That which walks at night (Paragon)

High City of the Northlands

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As Venetia dressed once more Lyra reigned in her expression, somewhat at a loss at her outward show of emotion. Setting aside the stability of her mind Lyra now saw that this woman was more than she had first appeared, and that mark was only a part of the unfolding mystery. She would have thought the Kyntori long dead with the state of the current age, yet much like herself they had somehow survived and taken a new form. Her thoughts wandered to the man she had met in the Warrens a season past... Dante? Knowing what she did now the symptoms he presented seemed to be connected with the Kyntori, and with a pause in that train of thought, Lyra thought there might be some resemblance between that man and Venetia herself. Were they related? All humans looked alike to Lyra so she couldn't be sure.

With a shake of her head, Lyra began to walk once more, heading toward another building several streets away. She didn't immediately answer Venita's next question but took the silence afterward to collect her thoughts. It seemed she was right. Venetia wanted her for something, and what it was was more surprising than the revelation that Vitalis was well and truly still alive in Ransera. Caught up as she was Lyra did not even pause to think hateful things at the mention of Sol'Valen.

When she finally spoke she did so quietly, with a curious glance at Venetia where she walked beside her, "Ritualists? Is that what they are called now?"

With a wry smile Lyra shrugged, "Godcasting, archmages, these are things I know of well. In a time before time, such things were merely the way of the world. That was when gods walked the realm and giants did their greatest works." She said the words with a sense of nostalgia like she was remembering something she had lived and not something she had simply read in a book. "The Dinor'afael were the keepers of the scripts, those who recorded the greatest works of magic conceivable. They took the songs of magic and the world itself and cast them into language, bringing dreams and wishes into reality."

When they neared the next building she knelt down and took out her knife to carve yet another symbol into the wooden frame, but she tilted her head so that she could still see Venetia as she asked a question in return, "What is it you seek to accomplish if you acquire such knowledge?"

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“What I seek shall come to fruition in time. Suffice it to say, it requires the assistance of those knowledgeable in the art of archmagic.” Venetia said no more and attempts to probe her thoughts would result in gentle misdirection and subversion. Whatever it was that the woman had planned, it was clear that she would not be sharing it so openly. For now.

“Clearly you know of what I speak.” She paused, observing as Lyra carved another symbol into the wood of the building they neared. The glimmer of suspicion followed by steady calculation sparked in her eyes. She glanced over the symbol before moving on.

“What I would request is another pair of eyes to look over scripts that are presented to them. If your position is something that concerns you, given the prestige you have accrued in both this city and others, you need not worry.” Venetia produced a scroll from within her robes. She extended it to Lyra with a steady hand.

“I need only your expert gaze to search for flaws in the designs presented to you.” Should Lyra open the scroll, it would be covered in meticulously designed and drawn glyphs. At a glance, none of them seem to be related to one another. The concepts did not immediately jump out as being tied together. Upon taking a broader look at them however, it became clear that Lyra was only looking at a part of a much greater whole.

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Lyra accepted the scroll and unrolled it as she listened to the rest of what Venetia had to say. Her eyes scanned the document, expression disinterested though her eyes paused on several of the runes for a few seconds longer than the rest. In her mind she imagined the schema she had created before, overlaying that on this design and continuing to examine the whole. Some of it made sense, other parts were... unclear. She glanced up at her own engraving carved into the wood near her knee, a smile quirking her lips as she thought that the creator of this schema was in some ways a kindred spirit.

"You offer a rune for archmagic that can rewrite the world itself." Though she twined her magical fingers into Venetia's symphonies, her thoughts were like bristling thorn bushes that kept her from seeing beneath the surface of this conversation.

"Did you design this?" Lyra asked, looking up at the woman beside her, "It is well made, though I can tell you little without seeing the whole thing."

With that she rolled up the scroll, extending it back to Venetia, "If you are asking for a one time consultation then you will need to offer me more than a promise of a single rune, no matter how valuable."

Lyra's eyes twinkled in amusement as she stood and faced Venetia fully for the first time in their interaction, "Or perhaps we can come to an agreement with a more long term relationship."

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Venetia accepted the scroll. He tucked back into the folds of her robes. When Lyra made her proposition, the woman was nodding agreeably.

“Of course, I did not expect that a single rune would suffice as payment for such a large endeavor.” She folded her hands together and stepped around Lyra, leaning forward to inspect the sigil that had been inscribed on the wood. She appraised the symbol with the eyes of a woman who knew what she was looking for.

“I am open to discussing the terms of a much more long-term arrangement. My project will require time and careful study.” Righting herself, Venetia regarded Lyra.

“Present your terms. Let us see what is the price of your knowledge.” Though her tone was conversational, Venetia was listening very intently to Lyra. The sound of footsteps briefly drew her attention. A flare of annoyance showed on her face as it became clear that the individuals walking toward them were members of the Order of Reconciliation. A brief brush of their thoughts revealed as much. Venetia flicked her wrist and the figures headed their way slowed in their walk for a moment before pausing to look at each other. One of them scratched their head as though they could not recall why they were headed in that particular direction. The two of them looked directly at Venetia and Lyra but their eyes remained unfocused before they both turned and went on their way.

“Clumsy oafs. The Reconciliators rely too heavily on shows of force. I remember the days when they at least had the decency to be opaque about their objectives. Fools.” Venetia spoke with no small hint of disgust in her voice. She shook her head.

“Where were we?”

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The woman was inscrutable, but somehow gave off an air of genuine honesty that it made Lyra question her own assessment. Venetia's thoughts were firmly locked away, and though her words were agreeable there was something in the tone, or perhaps the way the words were said with such control, that Lyra suspected that the woman had known how much of their conversation would go even before she approached Lyra herself. The level of composure and eloquence was so rare in the current age that finding someone like Venetia in Zaichaer of all places seemed less like a coincidence by the second. Lyra studied the witch as she studied the sigil, wondering what it was the woman was truly after.

These thoughts were further reinforced when the two Order members drew close. With just a thought Venetia sent them away, a nonchalance in the manor she flicked her magic at them suggesting how little she thought of the effort as a whole. Lyrielle was never impressed, but Lyra found the corner of her lips twitched upward at the sight. It was then that the older witch made a decision.

"I am preparing a great work here." Lyra said, continuing once Venetia turned the conversation back to her. Lyra motioned to the sigil, "These sigils are a part of it."

From their conversation, Lyra knew it was pointless to mask the obvious from this woman. Venetia had likely guessed a portion of what she desired from the marking, but what she did not know was to what end the magics lead. Closing her eyes Lyra extended her arms, breathing in as she unfurled her mental awareness of their surroundings. She opened herself up to the symphonies of the city, listening to them as they warbled and wavered in innumerable, clashing notes that seemed at war with one another. The mark of the Dark Lord flared to life as well, resonating with one of the most extensive and most complicated series of melodies that underlay the entirety of the symphony of the city.

"We can hear it." Lyrielle said, tone changing slightly when she opened her eyes to look at Venetia, "This city aches, its people burn with fire and passion, calling out for Justice." she sneered at this word. Extending a hand to Venetia Lyrielle offered a thread of her aether, inviting the Witch to hear what she heard.

"But justice will not come. Instead, Vengence has been called down upon this city." As she felt the mark of obtenebration stir to life inside of her the shadows deepened in color, wavering in ways that could not be explained by the lights on the street. With it came the feelings carried in those melodies. Anger, boiling hatred, sorrow, and furry. Lyrielle shivered by the weight of it all, delight swelling in her as she basked in it. The city desired change, and it cared not if it were by words or by blood.

"I believe you can understand where this call comes from. You have seen it as well as I." Lowering her arms Lyra released her hold on the symphonies around her, letting the music fade away but the force of it all left a tremble in the body that was not physical, but rather spiritual, "I will make those who rule this city tremble before the weight of their sins, and return the power to those it belongs with."

"I require resources. Connections to people in the city who can aid me in laying down the foundations," she nodded to the sigil as she said this, "And those who can provide information. Finally, I will need someone who can help me construct the heart of this, someone with a very special Rune which will make what I have planned a possibility."

Lyra extended her hand to Venetia again, smiling as her golden eyes glowed ever so slightly, "Venetia, make an oath to aid me in my endeavor in this city, and I will give you whatever it is you desire." A power resonated in her words as Lyra stepped closer, "Whatever that may be."

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Venetia’s expression was inscrutable for a moment as she listened to Lyra and witnessed the small display of her power. When Lyra made her offer, there was very real and very unmasked longing in the witch’s face as the full enormity of what was in her grasp fell upon her. Almost of its own volition, Venetia’s hand rose slightly as though to take hold of Lyra’s and seal the bargain offered. At the last minute, she snatched her hand away and closed her eyes, centering herself.

“Justice…” She pressed her lips into a thin line. “...comes in many forms.”

More than that, Venetia did not say. She smoothed over her gown and stared at Lyra.

“I will make no oaths. However, I will offer my assistance where it is beneficial and prudent to do so. For the moment, yours and my goals are in alignment. I will do a service for you and in return, you will do a service for me.” She smiled, bringing up a hand to tap her chin.

“I have many resources at my disposal.” Her head tilted slightly as she peered past Lyra.

“As do I.” The sound of footsteps joined them and from out of the shadows stepped a figure dressed in the style of a gentleman. Slacks, with a high collar shirt with vest. A long overcoat covered him, complete with a tophat. A bronze mask covered his face except for a pair of sharp green eyes that stared at the two witches with perhaps more insight than was comfortable. A wooden cane embellished with copper and brass clockwork accents was grasped in one hand. He held it loosely. Venetia smiled at the man, seemingly unsurprised at his appearance.

“Mr. Chairman.” She bowed her head. The man tipped his tophat to the two women.

“Venetia.” He regarded Lyra then. “Apologies for intruding. But the meeting here was one that I could not pass up. I could not help but overhear that you need…resources.”

He rest his hands upon the top of his cane.

“You may call me Mr. Chairman. Like Mistress Venetia, I am considered a witch here in Zaichaer. One with a great deal at my disposal. A deal, I would be willing to offer in support of this here endeavor.”

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Close, so very close, but not quite enough. Lyrielle could feel the woman's longing, a hidden desire locked behind doors she could not pierce with her magic. Her soul near danced when Venetia began to reach for her hand, but it was not to be. Such was life, she supposed. Some could not accept their desires so easily.

Lyra did not contradict Venitia's words on Justice, but raised an eyebrow and continued to smile as if not deterred. She lowered her own hand and set it on her hip. She wouldn't get an oath from this one tonight, but still there was a promise of aid and that would be enough. Lyrielle had seen the crack's in the woman's stone like visage. It would simply be a matter of time before she could slip through those cracks, and now Lyrielle realized how much she truly desired that. She wanted Venetia Childs, to free her of those inhibitions, and someday she would. This she swore to herself.

Her reply was interrupted by the sound of footsteps which caused Lyra's smile to shift downward in a frown before she turned to follow Venitia's gaze. A man with a top hat and cane, features covered by a mask. Lyra glanced back to Venetia and saw the recognition in the woman's eyes, but this did little to reassure her. Shifting her attention back to the man, she thought it was a man, Lyra sifted through the symphonies to try and tease out any information she could.

"Mr. Chairman." Lyra regarded him curiously, wondering why it seemed Venetia offered him deference. Lyra herself did not bow her head, but she did relax her posture which had tensed slightly and the his sudden arrival.

It seemed too good to be true. Lyra looked between Venetia and the Chairman, thoughts turning over to reprocess the situation. What were the odds that two people of influence would approach her at the same time in the street? Why was it that Venetia did not seem surprised? How was this man able to approach so close without her noticing? He had claimed the title Witch, but Lyra knew better than most that the scale of difference between those with that title were as vast as the distance between stars. Still...

It is an opportunity. Lyrielle cooed in her mind, tracing the lines of concern in Lyra's soul with amusement, They offer a service for a service. It is simple, what we have always done.

But is it? Lyra wondered, Should it be so easy as this?

Even if there are strings, we shall use them to fulfill our desires as well. Lyrielle urged quietly, We are the whispers in the heart, the voice that says to jump. We do not question what is given to us, we take it for our own and use it as we desire. It matters not if the hand that offers the boon holds a collar in the other. Such things cannot hold us for long.

Her smile returned as Lyrielle folded her hands behind her back and looked between both Venetia and the Chairman, "It seems that we all have something we desire. Tell me, what is it you wish, and let us create an accord together." Lyra raised her hand, palm up to show the tattoo of the eye there, its pupil a coiled snake, "If you both can provide me the things I require, and the manpower to achieve it, I will grant you whatever it is you ask of me."

word count: 622
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