Dancing of Wolves

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1388
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1480


☬ Glade 9th, Year 122, A.o.S ☬
Company: Unknown Assailants | Thoughts: Im Hungry | Mood: Delighted, Aware


It was around early mid-trial when Dante decided to slip away from Dimitri and explore the Wild King's Forge on his own. He was curious about what wildlife was like around here and the region as a whole and decided it was best to learn of the place first hand rather than have someone give him a tour. He didnt mind that, but he was more of a hands-on learner. He found the ecology of the area fascinating, a beautiful place with beautiful wildlife.

He was more so fascinated with the predators of the place. It was so weird and foreign to be in a place where the natural world was so raw and untamed. He found himself walking to where the forest met the road that lead to the villages nearby and he found himself staring up at the large towers of green. It was a beautiful sight to see the lush colors rather than bleak grey and dreary hues of Zaichaer.

It sounded so stupid when he thought about it, being so shocked by the beauty of nature, but he had never truly seen something like it before. So he went forward, deeper into the ocean of green, doing his best to keep his senses sharp. He found himself touching one of the trees, rubbing his fingers against the bark, feeling its texture for himself. He chuckled finding that they were just like the trees in Zaichaer, his chuckle turning into a full-blown laugh.

It was quite the experience for the Vampyre, wading through the forest, the feel of the forest floor under his bare feet. The smells of the forest around him and the sounds that accompanied it. He was lost in it all, as a child seeing something amazing for the very first time. And in his unawareness, he had no idea he had piqued the interest of other predators that lurked in the area. They had been stalking Dante for some time now since entering the dense forest and were getting anxious to strike at the mage.

The Vampyre soon became aware, his predatorial senses tingling with the hint he was in danger, which quickly snapped him out of his childish wonder. His Rune of Vitalis came to life, slowly scanning the landscape, trying to ascertain where the threat was. He closed his eyes and opened his senses up to where all this malice was coming from with Veracity. A moment later, a figure lept from where it was hiding, Dant's eyes flying open as he whipped around to face the lunging assailant, rolling out the way.

Quickly rising to his feet he found that the man wasn't alone, as serval other figures came pouring out of the shadows of the forest. Annoyed, he opted to take the fight to a more suitable battleground and ran into the denser part of the lush forest, the unknown warriors giving chase. The further he went into the forest the louder their wild calls roared in the air, which made him smile. When he was far enough ahead of them he ascended one of the trees pushing off the ground with a push of the flux and waited.

Once the group got in range of him he could see they were in a defensive formation. They weren't making it easy, but he was fine with that, made this all more fun and just in time too as his thirst was beginning to become unbearable. Using the push to leap from tree to tree, making his steps as light possible, the tree rustling from him, though it could have just been the wind blowing as there was a breeze going. Moving to the rear of the group he pulled a straggler at the back of the group with a kinetic pull in the flux.

A look of fear painted the poor assailant's face as Dante gave him a devilish smile, bearing his sharp teeth. Forcing his neck to the side, and holding his body in place against the tree, the vampyre dug into his flesh, gorging himself on the man's blood in order to satiate his thirst. It was finally receding, that nagging hunger that lurked in the back of his mind. Done with his meal, he let the body fall.

By the time the body hit the floor, Dante had moved on, back into the shadows of the treetops to pick off another. The confusion from the body being found was perfect, a nice predatory tactic, as even the most battle-trained warriors would lose their shit in a situation like this. A dense forest with low visibility and an enemy that could not be seen was always unnerving and Dante planned to capitalize on that fear.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
word count: 983
Last edited by Dreyfus on Tue Mar 29, 2022 2:33 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 891

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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
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Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


Dancing of Wolves
Glade 9th, 122nd Year

Every one of his muscles still hurt from the amount of running that he'd already done today. Ishin's methodology of training was far more sophisticated than Tarshenna's, however, the wolf knew he could expect results over time rather than just blatantly do drills all the time. And as the settlement had grown quiet within the night, his family had settled within the temporary abode that they'd been provided. It was as they were all eating their dinner, that the wolf could hear noises from beyond the walls. Sounds of life that, if allowed, would eventually creep closer onto the settlement itself.

This unnerved him greatly, and when the sharp tone of a whistle resonated into his ears, he couldn't shake the jolt that raced up his spine. Nobody he knew would be out here and in danger, so it was more likely a coordinated effort rather than a call for help. Still... were there hunters out there? People who didn't need to come across the Dawnmartyrs by accident? "What's wrong, Rickter?" Telion inquired as she'd noticed his deviating away from food, a very rare occasion in fact, while Hannah and Patrick continued eating their meals.

"I need... to investigate something." He mindfully worded with a distracted gaze, his eyes moved from the cracked window to his beloved next. "Shouldn't be long." For a moment it looked like one, or all for that matter, wanted to volunteer in going with; though Patrick was just as glued to his seat as Rickter would've been. Food was never to be wasted, and when you spent days like today pushing yourself, then the appetite you developed later was god awful. Needless to say, he didn't bother slipping boots on when he headed out. He simply walked across the cold frosted dirt, as he approached the front gate of the settlement with ears and eyes forward.

They were further within there... Men who were indeed hunting something. Men who smelled of filth and waste, a good number of them human in fact, save for the ones that stood out differently. The amount of musk made it difficult to tell even within the forest, but Rickter wanted to assume there were between ten and twenty out there. Which left him to wonder, what exactly were they hunting? He needed to find out, before doing anything more. So when he reached a thicket where he was out of view, even if nobody were out this late at night except the guards that kept watch. Rickter wanted to make sure he'd be able to return to this spot afterward, and removed only two articles of clothing before the bushes were filled with the brief sounds of a shift.

From the bare foliage emerged a wolf instead of the man, his turn into the Beast form as quick as it had been nearly quiet. Now that his canine senses were at full disposal, he could trace every scent better, and the directions that they all were headed toward. Sixteen. Though, the smell of blood permeated the air above him now, leading the wolf to wonder if they were hunting a beast... or if they were being hunted. Thus, Rickter strode forward quietly, his black coat masking him into the night. Blue eyes were sharply focused on the wood before him though, as he quietly crept closer to the area where he heard men scrambling about. Seven humans left, five Orkhan, and three elves were the scents he could all determine, but the smell of blood that hung in the air had a familiar scent to it the wolf recognized.

Thus when he finally drew close to the meadow where they'd gathered, standing about defensively as several of their best warriors screamed, the wolf finally saw everything as it unfolded.

And waited until his moment to rush in.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
Last edited by Rickter on Fri Apr 01, 2022 3:06 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 692
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1388
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1480


Company: Unknown Assailants | Thoughts: Time for seconds | Mood: Delighted, Bloodthirsty


Channeling the rune with his own vitale once again he formed blade like nails, long enough to through the flesh of the bandits beneath him. Slipping down to the thick brush below, the vampyre commenced nourishing the forest floor and himself with their blood. Using the lush foliage to his advantage he stalked them, and when one got close his bladed hand would force its way through the chest of the first unfortunate one.

The guttural yell of the poor bastard caused the group to turn around as they watched the life drain from his eyes. Rising up from behind the dying human, Dante was illuminated by one of the attackers who held a torch in their hand. The flames gave him a menacing silhouette as he glared them down, his eyes glowing a fluorescent red as he was still channeling his vitale through the rune on his chest. With a demonic smirk, he pushed the body forward and pulled himself back up into the shadows of the forest canopy.

As the Vampyre watched the men scramble about he got restless and slithered from where he had perched himself. Sticking to the shadows he used the confusion and panic to slip by most of the men, looking for his next target. With two dead there were still quite a few left to deal with, if he could thin the heard a bit more he could face them head-on himself.

In order to do that he decided to keep to his hit and run tactic, as it was instilling a nice amount of fear into the group. A silence fell over the meadow as the group of warriors and as they held their position they could only watch in horror as one of the elven attackers were yanked into the darkness of the forest. His screams echoed out into the air only to be stifled by him drowning in his own blood. Dante had used the bladed nails he created with Vicissitude to impale the man as he came flying towards him.

He would repeat the process, hiding within the shadows of the forest and the setting sun, and use kinetics to yank his prey to their deaths one by one. The bodies were beginning to pile up and soon only the five orkhan remained. From the brush Dante appeared, one of the elven warriors struggling to escape his grasp as he was also fighting to live with a large gash that could almost open up his chest. "Now that I was able to warm up with the appetizers, how about we move on to the main course?"

With the invitation, Dante forced the man's neck to the side and drank from it, ensuring the orkhan warriors could see the level of brutality he unleashed. When the elf ceased to move he dropped the body, picking up the sword the siltori held, and readied himself for the next course.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
Last edited by Dreyfus on Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:04 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 574

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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
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Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


He had seen enough.

Between the smells within the air and the bodies that littered the area, the wolf had enough observations through the remaining undergrowth. Glade had arrived but the north was always colder than anywhere else, making the floor of the forest difficult to remain completely hidden within. Still, with just enough camouflage and the cover of night to help him, Rickter decided to make his next move soon. The remaining Orkhan clustered together facing the alleged 'demon' that they were against, as the Vampyre revealed himself with the intent to take the remaining five on. Main course huh?

"You're gunna fuckin' pay fer dat!" One of the bandits roared as the rest of them agreed, their weapons drawn and ready as they were about to charge into combat. Yet another sound cut into their faltering morality, a very long and somber howl signaling the presence of another predator nearby. A wolf? This deep into the wood at this time of night? Practically half the group tensed and looked behind them, the source of the sound followed by a sudden draft within the glade. The air was still cold as-is from Frost, but this felt more akin to an omen being shown. And as soon as the breeze settled, a bluish-green form surged around them, circling at a speed that wasn't certainly associated with average wolves.

This was another predator, one followed by the Frost as the air grew colder rapidly. "The hells-" Another rush of the glowing beast surged around them, the creature circling the group before it finally lunged from an angle they hadn't focused on. By the time they all turned to ready their weapons it was too late, the sight of a glowering dire wolf with stars for eyes assailed them. The beast barreled straight through as it lunged with a ferocious growl, his jaws locked on the first Orkhan as he tackled the main straight down. Overwhelming him immediately the rest of his buddies reacted accordingly, their weapons raised overhead to strike at Rickter from behind.

Yet as soon as his teeth tore into the thyroid of his first victim, a twist of his rear paws led the wolf to emit a wave of aether. A flourish of the northern lights emanated off his form, before spikes of ice jutted from his paws to impale two more of the Orkhan that reacted. As the ice stabbed and even encased a majority of their lower bodies, the men cried out in pain as the one beneath the wolf spat and gurgled on his own blood. "Bastard!" The remaining two screamed as they swung at him, the battle-axe and Morningstar mace both missing him as Rickter bolted once more.

He felt faster now. His muscles still ached and felt sore from the training, but all that time spent running through a trap-infested forest had started to pay off already. Yet instead of running into yet another full circle, the wolf skidded into a twist to face the two, their weapons clutched firmly as they were both distracted. Their attention was on him now, not the Vampyre that had drained the rest of their company. Probably because he was the more volatile threat rather than the subtle one, yet as their eyes widened in horror at the sight of this 'magical dire wolf' that came upon them...

Rickter's nose went high as he emitted another howl into the night, the snow around him swirling into the air around him as two more wolves came into existence. Ice wolves to be exact. Sculpted from the snow around him the wolf's aether imparted his will unto them, the fellow beasts charging at the two Orkhan with no means of relenting. As desperate as they were to fight, they also weren't certain if running were an option, and so the two Orkhan stood their ground ready to fight the beasts. Only to be overwhelmed and mauled by the frigid fangs of his new temporary packmates. Screams filled the wood tonight before their bodies became limp, and the cold seeped into their flesh to welcome them into the long winter.

That was it? It was so easy to overwhelm the lot of them, so much in fact that the wolf probably didn't even need two more of his kind. Yet as the chaos of the moment finally died down, the icebound wolves looked from their slain prey to the other predator left in their domain. Rickter knew the scent of this one that he was sure of, because he'd smelled it fairly recently to a lesser degree, the bloodied scent of a former Zaichaeri he'd met some nights back. He did exceptionally well terrorizing this group of bandits, and now that they were all taken care of, the wood would be a little safer for those who found a haven among the Dawnmartyrs. That was his reasoning at least, to more or less deny himself the fun in the slaughter of these fools.

As the ice wolves dissolved back into mounds of ice and snow, the eerie glow upon the direwolf started to fade after a couple minutes. The shimmering blueish-green hue in his coat died out, leaving a black direwolf that stared upon Dante with deep blue eyes instead of glowing ones.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Telion" "Hannah"
word count: 933
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1388
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1480


Company: Unknown Assailants | Thoughts: Time for seconds | Mood: Delighted, Bloodthirsty


A wicked sneer painted his lips as he prepared to finish the five remaining fools. As he got into a fighting position, however, fate would intervene as the resounding call of a wolf echoed into the airspace around them. Everyone was caught off guard as the howling resonated within their ears and to Dante's surprise, the glow of a beast barrelling into the fray caught his attention.

With an impressed look on his face, he watched as the animal tore through the remaining five. More so, was this wolf using magic? was it some sort of unique beast? Though he wasn't truly familiar with Kalzasi's fauna he didn't know if this was a variant of wolf native to this region. But as he continued to watch the wolf's movements something wasn't right about it. There was intelligence behind those beastial eyes as if it was aware of what was going on as if it were mortal.

The Vampyre got his confirmation when the wolf howled again, a spectacle of lights coming off it, and then spears of ice jutting from beneath it to impale the Orkhan males. The more he watched the more he realized he had no need to interfere with the wolf as he worked on the orkhan, instead he turned his attention to another detail.

Kneeling down he began to search the body of one of the thugs he had slain. Upon searching the man he found nothing but a balled-up piece of paper, along with a small pouch full of coin. This could mean many things. Did someone pay these men to ambush him? Who would gain from this, could this be something bigger than just mere thugs. Then he saw it, the marking on the dead man's arm.

"So the Onyx Skulls are holding a grudge against me it seems, how delightful." he mused, the dimming glow of the large dire wolf pulling his attention back to it. It looked to him as if it knew him, and as he approached and knelt to meet the gaze of the wolf he confirmed that there was definitely a mortal level intelligence behind those deep blue canine eyes.

"I don't know who you are, rathari, but I appreciate your aid. It seems I made some enemies upon my entrance into Kalzasi back in Ash. It's come back to......." he paused as the wolf's scent wafted into his nose. He too had the same sense of smell as a wolf did, and this one's scent was familiar. Kneeling he sniffed the wolf once again enhancing it even more with a sudden surge of Verocity allowing him to gather certain notes from the smell, and his eyes widened at the realization.

"Well I'll be damn, Rickter is that you?" astonishment filled his face as he looked at the wolf before him, curious eyes looking over the animal.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
"OCC Note: Upon successful initiation into animus, Dante has a permanent animalistic trait, and his is a wolf's sense of smell."
word count: 613

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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
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Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


Dancing of Wolves
Glade 9th, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

The magic that made the wolf glower lost it's sparkle within the timeframe of a few seconds, leaving behind a pair of blue sharp eyes that rested on the Vampyre when he was observed. Rickter had known this smell indeed. If these men were hunting him at all, then either the wolf's timing was either rotten or perhaps even merciful. After all, they were the ones being hunted by the man before the wolf.

And yet, Dante could immediately tell he was a Rathari. The show of gratitude was rewarded with a chuff from his snout, before the hound tilted his head at the Vampyre with question. He trailed off. He also seemed to sniff about, sparking a bit of interest in the wolf, enough at least to give the tail at least one good ground wap. Finally gets it I see. Rickter noted as Dante finally found the scent necessary to identify him, the wolf pacing back a couple of feet to give them a bit of space. With a sickeningly short crack and grind sound, the wolf rose onto his hind paws and shifted in one fluid motion. The fur coat receded to reveal his more original form, a very bare and burly Rickter whose only coat was the thick patches of hair across his body.

"Took you long enough..." The wolf mused with a light raise of an eyebrow toward the man, his legs straightened from their bend as he stood nearly toe to toe with Dante. The Vampyre was still slightly shorter than him, but nonetheless still a predatorial threat if left unchecked. Lucky for Rickter, as he felt no threat between him and this man. Though, that didn't go without saying that the wolf didn't feel for the other poor sods. To be drained of your own life force, felt nearly as invasive as allowing strangers into one's own soul.

"...Friends of yours I take?" The wolf subtly nodded to the bodies lying on the ground, at least, the ones that he didn't have a hand in dropping. "Any further southeast into the wood, and you could've easily misdirected them toward a settlement. Bad business that is." He credited the Vampyre with a crossing of his arms, standing firmly in front of Dante without any worry about the cold. What's more, the glow of his runes illuminated areas of his body as well.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit"
word count: 498
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1388
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1480


Company: Unknown Assailants | Thoughts: Time for seconds | Mood: Delighted, Bloodthirsty


This was quite the predicament he was in now. He has exposed his new nature in front of a new person now. Eyes stared into the wolf as he shifted into the man he first met all those seasons ago. An impressive smirk rolled across his lips as Rickter began to shift in front of him.

A tilt of his head and hand resting under his chin as he gauged the shifting. It was an interesting phenomenon to witness, the shifting of a rathari. He couldn't help but wonder if this is what shifting with animus is like. He would have to experiment when the time came. Turning his gaze back to Rickter in all his glory he was drinking in the masculine form of the Rathari. "Now I see why you have two little ones now, color me impressed." drinking in the man from head to toe, before chuckling at the implication he made about the now-dead thugs.

"Oh you know me, I like to take enthusiastic walks in the forest at night." he mused playfully. "Well unfortunately I can't help but attract enemies where ever I go." he noted, glancing back to the corpse on the forest floor. "They call themselves the Onyx Skulls. I seem to have pissed them off and they crop up every now and again." he noted moving to rummage through the corpse of one of the orkhan for any clues. When Rickter mentioned that there was a settlement not too far from this location, the vampyre seemed to look at him with curiosity. Just what were people doing out so far from the city? Not to mention, why was Rickter out here?

He could only go back to the conversation at the tavern. "I see, you have begun your plan to rescue your prince have you. That's why you are here is it not? Can I assume you are staying at this settlement then, as I'm sure this wasn't a casual outing for you?" he posed, finding a tree to lean against.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
Last edited by Dreyfus on Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 461

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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=815
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


Dancing of Wolves
Glade 9th, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

The Vampyre seemed keen to observe Rickter in his natural element, if one were to call it that, even so much with an appreciation for the wolf's own physique. Taken off guard by the compliment, he glanced down and realized that he indeed hadn't put on any clothes. Oops. Well, not like others hadn't seen him in this state anyway. It hardly compared when there were those who had seen even deeper layers of the wolf, although, the breezy hair did feel nice a bit when he felt it on his bare skin.

"Honestly probably lucky it was just the two..." He remarked casually in regards to his poor beloved, in the event she'd wound up carrying an entire litter of pups. Not that humans typically could, but with his half-Rathari genetics well... not even he was fully aware of stipulations to his copulation tendencies. With the lighting of the moons though he supposed between that and the runes, shadows and highlights did their part in currying his favor; if only adding to that appreciative compliment the Vampyre gave overall.

Enthusiastic walks? This late? Such a peculiar lifestyle the Zaichaeri has come to possess lately, his candor almost amusing to listen to as the wolf paid attention. So he'd made some new friends with this gang or cult, whatever purpose they served, clearly earning some of that good ol' fashioned ire in some way. Though he did not move from where he stood, Rickter observed as the Vampyre pilfered through pockets. Whether he looked for something specific or simply looted, the wolf hardly had motive to care, as they were dead men who needed things no longer.

In time, many a great people would soon feel the same, that is, if the war was drawn out far longer than necessary. Those tended to draw out the worse in people, the wolf himself feeling included now that he'd started preparing for it. When inquired of the prince and whether or not that was why Rickter was out here, the wolf simply looked to Dante as though the questions bore some difficult weight. Yes, he did plan to carry out that vow. Only he hadn't found a way just yet, at least not his own way of broaching the matter head-on. "Not quite..." He finally admitted with a forlorn sigh, his arms averted while he rubbed the upper back of his neck in thought over the topic.

"Currently, I'm in the midst of training for the war... but I'm just biding my time." Looking around for a moment the wolf lifted his gaze, searching the stars above the canopy branches for the one, that sole star, he hoped to find waiting for him within the night sky. "Once I know for sure my pack will remain safe, then, I will make my move for the city of Zaichaer." He added with a firmer gaze on the Northern Star, before those eyes lowered to rest on the Vampyre that stood before him once more.

"And you?..." He then reflected. "...I seem to recall you offering yourself as an ally to that cause. You really invested in bringing war to Zaichaer's doorstep?..." Rickter remarked as he yet again crossed his arms but a little more loosely this time.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit"
word count: 648
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1388
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1480


Company: Unknown Assailants | Thoughts: Time for seconds | Mood: Delighted, Bloodthirsty


Ahh so the wolf was preparing for what was to come. That made sense and Dante was relieved in some way that Rickter wasnt as brash as he first thought him to be. "I see then." he pondered, thinking about the impending tension spilling into full-on war. More importantly how long before one side makes the first move against the other.

"You miss understand, I offered my knowledge not because I'm an ally, but because the chaos you hope to achieve serves my purposes. I don't wish to just bring war, no I wish to bring liberation to my fellow mages of zaichaer." there was an intense fire in his eyes as he spoke those words. Yes, his ultimate goal was to break the bonds and shackles of mages within Zaichaer.

"In any case, I would like to wipe the blood from my face, would you be so kind as to escort me to this so-called settlement?" he proposed, gesturing somewhere southeast as the rathari had indicated. Though a playful smirk rolled around on his face as he got close to Rickter. Circling him like a predator circling a wounded animal. "Unless you wish to have some fun within the woods, I'm sure I can make you howl before daybreak." he teased, running a playful finger across the chest of the man.

Though he had no intention of doing anything with him, he wondered if the wolf would even bat an eye at him like that. More importantly, he wanted to see if Rickter would even be tempted by someone like him, though he knew he wouldn't, it was still fun to test those bonds and see.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
word count: 391

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Title: Dabu
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Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


Dancing of Wolves
Glade 9th, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

At the mention of misunderstand, the black wolf's eyes narrowed on Dante as he listened to the Vampyre's intentions. They were his real motive for playing a role in the coming event, and Rickter would do well to remember those motives for his own. "...Good for them." Rickter commended when he considered the angle here, and how Dante ultimately wanted freedom for all mages of Zaichaer.

Were they not capable of grasping at freedom themselves? "From the way you speak of them, it sounds as though I should investigate these mages for myself." He reasoned after the lowering of his gaze from the heavens above, mindful of that mercurial glint in the Vamp's eyes when the wolf only minorly averted his own.

There was the suggestion of being brought back to the settlement, an idea that the wolf had no idea as to whether he should allow or not. Given the circumstances, he didn't know how the leader would handle someone like Dante in their presence. It was a delicate affair that he would rather not tempt fate, though, not until he noticed the playful nature that Dante seemed to possess.

Were he not slightly perturbed over the fact that he hardly even knew the man, the implication of having a good 'yowl' in the woods wasn't without its merits. Rickter found it just as easily transactional to use as well, given he could try and get the Vampyre to talk more on what he knew of Zaichaer. "Not that I wouldn't be hospitable otherwise... but I doubt these people would kindly take a Vamp within their walls. And if I were to reveal who they were... then I would have to make you swear an oath that you'd keep it secret."

Rickter's stern levity loosened a little as he lifted his gaze once more, peering toward Dante as he raised an eyebrow. "Fun? Perhaps. Patrick's reminded me well that it's good to have 'fun' every now and then..." Though no weight returned to his shoulders the wolf, even though he adopted a more firm expression on Dante afterward. "But what's in it for me?"

The wolf waited patiently with a slight tilt of his head, a narrowed gaze of curiosity on Dante now.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit"
word count: 477
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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