After A While

The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

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66th of Frost, Year 119


A startled voice.

"...Yeah?" he turned, curiously, to face the other man. Renfier.

"Do you remember me?"

"I remember you."

- - -

"How long have you lived here?" the Valran asked. He loomed relaxedly over his bowl of soup, often glancing to view Taelian at his left, the two men seated beneath a presiding shade. They had reunited at random, roaming through Grimholdt, each apparently seeking their own objectives; one wished to familiarize himself with the realm he now lived so near to, and the other wished to make contact with a group he found to be of interest.

"Only a few days, Renfier," he called him by name. The Valran quickly noticed that Taelian was considerably less shy -- but still, somewhat so. They did not make eye contact often; the Siltori appeared to avoid his gaze.

"And... where did you come from?" he inquired.

"Kalzasi," Taelian replied. "In Karnor. But... I actually came from Alfsos first, so I suppose you could say I'm... returning, in a way?" Taelian proposed, cracking a reserved and somewhat awkward smile. Renfier grinned brightly, appearing to be closely observing the Ebon Knight's expressions.

"And... what has your life been like until now?" he asked.

"Interesting," Taelian responded. "And... good. In Kalzasi... I found a man," he started, already smiling at the thought of him. The mere inference. It only took remembering that Riven was around to make Taelian happy -- such had always been his effect.

"Found a man?" Renfier questioned, digging into a small slab of honeyed ham strewn throughout his soup.

"Yeah -- like, a... man. Sorry... I suppose I'm wording it strangely. I've fallen in love, Renfier. A love I don't think I'll ever fall out of. I..."

"Oh, gods," Renfier groaned. "Lord, aren't you near-still in your britches, Taelian? Especially being an Elf. I'm sure you'll fall out of love with the man eventually; he'll die long before you, anyway. Unless you somehow found another one like you."

"No," the Pyromancer shook his head. "He's an Avialae. They live long, I've been told. Not quite as long as us... but there's a solution to that. Hasn't... uh -- Liam, hasn't he ever offered to make you his Arlaed?"

"Err -- no?" Renfier's brows narrowed against the crease of his eyes. Taelian, immediately realizing his error, shifted the conversation. It did not surprise him that no one wished to live with Renfier for an incredibly long time -- particularly considering forging an Arlaed Pact with him would likely decrease the lifespan of the Elf in question, considerably so.

"Nevertheless... we've been together for almost a season, now," Taelian smiled, brightly.

"Oh, a season, is it?" Renfier chuckled. "You ready to marry yet? I can't imagine ever needing more than a season to decide whether you've found eternal love. What obscene wisdom you have, Ela'Rannoch."

"Shut up," Taelian replied. "Riven is incredible..." he said, eyes beginning to go alight once more. "We have this thing -- it's called, the Bond? It's an Avialae thing; there's multiple... tiers to it, too, based on how important you are to one another. We have... a Companion Bond, which is the closest most people ever become. I can't make it any clearer, Renfier, he--"

"Taelian," the Valran sighed. "I believe you. I hope nothing changes... in fact, I'll pray to Ulen that nothing does. For now... let's catch up on other things, aye? There's a lot that I'm doing here -- you too, I'm certain -- and a lot I'd like to discuss."
word count: 654
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He wanted to become close to me, and perhaps some semblance of me wished to do the same with him; but Eloise had made it clear to me that the goals of the Daravinic people were not aligned with goals of my own. That at best, they would see Elainians subjugated, the Siltori falling towards a second round of conquest-likely-genocide at the hands of more human mages; the same sort that initiated the Sundering. When I looked into Renfier's complexion... I found it difficult to distinguish between the man I knew, who saved my life, and the man he very well could have been. The sort that would throw his Elven husband into the Nametaker's Tides the moment more familiar tides - the tides of hatred and xenophobia - returned en masse to Daravin's shores.

I resolved not to make too fond of friends with him. Instead, I thought of what he might offer me; and that, to me, became of much more keen interest.

Eloise had begun to teach me the Customs of political intrigue, a set of rules and tactics more cunning than even the legendary Candor of Daravin. And now, my mind was starting to listen to them. I grew inspired by the things they promised of: control, invulnerability, a sort of exalted evasion of liability that made one appear above reproach. I thought of Miranda, the Thespian who served in the court of Zaichaer, even with their aversion to magic. If a woman like that could become so powerful in a place so hostile to her... what could I be? In Atinaw... or in Daravin -- or somewhere else.

I was beginning to understand why so many of my kind appeared to seek positions of power elsewhere. It was so easy; with our talent, and with the pain we had previously experienced. Overcoming men was as nothing -- we have been overcoming a race designed to surpass mortal life. But Eloise was limited, as was her time. I decided that while I did not trust Renfier nearly so much as he appeared to trust me, I would learn the Candor from him and integrate its teachings into the Customs I was beginning to learn. And I knew he would teach me: because he desired me. Desires. He would never acquire what he wished for, my body Riven's sole reserve, but the want would be enough for him to continue.
word count: 413
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. . .

That night, he offered to spend time with Renfier to learn of all that had transpired since he left Ciseperant, bound for Arlain. He told the Ebon Knight: the supposed bliss of his four spouses had come to an end, and the four of them entered into a relentless and chaotic feud. They no longer wished to share the wealth and bearings of one Valran; all sought to dominate one another. Save for... supposedly, Liam, the only non-human and the only man. The only one Taelian had spoken to at length. He remained distant from their affairs, their violent emotional turmoil. And in doing so, he had captured the heart of Renfier the most securely, the two of them spending countless hours together while the three writhed in their estate. By the end of Ash, Renfier divorced all but Liam.

He appeared happy, to Taelian. He spoke of his children and how they had begun to grow. He also finally had a half-Siltori son -- using Briomancy. The man had too many children, especially considering his age. Taelian cautioned that he would die while they were still young, but Renfier did not seem to worry, as he imagined Liam would take them on after his death.

And more details came unveiled. Renfier had sought to make contact with the Covenant, a group Taelian was closely associated with. Queries came, such as: why. The man was leery to provide a solid reason at first, though when Taelian made his association with Eloise clear, the Valran opened up about his intentions.

"Because I believe they can help me become a Veir," he said. A Veir - a member of the Entente. And his reasoning came more unveiled; his interests elaborate, and his purpose sensible. Renfier wished to become a true noble rather than a temporary Valran, so that his children might inherit that Nobility, and the wealth and security that came with it. A Valran's family was not truly secure after he died, whereas a Veir's was. They were entitled to receive landed estates and to oversee businesses on behave of their Montese, or Treveyn. A cut of all profits were given to them; they lived without worry of famine or insecurity of any economic form.

It made sense to him. He asked how the Covenant might aide in such an affair, and Renfier told Taelian of the secrets they knew. They people they could help him hurt, blackmail, extort. And of the connections he knew that Eloise still had -- somewhere. Even if they were obscure, or not publicly known. Of course, dealing with the Covenant as a Valran of Daravin was a dangerous affair; all consorting with foreign powers was, to some extent. But Renfier was a man of risk and reward. It was the only way he knew how to live.

Taelian offered to introduce Renfier to Eloise. In exchange, he wished to be instructed in the Candor, and perhaps given arcane tutelage -- even though the two were far closer in skill than they used to be. With the terms agreeable, Renfier committed to them, and the two made a deal. Now it was only time for Taelian to see if he could actually convince Eloise to meet with a Daravinic Knight.
word count: 552
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera


XP: 5/5
Magic? No.

Negotiation: A Favor for a Favor
Deception: The Candor
Deception: The Customs
Politics: The Veir
Politics: Valran Vulnerability
Politics: Foreign Intervention in Daravin
word count: 37

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