The Welcoming of a Chieftain (Yeva)

The capital city of Ecith, known as the Three Cities in the common tongue, it is the jewel and pride of Ecith.

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It was just before dusk on the second day of travel for Yeva. Camp had already been secured and made, large huts formed by the careful selection and weaving of the tall grasses here. It was an intricate process, handled by the seniors scouts and Chieftain Boraba herself, but they had the recruits watch. It was important work because by selecting the correct ones, they were able to build shelter to hide them from the creatures of the ground, without giving away their position by making a void in the grasses visible from the sky.

Each hut had a covered chimney built in it from treated leathers, to hide the light of the small fires within, while allowing the heat and smoke to escape freely. There was one large hut built for the entire regiment to sleep within, a cooking hut, and a storage hut for the supplies they were traveling with. The Ci'uvan all hated sleeping indoors typically, so they had already begun making their nests around the huts, utilizing the grasses in the same way the Orkhan had. It's how the Orkhan learned to do so in the first place.

But unlike the previous day, unlike many of the days that these Ounokt Nora traveled, an additional hut was made at the request of Chieftain Boraba. It was much like the others, rounded, formed from the grass, a low fire within, mostly hot coals. But overhead, a glowing crystal for additional light was placed. Boraba herself had crafted a table with a clean slice of Wind Singer through a large rock and it was placed between two cushions, crafted from woven grasses and stuffed with the fluff of a flowering plant.

Boraba had given word for the newest recruits to join one of the scouts on a foraging and hunting expedition for tonight's meal. The remaining contingent, and guests, were mostly sharing free time, while also maintaining security of the camp. It was during this downtime that Boraba sought out Yeva, smiling genuine at the foreign lass.

She knew that Yeva was attempting to learn their language, and she had been doing a wonderful job so far. Chieftain Boraba greatly preferred when foreigners tried to join the culture rather than remain an outsider. In Ecitharese, "Yeva Bleu, would you join me, please?" It was said softly, friendly even, and spoken just a hair slower than Boraba normally spoke, to ensure there was no misunderstanding.

If Yeva agreed, Boraba would lead the way to the special made hut, parting the curtain of reeds and allowing Yeva to enter first into the warm glow. Inside, Yeva would find two steaming cups of tea made from herbs foraged around the camp. Boraba followed, gesturing to the cushions, sitting down once Yeva was comfortable.

Chieftain Boraba gestured to the tea, again, waiting on Yeva. Once drinks had been shared, Boraba spoke. "I care for each and every villager in my charge. I was a young girl when Norani was born, but I was there when she was. Those of us from Ounokt Nora are close, and it pleases me to see that Norani has extended hospitality to you." She sipped from the herbal tea, "Seeing Norani make a friend, one who makes her smile so broadly warms my heart. And it seems that your time here in Ecith has done you well. I have invited you here so that we might better know one another."

Another sip, followed by a soft smile, "And if it is pleasing to you, I would like to offer myself to your Sky Reading. Please read what you can about me, I know no better way for one such as yourself to learn about me, and I you."

She set the tea down, "Will you do me this kindness?"
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The elf was on her knees before a pregnant orkan woman, watching as the tattoos on the mother's stomach flexed and relaxed, a small limb moving beneath the surface. Her eyes were wide and she held her hand out, as one of the orcs specializing in medicine guided her palm, "Feel how he moves?" she asked, glancing at the elf. The mother was topless, her blue breasts swollen with milk, areolas large and darkened purple, "It won't be long now."

"You have many babies?" Yeva inquired, glancing up from where the mother sat, propped up with her legs stretched out. The woman was expected to give birth later that season, and was returning to the village to do so. Despite being in the third trimester, there was such strength evident in her body, it didn't seem to be hindering her much. Most women in Sol'Valen took the opportunity to lounge, not ride raptors in the sky. Orc were fascinating.

The mother smiled, one of her tusks broken, "Third."

"My mother," Yeva spoke, focusing as she struggled with the more complicated thought, "Have many babies. Eight in all," surprisingly she didn't stutter or blush. Medicine was something that fascinated her, nearly as much as mysticism. Her grandmother had shown her things here and there, mostly herbs for spiritual health more than physical. Hytori had little need for those types of remedies. Memory turned into home-sicknesses, and she sighed as she ran her hand up and over the mound, "Maybe nine now. I have saw birth, but..."

She had not seen what pregnancy did to a woman's body up close. The purple stretch marks, the leaking breasts, the swollen feet. She had heard of these things, but to see them? Even when it was time to give birth, Yeva had always been shut from the room, gathering hot water and towels, while her mother screamed from the bedroom.

In Sol'Valen these details were ugly guarded secrets, hidden behind dresses and polite smiles. Yeva was quiet for a while, withdrawing her hand. Her people lied, pretending not to see the things they did not want to, and no one said otherwise. They saw themselves above it all. Above nature. Above flaws. The proudest of races. she thought bitterly.

"Yeva Bleu," The mystic inhaled sharply and looked up to see Chieftain Boraba. The leaderspoke softly, with gentle request, "Would you join me, please?"

She swallowed, standing up and knocking dirt from her knees, "Yes. Um," she turned to offer a small wave to the healer and the pregnant woman as she started to walk away, "Thank you for teaching me."

With every hurried step made in an effort to keep up with Boraba's long strides, Yeva felt her nerves increase. Was she in trouble? Had she done something to offend a member of the flock? Why would the Chief want to speak to her alone? The orc woman halted and side stepped, the petite elf behind hesitating as the grand tent came into view and she was encouraged to enter. She peeked her head in first, hoping to see Norani as well, but when she saw only two seats prepared, it was clear this was a private meeting. Boraba followed and Yeva lowered herself upon the cushion, feet tucked beneath her, while regarding the hot drink. The tea was a pale lilac, dried herbs and crushed flower petals slowly swirling, permeating the small space with a distinctly herbal scent. Yeva cupped the saucer in both hands to feel its warmth and offered a soft thanks.

She lifted the drink to her lips, gently blowing upon the surface and the two drank in pleasant silence. Yeva used her teeth to strain the tea and swirled the last remnants as Boraba began to speak, “I care for each and every villager in my charge. I was a young girl when Norani was born, but I was there when she was. Those of us from Ounokt Nora are close, and it pleases me to see that Norani has extended hospitality to you." She sipped from the herbal tea, and Yeva realized how casual the conversation felt. It certainty wasn't the reprimand she had half expected, "Seeing Norani make a friend, one who makes her smile so broadly warms my heart. And it seems that your time here in Ecith has done you well. I have invited you here so that we might better know one another."


Boraba smiled and Yeva returned it, feeling remarkably silly now that her imagination was tempered by reality, "And if it is pleasing to you, I would like to offer myself to your Sky Reading. Please read what you can about me, I know no better way for one such as yourself to learn about me, and I you," Boraba was watching her, setting the tea down, "Will you do me this kindness?"

"Oh." Yeva looked down at the contents of the cup, wondering if the tea leaves had been intentional. She had not brought her cards, "Are you sure?" she asked, setting her own cup down, "You could ask me anything and I would answer truthfully," The request was more than she had been expecting, and in her surprise, she had answered in Common. She shifted in her seat, "I mean, it's just..." The elf cleared her throat, realizing her default of language, "Sky reading is not so clear always. I am still learning much."

She searched the woman's face and then finally nodded. Who was she to challenge a Chief's request? This was, after all, her purpose of coming to Ecith. There was no point in shying away now.

"I will do this," Yeva pushed her reservations away and pointed towards Boraba's cup, "Please... hold in left hand. Drink. Swirl, like this," she picked her own cup up and rolled the rim counter clockwise, trying to remember everything she could about tea leaves, "Think of life, think what you want me to know. When it almost all done, let me see.... please."

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Boraba smiled softly, reaching out to touch Yeva's hand, "From when I first saw you with Norani, preparing to come visit, I saw nothing but earnest truth in your eyes. I learn best from sharing time with people. Speaking about things for a long period of time has never been something I've had patience for." She squeezed Yeva's hand, "I ask this of you for my own shortcomings."

She leaned back, remaining in her native tongue the whole time. Yeva agreed and Boraba nodded. Boraba followed Yeva's instructions. She held the cup in her left hand, drinking down most of the herbal liquid into it was just a bit of a tea and mostly leaves left. Then she swirled it, her mind working, her face severe, putting her focus into this, thinking of what Yeva had asked of her. She handed the cup to Yeva to finish the process.

Boraba would watch Yeva closely as she peered into the leaves. She watched as Yeva's eyes glazed over, just as had happened with the last Sky Reader she'd been with. Yeva would find herself looking down at herself and Boraba. She would see a tether of glowing particles extending out of her back down below, and it extended upward into her current chest. Her body was glowing, made of these same particles. She would hear a sound, the crashing of waves, and find herself suddenly somewhere else.

She was standing upon the surface of what appeared to be water, a sky more starry than any she'd ever seen before. She could see infinitely more stars than she had, and she could see what appeared like a cloud, but much further away, and part of her would Know, absolutely Know, that these were not mere stars she was seeing, but worlds, worlds like the vast one she lived upon.

Yeva's body was made up of these infinite, glowing worlds, but still, there was enough detail that none would know her as anyone other than Yeva Bleu. Her tether was connected to a glowing world in the water, one that she would Know was Boraba. She could see the River of Time flowing beneath the still surface she stood upon, could see the current upon which Boraba's life had flowed, and while darker and harder to see, could see that it moved a bit forward to. She could see millions more other glowing worlds in the River of Time, some crossing paths with Boraba, others never meeting, some following after.

And Yeva would know that if she spoke here in the Astral Sea, she would speak the same in that tent with the Chieftain.

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Boraba held the teacup out and Yeva nodded, closing her eyes to instill intention. A prayer for enlightenment. She tilted her face towards the murky puddle of tea and opened her eyes.

The leaves coated the bottom and sides of the cup, dark speckles of dried herbs transforming to constellations. Yeva's hazel eyes darted and then focused, her breathing slowed. Her body felt heavy, wavering forward in her seat and then she was weightless, transcending beyond the physical realm to a place of infinity. A crash of waves, a crescendo, a roar inside her mind. She was stardust and sentience, tethered by a string of glowing particles. Cloud in the endless distance; swirling mists. Worlds. She was witness to something extraordinary. Something she understood, like one might recognize a dream, and yet it many ways, it was an enigma. Something beautiful to be explored. Something dangerous.

Yeva walked forward in awe, feeling a gentle tug behind her, grounded at her hips. She looked down, seeing the liquid sea of stars, and beneath the water, its connection to a swirling world. To Baroba. A river flowed and she followed it. Past. Present. Future.

Boraba held in her mother's arms. Boraba racing the other children. Baroba growing taller, splashing in the river.

Yeva moved quicker down the pathway, watching the orc grow. All admist a sea of stars.

"Wow," she whispered, voice as soft as silk. Time progressed and she paused at different stages, tiptoeing when she felt the tension rising and the image of a Baroba pushing back a great black serpent. She watched as the Boraba took the tile of Chieftan and attended to her charge with pride. She saw her attend births and funerals, riding across the skies. She saw Norani, a mere child, and smiled. And then the waters darkened, they grew uncertain.

"I see you. You fought a great serpent three times and saved many lives,"
she whispered again, twisting as she saw the shadows of a black tail slip into the foliage. Yeva could sense it, seeing glimpses of it as the path grew unclear. The future was standing before her now and her heart began to pound, "But it still lives.

Yeva moved slowly in her searching now, struggling as the path converged in many directions. Only a few strands of fate remained untwisted. She kneeled to pluck the chord and watched as the scene unfolded, transported as if there herself. A sickening metallic stench filled her nose and she the sun was blocked from the sky. Another battle. She heard a great hiss and flinched as a chakram shot past her and jumped back. Boraba and Vich'uvi were fighting, no doubt the Chieftess would driver the monster back again. This time, the snake remained invisible, although the foliage shifted when it moved. Trees bowed beneath the weight of its belly. Yeva held her breath. Dragon scales covered Boraba, who ran towards the beast with blood dripping from her body. She looked battered, wild with rage and determination, protecting something. Someone? Her people? Yeva could not look away as the trees snapped and the Chieftan was snatched up, screaming as her blades sunk into the snake's flesh and it coiled around her, in a pleased squeeze. Bones crunched and Boraba roared. Blood splattered as fangs sunk into the orc's back and her body was tossed to the ground. Her shadow faded and her eyes dulled with life.

She witnessed the death of the Chieftess.


Images followed. Faint, and fleeting now, crossing over Boraba's path. Her funeral rites. The discussion of a new leader. Someone under her charge who took her place. Someone close. More scenes, fated.

The path continued to tangle and grow murky, Yeva's hands started to shake. When she could take no more and feared growing lost, she ran back up the path in desperation. She wanted for now, where they sat together in the warm hut, drinking tea. Before she knew it, Yeva was jolted into reality while her senses returned. She was gasping loudly, her vision slow to fading from the twinkle of stars to soft firelight, the smell of herbal tea and leather sickeningly sharp. Fear gripped her and she touched her face to find tears had trickled down her face. She looked at the empty tea cup accusatorily, and ran her fingers over every nearby surface, as if to convince herself of its solidarity. Wood, fur, cotton, leather, glass. Skin.

And then she looked at Boraba, her voice lost.

She opened her mouth, a wave of nausea making her feel faint.

"I need to lay down now," she said, sinking into nearby cushions, where she could press her face into the fabric. Seeing the orc's face, at ease and alive, made the vision feel like a knife in her chest. Yeva had never seen anyone die before. She was quiet for a while and felt like a little girl again. She wanted her mother, or her grandmother. She wanted to go home. Instead she was here, watching the end of a great leader, "You are fiercest of all of Ounokt Nora's warriors," It was undeniable what she had seen. Boraba no doubt knew, or could surmise what she saw, "You will die protecting your people and this sacrifice will win the battle, but not the war. That will be up to your successor. I-I-I do not know when."

Yeva pinched her eyes closed, feeling feverish, "Vich'uvi will not live forever. Your death will be the catalyst for its destruction. There is much still undecided."

Fresh tears burned her eyes, confused by the whole experience. She had given readings, but never had she experienced it in such a way. Possibilities. Everything. Nothing. Fate. Energy, information, "What happened to me? Wh-" she swallowed, voice wavering, "What was that place?"
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Chieftain Boraba was impassive as she watched Yeva return from her trip into the Astral Sea. Boraba might be a believer in the old ways in regards to governance, but the ability to walk among the stars and time was holy and sacred to all of Ecith, and she was no exception. When told that she would die, she nodded. This she knew to be true. It had been prophesied once before and she was ready for it.

But with this vision came something new.

Victory. Her successor would defeat the great serpent, do what no other chieftain had been able to do for thousands of years. Boraba smiled softly, a wave of relaxation washing over her features, the tenseness of jaw and neck and shoulders fading away. Victory from her death, from the generation she was raising, was beautifully releasing.

It seemed that the Sky Reader needed guidance still, and Boraba was more than pleased to provide it. "It has many names, the most well known of which is the Astral Sea. It is the ocean of stars above the sky we can see, one that Galetira and those she has blessed can travel to. It is there that her and the Seers can view all the world, all of the past, the present, and future, and give guidance to the world. It seems that Galetira is calling upon you, challenging you."

Boraba grabbed a nearby teak bowl of brown little nut like things, passing them over to Yeva. "Cacao nibs. I've been told that they are particularly good at raising the spirits of a tired Seer after a voyage upon the Astral Sea."

She leaned back, relaxing, "I am honored that you have witnessed my death. I can see upon your face that it is the first time for you." Her smile softened, "It never gets easier, and I do not believe it should." She sighed, closing her eyes as she cast her face upwards at the roof of the hut, stretching a bit, "You do not need to follow this path toward Galetira and the Astral Sea. I'm told that there's very few things in this world that are cut into stone. It is a dangerous, costly, unforgiving path. Seers carry the weight of the world to help others, at the expense of themselves. If you continue, you will suffer, greatly. You will witness death and suffering in unbounding amounts. You will be a burden to those you are close to, you will find yourself hunted and persecuted and hated by many."

Boraba's face came back down once more, finding Yeva's eyes, a soft smile on her face, "But there is no calling greater than that of the Seer. I am responsible for the safety of the people of the village, and I take great pride in it. Seers are responsible for the safety of the people for the entire world. Seers have been averting the greatest disasters for many generations now, alleviating the suffering of the world, truly able to provide help and facilitate change."

Her palms now rested on her crossed knees as she leaned forward, "But at the end of the day, it is a choice. Just as my own death is a choice. I could slit my throat now, and that future you saw will be rendered a fallacy. But dying so that my people will live, dying so that another may succeed. That is an honorable death to end an honorable life. You've given me a wonderful gift this day, Yeva Bleu, and for that, I thank you. And I extend to you that which I do not give lightly. If you ever find yourself in need of anything in my power to give, I will answer your call."

She leaned back now, resting on her palms behind her, a common posture among the Orkhan, "What do you think of your time in Ecith? How did you come to be here? How do you find our people? How did you come to meet and be so close to Norani?"

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Her hands continued to shake as she gripped the surfaces around her, another wave of uncertainty swept over her while Baroba extended an offer of nibs, "Thank you," she managed, never quite acclimated to the sensation of sickness as a Hytori elf. Utilizing the nibs, Yeva's breathing slowed and she closed her eyes to relax. She could still feel the Chieftan's gaze and the warrior's shadow as she leaned forward to address her without question.

An offer to answer a call of aid should she need it.

Peeking beyond her lashes, she looked back up. It did not feel like a gift given, but a favor from an Orkan chieftain felt like a powerful thing, "Thank you," Yeva repeated, throat feeling dry. She took a breath and nodded as she regained her bearings. To walk the path of the Seer was a great burden and in turn, she would become a burden as well. But in exchange, she would wield a power to protect the world, navigating the ruthless hands between fate and chance.

There was no choice to make.

This was her calling, but also her curse.

"You have given me a gift," she added, before addressing the matter of her opinion of Ecith, "You have shown me... much..." Yeva passed the container of coca nibs between both of her hands, thinking of the many deaths she would witness if she continued this path, "I do not like seeing... you... as I have," Dead, she thought with a clearing of her throat, "But you've taught me on this day. I... I hope that if I am faced with the end, I will remember you."

Proud. Strong. Fearless. Bold.

Boraba's mindset was the very reason she appreciated the Ecithian Orc culture. Answering the next question was easily done, "I have come to greatly enjoy this place. Ecith is... unlike any other continent," her voice was soft, "I... well, I have not travelled much yet. But I have heard no stories that match it."

How did she come to find it?

"My grandmother taught me about divination when I was a girl. When she died, I-" To her surprise, a stone lodged itself in Yeva's throat and she had to take a minute before her voice returned to normal, "I was lonely. I've never... I've never had the easiest time making friends, but I romanticized adventure. I've always been a reader, so... I guess I just wanted to run away. I bought the first ticket out of town, and ended up in Zaichaer. I found a place to stay there and the wheel just kept turning. It was hard."

Yeva thought of how she had met Franky, invited to a morning breakfast and her apprehension. Her eviction. A new apartment, a better landlord. Her brush with Galtiera, her almost-arrest, "There was a goblin who took me under his wing. I don't know why," she shrugged, "He was just getting a tavern started, had a lot on his plate... But he always treated me with respect, you know?"

She met Boraba's gaze, not realizing she had been staring off in the distance, "I always felt I was being pulled somewhere... Maybe it was Ecith?"

Yeva chewed at her bottom lip, "Anyway, Franky - that's the goblin - him and his wife encouraged me to keep going. They always believed in me. They paid for me, to come here. To keep growing and learning," a few more tears rose to her eyes, but this time from a mix of missing Franky and Dalma, but also from sheer thankfulness, "Whatever I wanted."

"Not long after, I arrived to Ecith and it was," Yeva gave a laugh at the memory of her arrival, wiping at her ears, "A shock."

"I'm not the strongest, or the swiftest. I struggled a lot; even now. With the culture, the language, the stairs, the wildlife," she sniffled, smiling now, "I could never tell if I was being praised or mocked. I wasn't in the city long when I found Norani. She had been at a table, and honestly, I thought she was asleep. I thought if I sat there, I might be able to eat breakfast unnoticed and find somewhere to hide."

Some animals stayed with the herd. For those without the safety numbers brought, it was often better to go unseen, as to not draw attention of predators. That had been the plan.

Norani and the others had not been visiting in the commonwealth long when they had met, "Norani never hesitated. She just... found me. I felt so out of place, but I think she did too... and ..It was nice," she admitted, "-to meet someone who understood what I felt, even when I didn't know how to say it yet."

Norani had always built her up, without judgement, without reserve. Yeva had been a baby bird learning to fly, and Norani had watched over her while she followed after her. A little red duckling, "She's been one of the best things to ever happen to me."

" How could I not adore her?"
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Boraba was passive, but focused, as she listened to all of Yeva's words. This woman was truly speaking from the heart, opening up in a way very few foreigners are oft to do. She was proving that she was becoming Ecithian, in the most personal and best of ways. Boraba was assuming that Galetira would pull Yeva into the flock of Seers sooner than later. It would be a hard road but Yeva knew this and seemed to determined to walk it. But she needn't walk it alone. No Seer did.

No Seer should.

"Norani does feel out of place. And... it isn't time for her to find out why. And that is a burden I must carry until that time comes to pass." Boraba looked determined, yet sad. "And you've been one of the best things to happen to her. It is clear to anyone who knows either of you. And she adores you dearly. It's been so long since I'd seen her smile in such a way as she does while with you."

Boraba's gaze grew fierce, "I would highly recommend you not try to read Norani's fortune. No matter what. Your destinies are weaving in closely now, and to see what may come of that runs the very real and great risk of breaking it. Seers are fated to See, for better or for worse. Death will not be the worst thing you will see."

Her features growing soft as Boraba stood up, she offered a hand to Yeva, "I mustn't keep us much longer. We have a meal to attend soon." Boraba already knew what she needed to do next. It was time to carry out the destiny that would lead to her own death. She would send a falcon to the Temple of the Charadin, bearing her seal, with Norani's name upon it. It was the next step that she must take to defeat her people's greatest enemy. It just saddened her that so much pain had to be put upon Norani's heart to achieve it. But what she hadn't expected was for Norani to find another to make her smile, for one to make her heart soar, the way that Juno had those years ago. She hadn't expected Yeva, and with her arrival, Boraba knew that Yeva and Norani would be able to get through anything, together.

They've have to.

"Have you ever had roasted capybara before? We are near a large breeding ground for them and I expect the hunters to come back with a few."

Death wasn't so bad. It was carrying that secret from Norani and her family that would haunt Boraba's soul for the rest of her days, how few in number they might be.
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Yeva would be lying to say that she wasn't flattered at the idea of making Norani smile, their relationship had been mutually beneficial to one another and they were better as a result of it. Her chest warmed with affection and despite her fatigue, she smiled from the comfort of the cushions, still seeing traces of the Astral Sea when she closed her eyes. There was no hint of embarrassment at what Yeva had shared with Boraba, partly as a result of how much she believed had also been revealed to her in her fortune-telling. She felt as if she knew Boraba now, more than just general passings.

The mystic allowed her eyes to wander, to the speckles of unassuming tea leaves still clinging to the sides of the cup, when a grave warning was passed along.

It was stern, parental, although it was presented as more of a suggestion than order, "I would highly recommend you not try to read Norani's fortune. No matter what."

Her brows knitted in confusion. To dissuade her now... Why?

Boraba continued, "Your destinies are weaving in closely now, and to see what may come of that runs the very real and great risk of breaking it. Seers are fated to See, for better or for worse. Death will not be the worst thing you will see."

Yeva stiffened, the realization of different possibilities playing in her mind as she watched the Chieftain pushed upwards to stand, tall as any tower when her shadow fell across Yeva. A green hand was extended to her, which the mystic looked at dumbly while her imagination twisted various horrors, not only the death of her friend, but suffering. Separation, "Alright," she whispered after consideration, too afraid to consider defiance after the disorienting and eye-opening meeting. It was clear Boraba, among others in Ecith, knew more about her path than even she did, and it would be imperative she trusted their guidance until she was capable of navigating these many mysteries.

Her service in this life would be greater than any girlish curiosity.

Self discipline, patience, perseverance... These traits would be necessary in the days to follow.

Yeva slipped her hand into the orcs, feeling the callouses formed from many years of battle and hard work. In comparison, hers were soft, small, delicate. Elvish, "I-I am a bit hungry," she admitted, her stomach settling the more time that passed and the further she felt from the astral sea. Would it get easier? Would she ever go back?

Using her free hand, Yeva wiped at her cheeks, swiping away any remnants of tears before they left the tent. Her eyes felt dry and tired as if she had been crying for hours instead of minutes, and she tried to smile at the gift of normalcy in the conversation. She shook her head at the question of capybara, still distant but slowly returning to herself. As the flap of the tent was lifted and the evening air brushed against her, Yeva held onto the Chieftan's hand and did not let go for some time.

When it was time for Boraba to resume her duties, Yeva knew she could not hold on forever. Nodding to no one in particular, she squeezed the woman's hand and pressed the orc's knuckles to her forehead out of respect and reverence, whispering prayers of gratitude and goodbye, "Thank you."

Today, and tomorrow.
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Loot: N/A
Injuries: Emotional damage?

Points: 15 Exp, cannot be used for magic

Comments: :D

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