him as the elements responded to his cry, ice spikes already rising from the cracks between his fingers before the release of control fed more aether into their rising structure. From his knees and the tips of his boots, off his elbows, even his back; ice surged off him to crystalize into thick stalactite structures.

When he opened his eyes the wolf saw that very ice coursing out of him, the surging rush equivalent to the flow of rage pouring through his very being. Yet he did nothing except scream until his throat hurt, until he could scream no more, until at last it felt like his energy was slowly draining from the excessive buildup of ice around him. Steadily but surely, pillars of ice rose to create a forest all around him, the structures even cracking as the air around them hissed from the drop in temperature.

I am falling; Deeper and deeper into this hole I dug,

He wanted more. He wanted to freeze out all this pain and suffering, all this heartache he clearly had brought upon himself. He didn't understand why, yet, just that the immensity of this pain had nearly crushed him. And now that he gazed into the crystalline structure, the remainder of that vision he beheld moments ago played through his head. It was black ice. What he would've created was pillars of onyx or maybe even obsidian-colored ice, were he not cleansed of the very darkness that he had been trapped within. Looking at the structures around him though they were clear, almost white and pure, as the aether within them settled and froze to the core.

What's happening to me? Why am i seeing?... His reflection in the ice looked to be that of a man nearly turned into a full-blown monster, a caged beast that had been injured and seeking the freedom of the outside. His blue eyes fell down to gaze at his fur-ridden hands, a soft tug out of the frozen snow released them from the cluster of ice around his fingers. The wolf felt his back stuck too, as well as his lower legs, as spikes of ice rose above his form; and windowed his view to only that of the stars overhead.

And took a double dose of this deadly drug.
But during the night I know, I know I won't get stuck.

He felt the ice particles around his body weaken a bit, the bitter cold seeping in through his fur as he just laid there still. As much as he wanted to struggle Rickter did not possess the energy for it right now, most of it was drained just by the release of all the ice around him. How high it had accumulated up he had no clue, only that as the tears flowed down his hairy cheeks as he watched the stars. He could just freeze here. Let the cold bring him back into that deep dark sleep, and potentially release him from the constant torment serving as a constant reminder. Yet... he had others to live for. He didn't understand it but Talon sacrificed something about himself in that place, within the realm of sleep where dreams could affect both memory and soul.

That angered Rickter most.

No matter how much he wanted to deny himself of this pain, to try and rationalize what he could of the situation... Only the bitter anger at what happened was all that made sense to him.

I know I can't breathe, While the sunlight hurts my eyes,

The thought of Telion and Hannah, and the twins, surfaced within the turbulence of emotion in his mind. And when he thought of Aoren as well, the wretched cold around him soon diminished. Aether gently pulsed from him as a natural aura, a soft glow much like the northern lights shimmering through the center of all the ice. Gradually all the spikes and webs melded together began to crack, until the immediate structures within his personal space dissolved into diamond dust. Released from the network of ice he created, Rickter slowly lifted himself from the ground, his head hung back so he could once more gaze to the Northern Star.

I know I can't live, Until the moon will arise

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah"
"When they crash into the ground,"
Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 02, 2022 3:49 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1199
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Title: Dabu
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Frost 89th, 121st Year
The wolf just stayed still on his knees where he was, pants of his breath emitting brief clouds of moisture from his mouth and nostrils. He stared longingly at the star that kept his gaze, seeking to regulate the pace of his lungs as Rickter did nothing more beyond that. The tears that flowed from his eyes remained constant, and the never-ending immensity of heartache finally seemed to settle into the rest of his body.

Oh hello, shooting stars up in the sky,
You reveal the beauty of this,
You reveal the beauty of this world.

His throat ached and even itched from all the screaming and howling he'd done, and while the moons had shifted closer toward the west overtime, nothing kept the wolf from watching the night sky in search of answers. Then came the star, the one shooting star he witnessed as it zipped across the sky. The wolf, for what it was worth, was still able to whine through his nostrils after each wave that battered his soul. They were lesser in strength now but he still acknowledged their worth, the pain still fresh as an open wound awaiting treatment. If hearts could bleed more than just physically, then Rickter would've bled everything he could out, and still suspect that it wouldn't be enough to end his pain.

Oh hello, shooting stars up in the sky,
You give me the strength I need,
The strength I need to survive...

Though he heard voices from the camp increase, it wasn't long before they would quiet down again. By now everyone had likely heard the entire commotion, as well as witnessed the manifestation of ice within the distance. Yet Rickter stared hard at that sky, at the one star he yearned to reconnect with once more. His eyes started to lull a little from the amount of energy he'd spent, his thoughts spent on what last fragments of memory he had... before he had lost two of the most important people in his life. He had a choice to make before he came back out of that hellish dream, a choice that would have to stick with him to the end.

He chose a new path for himself.

'Cause I'm not ready to die.

He had almost forgotten at the heart of all this there was one... one individual that he had to blame, among the others that brought this upon Rickter. That was why he chose to forge his own path ahead, to carve out his own fate once the nightmare he'd fallen trapped in ended. As he felt his muscles release in tension Rickter turned over to his side, the crunch of snow and ice felt beneath him as he looked onward through the frigid glass. He had really made a mess of things it would seem... He came out here... to save one life if not more. And in failing to do so, not only had he fallen under a dark spell, but he had suffered a loss akin to death itself.

Like before...

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah"
"With every breath, with every breath I take,
I am feeling alive and know that I'm awake,"
Last edited by Rickter on Wed Mar 02, 2022 3:49 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 658
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: Dabu
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Frost 89th, 121st Year
Talon had died once before already had he not?

That was something Rickter could've sworn he felt happening, the missing connection with him similar to that time period over a year ago. He remembered now, mostly, from what fragmented memories were aligned within his mind. The wolf had met Talon in the heat of battle, stepped in to shelter the man even, and went to the palace on Aoren's invitation to become a guardian. An Argent Hand. Somewhere along the way though he Bonded with the two men, never once realizing the repercussions of those actions until now. Or maybe he knew before then... And just didn't act to prepare for it.

But why would he had to? Looking back through the timeline of his memories, Rickter never once recalled wanting to shy away from Aoren. He looked up to the knight commander, even harboring feelings of respect and care for the man down the road. They were even intimate with another together... A memory that Rickter's heart clung to dearly, as he tried to sort out who that third person was when the event took place. Part of his suspected but he couldn't comprehend, not when all that remained from Talon was the levity of this heartache.

The wolf's eyes still released tears but they grew groggy, and the lack of cold from blocked breezes led him to shut his eyes briefly. He still thought to himself as he rested his eyes, fixated on his memories as he grew unaware of the passage of time.

I am living in the night,

The moons were above the western horizon beyond the forest of ice, the dark blue hues of daybreak had steadily painted the sky above the Astralar Peaks as he stirred. Though he'd stopped crying finally Rickter still felt heavy deep within his core, pulled to the ground by this weight that remained attached to his heart.

When I watch the stars fall down,
When they crash into the ground

He breathed steadily and while he more than likely would've frozen out here alone, somehow his natural body heat and the magicks of his raiment kept him warm. As much as he didn't wish to move from this spot, to see the end of this pitiful night, the wolf knew that daybreak was soon upon him. That meant he would be required to go back to Kalzasi, to return to a life he knew would never be the same anymore. He did not wish to go back. Instead he yearned to run away, to leave the past all behind him and let the hurt remain where it resided. Kalzasi, for what it was worth, had been a good home to him in the end.

He had met people he loved madly and deeply, and because of that he knew he would never be the same.

With every breath, with every breath I take,
I am feeling alive and know that I'm awake,

And so with every slow inhale, every steady exhale, Rickter found small bouts of courage building within himself. Courage to face the day as it grew closer and closer to arriving, as the first of those lights broke over the peaks to illuminate the tips of the ice structures around him. He would've given anything to go back in time, to alter the events that took place within that dream... or to keep himself from ever Bonding. Not to protect himself but to protect those who clearly were lost because of him.

Because now he had no idea where his Bondmates were. He had no idea what had happened to them while he was down. Only that they were both gone, and that the world would feel emptier without them.

So please, Make this an everlasting night...

Daybreak. The night had passed quieter now that the howling had stopped, and the first light of dawn began to gleam across the pillars of ice that had risen just a kilometer outside of camp. Even the wind fell silent throughout the night, as the glistening diamond dust leftover from the blizzard glistened with the pillars of ice. It was a beautiful sight to behold from afar, one could sculpt a fortress or tiny mansion from the amount created. Telion rose from her bedroll with the blue scarf clutched in her hand, the star of House Novalys embroidered at the end she held as she stepped out of her tent.

Seeing the impressive structure for herself, she clutched the fabric to her own heart tighter, before the sheer awe in her eyes followed with a tight close to force back the tears.

"I'm so sorry, Rickter."

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah"
"Make this an everlasting night"
word count: 930
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera


Name: Rickter
XP: 8 XP. Can be used for magic.
Requested Lore:
Psychology: Letting Emotion Govern Your Thoughts
Psychology: Losing Yourself To A Broken Heart
Elementalism: Releasing All Your Emotion In One Burst
Elementalism: Generating Ice Structures With Aether

You are authorized an additional 2 Lores of your choosing. You are authorized to gear these lores toward secret knowledge related to events surrounding The Call.

Note(s): Oh buddy...this hurt my heart to read. I could feel Rickter's pain in every word. He's suffered a pretty traumatic loss. Time will tell where it leads him from here.
word count: 107
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