Bonding Part 2

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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Title: He Who Stands Tall and Proud
Location: Kalzasi
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Bonding Part 2
Glade 10th

Pahoran walked among the trees as he breathed in deeply as he walked in the wild outside of the settlement. He pulled the pistol that he had purchased out of his bag and he held it in his hands. He carefully checked to confirm that the pistol wasn’t loaded before he looked around and found an old tree why lay fallen next to a small clearing. Pah walked over and sat down on the stump and carefully set weapon on his lap and then laid his hands upon the weapon.

He looked out across the forest but turned his focus inward and opened himself so that he could reach out and touch his aether. As he did so he allowed it to flow into the gun on his lap and under his hands. He became lost in the mediation process as he worked to flood the weapon with his aether, and as it began to brim with the aether he began to pull the aether and the pistol back into his soul.

Pah didn’t rush the process it was important for the Aether to become one with the pistol and then for it to become part of Pahoran’s soul. The young knight breathed in slowly and rhythmically even as the his gaze stared off into the forest. All that he really saw was the detail of the weapon that was pressed under his hands. Pah knew what it looked like but this time was spent to understand it at a deep level then just visual. He sat there sitting stock still as he fully opened himself to what he was doing. He remembered when he had done that with his first time with his blade this time wasn’t as scary death wasn’t on the line to fail wasn’t acceptable.

Pah wasn’t aware that his eyes closed but then did as he continued to weave his aether around the pistol and continued to pull it into his soul. The young man knew that it would always be there as long as he didn’t overstep, but it would be come part of him. He would gather strength from the connection and he would become more difficult to take down. He would become a better warrior for the light, for hope and the world.

He remembered the feel of the pistol in his hands and the feel of the kick back. He focused on it becoming a part of his body, and extension that allowed him to extend his reach far into the distant. Now that extension would become more personal and deeper. It would be full and allow him to always have it with him.

It was then that Pah’s eyes flew open and his mind because cross focused. He still held the pistol within his soul, while it physically sat on his knee. His focus though looked into the wood around him and he could watched as some of the bushes began to shimmer. Pah shot up with pulling the pistol into his hand even as the other hand shot into his pocket and he pulled out some ammunition. Pah kept his eyes out aware that more was coming. He began to load the pistol with one shot even as he began to move to get a better shot. Once it was loaded he began to search for his attacker. Pah was aware that he was beginning to enter the next phase of the pact. Together they must fight what ever it was that was to come.

Pah moved so that he back was towards a large tree, first checking to make sure nothing was n the tree before looking around. Even that simple glance upward as he looked back he could see his opponent had emerged from the trees and was charging towards him. His opponent was dressed in baggy brown cloths so he wasn’t aware of who exactly was attacking him. Pah crouched while holding the pistol and his ice blue eyes hardened as the other came charging forward. At the last minute Pah actually dived out of the way allowing the other to come in contact with the tree Pah was standing against. He heard a smack but it was clear that his opponent had held their punch so it wasn’t damaging. The young man didn’t wait though as he charged forward, using his own bulk to slam into the his attack.

Pah knocked his opponent down but wasn’t able to pin them as he also went to the ground and rolled out of the way. He felt a sharp contact with against his leg, and he guessed his attacker waked his leg with a club. He clung determinedly with the pistol in his hand. Both of them went up again and came at each other. Pah brought up his arm with pistol and stopped the other from clobbering his head with a club. Pah then punched his opponent in the gut. The two didn’t separate as the club was draw back but a leg was brought up to kick Pah. He brought down the pistol and smacked into the offending appendage.

Pah felt his head turn as a fist came in contact with his chin. Pah didn’t reflexed and brought the pistol up and jammed it into the attackers gut. The weapon was part of him and he clung to it with both his soul and his hand. As his pistol filled fist came in contact Pah could hear a grunt as the wind was knocked out of his opponent. Pah didn’t back up but turning his now bleeding face he brought his other fist around the side and kidney punched the other person. There was another grunt. The saw the other figure leap forward and brought the two of them down.

It was hard to say exactly what happened as both fought dirty, one to take the pistol and the other to keep. Fingers clawed at faces. Bruises were blossoming across both combatants as they rolled in the dirt. Pah kept a hold of pistol, both physically and as part of his soul. There were many fronts to this fight and Pah needed this bond. Eventually Pah found himself straddling the other and grab the others head and smack it against the ground, and put the gun to the others head and glared down. “I will pull it.” He said but the it didn’t matter the other fighter, hooded and disguised was passed out.

Still holding the gun Pah stood up and moved away from the unconscious body. Though Pah was the winner he was bruised and sore. He could see blood dripping from his face, and he limbed a bit as he walked towards the spot he had originally meditated. As he limped along he could feel his aether fulling embedding itself into the pistol. He paused and grunted as he felt the weapon finishing the process of becoming part of his soul and part of him. Pah never made it to the rock, he collapsed their and felt the ecstatic feeling of becoming one with a bonded weapon. It was a unique experience and Pah watched as the pistol dissolved out of his hand, and he could it becoming part of his soul.

Pah sat there for a long time breathing and fighting the pain that was now crashing around him. He then very slowly stood up and extended his hand out and reaching into himself felt the Pistol Materialize in his hand. He looked down at the weapon and while it looked very similar to the pistol he had walked out with earlier there were subtle changes. The lines of the pistol already seemed just a bit different as it reflected Pah and his soul. It wasn’t like his blade which he had had for years now which was really changing.

Pah ran his hand along the weapon and smiled despite the pain of a cracked lip. Yes this was part of who he was. A knight, and a knight needed to have the tools of the trade. He looked back and saw his opponent was still out could on the ground. Allowing the pistol to dematerialize he stood up and carefully check the other to see how bad the injuries were. Pah sighed in relief that the skull wasn’t cracked. He put his hands under the body and lifted it up and made his way out of the forest. His movement were slow from his own bruises, but he wouldn’t abandon his challenger. Especially since it was one of his brethren. The life of a knight was hard, but the important part was not to loss oneself.

word count: 1494
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Posts: 394
Joined: Tue Aug 25, 2020 11:38 pm
Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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Bonding Part 2

Points awarded:
  • 8 - {Yes for Magic}
  • Reaving: Materializing Techniques
    Reaving: Dematerializing Techniques
    Reaving: Pact Techniques
    Reaving: Keeping the weapon in hand during Pact bonding
    Reaving: Bringing a new weapon as part of soul
    Reaving: Can have multiple pacts at a time.
  • N/A
  • yes, beat up in combat
  • Great thread!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!
word count: 115
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