Age of Arcana

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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☵ 37th of Frost, Year 119, Age of Steel ☵
"Common""Synskrit Speech"Thoughts

☵ Sitting within the clearing Kotoru found himself relaxed and at ease. It was time to expand his talents, test his limits with Summoning. Given his newly acquired quirks, He knew he was progressing fairly well with the magic.

The glow of amber orbs of the summoner peered into the open Frost sky through the canopy of trees. With a deep breath, he began to submit himself to the otherworld, hands channeling aether into them at a moderate rate. He could sense the movement of the fauna of the forest, as well as the fauna of the otherworld moving about.

They weren't swarming him, but he knew they were aware of his call, the question being who would answer. Once enough concentration was built, he found himself in the underwater world from when he first called forth the Sah'viirdost. It was quiet, the waters calm and still. But that soon changed.

The space surrounding him became heavy, thick with aggression and malice. Kotoru was doing all he could to remain calm on the outside, but Inward, he was panicking just a little. He didnt know what was coming, but he knew it was near. He hear the faint sounds of movement within the water as if it was coming from all around himself.

Then the clicking began, at first inaudible, but then loud enough as if the source was right next to him. He could see it, but he knew what he was hearing. The clicking sounds held more to them as he could discern the meaning behind them. "DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE!" Those words echoing within his mind like a sinister chorus. The one source then began to ascend into many, and from depths of the black waters beneath him, several creatures began to rise, snarling and barking in their weird and otherworldly ways.

Turning his head he found one to be within kissing distance from him his own face, allowing him the opportunity to count the many rows of teeth it had if Koto so chose. It was a grotesque looking thing, an amalgamation of one's own fear of what lies beneath the water's edge. Though his heart was sent racing from the creature being face to face with him, he kept his calm, putting on a dominant air.

"Killing me serves you no purpose, But if you join me, serve me, I will afford you the opportunities to kill till your heart's content." he proposed, only to receive a thunderous "DIE!!!" in the form of loud clicking. The one that floated in front of him looked to the others, their clicking still ringing in Kotoru's ear, and then turned to face the summoner.

It began making its own sounds, the clicking relaying a message. "You live, but if you have misled us, the next time you call on us we will make you our first victim. With a nod Kotoru agreed, extending his aether drenched hands to the beast. In a split second, Kotoru found the mouth of the creature engulfing his hands, and at that moment, he heard it loud and clear.

Opening his eyes in a gasp for air, he spoke only one word. "Qumado'harroc" There standing before him was the Qumado'harroc, and eager look to kill only Koto could recognize. Astonished by contracting the aldir spirit, Koto wiped the sweat that had seemed to form on his forehead, despite the temperatures of Frost. ☵
word count: 637
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

“A summoner?” The voice that carried through the foliage was soft. A whisper through the shadows that followed the winds and caressed the senses. A lilting laugh echoed. “I suppose you’ll do.”

Stepping out the shadows was a pale woman. Her eyes held all the warmth of the abyss. Where the whites should have been there was only blackness. The irises were rings of gold that shone with a cold intelligence. The right side of her face was scarred, two gash marks shredded the flesh though the wounds had long since healed. Hair as black as night hung down in graceful strands all the way past her waist. She wore dark black robes that seemed to absorb all light and enhance the shadows that clung to her. The stark white of her skin gave her a ghostly appearance.

At her side were two lumbering behemoths of mangled flesh. Bones jutted out at odd angles. Sinew and muscle was stitched together weirdly as if purposefully giving the monstrosities a warped and mangled appearance. Sharp metal was fused into their skin and bones with nothing more than rudimentary metal helmet covering their distorted faces. The woman stared at Kotoru and his summoned creature for little more than a brief moment. She raised a hand.

“Kill the creature. Bring me his heart.” One of the behemoths grunted in acknowledgement before lumbering forward. It raised a massive greatsword wielded in one hand, its thickly muscled arms hefting it with ease. With a growling moan it charged for Kotoru’s Qumado’harroc, swinging the greatsword with shocking speed. The blow certainly held enough weight behind it to cleave a mere mortal in two in a single swing. These monstrosities, whatever they were, certainly weren’t ordinary creatures themselves.

The woman remained standing, her eyes watching, her expression unreadable as her hair swayed lightly in the breeze. The second behemoth remained at her side, only this one carried a colossal mace and a twisted shield of gnarled iron and rusted spikes. She seemed, for the time being, content to let her monster deal with Kotoru and his summoned creature. For what reason? Where she had come from? Why she had chosen Kotoru? That was unknown. The only thing that was clear in that moment was that she intended to kill the young Hattori nobleman and it appeared she may just have the means to do it.

word count: 408
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☵ 37th of Frost, Year 119, Age of Steel ☵
"Common""Synskrit Speech"Thoughts

☵ Cursing under his breath Koto found himself besieged by an unknown woman, her visage dark and otherworldly. Whoever she was, he never sensed her approach, but how could he when in the middle of contracting a spirit. Her face held no tells, he couldnt read her, but he didnt have to if he was being honest.

Though she never showed it, the air around them hung heavily with murderous intent. It was clear she was intending to kill him and his summon, but she would not have her way, not today at least. Thinking quick on his feet he charges to the behemoth's blindside as it attacked the Qumado’harroc. His hope was to impair it enough so that the two of them could take it down together.

As Kotoru made his move, the Qumado’harroc was attacking on its own. The blade-like appendage clashed against the might of the behemoth's weapon, only for the creature to be sent flying into the trees. Coming from behind Kotoru jumped, driving his sword upward into the behemoths unprotected ribcage.

To the young noble's surprise, the flesh of this creature was far more resilient than he would have liked. It barely did any damage to the creature, not even breaking the skin. Disappointed his disengaged the monster and made a run for the forest. If he could isolate it from its master, he could try to take it down.

Running, he saw his Qumado’harroc, charging forward, the bladed appendage hanging on by stands. He ordered it to follow him, and with disgruntled clicks, it soon was in toe behind Kotoru. The needed an advantage if they were to take this foe down, and the viper hatched a plan he hoped to work. Once far enough away from the beast, he climbed a nearby tree, using his sword as a brace to keep him steady.

The Qumado’harroc did the same in the opposite tree, and all that was left to do was wait for it to come beneath them. ☵
word count: 388
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

The behemoth emit little more than low grunts as it was assailed by Kotoru and his summoned creature. The hulking form of the mangled and beastly bodyguard swung its sword, narrowly missing Kotoru as he jumped back after attempting to stab it in the rib cage. The giant thing grabbed the Qumado’harroc by one of its appendages, ignoring the feverish slices to its arm and threw the creature with a mighty swing sending the summoned beast hurtling through the air and crashing into a tree. The impact cracked the trunk. The tree began to topple, its bulk careening toward the woman and her second guardian. The dark haired woman kept her eyes trained on Kotoru as he scrambled away. As the tree fell toward her its bark became ashen and grey. The leaves withered until they turned black and crumbled. Finally, when the trunk should have struck her, it simply broke apart until it was naught but dust and ash that soon scattered to the winds.

As Kotoru ran off into the woods, the slightest smirk touched her lips.

Wordlessly she nodded toward him. Her second behemoth began trudging into the woods, following after its counterpart as the two of them sought their quarry.


The thick foliage of the Wildking’s Forge seemed intent on barring Kotoru’s passage as he darted through the woods. Every step he took there was a branch, a twig, some small creature in his way further alerting his pursuers to the direction that he was fleeing. The heavy footsteps of the behemoths were not quiet. The ground practically shook with each step they took. They shoved aside small trees and uprooted bushes to throw in the young nobleman’s direction. At one point, one of the behemoths even chucked a large rock in Kotoru’s direction, smashing into the trunk of a tree that cracked the trunk and sent it tumbling to the ground to block Kotoru’s way.

Though their gait was slow and lumbering, they were relentless, never truly losing sight of the young man, merely far enough away to allow Kotoru the opportunity to dodge and maneuver. As they neared where Kotoru and his summoned creature lay in waiting, the two behemoths split off each one raising its head to sniff at the air as though searching for the young nobleman’s scent. The two sniffed. Then turned their heads not in the direction of Kotoru but in the direction of the summoned creature. With a grunt, both of them began charging in the direction of that tree. First, the one with the shield slammed directly into the thick trunk. The second swung its greatsword down upon the bark. The grotesque amalgamations of flesh, bone and blades attacked the tree with vicious swings, apparently intent on bringing down the one with Kotoru’s minion perched within it.

word count: 484
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☵ 37th of Frost, Year 119, Age of Steel ☵
"Common""Synskrit Speech"Thoughts

☵ While in the tree, waiting for his prey to come into range he finally was able to try and process what was going on. Who was that woman, why target him? Was she an enemy of the family? There was a mountain of questions piling up but he would have to wait on the answers.

The lumbering hulks were closing in and he had to time it just right. The bastards tore up the forest trying to kill him earlier, throwing everything they could to either bare his path or crush him. He would return the favor by taking their heads, or at least try to. Watching he noticed that they were more focused on his summon rather than himself. As much as he didnt want to, he'd have to sacrifice it if it could give him a chance at winning.

When the hulks began attacking the tree the Qumado’harroc he sprung into action. Both him and his summon lept from their perches on top of the two, but when his sword barely bit into the one with the greatsword, he cut his losses and made a dash for the woman. "Unleash your fury until your last breath!" he ordered, which was replied with a vibrant clicking sound as the beast went to work thrashing against them.

Kotoru knew it wouldn't last long against two enemies like that, but if had speed over brute force and vicious pension to kill. He knew it wouldn't go down without a fight. All he needed was for it to buy time, enough time to force a surrender from that bitch. Heavy breathes escaped his mouth as he ran as fast as he possibly could back to her.

When the clearing became visible to him he gripped the hilt of his sword as his sprint came to a light jog. Chest heaving as he caught his breath, the tip of the blade was pointed at her as he spoke, voice strained from the amount of physical exertion he was being forced to exhibit.

"Care to.....tell me why......why you decided to ...attack me?!" he demanded through panted breathes. "I know not who you are, but you better have a good reason for what you're doing, otherwise my blade will end your life." he threatened, looking the woman over in more detail this time. His eyes widened a bit seeing the tree.....well what was left of it lay near her.

From the looks of it, it was as if it had been corroded away before even touching her. Was it the work of her brutes? No, they were in pursuit of him and his summon when he ran. So it had to be her, she had to have done it. If that was the truth he would have to find another way to kill her. ☵
Last edited by Kotoru on Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:00 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 545
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

A soft chuckle came from the woman though it was short lived. Slowly she stepped forward raising a hand as she did. With naught but a flick of her wrist, Kotoru’s blade was wrenched from his grasp and sent hurtling through the air until it embedded itself into the trunk of a nearby tree. All the way to the hilt. As she lowered her hand, the very air around her seemed to compress with power before billowing out from her in a ghostly wind. Invisible ropes wrapped around Kotoru, binding his arms and legs and with little more than a breath, the woman had completely disabled the young Hattori’s ability to move. She rest her hands behind her back, the hem of her velvet black gown trailing over the forest floor. She was silent as she began to slowly circle Kotoru from where he was suspended in the air, held in place by her arcane grasp. She paced around him as though she were inspecting an item on the shelf of some macabre store.

“You would have been wiser to run away.” The invisible force binding Kotoru moved him closer to her. She came around so that she could study the young nobleman’s face. Reaching up, she grasped the young man’s chin in a surprisingly strong grip. She turned his face this way and that as though getting a measure of him simply by visual examination alone.

“Then again, I see little wisdom in you.” With a quickness she produced a sharp needle and made a slice across Kotoru’s cheek so that it drew blood. The woman then drew the needle across her tongue, tasting the young man’s blood with a thoughtful expression. She laughed softly to herself.

“Ah, but ambition. Hunger.” Her eyes focused in on Kotoru. They bored into him. The gold of her irises was filled with an unsettling curiosity as though she were ready to dissect him in order to find answers to questions only her mind would ask. “These things are there in abundance. If utterly unfocused.”

Suddenly the forces binding Kotoru released him. He was dropped from the air unceremoniously before the woman. The sound of wood groaning could be heard as the young nobleman’s sword was pulled from its place and into the woman’s open palm. She then extended the hilt to Kotoru.

“You wish to know, why you?” The winds wound their way through the trees and caught her hair. For a moment she appeared to loom over Kotoru, the shadows around her extending further, the light streaming through the branches growing dimmer. A wicked grin crossed her porcelain features.

“Draw blood. I may yet let you live to find out.”

word count: 464
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☵ 37th of Frost, Year 119, Age of Steel ☵
"Common""Synskrit Speech"Thoughts

☵ He didnt know what was more infuriating, the fact she didnt see him as a threat, or her overwhelming arrogance. Despite her power, she was belittling him with her gaze, and it infuriated him. What came next only added to stoke the fire of his anger even more.

Somehow with a flick of her wrist, she tore his sword from his hands. In mere seconds he found himself bound by an unseeable force. Hanging in the air like some freshly killed cattle he watched as she encircled him like a predator stalking its prey, to which in this situation was very true.

There were so many things running through his head, each one firing at a rapid pace, frantic and erratic in nature. Who was this woman? Why him? Is there where he would die? It was infuriating to him that he was in this situation.

Under all that anger there was a feeling of dread and fear growing within him. He was at her mercy, and unable to do a damn thing about it that was for sure. As much as he could relate to the urges of inflicting death like the Qumado’harroc he summoned he was unable to float there and expect the worst.

The air was silent around him as he watched her revolve around him. With a needle she drew blood from him, tasting it. Glaring eyes fixated on her as she spoke, telling him he was stupid for not running, that he was dumb for facing her. She also noted his ambition. Just what was she getting at?

Soon he found himself dropped to the ground but made his way onto his feet, his blade landing close enough for him to grab it. Her invitation to draw blood was all he needed to spring into action. Everything else was ignored as all he wanted to do was kill her, someway somehow.

In his anger he lunged forward, his sword poised at an angle to impale her by the sternum if it connected. If she guarded herself somehow, he had another idea in play as well. ☵
word count: 398
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

The woman did not move as Kotoru lunged toward her. Her golden yellow eyes watched him with undisguised amusement. She merely stood there as he charged forth filled with his anger intent on impaling her. His blade’s aim was true. His stride unfaltering. As Kotoru thrust his sword forward toward her sternum it crashed into a wall of unseen force between the woman and Kotoru. The air rippled with waves of her strange power as the force being exerted by Kotoru was met with the equal force of the woman’s barrier. She folded her hands before her in a patient manner, as though she were a teacher and Kotoru her student. The amusement in her eyes danced as she smiled softly.

“Is that the best you can do? Here I had heard that Kalzasi was home to the finest warriors in the North. Perhaps I am mistaken.” She side-stepped Kotoru allowing him to continue his forward momentum. Her pace was slow, leisurely, and measured. It was abundantly apparent that she didn’t consider the young Hattori nobleman a threat at all. Whether or not that was true or not did not seem to concern her.

“Come now, I said draw blood. Can you do it?” The woman stood there patiently observing Kotoru. Every strike he might throw at her glanced off the wall of force that seemed to surround her and with each strike, the woman simply stood motionless. Watching. Observing. Calculating. Her demeanor never changed and nor did she make any motion to attack Kotoru during his onslaught, fierce and skilled though it may have been.

word count: 277
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☵ 37th of Frost, Year 119, Age of Steel ☵
"Common""Synskrit Speech"Thoughts

"Shut your blighted mouth hag!" he barked, growling as his blade couldnt even touch her. With every swing, every attack nothing was working even though it made contact, just not with her. Just what in the freak of nature was this woman?

Gaining some distance from her he caught his breath. His attacks were ineffective, and he was pretty sure those brutes of hers will have crushed his summon by now. He didnt have many options left. She was far more powerful than he was, could disable him at a moment's notice if she liked, and was practically untouchable thanks to an unseen force.

He only had one option, even though he had used a moderate amount of aether to call the Qumado’harroc, but at this late juncture, what choice did he have. Besides, if she wanted to kill him she would have done so by now. It was clear this whole "Draw blood" farce was a test for him. He had come to realize she was sizing him up, but his determination, the malicious thoughts he could hear buzzing around his head were clear.

With a deep breath, he sat on the floor, his sword resting on his lap as he submitted himself into the otherworld. He was almost certain she wouldn't kill him, so he had one last chance to make this count. He would be pushing his limit by summoning another spirit within the same day.

It didnt take too much time for him to find himself afloat under the large expanse of water. It was still, and quiet. Unsettling calm to an extent, and he wasn't sure what to truly expect. The peace of the waters, however, shifted as a vortex of black & blue engulfed him. Kotoru felt like the air from his very lungs was being ignited, and it was making it hard to breathe at first.

He had to calm himself, he didnt want to show just how desperate or panicked he was given the situation. As he looked around, he saw the silhouette of a creature lurking outside of the vortex. "I beseech you, please lend me your strength. This is as much as I can offer you in terms of aether. I must make someone pay for belittling me, for spitting on my honor and my blood. I ask you to aid me."

The was no response to his plea, but the creature broke the barrier of the vortex and began to swim around Koto. For moments the two shared silence until it spoke, the words echoing within the young noble's mind. Nearly all mortals can stand adversity, but if you want to test their character, give them power. it hissed, speaking words that confused Koto at first. The two settled on eye contact and it bore into Kotoru's very soul, soon after giving a toothy grin if you could call it that.

"If you don't trust me then that's fine, but let me prove to you my worth. Bind to me, and I will assure you won't regret it." he offered. Coiling around him the creature sank its claws into the aether drench hands of Koto. The measure of a mortal soul is what they do with the power given from a higher being. it whispered into his head, and with it, the vortex consuming him whole.

Opening his eyes the name of his new friend escaped his lips, standing to his feet. "Wuld'vith" he whispered, feeling the clasp of talons gripping his shoulders, as the serpentine creature hovered behind him glaring at the woman. "She thinks she has the upper hand, let's show her how wrong she is." he chimed, tightening his grip on his sword.

He would be lying if he said he wasn't feeling weak, all the attacks he used to no avail, and then summoning two spirits in one day, he was sure he was pushing overstepping. He could hear his mother fussing him out even now, but if he didnt kill this woman, find a way to end her, he wouldn't be able to her fuss over his action anymore, and that wasn't something he was ready to give up.

Immediately he took off toward her, but this time he had the backing of the Wuld'vith behind him, the creature pointing at the woman which caused a vortex of strange energy to form around her. His goal was to use the vortex as a cover, and strike at her blind side, effectively killing her with a fatal wound if he was lucky. Judging from the position she was in before the vortex formed he circled around to her left, and stab his sword through the vortex.

If he calculated correctly, his blade should be imbedded within her lower ribcage, piercing a vital organ hopefully. ☵
word count: 895
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

The woman arched an eyebrow as Kotoru moved to summon his eldritch assistant. She did not make a move to stop him. She made no effort to intervene and destroy the young summoner as he fed the dwindling dregs of his aether to the beast from the Beyond. She simply watched, the play of a smirk upon her lips as Kotoru conjured yet another servant. As the creature took shape she could only scoff.

Kotoru sailed forth through the air and aided by the vortex conjured by his Wuld’vith the woman was completely covered. He moved with the certainty of a trained fighter which was to his credit. Combined with the power that he fed to his summoned creature, it was sure to provide him with some manner of element toward surprise. Kotoru’s blade swung through the air and pierced…


There was no barrier. There was no woman. The vortex dissipated to reveal an empty space. Just when the absurdity of the moment was to settle upon Kotoru, a small bit of clapping could be heard. Stepping out of shadows, the woman was clapping lightly. The pale skin of his arms was revealed momentarily to show several runes of power etched into her flesh. She was smirking in an amused fashion.

“Were I a lesser sorceress, perhaps that would have felled me. Were I a lesser sorceress, perhaps you would have managed a blow.” The woman picked up the skirts of her black robes and trailed lightly toward Kotoru. One hand grasped the cloth of her robes. The other trailed lightly over the various plants around her. As her fingers brushed over the living plants, they began to wither, crumble and collapse into black and grey ashen dust. Her golden eyes fixed on Kotoru and all amusement was gone from them.

“But I am no lesser sorceress. Power is mine. Now, either do as I say, boy, or you die. Here. Now. This is your last chance.” She narrowed her eyes focusing on Kotoru, studying him, inspecting him as though he were nothing but an insect in her gaze.

“Draw blood.” The woman paid no mind to the creature that Kotoru still held in his arcane grasp through ritual. In the distance, the sound of thunderous footsteps could be heard. Perhaps her abominations returning to her side, there was no way to tell.
word count: 403
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