20th of Glade, 120 AS
Location: Dorkirk Estates (Lyra's Quarters)
A storm had come over the city in the early hours of the day, masking the afternoon sun with grey-white clouds that gave way to a heavy deluge that seemed like it would never end. Lyra sat in one of several plush chairs near a large window, a book in hand which she skimmed with a bored expression. When the knock on her door came she glanced up, but quickly returned to her reading as she called out absently, "Enter."
She did not need to see the horns to know that it was Florian. She could feel him, or rather, she could sense the mark he bore which was an echo of her own.
"Sit." Lyra waved a hand at the remaining chairs. When she had finished reading the line she was on Lyra closed the book with a snap before setting it aside and focusing her attention on Florian, "How are you?"