Illuminacras, Settlement of the Dawnmartyrs


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Title: He Who Stands Tall and Proud
Location: Kalzasi
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Settlement of the Dawnmartyrs

Buried deep in the hills and forest outside of Kalzasi is the ancient settlement of Illumacras. Build by the Dawnmartyrs and then abandoned as forces were needed else where the settlement was abandoned. Time had then wrapped it into a blank as the forest reclaimed the roads to it and the fields that once surrounded the settlement. It became even more forgotten as Kalzasi rose to prominence in the area.

Now it had been found again, and now it had life again. Over the past year Knights of the Dawnmartyr’s had been flooding into the location to work towards rebuilding fortress town of Illuminacras.

Getting to the city is difficult as its specific location isn’t public knowledge and the maps leading to it are rare as direction as usually committed to memory. There are a dozen different paths used by the Knights to bring supplies in. Effort is being made to prevent a road from yet being built leading straight to Illuminacras. Paths are beginning to form but nothing about them really suggest what lays miles beyond.

Once someone is able to find there way to Illuminacras they will find an ancient settlement. Its ancient beauty rises out of the forest. Even from a distant it was easy to tell the age of the location as the buildings still show their age. The settlement sits on a small hill. Originally the forest went up to the walls and grew withing the settlement itself. Except for the largest trees within the settlement the tree’s had been pushed back to the base of the hill. The largest trunks were still in place around the settlement but overall had been cleared.

Currently the area around the main gate is a organized collection of tents, wagons, and other temporary structures as the settlement is in the process of being rebuilt. But beyond this hive of activity the ancient walls still rise massive in their grandeur. Now cleared of the tree’s and plant life the walls rise in there disrepair waiting to be restored. Evently spaced are 8 watch towers that like the wall still stand with pride but have seen better days.

Inside of the settlement the once forested ground has now been cleared. There are a number of stone structure that still stand hinting at the population that lived in the place. The main street leads from the Gate past an old meeting hall and the settlement tavern/inn. Someone found an old sign still decorated with the image of a sun either rising or setting. For now both sits have been cleared but the tavern still stands unattended as visitors aren’t really welcomed into the site. The meeting hall while still being repaired is a center of much more activity. At the end of the main road sits the temple to Acras and the other divines the Order worships.

In the quadrant behind the meeting hall sits the barracks and stables that once houses the animals and people who guarded this place, and would soon house the members of the Knights again. Beyond these two buildings rise the graceful tower where magic was governed and studied by those in the settlement. Before it rest an open area where once brave knights fought there great Reaving battles as they become full fledge knights. Behind the tavern stands the working area of the town fortress. Housing the armory and two smithies. If the tavern seemed unimportant it was emphasized by the activity around these buildings as the practical purpose of these locations where very needed.

Time will see each of these locations come to life as they are rebuilt.

word count: 678

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