A New City with New Faces (Yeva)

The capital city of Ecith, known as the Three Cities in the common tongue, it is the jewel and pride of Ecith.

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Timestamp: Glade 26, 122

The wind raced past the staggered V-formation of winged reptilians, the wind being sliced by the scarred beak of the leader. They were Ci'uvan dragoons, a small contingent from the village of Ounokt Nora, who were speeding along the spring currents heading northeast, soaring above the tall grasslands that many called home. This near to Drathera, they could see the large swaths of grasses eaten away by the herds of animals the city folk farmed. This time of year was the coming of the mushrooms, as was indicated by the large, colorful knobs that were beginning to form and stretch to the skies following the rainy season. At the tail of the left side of the group that was flying, one was smaller than the rest. His name is Ruvaf, and sitting upon his back was his partner, Norani, and the pair of them were exhausted. They'd been flying for several days now, stopping to make camp in the evenings. They were recruits and they'd only been flying as a pair for a few weeks now. Dragoons did not use saddles, preferring the natural bonding of skin to skin contact within their partnerships. Listen to your partner's body, Norani's mentors would say. And she did her best.

Still, everything hurt.

An excited skree rang out from the lead Ci'uvan, which was echoed by the rest of the flock, with the newest Ci'uvan joining in late, unsure of the meaning. Then the young Ork woman saw it, her eyes growing wide and her mouth hanging open. The Fang of the World, the Lone Mountain, the Break Against the Storm; Drathera. Behind it, an endless horizon of crystalline blue seas. Nora felt the butterflies building within her stomach. She barely remembered it, having last come here when she was a small child. Her contingent was coming to register the new recruits, conduct in some trade from the village, and otherwise spend some time in the city in the new year. Nora was surprised at how big it was, moving closer so slowly. It towered over the tree that her village of hundreds lived in, and that was the biggest thing she knew. Well, that she had been allowed to know. She knew the trees in the jungles were far bigger, but she could only see them from the distance. It was too dangerous to go there.

The flock arrived at the mountainous city several hours after first seeing it, and moved in a swooping formation around it, the Ci'uvan screeching loudly. Even they had friends here, other flighted creatures coming up to join in their arrival, including one gorgeous Green Dragon, stretching her massive wings and following in behind Norani in the formation. Norani's chieftain blew her horn, and formation broke off. The recruits had already been instructed to find housing for their stay here, paid for by their role in the military, and to spend their first week resting and exploring the city. Many thought it would be a vacation.

Norani, though, had heard a rumor of Jarkor's Tail here. It was said that one was not truly an adult of Ecith until they completed the stairs in a single go. Nora had heard so many stories of it since she were a child and now, she was ready to prove herself against them. And Nora intended to do that while here. However, as she and the other recruits landed at Guchak's Landing, and she slid off of Ruvaf, she collapsed after attempting to put weight on her legs. There was no strength left in them, absolutely feeling like the mango jelly her mother would make.

Ruvaf nuzzled at her, but she could see in his eyes that he was just as tired as she was. She patted him on the beak, "Let us find some food."

"R'uve uo find on'uv fod."

A dark purple Orkhan man in bright crimson and blue beaded robes walked over, smiling, offering a hand to help Nora to her feet. "Welcome to Drathera, recruit," he said, while looking at her newest tattoos indicating her induction into the military. She puffed out her chest a bit so he could see them better, the swirls that curved from one shoulder, across her chest, and into the other, unhidden by the tight breast wrap she wore while flying.

"Vona'uvrcon'uv eo Drathera, i'uvci."

Norani nodded, as the man continued, "We have an aerie nearby if you would like some food and rest. They have some excellent wine to help ease that wobble in your legs."

"Vona'uv hav'uv an a'uvi'uv n'uvaikt if tou vonaourd rik'uv on'uv fod and i'uvoe. Eh'uvt hav'uv on'uv 'uvc'uvr'uvne vonain'uv eo h'uvrch 'uvao'uv ehae vonaokr'uv in toui r'uvgo."

Norani took his offered hand, and pulled herself up with his support. She nodded, thanking him, and followed after him stiffly while Ruvaf crawled after them. Into the mountain they went, and up a small, painful flight of stairs, which led them to a large stone archway, with a name, in Orkish for 'Guchak's Aerie', a massive room with an open air balcony, filled with tables and noise, people of all types drinking and eating communally. Nora quickly realized it was one of the taverns she heard was common in cities, and she smoothed out her loin cloth, slipping the waist to hang just a bit lower on her hips and she stood herself up straighter. Her guide smiled but made no mention of her efforts. The trio entered the room, Nora standing tall, still short by Ecithian standards, but Orks always walked tall regardless. She let her eye look around at the people coolly, but inside she was a ball of excitement. She'd heard so many fun stories about the taverns, how they were the city's equivalent of the Fires they had back home. She was led toward the far end of the room, smelling the salty air waft in, looking out on the massive balcony, which faced the Crystal Sea, were nests where many flighted creatures laid, being fed by the attendants. Norani smiled tiredly, as her and Ruvaf made their way down the main walkway, intentionally large for the creatures that came with their partners. She found a suitable nest of fresh leaves on straw for Ruvaf, and an Ork woman approached in a bright lime green apron and a smile taking a quick look at the state of the both of them. "I'll have your meals to you soon. Would you like anything to drink?"

"I vonair toui n'uvaro eo tou on. Vonaourd tou rik'uv antehonh eo dink?"



The green woman smiled and disappeared into the crowd. Norani hobbled over to a nearby table, close enough she could still see Ruvaf who was seated between a larger Ci'uvan and a wyvern of some sorts. Nora flopped down into a seat, exhausted, gasping through her teeth at the pain in her thighs, ass, and abs. She was awoken by a thunk on the table in front of her, her wine having arrived. She thanked the woman, only to realize there were others at the table.

She looked around at them all with her big, brown eyes, flashing a broad smile, "Hello. I'm Norani, of Ounokt Nora."

"H'uvro. I an Norani, of Ounokt Nora."

Italicized = Translated to Common
Bold = When Norani is speaking in Ecitharese
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Glade 26, 122

There was a hush that fell over the jungle canopy, at once like a maestro ending a song. Birds and screeching animals cut short their mating calls and Yeva looked up from where she crouched, naked and alone, among a bed of daisies. She held in her hand a sprig of dill and around her waist a garland of red orchids hung low from pale hips, and she listened as a sense of foreboding ran down her spine, prickling goosebumps across her skin.

Something moved between the trees, a slow rustle that shifted leaves just beyond the clearing. Yeva did not speak, clutching her dill tighter, as a weight pressed down upon her chest. She could not breathe.

The red elf tensed, looking for her escape but no path was easily marked.

She felt the predator’s presence before she saw it. Two eyes, watching her from the speckled sunlight, half hidden by shadow. A tongue flicked out from the foliage, tasting the air, her fear, vulnerability, innocence, and it too stopped.

Yeva watched it withdraw further into the darkness, her fear rising.

And then she ran.

A giant maw shot forward with bullet like speed, barely missing her as it twisted its head and the ground shook, cracking the trunks of smaller trees as she ran past and it pursued her. A great serpent winded behind her and Yeva ran as she never ran before. All flowers trampled beneath the beast’s underbelly, she lurched at sharp angles, trying to shake its pursuit as it snapped at her heels.

Thorns and branches of the jungle cut into her arms, her curls snagged, but she was no match.

The beast cut her off and she tried to change course but stumbled, helpless as its dark scales wrapped around her and she felt its power crushing her, every muscle pleading as it tightened its hold. Her chest heaved and she tried to pull her arms free, every wiggle futile as its held fast.

To her horror, it reared its head up to regard her, mouth opening wide as enormous fangs unfurled and she could see the ink flesh of its mouth. It was going to devour her.


Yeva fought fiercely, her ribs being crushed, lungs unable to withdraw enough air. Her body heated, light taking over insides, pouring from eyes, her fingertips. She tried to scream, the slow spill of sunlight igniting her hair until the woman struck aflame.


Yeva woke up in a slow creep to consciousness, squirming beneath an unknown weight. She groaned involuntarily, reminded of the strenuous climb by the excruciating pain that gripped her every time she tried to roll over upon the bed, panting beneath the mass of curls that stretched across her face and threatened to suffocate her, "Mmph" the bright light of midday nudged her to open her eyes and the mystic blinked away her sleep, still smothered in the heat around her. In front of her was a strange shape, a mass of red and black that she stared at blankly, a sinking realization of decorated skin laid out before her.


The pressure that had draped across her shoulder lowered to her abdomen. Yeva froze, peeking down to see a muscled arm curl around her waist and scoop her entire weight until she was pulled against a hardened figure, signified by the deep breath that was exhaled across the top of her head and the feeling of a face being buried into her hair. Behind her, she could feel the steady rise and fall of a broad chest, her own quickening in response.

Oh god.

She tried to pry herself free from the tangle of sheets and limbs, gritting her teeth from her body's aches from yesterday's climb, disoriented and desperate to make as little sound as possible during her plotted escape. She laid in a den of her own ignorant choosing, cursing herself for not inquiring further the rules of "open room policy." She had not, in her wildest dreams, thought that meant open bed! A cluster of orcs that had not been bunked up during her check-in last night now reclined around the room, many beds empty but disheveled- no doubt their patrons had come and gone by the current hour - but a number remained. Had she really slept so soundly, in a foreign place? Had the trek from the day before wiped her out so thoroughly? An expression of horror twisted her features. Two bodies of unknown arrival surrounded her: a red bodied female, and a purple male behind her, anatomy revealed by the... pressure against her backside every time she tried to wriggle from his slumbering hold.

No... no...

The room was too warm. The steady breathing paused and the purple hand shifted to her hip, her thigh, resting there as the rhythm continued. Yeva fought an arm free and managed to extract her torso from the cluster, panting from the exertion and scrambled to her knees to try and climb from the bed. Once seen as a beautiful mattress, larger than she had ever seen, now the elven woman resented the vast expanse, unable to escape the never-ending sea of musculature that stood between her and freedom. The only bed she had ever shared had been with her siblings as children, maybe one or two friends growing up during sleepovers. She couldn't be here. She couldn't-

In her absence, the remaining bodies rolled to where she once laid and when her bare feet touched the floor, she scrambled to grab her boots and purse, sprinting towards the door in her night gown, as if she could escape the feeling of such physical proximity and the racing heartbeat that had begun to sink to her core.

No no no no no no no no no no no no no

Her tiny feet thundered down the hall and she came sliding to the main room of the tavern, looking over her shoulder as if pursued. Poor thing had wild hair and a spooked expression, red faced and breathless as she scanned her surroundings. Orks everywhere, she struggled to meet their face. Her body was betraying her. Focus! she begged herself, shaking her head to rid herself of the morning's lesson. She looked for an escape, but in the room she had left all her belongings; her cards, journal, the surviving luggage from the initial purge.

Her scattered thoughts were almost enough to make her overlook the crying of her sore muscles ever time she took a step. Yeva knew she couldn't leave; not like this. Looking over her shoulder, the mystic was torn, but inched further in the main room when she felt attention shifting towards her.

In the relatively bustling room, there was one seat at the table of a female orc with green skin who appeared to be sleeping. It seemed the least dangerous option. She slipped into an empty chair, hands tucked into her lap as she tried to hide her pale legs beneath the table. When the server passed, she leaned back in request, "Water?" The server nodded and Yeva sank into the table, hiding her face in her hands as she tried to calm down.

The smell of the salt water from the ocean blowing through helped a bit, and she focused on taking deep breaths and then smoothed out her hair, untangling some of her curls with her fingers with anxious quickness. Those around her were met with a weary glance, but Orks were a friendly bunch when they wanted to be. It was difficult not to be distracted when they flashed a smile, large as their teeth were.

The sleeping woman had perked up once her drink was present and greeted those at the table.

Yeva tried to lighten the tension in her body.

"Hi," her voice was small, and she cleared her throat, finding a bit more strength when she attempted once more, this time in Ecitharese, "H'uvio" If she tried to direct her energy to something intentional, perhaps she would stop being plagued by the betrayal of her body, "I an Yeva... um," She thought hard, speaking slowly. "I an n'uvona h'uvi'uv.... uhhhh,"

She hoped her next question wasn't horribly offensive, "What is... Ounokt Nora?"
Last edited by Yeva on Thu Apr 07, 2022 7:35 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 1420
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Norani watched the pale elf with so much fiery red hair sit down and her own eyes went wide in delight. Hearing her speak in Common only further confirmed what Norani suspected. A foreigner! She'd only ever met two others in her life in the village! She had entirely forgotten about the wine for the moment as she peered excitedly at this woman.

She could tell that the woman was quite new to the language, but she was making a great effort and that made Norani's smile grow wide. New here. Yes, indeed a foreigner. Norani immediately got out of her seat, moved toward Yeva, remembered her wine, grabbed it, and plopped down in a seat right next to the redhead, close enough their thighs were touching. She placed the wine on the table in front of her, leaned on an elbow while facing her.

"Vona'uvrcon'uv eo Ecith!"

"Welcome to Ecith!"

She was not at all offended at the question, speaking a little bit slower, and more clear, just as her teacher back in the village had done when Norani had learned Common. "Ounokt Nora io eh'uv virag'uv vonah'uvi'uv I riv'uv."

"Ounokt Nora is the village where I live. It is home, far from here."

A playful grin, "Toui fac'uv io i'uvd. Did eh'uv oun kuin tou? Io ehae vonaht tou vona'uvai o nuch croehonh?"

"Your face is red. Did the sun burn you? Is that why you wear so much clothing?"

While she waited for a response, she grabbed the goblet of wine, tipping it in Yeva's direction "Vonaourd tou rik'uv on'uv?" "Would you like some?" Sharing was an inherent part of the upbringing in Ecith. If Yeva accepted, Norani allowed the cup to be taken. If not, or after, Norani took a sip as well, finding it to be quite dry and bitter. Her face scrunched up and her nose crinkled, baring her smaller tusks a bit more now.

"Ack! Ehio do'uvo noe eaoe'uv rik'uv giach'uvo ae ar!"

"Ack! This does not taste like grapes at all!"

Soon, her meal came. A massive platter, with a roasted beast leg of some sort the size of Yeva's thigh, a wide array of vegetables and mushrooms and fruits. Norani's eyes lit up. The server smiled broadly, knowing that she had, once again, selected the best meal for the customer. Norani spoke in Common now, just to ensure that Yeva understood the words she was saying.

"Can you bring a meal for Yeva? We are becoming friends." It was stated matter of factly, or perhaps Norani's nuance of Common was not quite as strong as her speaking of Ecitharese was.

In Ecitharese once more, "Hovona do tou rik'uv Drathera? I hav'uv noe k'uvn h'uvi'uv oinc'uv I vonao onar."

"How do you like Drathera? I have not been here since I was small."

She picked up the hunk of meat, as there were utensils provided, and she bit right into the meat, tearing off a large chunk. But the whole time, her eyes were on Yeva, and her ears were listening, giving the woman her undivided attention.
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It was midday, but Yeva was still adjusting to her jolting wake to reality. Understanding and translating Ecitharese left the redhead's mind swirling and much of what the orc woman was saying was met with a polite smile and limited understanding. Norani moved quickly, switching seats to get even closer while Yeva gripped the table, still a bit on edge. She glanced towards the hall where the rooms were and decided to focus on one interaction at a time. She would need to learn how to adapt quickly in Ecith. There was no room to keep dwelling on... the dwelling.

No one had hurt her... and had circumstances been a bit different, would she have really been so troubled to be caught in the arms of a companion slumbering and safe?

"Toui fac'uv io i'uvd. Did eh'uv oun kuin tou?"

Toui... fac'uv... io.... i'uvd.

Yeva resisted the urge to touch her face, dreadfully aware now of what was said. The same observation others had made, although perhaps a touch more polite. Nothing suggestive of body's betrayal. She said something about the sun? "Yes...?" she eyed the woman, gauging her response, but the excitement of Norani was palpable. Her drink was soon pushed in her direction and Yeva understood that well enough, even if she struggled with the words. Her body language was kind and Yeva eyed the offer, internally debating something.

Just as she had with Franky and his smokes, Yeva's raising trained her to accept, "Ehank tou," Thank you.

Peering down at the glass, she took a resolving breath and sipped the concoction, rolling her lips in and pressing three fingers to her mouth. She tensed, jaw clenching and she swallowed with a bit of force, looking up at Norani as she managed to stop her shudder of distaste, "Mhm!" It was not a pleasant taste, somewhat earthy and sour. Pungent, was a possible descriptor, Yeva's tongue shriveled at the thought of another taste, "Oeiong." Strong.

If the other alcohols of Drathera were like this one, Yeva would not be drinking much. Franky had surely spoiled her with spicy cinnamon drinks and fruity cocktails.

Norani took the mug back and followed suit, taking a much deeper gulp, responding honestly. Her face twisted and she balked, making Yeva burst into unexpected laughter, "It is not my favorite either." it was a wonderful distraction from the soreness of her entire being and she was now present in the moment, visibly relaxing. The woman had not said much Common, so when Yeva spoke, she watched Norani closely for signs of understanding, "Maybe you like sweeter drinks?"

Yeva thought of the Zaicherita and was about to describe its taste when the food was brought. A giant leg of roasted meat was set down with a sturdy thud, brimmed with seasoned vegetables. It was like a feast, the skin of the meat crisp and steaming. A mix of unfamiliar spice wafted as the meal was set down and Yeva inhaled deeply, transfixed and curious. She had never seen a cut of meat with such a shape and thoughts of unknown creatures running through the jungle entertained her mind.

Fates, she was hungry.

Yeva fretted. What was she supposed to ask for? What if she said the wrong thing and something horrendous was brought? If the cooks here were anything like the ones back at the Hobbled Gobbler, it would be a cardinal sin to suggest the food lacking! Yeva looked up at the other woman who had brought the food, summoning the resolve to ask as she reached for her purse. Norani took charge, surprising the redhead with her confident words. Spoken in Common this time, to ensure understanding. Yeva held the coins in her hand.

"Can you bring a meal for Yeva? We are becoming friends."

The server nodded with a brief word and was gone, leaving the orc and the elf to their conversation.

When Norani continued, the meaning was largely lost. Yeva was still catching up with the other sentence. Friends?

There was nothing in the world, Yeva concluded, as startling as an orkan's directness.

It was honest... and embarrassing. But there could be a charm and liberation to it. In other cultures, someone overly familiar could rarely be trusted, but here? So far, the statements said to her since arriving were just that. No more, no less. All the overthinking she subjected herself suddenly felt unnecessary. If Norani said they were becoming friends, Yeva would allow it. She'd much rather befriend an orc than make an enemy of one.

Yeva sat a bit straighter and gave a small smile. The last time she had been new to a city and shared a meal with an unexpected stranger, that person came to be one of her strongest allies. She observed the room with fresh eyes, seeking signs from the fates. She thought she understood the first question well enough, "I ik'uv Drathera. Drathera oeai no ik'uv... n'uv." I like Drathera. Drathera stairs no like me.

She chuckled and pushed herself to keep going, just as she had on her climb the day before, "Tou ai'u....ehi'uv," she held up three fingers, "-p'uvion I n'uve," You are three person I meet. Yeva did not know the word for third. There had been Xidia Q'uhi Nokra and Raura Chovu, who had greeted her at the gate... And she guessed, the amused man at stairs and the orcs she had been snuggled up with, but Yeva had never caught their names and so she did not consider them proper introductions, "I go h'uvi'uv foi faieh," I go here for faith, Yeva took a sip of her water, brushing some curls from her face. Her reasons were honorable, so she shared her intentions. "A pilgrimage?" she wasn't sure if the word was common enough for Norani to recognize it, so she switched back to Ecitharese, trying not to butcher the pronunciation too much, "Umm," What was the word? The grammar? The verb?

I want, "I vonane..."

To see, "-eo o'uv.."

"Galtiera.... agai." Again.

It might take a small miracle to do so, if yesterday was any indication. How often did Galtiera reveal themself to non-orcs? And out of those she did approach, how many without wings actually made it to the temple? Absentmindedly, Yeva rubbed her own abs, surprised those muscles hurt along with the ones of her lower body. She tried to say that she needed more endurance, but the translation was a bit butchered with her limited knowledge, "I n'uvd kig oei'uvngeh," I need big strength.

What she also needed was to head back to the room to collect the rest of her things, but Yeva doubted she would even make it to the next landing if she tried today. More rest was what she required while her body adjusted. A bit of courage wouldn't hurt either.

Yeva pressed her cheek into her palm, propped up against the table. Norani had started to dig into her food, "Some things are worth a bit of pain, I guess."
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Switching to Common to respond to Yeva's question, Norani replied, though it was obvious on certain sounds where the Orkish tusks affected her dialect. "Yes, sweeter is much better. This tastes like Malgar's Wine of Suffering." She chuckled lightly at her own joke.

As Norani ate, though, her eyes looked around the room, and she began to see one of the many ways she was different from these city Orks. She was eating with her hands, yet she saw the others using knives, spoons, skewers and chopsticks. She looked sheepishly at the small leather pouch of cutlery that was brought with her plate. She wiped off her hands on the cloth towel that was provided, clumsily picking up the chopsticks. She tested them with a clack-clack and worked to pick up a large mushroom with them.

"I have heard that Jarkor's Tail is a great feat to overcome! I just arrived earlier this day, but I will make the climb. I must visit the Sanctum of Swords and present my name to Raxen."

"I hav'uv h'uvaid ehae Jarkor's Tail io a gi'uvae f'uvae eo ov'uvicon'uv! I juoe aiv'uvd 'uvairi'uvi ehio dat, kue I vonair nak'uv eh'uv crink. I nuoe vioie eh'uv Sanctum of Swords and chi'uvo'uvne nt nan'uv eo Raxen."

As Yeva stumbled over a word, Norani smiled politely, "One. Two. Three. First. Second. Third."

"On'uv. Evonao. Ehi'uv. Fioe. O'uvcond. Ehid."

Listening further, she realized that Yeva was a faith follower. That was relieving. But a pilgrimage to see Galetira? Norani couldn't contain her excitement, practically overflowing. In Common now, "You're a Sky Reader! My cousin is one too! You'll have to go to the Unseeing Temple, I'm told it's just across from the Sanctum!"

And that's when Yeva's platter of food arrived. It was heaps of seafood; shrimps, scallops, various cuts of fish, served with seaweed, mushrooms, and leafy vegetables. It was all grilled, seasoned in a complex and spicy smelling blend. The server, recognizing Yeva as a foreigner, spoke, "Eat all of it. It will help with your body weakness." And with that, she turned and left them.

"Chieftain Boraba says that pain is how one knows they are growing stronger. Malgar made us all suffer, but that made us stronger."

Norani pushed her platter closer to Yeva's own, "Would you like some? It is important to eat much when your muscles hurt."

She rubbed at her abdomen, "I have just started learning to fly with Ruvaf." She waved over at her partner, who looked up from his feast and squawked happily back at her. "I am so sore." She laughed a bit at this.

"Was it nice to meet Galetira? I have not met any of the Triumvirate yet."

There was a rapt curiosity there, as she continued, "Chieftain Boraba says we should not follow them so closely. The Old Ways are better, she says. She blames them for the fall of Ailos."

A wistful sigh, "It would have been nice to have seen the Holy City at least once. I was too young when it was destroyed."

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Yeva watched Norani struggle with her chopsticks, just as lost when Norani spoke the slew of Ecitharese. At best, she caught a few words here and there, mostly names and followed through with the same strategy as before, "...Yes."

The room was filling, more people arriving for lunch. Yeva noted the correction given by Norani and repeated, counting on her fingers to reaffirm the words, "Ehid," Ehi'uv and ehid were not unlike each other and would be easier to remember, "Thank you."

She watched Norani dig into her food, appreciative of the change to Common when remembered. It wouldn't help her improve her language skill, but it did allow for a level of communication that might not be there otherwise. Yeva had not yet mastered complex thoughts in Ecitharese, "You're a Sky Reader! My cousin is one too! You'll have to go to the Unseeing Temple, I'm told it's just across from the Sanctum!" She had to listen closely for bits and pieces.

"Ae eh'uv eop of Jakon's Tail." At the top of Jakor's Tail.

All the way at the top.

The server had arrived and set the food down, another hefty meal that drew out a long growl from her stomach. She looked up, as the woman stared her down, her expression unreadable. Disgust? Dismission? Disappointment? Yeva felt smaller because of it, "Eat all of it. It will help with your body weakness."

The command surprised her, having never been spoken to by wait staff in such a way, "Y-yes, Ma'am," she glanced at the food. The scallops and seared fish looked divine, but... there was so much! A hint of color lingered on her cheeks as Yeva bowed her head, feeling a familiar wash of shame. She was starting to hate that emotion. How did the orcs live so unbothered? It must have been freeing. Malgar had always been a warning in most elven stories growing up, a nightmarish entity that one was to avoid at all costs, but perhaps he had something right, "At this rate, no one will recognize me when I go back."

Maybe she would be stronger. More confident. Daring... Ha. What was her family doing now, she wondered. What about Dalma or Franky? Midday, they were probably getting ready for their lunch rush.

Yeva reached for her utensils, indecisive on which one to use before opting for a pair of chopsticks herself. She drew them from their sheath as Norani nudged her platter closer. Share?

The redhead nodded, pushing her own plate to be more centered between them, "Tou ai'uv kind," You are kind, Norani was also feeling the results of physical exertion, drawing her attention to a flying creature eating its own meal. Yeva breathed a soft chuckle, "Tou fit? Anazing!" You fly? Amazing! "Is that, ah... ehae io a conon ehing?" Is that, ah... That is a common thing?

She watched the winged beast with a bit of wonder, impressed and surprised, "Orkan are so cool," she whispered, looking around the room. Their way of life was so absolutely wild, it was perplexing! "You have these stunning tattoos, and you fly these cool creatures, and your food looks amazing, and everyone is so, so...." she struggled to find a word, her hands lifting to try and demonstrate the meaning, "Healthy."

"Honestly, I don't know why Galtiera visited me," she frowned, "I an a Hytori elf. Onai-" I am a Hytori elf. Small-

Yeva caught herself before she finished the thought, almost adding weak. That much was obvious in comparison to her peers in the city, but vocalizing it felt... wrong. She had been taught not to admit such things easily and struggled with the lesson from Zaichaer. Norani looked lither than other orcs, so it was almost easy to open up about her insecurity, "She said to follow my fortune. And then... protected me? I don't know. It is... hmm." Difficult to remember. Yeva shrugged, unsure how much she understood with her Common.

Yeva did not know much about Ailos, or the local ideologies. It was an interesting thought - cautiously following those like Galtiera. She would have to keep that in mind. Yeva did not know Dalma well, but trusted her judgement and husband's sponsorship, but it was good to consider other perspectives all the same.

Norani commented about being too young, "Norani, hovona oid?" Norani, how old?

Yeva allowed her time to answer, before revealing her own age, pleased. They were close in range, with Yeva being a few years her elder, "I ohovona tou" I show you, she offered, reminded of Norani's struggle with chopsticks, "Like this. Put your fingers, here and here," Yeva stood from her set, if only to get a better vantage to hold out her hand "These fingers grasp it, and then you use these...." while demonstrating, Yeva set down her own pair to take Norani's hand, slipping the sticks in the right spot, "Like that. And these can hold it. See? Too low, you won't have movement. Too high, and no control."

Releasing the woman's hand, she resumed with her own chopsticks, plucking up a piece of fish between the wood and slipping it onto Norani's plate. Shortly after, she plucked up a scallop and popped it into her mouth. It was perfectly cooked, seared and soft. Fresh from the ocean. She mmm'd in pure delight. YUM. She brightened and began to eat faster. Yeva looked back at Norani, at her utensil use, but also the food on her plate.

Chopsticks took practice; they weren't mastered in one sitting, but she encouraged the orc nonetheless, "Hando ai'uv god eo." Hands are good too.

Yeva used her free hand to grab a round mushroom from her own serving and began to nibble it like one might a berry, smacking her lips at the lemon-y taste. Maybe finishing the meal wouldn't be so hard after all.
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At her question about the commonality of flying in Ecith, Norani smiled broadly, "Common enough, I suppose. My village has the largest nest of Ci'uvan," gesturing over to Ruvaf. "There are so many creatures that fly in Ecith. And we partner with many of them. I was just a small one when Ruvaf hatched for me. We've been together ever since." Then she remembered something that her new friend might enjoy, "I saw a dragon flying around the city when we arrived. They are so big! And beautiful! A few like to visit our village sometimes. One always brings these candies. Hardened honey kiwi. Had all us kids running when she arrived."

Then Yeva continued, showering compliments on the Orkhan kind and Norani could feel herself swelling with pride. "I get the first of my story placed on my body soon. When I reach the Temple of Raxen, I will hopefully be accepted into the military, officially. I'm just a trainee right now."

Then her curiosity came out, "What's the food like where you're from? I've never left Ecith." She leaned forward to listen more carefully, eating in the pauses. "Are the people sickly?"

After a bit, "I'm sure Galetira had good reason. She used to be one of the leaders of Ecith, so she probably had good reason." This was said so matter of factly. Religion aside, Norani had full faith and confidence in those that became leaders in Ecith.

"I will be twenty suns next season! And you?"

And as Yeva showed Norani how to properly use chopsticks, a city side tradition she wasn't used to. She paid extremely close attention and followed her instruction and demonstration as close as could be. If Yeva looked, she could see the intensity in the Orkhan's eyes, one that ran through all of the dragonkin when they set their minds to something. And once Norani got the motion down, the intensity was gone and replaced by the brightness of her smile and cheering. She was practicing picking up everything on her plate and moving it about.

"Thank you!"

She ate heartily, pushing herself to try and pick up more difficult, heavy, and slippery bits of food. Then, out of the blue, "Is it scary to communicate with the fates? They are so big." She paused, a curious look on her face, "No not big." She was pondering the right word. "Reaching. Touch everything, like the sky does."

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Yeva had never heard of hardened honey kiwi, nor knew the vocabulary for such. She gathered 'dragon', loosely, from the motioning towards Ruvaf, smiling politely with small nods. Although she didn't understand every word Norani spoke, she saw the vibrancy in the Orkan's eyes and swift mannerisms. Yeva placed some words, attempting to inquire, "Oh, some tattoo soon? Very fun!" She took more bites, allowing Norani to ask questions.

The first one was simple enough. What was the food like?

The portion sizes were more manageable, "Hmm, more small," she answered, taking a large bite of seafood. Mouth full, her brow furrowed, "Sickly?"

She considered the question, recognizing the word stem with a growing look of horror, "No, no no," she urged earnestly, "Hytori never sick. Never, ever; heal from poison twice fast too," she nearly rose from her seat, but hearing the passion in her voice, glanced around the room and settled down, voice softening, "I... look sick to Norani?"

Yeva chewed on her bottom lip as she puzzled over how she must appear to the Orkan. There was disappointment in her frown, but she turned her face to hide it. The mystic had naturally assumed the citizens well travelled like Raura or Xidia and unfazed by her appearance, but there much have been plenty within the city who had yet to venture out. She was obviously paler than the others in the city: thinner, shorter, weaker.


Their familiarity was pity, she feared. They must have thought her terminal in comparison. Maybe that was why they urged her to eat while she still could? Insecurity pulled her into silence and Yeva busied herself with eating. Despite her sudden rush of self doubt, it was hard to feel upset for long with such a fine meal before her. And it was clear Norani didn't mean to offend her.

"I will be twenty suns next season! And you?"

"Twenty and five,"
she answered, surprised that the Orkhan was younger. Somehow it made her feel a bit better; like they could learn from each other. She smiled at the ork.

After Yeva's lesson with chopsticks, Norani's curiosity came out again, "Is it scary to communicate with the fates? They are so big." She paused, a curious look on her face, "No not big." She was struggling to pick the right wording, but Yeva paid close attention, understanding new vocabulary, "Reaching. Touch everything, like the sky does."

"Not scary," she answered, turning to face Norani fully, "Soothe. Soothing. Scary for some, not Yeva. I like... I like not known; unknown," she corrected, "I like to learn. I like....to..." Yeva put her palms together, peeling them apart like the opening of a book, "To read fate. To see... unknown. To see... chance."

"I need to keep climbing the stairs," Yeva sighed, slipping back into Common, "But I'm so sore." she rolled her shoulders, stretched her legs, "Would you like to go shopping with me later today? I want to see a bit more of this landing before I keep going."

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Norani was confused about Yeva's question and it showed plainly on her face. She swallowed her food, then shook her head, switching to Common. "You do not look sickly. You look like me, not strong yet. Young!" She said this with pride, for them both, seemingly confident that they would both become strong, because obviously everyone became strong. At least in Ecith.

"You say everyone here is healthy? I only meet three northlanders before you. I worry that maybe not healthy is common in the north. You not not healthy." A broad smile, "But we can always be more healthy!" Then she picked up a slippery leafy green with her chopsticks, beaming at her success.

And as Yeva explained how communing with the Fates was soothing, not scary, Norani's eyes went wide in amazement and awe. She instantly understood, from this simple bit of conversation, why Yeva was a Sky Reader. It was like how Norani was a flying dragoon, to be at least. She wasn't afraid of heights or falling or flying, so she flew. And Yeva read the sky.

Switching back to Ecitharese, "You're special Yeva. Sky Reading is scary, to me. I don't think I could ever do it. I'm glad people like you are in this world. I'm glad you're in this world."

After Yeva switched to Common, Norani assumed she was tired of Ecitharese, for the moment. She could understand that. When she learned Common, she had lots of grumpy days after being mentally worn out. "Shopping be fun! I never gone shopping before!" Shopping wasn't really a concept in the villages. They provided for one another anything that was needed, and bartered for what was wanted.

"Is shopping fun in your home?"

She also wished to see more of this landing. Tomorrow, she'd fly down to the base of the mountain and start the hike up the stairs. But today? Today was a day dedicated to the new friend she'd met. "We go see healer sometime too? They make sore muscles feel better." Norani rubbed at the muscles on her arm, hoping to get the point across. Massage.

Norani smiled and resumed eating. She finished her meal in full, as custom dictated. She picked up her dishes, looking around the very crowded room for a wash basin. Back home, everyone cleaned their own dishes and helped clean the dishes soiled by the cook. A server came over, an eyebrow raised, and Norani asked politely in their native tongue, "Where do I wash the dishes?"

The city Ork woman snickered, "I'll take care of those." There was a bit of a change in how the woman looked at Norani. A little bit demeaning, looking down upon the country bumpkin for being unaware of how things work in the city. Norani saw the look but didn't understand it. But something about it made her feel bad inside. Shame. And it showed plainly on her face, as every emotion did.

But she wanted to go shopping with Yeva more than she wished to feel bad. A soft smile, in Common, "Ready to go shopping?"
word count: 530
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"Sometimes," Yeva enjoyed going out, but felt out of place in clothing shops, likely from how few she had visited growing up. There had always been a surplus of hand-me-downs in her family that she rarely saw a new outfit. Her eyes roamed around the room and she turned her attention back to her plate so as to not be accused of leering. It didn't seem that those places were particularly popular in Ecith, anyway, "It is nice to spoil yourself now and again. Usually, though, I prefer to buy things for other people, more than myself."

Norani seemed eager at the idea, "We go see healer sometime too? They make sore muscles feel better."

"Healer?" Yeva was chewing another bite of her food, using the side of her fork to cut into a slab of seared fish. Steam rose from the meat and she pushed aside a cluster of capers to coat them in more sauce. Norani rubbed her arms in demonstration, "Oh. Um," she briefly hesitated, unsure until she scooted forward in her seat and the protest from her lower body made her clench her jaw, "Yes. I think good idea. I gather things after food. We go or we rest. I have no much hurry." She wasn't in a rush to face the strangers she had awoken to. They could still be there.

As they decided the plan for the day, they ate. Yeva was much slower than her counterpart, struggling midway through her plate. She hoped that whatever they chose to do, she wouldn't have to climb too many stairs in the heat. Her full stomach would make the mistake known if so, but exhaled and reminded herself to enjoy the rich flavors each time she thought about taking a break. For awhile she simply observed the room, for signs both mundane and outstanding. Her ears pricked at every familiar word she overheard, doing her best to practice the language through listening. There were so many grammar structures she failed to recognize and felt confused when words were combined in different ways. Slang and onomatopoeia were completely absent from her vocabulary and complex sentences with more than one adjective had her mind swirling. It was only the occasional word that needed no translation between Common and Ecitharese, causing her to double take in surprise.

Yeva was distracted by the word 'fuck', and her brow furrowed as she tried to guess if discussion at the table over was in fact about what she thought it was. Norani had finished her plate and it was when the server walked closer that the mystics attention snapped back to the table.

Norani had her plate ready, "Where do I wash the dishes?"

Yeva blinked in surprise. The server took the offering, amused, "I'll take care of those."

Something intangible in the room shifted and Yeva took a sharp breath, sensitive to the subtle exchange. The server began to walk away after a bit of stifled laughter. Had she imagined the look in the woman's eyes? The slight twitch at the corner of her lip? Looking over and seeing Norani's face, crestfallen in nearly in instant, Yeva knew she had not imagined anything. That was a feeling she knew far too well. The orc tried to smile and offered to go. Yeva could not, torn at seeing the upset openly on Norani's face.

The redhead looked at her plate, not quite finished but close, and reached out to pat her new friend's hand reassuringly, "You are good to ask. Very kind," she did not know the word for well-mannered; offering to alleviate any workload was hardly a bad thing, right? It seemed reasonable to Yeva, within the city or not. She would simply have to commit a social faux-pas in solidarity, pushing away the rest of her uneaten food. It was not much, but eating the rest would surely over stuff her. She was just practicing balance, "I ready. We go be special together now. Yes? To shopping." she stood and waited for her friend to follow.
word count: 695
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