A Careful Reunion [Franky, Lyra]

High City of the Northlands

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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
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A Careful Reunion
16th of First Bloom, 122nd Year, A.o.S. (Glade 42)

There was so much he still did not yet fully grasp about the city of brass and industry. Even after everything that he'd gone over with Dante and the Monteliyet family, Rickter struggled to consider where to begin in his quest. To find a way of saving Talon, here of all places, felt all the more out of place than expected. The wolf wasn't a stranger to the norms of society, but when that society involves the polar opposite of freedom? It was no wonder the Vampyre wanted to liberate his fellow mages from this 'glorious' city. Dornkirk. He was here somewhere as well, and as much as the wolf wanted to confront him...

Too much at too fast a pace and he'd only hasten his demise. So as Rickter walked the streets of East End he observed, not just the people but the buildings that he passed along as well. He took in everything he could other than just a glimpse or a scent, driving down the anxiety of his innermost concerns as he walked about like any other citizen would. It honestly wasn't too hard to blend in here really, at least, not when he wasn't dressed head to toe in his gear. The wolf had opted to wear a longsleeved shirt to cover his forearms, hiding the runes underneath them as he kept a mental thumb pressed over his aura.

He needed to keep his presence in this city hidden from anyone who might've traced it here. Especially given the fact he was a lonely mage, surrounded by bigots and cowards wherever he might've roamed. Deep down he knew exactly what he needed to do, or at least where to begin, but before he could do that he needed to be selective about the place. In passing the Red Dragon he knew too well that going in there was too risky, plus the sting of his own abduction ironically almost a year ago still rested deep in his core. No. He didn't want to go back in there just yet, not without knowing he'd be fine with getting out alright as well.

So he ventured further into the more slums of the eastern side of town, entering an area that was signed as "The Grungeworks" on a post he passed along the street. This place is huge... He noted as he seemed to hit the other end of the spectrum, where humans seemed lesser and lesser in volume in comparison to the other races that inhabited Zaichaer. And to think... I've only ever seen so little on the West End. Not that he wanted to see much else, even if that was the key to learning of his enemies here. The more Rickter could absorb through his observations, the better off he felt with his chances, even if the change in scenery was far beyond overwhelming.

Finally, he wandered to a part of the Grungeworks where several shops and businesses resided, and noticed the tavern with an interesting brand carved in the door. Uncertain blue eyes contemplated the lot for a moment, unsure of what he might find within this "Hobbled Gobbler" he had stumbled upon. Considering the company... maybe the food isn't bad here. He was a little bit peckish as of now... And worst-case scenario, he could set up his own invitation here. To draw her out while he continued learning. Observing. Door's a little tedious. He noted after figuring out which way to open it, given that it didn't budge the moment he gave the knob a steady twist.

Once he entered the establishment he could already smell food and booze, masking the other scents that permeated the room after he'd stepped inside. There were so many scents to sift through in fact, that the wolf couldn't help the grimace as his nose itched a bit. Seeing the setup of the lobby where many tables lined for a more communal environment, the wolf hesitated before he noted the other tables that were closer to the walls. Those seemed to cater to the more private fellows it looked like, though, the establishment was clearly buzzing with activity from all varying walks of life. Goblins were seated everywhere, though there were elves too from what Rickter could observe. The pointed ears and lighter skin complexions made those distinctions easier.

When the wolf approached his own table found within a corner of the establishment, he quietly took a seat to allow an employee to approach him. He'd order food when that happened, but until then, he opted to keep to himself as he stared into the flame of the candle. The atmosphere here felt different than the rest of Zaichaer, almost enough to where Rickter didn't feel as nervous as he did before. Yet he was still alone, and, whether what he was about to do was stupid or not; he couldn't tell. It was a carefully made choice at that, one he didn't plan on fucking up just by lack of focus either. So as Rickter waited he focused, almost meditatively, on the candle that burned in front of him. At the surface, he looked to be thinking rather heavily, while deep down he'd zoned in on the whisper he'd kept trapped inside.

Alright... I'm going to let you out of your cage for a minute. Do me a favor, and lure her here while we're at it. As he thought this the contemplation allowed him to absolve only one layer of restraints against the whisper, the chains that kept it contained within him rattling in his core as he released the hold on his aura just a little. Enough so that even she might feel his presence here to say the least.

Come and find me, Lyra. He about challenged as he looked from the candle toward the lobby of the bar, interested to see if she or anyone else might come along.

"Common" "Synskrit"
"Voice" Thought
word count: 1052
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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It was nearly halfway through Glade, and nothing new had happened in the silent, brewing conflict within Karnor. Franky was, frankly, surprised at this. If this was an Imperial conflict, they could've had a full scale war in this time, and yet, nothing was happening. Franky knew he wasn't in the know, but Karnor was not a big place, a war would be noticed by the general populace.

Still, the longer it dragged out in starting, the better for the merchants profiting off of preparing for it. It was midday here at the Gobbler and Franky was content. His staff was working the floor and the room perfectly, just as they always did, and there was an abundance of regulars and new faces.

Franky sipped at his Sol'valen Pale Ale, still surprised at just how strong of a citrus tang came with it. He wasn't sure it was a favorite of his, but he knew he could sell it. He snorted. He was confident he could sell anything to anyone. He was gazing around the room, when he saw the candles on the walls flicker, and a sly grin came upon his face. He knew what was coming, a trick he'd seen dozens of times now, though this would be the first within his tavern.

There was a commanding tap at the top of the stairs, one that caused a few heads to turn. Another tap followed as a pair of boots began to slowly descend the staircase. Each tap, sounding more like commands now, invited more heads to turn. Soon, she appeared.

She was in her traditional dancing garb, slowly undulating her hips and stomach, her arms acting as both balance and as snakes attempting to charm the eyes to where Dalma wished them to look. She was beautiful and graceful, powerful and commanding. She danced down the stairs as the room grew quiet. The flames atop the candles seemed to be leaning toward her, awaiting a whispered command.

She danced through the crowd, never touching anyone, her eyes holding each pair that met hers for a lifetime of a moment. She danced her way to beneath the candelabra, and that's when it grew fervent. Her moves were wild, primal, her eyes closed. Franky knew she was communing with the fires to reach the fates, just as she'd been doing her whole life.

And as she danced, three candles above her all snuffed at once, sending off lazy trails of smoke. Her movements pulled these threads down and around her, ribbons dancing around her, coiling, intertwining. To some, she looked to be dancing with them, but to Franky, he knew that this was more intimate than when even they made love. She continued to writhe and coil and dance until she gasped deeply, freezing on the spot.

She then smiled, opened her eyes, and took a bow. And as she did, the candle in the candelabra closest to Rickter sputtered and died out. Dalma turned, giving the foreign man a long look and a sly grin, before turning toward the bar. Upon reaching the wood, she reached out, pulling Franky roughly against her, taking his lips hungrily as she pressed hard against him.

"Hello, my love."

"Hello, darlin."

She raised an eyebrow up at him, "Did you see?"

He nodded, knowing she was talking about the sputtered candle. A sign.

"Someone over there is on a deadhead course to you."

Franky chuckled, "Then I'll wait patiently with you for their arrival."

He poured her a flagon of the pale ale, as she sat upon a barstool, across from him. He stood tall as she slouched on the bar. It was warm these days, he wore a white linen shirt, short cuffed sleeves, unbuttoned at the chest. His pale and scarred visage always stood out in the Gobbler, and that was how he preferred it.

He wondered who the fates had in store for him today and he grinned.

The fates had been kind to him since he'd come to Zaichaer.

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Title: Dabu
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A grackle attended to him after he'd sat down for a few minutes, and while woefully aware of his peckish stomach, the wolf opted to settle in first with at least a steady drink. There came something about a pale ale that the little guy was suggesting, to which, Rickter nodded agreeably even though he might've zoned out for thought. Seeing as how he'd receive that drink a couple of minutes later, the wolf soon realized just what exactly he'd bargained for when he agreed to the suggestion. The fermented citrus aroma tickled his nostrils senseless when he'd whiffed it, and just a mere sip was a bubbling wagon of oranges that rolled over the tongue. He might've raised an eyebrow in reaction to the drink, a little more pleased than anticipated by it as he rested the mug down.

That was when Rickter felt a shift in the air, at least, a subtle rise within the room as the candle flickered before him. Not just his candle though, the candles everywhere seemed to shutter. Rickter didn't even have to rely on his magic to discern the presence of magic when he felt it, albeit the aura that filled the room so discernable to the untrained eye. In this case, the wolf could smell the smokey flavors of firewood when she entered the room, the clicks down each step gradually drawing the attention of everyone else within the lobby. A Hobgoblin garbed in what Rickter would've described as gypsy, or perhaps exotic, dancing clothes that looked unfamiliar to the wolf.

Regardless he couldn't help but tilt his head over curiously, his quiet eyes on the averagely short auburn-haired lady as she danced her way through the crowd. There was no doubt in his mind that this Hobgoblin was an Elementalist, what with the way the flames reacted to her presence. Already his own heartbeat quickened when Rickter realized this, yet when the curious woman drew closer it was only for their eyes to meet, with a threatening rise of apprehension as he quickly averted his gaze into his mug. He had no idea what was really going on, but he knew something was at play here; and what the Hobgoblin sought was something he did but didn't want to know.

Still she'd carried on through the crowd with not a single touch on a patron, the rhythmic sway in her arms grew more frantic as tempo seemed to rise. She now danced more wildly, drawing out the smoke trails that soon danced within the air with the woman. Though reluctant to eye her directly as before, Rickter had gradually started to watch in the event of how things would play out. What he saw looked awe-inspiring to be sure, yet what the lady could do in plain sight in public no less, that alone sparked interest with magic being prevalent in a society that oppresses it. Questions practically danced through his mind because of this Hobgoblin, even if he hadn't quite intended to engage with anyone here so openly.

No, he had to play it smart here, as Hannah would remind him, which meant minimizing distractions from his goal, and blending in as much as possible even for him. So imagine his surprise, when Rickter noticed the sudden death of a flame above. Again his eyes narrowed on her, respectively of course, as to be aware of what she could possibly be. Beyond that though, he had nothing to go on and nothing substantial to gain, if he flat out approached her directly over this whole... show. He was also apt to join the applause from the customers that cheered and whistled to her, before the ambience lessened to its normal threshold once more.

Oh. Well... He noted the firm public display of affections shared between the couple, the wolf guessing that by affiliation, the taller Hobgoblin was her husband. Rickter averted his gaze once more, sipping down more of the Pale Ale as he kept to himself for a little bit longer. If I'm going to be kept waiting, then I might as well consider grabbing a bite. Sitting here too long without ordering anything could look suspicious after all... He wondered just how long it could probably take before Lyra would even discover him here, and he hoped for Talon's sake that this gods damned whisper was transmitting like it should.

The wolf hadn't fully grasped the fundamentals of her powers yet, but if he had to guess, Lyra's capabilities worked in similar to a Mesmerer but on a different scale. Much different when he actually considered it really, since Lyra's smoke is essentially the aether used to produce the effects. Either way, he had no way of knowing if she would show or not, and while he wouldn't dare push his luck for too long... he also didn't have very many options at this point either. I know, I know... He quietly whined as he acknowledged the gurgles of an empty stomach. He couldn't stand the thought of putting himself out there now, of all times, but this was honestly one of the best chances for him to do a bit of fishing for information as well.

Therefore with a sigh through his nostrils, Rickter finally scooted his chair back and rose from it. With a brief lift spent replacing the object under the table, he then grabbed his mug and carefully moved past a few Grackles and Lysanrin woman toward the bar. When he arrived he sat down two stools away from the fire dancer, his mug placed on the counter as he cozied on the stool for a moment. He then gave the scarred-up Hobgoblin a brief direct look before averting his gaze just so slightly, and even worked in a faint smile before he addressed the man behind the bar. "Excuse me. But might I inquire as to what that delicious smell in your kitchen is?" He bluntly inquired with a rather impressive straight face, obviously mesmerized more by the food than the smell of the couple before him.

"Common" "Synskrit"
"Voice" Thought
word count: 1064
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=848


The pen in Lyra's hand paused its methodical motions as she glanced up and out the window into the mid afternoon light. Her brow creased, the relaxed as she looked back down at her work.

"Something wrong?" Naila asked from where she lounged on one of the overly plush armchairs. The Mercenary had arrived in the city only a few days prior, but she had quickly begun her. She had already found several potential leads to a magical 'black market' held by the Covens of the city. So far she had not made much headway in getting into their good graces, but Lyra knew that it was simply a matter of time. Most importantly she was able to smuggle in a few important items that would come in handy later.

Lyra smiled at the little snake that curled lazily around her neck. Artur was a welcome comfort and an invaluable asset to her work. She also found she missed the creature, a sentiment that made Lyrielle scoff.

"Nothing is wrong." Lyra said as she pet the snake's scaled head, "It seems the little pup has arrived in the city."

"The one with the kids?" Naila arched an eyebrow, "Strange place for a new father to be."

"He is an odd one." Lyra agreed with a sign. She could sense her whisper some distance away. She had almost assumed the man was dead when she could no longer sense her whisper, but now that she could feel it once more she knew that was not the case. Usually, one of her whispers would fade over time or disappear if it used all of the stored aether. It would also dissipate if its host died. Lyra had not sensed the whisper losing aether, and there was no large aether consumption at once that normally indicated a whisper had been activated fully. So death had been the only logical answer. Apparently, she had been wrong.

Glancing at the window, and then the door to her lavish prison, Lyra continued, "We will go to him this evening. Make preparations."

"Alright." Naila said with a shrug, standing and making for the window. With one foot on the window seal, she looked back, "Should I get anything in particular?"

"Find an inconspicuous face." Lyra said without looking up, "I saw a girl in the Grundge Works that sold bread. That will do fine."

"Lady of Whispers"
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The prophesied caller eventually made his approach. Franky gave him a quick once over, closer now. This was a large man, bigger than most of the natives here. And Franky hadn't seen him before. That wasn't suspicious, Franky had plenty of first time customers these days. But the man wasn't a native. At least not of the Knob. He didn't have that bit of dust on his neck that couldn't sneak beneath collars, nor the grime caked into the cuticles of his fingers that gripped his mug. Plus he seemed to actually have drunk a decent bit of the citrusy pale ale. Most of the customers so far were like Franky, not fans of it. He was practically giving it away for free now. Which was fine. Time to get it out of his bar.

Franky made no attempt to hide his smile. This was a quiet type of man. The stern look followed by looking away. That was something well known in the world of those who tend bar's world. Someone needing attended to, but not wanting to draw attention. That was fine by Franky, this man wasn't the first of the night to do that, and Franky doubted he'd be the last. Franky finished wiping down the flagon he was cleaning out, setting it on its shelf, and made his way over. Ah, once again, Franky's chefs had lured in another.

They truly were one of his best hires, the smell of his kitchen drew in people from all over the Knob. He should give them a raise. "Sure thing, mate." Franky grabbed a pitcher of the pale ale he'd kept on hand, refilling Rickter's drink. "Half price now." Franky leaned forward onto his forearms, "Well, my cooks have been whipping up something new, for them. One of our local hunters managed to bring down one of them flying serpents, that type out there in the black sands? My guy took one down." Franky stood up, shaking his head, "A wild story the way Horken told it. Anyways, he drags that serpent all the way here."

Franky took a drag off his own mead, "The thing wakes up right out there, in the back alley," Franky jabs a thumb over his shoulder, pointing past the kitchen to the back of the building, "My head chef eventually had the good sense to grab a bottle of high proof Kalzasi vodka, set a barmop to it, light a flame from my cigarette and burnt that bastard to death with the exploding bottle."

Franky chuckled, shaking his head at the whole event, "Anyways, the meal tonight is lightly charred winged serpent, Haqsian Sprouts braised in a chili maple sauce with first season potatoes, boiled, accompanied by a romsauce. Can I get you a plate? I promise you won't find a meal like it ever again."

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Title: Dabu
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Though Rickter possessed reluctance he found it easier to force a light grin, having seen the Hobgoblin behind the bar smiling at him in turn. The wolf knew it was likely just second nature, since the man wasn't without a thriving business from the looks of his customers. Even so, that didn't stop him from getting whiffs of that delectable smell, his distracted eyes lowering back to the drink when it was refilled by the generous owner. Half priced now? He must've wanted to dispose of the beverage then, not that the wolf himself felt in the mood to complain about it.

"Thanks..." He remarked gently but not so quietly that the bustle of patrons drowned out his tone. When Rickter lifted the mug to sip from it once more, he listened intently to the story the Hobgoblin spun. Apparently, the cooks were trying something new tonight, after a hunter brought something for them merely half-dead instead of completely. The wolf's eyebrows rose as he rested the mug down, with a bit of a lean into his elbows as he relaxed his arms on the edge of the bar. "Really?"

He'd never heard about these serpents before, though that came with the new territory anyway. Realizing this didn't make his thoughts any more comfortable either, given he was trying to lay low and pretend he wasn't from further up north. To his surprise when he heard of the bit with the Kalzasian vodka, there developed a bit of amusement in the corners of his eyes for a moment, as the faint smile he wore started to rest a bit more genuinely. "Speaking of cigarettes; do you have to spare? Sell even?" Rickter inquired respectively when he listened to the rest of the story, a little baffled if not certainly entertained by the imagination of the event.

After being told tonight's dinner the wolf's mouth watered, because he could already smell that serpent as well as the maple undertones in the air. Whatever those chefs or cooks were doing, they were making one hell of a meal tonight. "I'll take a plate, yeah, if you don't mind." He agreed without a second to debate the matter, his gut already pining for the meal as he subtly averted his eyes. It was only for that moment he visually investigated Franky, the bar owner's friendly and welcoming demeanor a sign that Rickter wasn't how to take just yet. The Hobgoblin seemed genuine but even then, the wolf hadn't forgotten the territory he was now treading either.

Thus while Rickter seemed to cozy himself a little, his gaze shifted when he heard the squeal of an opened door. Another couple of Siltori elves entered the premises, neither of them resembling who he had hoped might walk through that same door after a while. "If it's alright, I'm uh... hoping to meet someone here." He finally shared with the barkeep, his gaze averted back to his mug before he looked to carry the conversation. "Not sure when they'll arrive yet, so I'll just enjoy the food and company til then." But would he really? The times he enjoyed unwinding at the High Hopes he wasn't usually one to let loose and bask with company. A lot of this felt out of his element to him, nearly overwhelmingly in fact, yet he kept a simple if not curious expression when he talked with the Hobgoblin.

"Common" "Synskrit"
"Voice" Thought
word count: 615
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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The sun had nearly set with they finally arrived at the Hobbled Gobbler. It was warm, but not in the sense of heat. There was laughter, talking, music, and other things one might expect from such a place, but it was almost something more than that. Neither Naila nor Lyra could place it. The smell of food hit them as they walked through the front door, strong enough that Lyra herself felt a slight interest in the food for sale. They scan the crowd, but it did not take long for Naila to spot Rickter and begin making her way toward him.

They wore a plain, freckled face with brown hair tied in a braid. Their clothing was simple but clean, simple cloth skirts and tunic. The face belonged to a girl that worked at the edge of the grundgewokrs. She was selling bred from her mother's bakery as she always did, which made it simple to pluck her appearance while casually walking by on the way to their destination. The girl wasn't quite meek but reserved which Naila mimicked in her walk to the bar, taking a seat on the other side of Rickter.

She didn't look at him directly, but Lyra did listen to the symphonies of him, and the crowds around. Happiness chimed like bells while frustration and anger were deep gongs playing at sporadic moments throughout the pub. Embarrassment, tension, excitement, sadness. Lyra glanced over it all as Naila turned their head to glance out of the corner of her eye at Rickter.

"I guess they let strays in now, though you're cute so I guess it's ok." she smiled before waving for the bartender herself.

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At the request for smokes, Franky pulled out his pack of Goblin Weed cigs, popping one out for the man, lighting up a match to follow. "First one on me, but we do sell packs if you'd like." He didn't bother to warn the man about the pungent Goblin Weed, it was his own personal enjoyment to let people experience it the first time unaltered by opinion. It was strong, tangy, sticky, and let off a purple smoke that lingered for a long time. And it was the favorite of most goblins.

Franky nodded, dipping back into the kitchen, already being handed a dinner plate by his efficient kitchen crew. He set it back in front of the man now, "Well it's a good thing you've come to a place made for meeting people. Enjoy your meal."

The man's demeanor wasn't lost on Franky. But the down trodden gaze, the hesitancy to share and open up, that was one of the most common things in taverns. People with loving, happy families rarely ever came to this type of establishment. Like many, this man had been hurt and was still hurting. But some drink, some food, and being around others was a good a medicine as any other. Franky wouldn't push, he never pushed.

Franky saw him being waved over by a familiar face. "Duty calls."

He made his way over to the young woman, "Welcome Jiaya. Your mum finally give you a day off?" Franky spoke with a comfortable smile. Jiaya often delivered bread to the tavern and she was a regular, but typically as a vendor. This was the first time Franky had ever seen her as a customer, despite how many times he'd offered her a meal and drink.

Maybe she finally had decided to take him up on that.

"What can I get for ya, lass?"

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Title: Dabu
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Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


Graciously Rickter accepted the cig from his tender, a genuine hint of appreciation narrowed in his gaze when he might've smiled. A whole pack's worth? He'd probably burn through them in a matter of hours if given the opportunity, though, it had been a long while since his usual nights at the cabaret also. "I might take you up on that." He gently remarked before utilizing the held match to light the tip of his joint. He had to admit there was a candid foulness he enjoyed of the herb, something that certainly mislead his tastes once he inhaled a drag with a practiced hit. His eyes widened from the sheer overwhelming high that came, a baffled gaze let down upon the joint as the purple smoke warmed his throat afterward.

Seeing the thick plumage trail out his lips and nostrils, Rickter soon felt an immense weight loosen in his shoulders. That was stronger than what the Madame back home could get for the cabaret! Not long after the wolf had relished the potency of his cig, but the smell of food approached at just the right time. "Thanks mate." He complimented humbly before staring at the plate of serpent meat, along with the deliciously fragrant sides that came with it. Rickter nearly drooled when he first laid eyes on it, not one to wait around when fresh hot food waited for him to gobble down.

He'd already eaten half his plate before the approach of another went unnoticed, simply due to the wolf being engorged in the sensation of delicious maple flavors dancing across his tongue. Simply put his sense of smell failed him this one time, but, the sound of the voice next to him allowed the wolf to look over and see who'd arrived. Strays? At first glance, he didn't know who this lady was at all, just a young woman who smelled of... Oh. I'd recognize that scent anywhere. So Lyra had finally come it seemed, her vassal Naila putting up one hell of an elaborate disguise. Rickter would have to get notes from her later, if they ever found more time to stick around one another that is.

"They haven't thrown me out yet." The wolf mused back to Naila as he felt a ward resonate in his mind. It was the specific ward he'd tasked toward Lyra, only, Rickter never realized he could actually sense when she flexed her aether. She could read the room all she wanted but from him, well, the wolf made damn well sure he'd guarantee her a silence on his behalf. It was only by releasing one of the wards, after all, that he allowed her to find him here. Yet here they are... and the wolf hadn't the slightest idea what to really say. He was still halfway through his meal, the goblin weed cig still burning in the nearby ashtray between them. Thankfully it seemed the face they picked for their little excursion backfired, as the Hobgoblin addressed them with an obvious familiarity with the girl.

Interesting... how are we keeping things covert in this situation? He couldn't help but wonder since, ideally, they were supposed to be unrecognizable in general. Though, that also gave the wolf's mind to Franky's attention to memory and detail, a fact not lost on the wolf as he watched the Hobgoblin interact with her. This led Rickter to wonder, how could they subtly converse without drawing suspicion from a concerned Hobgoblin. I wonder... He reflected back on the calling that took place in his soul, and took another bite of the Haqsian Sprouts as he considered it. He wasn't sure if it'd work at all, but seeing as how Lyra was here visiting through Naila...

It's worth a try at this point... He admitted to himself with a hard swallow, before a quiet sigh exhaled through his nostrils. Alright, Lyra... I'm calling out to you. He ruminated as he focused on the ward within his mind, lifting the layer of Lyra's expulsion from his corporeal form once more. Only then would She be able to hear the wolf's symphony, of an everlasting night blanketed by a blizzard's fury.

"Common" "Synskrit"
"Voice" Thought
word count: 744
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Joined: Fri Aug 28, 2020 4:34 pm
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=846
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=882
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=848



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"You know mum doesn't believe in days off." Naila said, her smile changing to match the lighter tone as she focused on Franky, "Her knee's still bothering her so I'm havin' to do all her deliveries too." Naila sighed, pushing her hair back over one ear with another smile that said 'what can you do?'

"Came all the way across town so wanted to pick up something for dinner before going back. Is the stew Chestnut keeps on about safe?"

Naila had spent some time observing the girl before stealing her appearance. Normally she would have spent several days, but with their time constraint, she did what she could. She thought it would be enough for the evening, but she was vexed to learn that the girl, Jiaya, was personally known by the barkeep. Method acting it was then.

Lyra focused her attention on Rickter, giving Franky only a passing inspection during his and Naila's interaction. There was something in his rhythms that drew her, a firmness of character underlay by something frayed beneath, but it was not the time to deliver into the source of the man's steel-like will. Rickter though was different. Quiet, silent in fact, somewhat disturbing given how she knew him to be more emotion than man more often than naught. She could still feel her whisper inside, bound perhaps? It shouldn't have been possible, yet here she was, and more importantly, where he was. What was the pup doing in Zaichaer? In this inn?

Perhaps it is because of Be'melar? She wondered idly. She was curious, but their situation was not ideal for their topic of conversation. Then she felt it, a lifting of the wall between them, and the chill of the man's thoughts came like a blizzard on the mountain.

He was opening himself? Lyrielle smiled and reached out, not to Rickter, but to the whisper buried deep inside. She claimed it for her own once more, flooding it with aether as her magic sang. Much like she did with Finn, and with the Iron Queen, Lyra snapped a connection in place between herself and her whisper, pushing the whisper deeper into coldest parts of Rickter's soul as she did. The whisper resonated with her will, a lulling tone, a calming one as Lyrielle twined her tendrils deeper and deeper into the wolf's mind until finally...

Hello, little pup. Lyrielle's words echoed from the whisper, not as sound but as thoughts, sensations, and impressions. Like how she shared emotions with Sahfri and memories with Avamande, but because the whisper was already present in Rickter she could share even more with him. It sent a thrill through Lyrielle like finding a toy one had forgotten existed.

word count: 541
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