The Power In My Blood Ⅱ

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet:
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Continued from HERE
Company: Dimitri - Civilians - Warrior | Thoughts: Time to cut loose | Mood: Unleashed
The two ran toward the commotion, unsure as to what they would find at the source. The smell of blood became thicker in the air, and it was driving the vampyre crazy. There was a battle going on nearby and the smell of the blood in the air was becoming so thick he couldn't deny the fact that casualties were numerous. As they neared the source of the commotion the two soon found bodies nearby.

At first, it was just one or two every few feet, but soon more seemed to show up, and each one was adorned in a red robe, with silver and gold trim as the embroidery. Coming down the road he could see them, a large ginger male with an unmistakable face was cornered by several individuals clad in the same robes. He was obviously a capable warrior, but upon seeing the people cowering behind the towering male, Dante decided to watch and see how things go before he had no choice but to step in.

The male was doing his best to fend them off, using his wide range and girth of this form as a shield for the civilians as he cut down the robed attackers with his axe. Compared to the large, it was clear the others were outmatched, though they seemed to have him outnumbered and that was their only advantage, that and the fact his focus was split between fighting them and defending the civilians. However, Dante found his fighting style impressive to say the least. From the looks of things, the avialae had already cut down half of them, as they passed ten corpses on the way, and fifteen seem to remain.

They had him equally surrounded but after a pause, they resumed their attack. "We need to separate him from the civilians so they can be taken to safety" he mentioned, tapping into his Vitalis rune, and forming bladed claws from Vicissitude. He was content with slaughtering some robed freaks, he still had some training to do with this rune, and this was the perfect opportunity to do so. Their first priority was making sure the civilians remained safe.

Looking to Dimitri he nodded, giving a nonverbal command of sorts t the human as he began to compress the air in front of him, his kinetics rune lighting up in its different hues. Creating a platform he began to make one after the other, having them last as long as it would take for him to step on to the next. They were quick and inexpensive to make, and soon he found himself descending into the fray. He could see one of the robed attackers using the avialae's blindspot to their advantage, and Dante found his first target.

Like a rocket Dante lept from the finally compressed tile he had created, using push to propel himself forward, driving his bladed nails right through the man's throat from behind. The sound of him gargling his own blood alone caught the attention of everyone present, the avialae more stunned than anyone. Removing his bladed nails he licked the fresh blood from them, then turned his venomous gaze upon those in front of him.

One down with so many more to go. "Who's next, who's ready to meet their god?" he said going full sprint toward the ones that turned their attention. Once he was ten feet in front of one he pushed toward him, appearing at his left side. As he slid to a quick stop he pivoted to turn so he was facing behind him, driving his bladed hand right into the man's back, slicing through him and out of his right side. "One" he hissed menacingly as he charged the others.

Two of the robed men charged at him as well in which he deflected the blade of the first one, and pounced on the other, slitting his throat upon landing on the bloodied forest floor. The other came in for an attack and Dante pulled himself back out the way with the flux, just enough to catch the soldier in his side, burying his clawed hand into him. "Two and three." he counted as two more came at him.

They tried their best to overwhelm him with slashes and swipes of their weapons, but the vampyre was just as agile as them and was keeping up, laughing all the while. He was having fun watching them try and kill him. He could hear the sound of gunshots as Dimitri was keeping the civilian protected. All three individuals locked blades, their blades being blocked by his bladed nails. Using kinetics he grabbed one of them and lifted them up into the air, and the surprise left the other open for the vampyre to drive his claws across the robed male's neck, blood spraying onto his face.

The man he sent into the air came back down, Dante watching happily as he caught the assailant with his claws, killing him. Amidst his pleasure he found sharp pain burning just under his left shoulder blade, looking back at the source with a glare that could kill. Of the few remaining robed warriors, one came and speared Dante in the shoulder, which pissed him off, but he could only smile as he reached back to grip the spear with his hand.

Using the flux he wrapped it around his hand in an applied grip, and snapped the spearhead from the rest of the weapon. Pulling the attacker in close with Pull, he planted the broken spearhead within the spearman's chest. "Four, five, & six" he mused, tilting his head to look at the final remaining warrior.

He found this one cowering near a large tree and approached. The man begged for his life and Dante laughed, taking the man by the face. With a wicked grin, he bit into the man's neck, draining him of his life and his blood. Standing he looked at the scene before him, proud of his work. The bloodied wolf found he could get used to battles like this. Turning his attention to Dimitri he watched his subordinate guide the civilians to safety.

In times like this, he was grateful to have the mortal male to aid him in times such as this. His gaze then turned to the large man as he was now in a bind all his own. Out of the eight remaining robed attackers, he had killed half though the other half seemed to have him on the ropes. Out of the four remaining, one of them seemed to be skilled, more than the others. He had raised his blade up above the large man's head.

There wasn't a look of fear in the man's eyes, but one of defiance. He fought against the chains that bound him, snarling as he glared his impending executioner down. His glare however turned to confusion and shock when the man was yanked from in front of him. He was pulled into the bladed claws of the Vampyre. However, Dante didn't outright kill him but merely pierced his shoulders instead as he would have some questions for that one later.

With him out of commission, the vampyre's gaze turned to the other three, a wicked smile on his face as he rushed them. He was stopped mid-stride however as the brute used their fear and distraction to tear them apart. One by one the last remaining robed warriors drew their last breath. Dante reclaimed the flesh that was his vicissitudes claws, coming to stand before the towering man, a smile upon Dante's face.

Upon closer inspection, he could see the giant of a man had taken extensive damage, his blood permeating the air. He could see that the man was closed to passing out and he knelt down to ease the big guy down. It would see he needed rest, and Dante would allow him that respite. However, there was still one more matter to attend to and that was the one he had left alive. Walking over to the wounded man he sat him up, holding his head in a tight grip.

"Care to tell me why you are hunting innocent people?" he asked politely, though the man in robes simply spat at him. Where that would have pissed anyone else off it simply made Dante smile. He didn't have to tell him, as the vampyre would gleam all he wanted to know from his blood. Tilting his head to the side, he plunged his fangs into the man's neck.

His blood provided some answers, as he could see a group of the robed men, a path through the Wild King's Forge, and an old-looking temple. He couldn't make sense of any of it, but for now, he would focus on what he did know, and that was that he had stumbled into something he wasn't all too sure wouldn't be worth his curiosity.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
Last edited by Dreyfus on Sat Aug 20, 2022 9:12 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1610

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Tactics: Prioritizing the safety of civilians
Tactics: Fear can be quite useful
Vitalis: Using Psychomentry to learn details
Investigation: Finding clues through drinking blood
Kinetics: Using Compression in unorthodox ways
Kinetics: Compression Platforms

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 8XP (can be used for Vitalis or Kinetics)

Comments: Happy writing!

word count: 61
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