Venturing into Nasiim's Tower - Ch. 1 (Quest)

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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The near perpetual wheeze the bard had been fitted with returned to its natural cadence. A hoarseness to the nonsense that left her lips that others called a voice. Crooning complaints were smothered as a tiny man popped into existence and the lot was taken up into bubbles. Ought she laugh? Cry? Kick and scream until the bubble burst and she was sent crashing down? Oh, but she need not do so. While her mind played out the fanciful imaginings of dropping down into the waves, time shifted around them and the — what had the small man called it? A lapse? That thought alone had taken her off the course of her original thought further until the bubbles popped and she was on the ground. Landed shakily on her feet, hands outstretched to catch herself potentially. Any indignation her addled mind might have brought forth was met with empty air as the small man was gone once more.

The prince — playing leader once more.

But he was he really concerned with anyone in this group outside his sweet puppy?

And the puppy himself wanted to get drunk. Wanted to drown like they almost did with that tidal wave. Her eyes found the statue, as if finding it for the first time. A nightmarish discovery to see her own likeness put on display for all to see. Peaceful; did she look peaceful now? “Oh, aye, sailors love talk. They love the drink, too, but lips won’t be loosed until they’re wet.” She pushed herself to stand upright, no longer bracing her hands on her knees. An ache in her limbs and the residual sizzle of heat on her skin; how fortunate it was that she had survived, yes? A sharper mind would have known that, but it came with the dismal fact:

We, oh mighty demigod prince, are penniless fucks on the street.” Maybe perhaps possibly that could have been put more politely. But she knew a thing or two about being broke on the street; a thing being that you had to make due and two that there were other means to compel a sailor to talk. Fear, for one. The glint of an axe in the night like a one-eyed witch’s wink was a good bet. But the sun shone high and not a single axe to be seen. How sad, how unfortunate.

But not without hope. “You would think, maybe just maybe you feather duster winged baby, that would be a thought. Or that they would think us imposters, harlots.” The worst — the worst — crowd was one that had notions of what they were in for. Expectations of who stood before them and the act that preceded them. Themselves in this case, some many many years passed.

“But a sailor will not mind if there are — alternatives. A want to wet other things, which, I have heard you can do quite well so maybe we can get them to talk.” Perhaps the most explosive moment she had ever done in a long time: hands thrown up into the air with glee. A grin wide and sharp as a well-maintained blade. Perhaps possibly maybe there was hope for them yet.
word count: 543
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Title: Ransera's #1 Disaster Twink
Location: Zaichaer
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=1797
Plot Notes: viewtopic.php?f=78&t=3195
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1847
Letters: viewtopic.php?f=105&t=1963


A lapse, in this context, was an unfamiliar concept to Florian. But he wasn't one to sit there and puzzle things out, and Florian watched with some measure of awe and discomfort as he was forced to float in a bubble over the ever-changing world. It must have been a shared dream, but he knew he remembered walking into the tower to begin with. Perhaps an enchantment, some strange magic cast over them. Florian didn't know the full extent of magics in the world, but it seemed plausible.

Florian left his mother's necklace tucked into his shirt. He was not keen on any display of wealth — however mild the necklace may have been. Desperate people did desperate things, and these were desperate people. When he was looked at and asked if he were okay, Florian just nodded. With the woman's demigod prince comment, Florian felt perhaps there was some merit to New Atheism after all. A god still managed to get himself stuck in a dream with the rest of them.

"She's right. We have no money. We'll never fare well in a tavern with nothing to pay." Florian thought back to his mother. In hard times, in between jobs, she had a knack for earning just enough to get by. She seemed to keep an ear out for problems that needed solving and inexplicably had the knowledge to solve them, for the right price; he did not think he had the same skill as her in this matter, nor did he know how much time they had together. But he did not need to hear a sailor talk to see what was going on in this port. It was the same story near everywhere, and it was not far removed from the military men that guarded the Grungeworks and steam machinery that kept power in Zaichaer. The workers were grimy and dressed in clothing held together by patches and infinite repairs. This time it seemed to be a trading company instead.

"Does it matter where we are as much as what is occurring? Sitting in a tavern won't change the story. If you look, you get to learn everything you need." He gestured towards the trading company with one hand, "Certainly they might be willing to pay strong men like you two for your work. If you're so inclined." Florian lowered his voice. "Personally, I'm more inclined to torch the place. It's obvious anyone able to even spend money at a tavern would lean towards their favor. Any sailors are likely employed by them, have their pockets filled by them. We have to find the ones who have nothing left to lose. Then we'll know."
word count: 465
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Title: Dabu
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The wolf's attention shifted between the members of their party as he listened to them, mindful of the coated ones walking around as he sniffed the air. The stench of seasalted brine and fish heavily permeated the area which didn't surprise him, and though he were highly curious, the wolf didn't feel comfortable splitting away from the group to do any light investigating. They were... gods knew where now after all, still likely within the tower with their own belongings nonetheless.

When the musician started speaking she did so oddly, in a way that was either poetic or perhaps even verses. Either way, her rant led to a highlight of their current situation, which was a lack of funds and any real influence with where they were at. Which tended to make paying for information difficult, even though Rickter felt sure he had his own coins to cough up if necessary. When he reached for the pouch, however, expecting to find it he realized such a thing wasn't in his possession. Really?! On a day like this he fucking forgets to bring his wallet. There was also a suggestion that Rickter took more personal, probably because of the fact it was essentially a part of his career over the years.

"Hey now," he might've growled a little lowly, "the only harlot here has been me... I think?" An eyebrow raised in uncertainty, before the Lysanrin spoke up with an agreement on their situation as well. So it seemed a visit at the tavern was pointless to him, rather, they had everything they needed to discern the situation right now. There was some merit to the idea but... Rickter didn't think burning the place down was the solution to their new situation. Figuring out what was going on sure, but, dealing with the locals could've certainly gone a variety of ways.

"Well, if it helps out then, I'm willing to provide my services." He realized that he might've needed to touch upon that, since clarification on those services might've been easily skewed. "Er... That is offering my sword or gun if it's necessary." No wait... that might've sounded awful as well, if anybody might've taken that as innuendo or code for something else. Admittedly he might've grown bashful just then, opting to turn his gaze away in hopes of avoiding the lot and seeing the minor flush in his cheeks.

"Whatever we decide, I've got your back." He assured the group afterward, able to look at them once more as he waited to follow the consensus.

"Common" "Synskrit"
word count: 465
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Location: The Northlands of Karnor
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=127
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=151


Did you just--” Talon felt heat rush to his face as the dark haired woman threw several insults his way. While being called a feather duster was not the worst thing he had heard, it took a moment before her other implication registered. He stiffened and leaned in, a scowl crossing his features.

How dare you!?” He was almost lost to his temper when his sorumeito stepped in to defend him. The feathers of his wings fluffed in indignation and Talon crossed his arms over his chest, fuming for a moment. His jaw flexed in irritation as he struggled to contain his anger. To be so brazenly insulted after having just given his power to assist them all in staying safe, the very least this madwoman could have done was show a sliver of gratitude. He brought up a hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose as he willed himself to calm down.

There is no need to do any of that.” His voice was clipped. “Contrary to what you so falsely pointed out, we are not penniless.

Talon slipped a hand into the pouch that was at his hip. He centered his thoughts on just a few of the coins that he had brought with him. He withdrew his hand and showcased just a few pieces of silver. It was not the total sum of all that he had brought, but lodgings should not be that expensive. He then tucked them back into his pouch before glaring at the woman with barely suppressed anger. It was one thing to call him names, but to insult his honor in such a way dug at the core of his values.

Perhaps you should not flap that tongue of yours so flippantly, but if you would prefer to whore yourself out to earn your bed, be my guest.” He looked over to Florian.

I agree with you but stopping a tidal wave in its tracks is draining. I do not know about you, but I am at the very least, hungry. Whatever is in store for us, there is no sense in approaching it without recovering at least some of our strength.” He looked as though he wanted to say something a bit more pointed but from the flex of his jaw, it was obvious he was holding back. Clearly he had been deeply insulted by what the woman had said. With that, Talon brushed past them and began making his way toward the nearest person. As soon as he had ascertained directions to the nearest tavern he returned to the group, albeit looking a bit puzzled.

This way.” Mincing no more words, he set off in the direction of the place he could at least get some food in his stomach.

word count: 487
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Florian offer opposition and thus — her head swung toward the lysanrin. “The horned beast offers wisdom. Rub the rebellious and downtrodden down with praise and draw out the aching moans of discontent.” A single motion of a tear sliding down her cheek almost mournfully. “But then they want to know if there will be payment. If there will be food clothes water money. The downtrodden and rebellious don’t do for the sake of others but themselves, mighty little ram.”

Her voice rose an octave, wispy and simpering sweet the way an older woman doting on a young child might sound. But nasally and obnoxious. She did not fear his ire; his indifference had landed her in a place chock full of fears and creatures that haunted dreams she had whenever she had the ability to sleep. “Oh, you must forgive me, prince regent, for your humble servant is but a simple bard fresh from the bowels of the earth. Money money money! Is what all desire and few truly have. I thought you would have only to open that pretty beak of yours and wet the eyes of your loyal subjects with rousing speech.” Her voice broke, swelled with laughter. “Are you mad? Is there shame in being a harlot when you’ve taken one to bed?” An obvious gesture to Rickter, who, had openly admitted to such.

Oh — she used to tread lines like this with far more ease. More grace, more flair. Such was the hollowing out of a creature of dramatics. Laughter died, drawn on a guttural note as she limped after the demigod. She might have forgotten, for just a moment, her other point. Her pace quickened, placing herself before the prince as best she could despite his overly large steps. No consideration for the shorter-legged of their crew, it seemed. “If they call us thieves liars scoundrels for bearing the names of their heroes, how shall we handle this, sweet plumed prince? Shall you smite them with divine wrath and land the lackluster rest of in the role of villainous corrupters of the great turkey from whence they draw strength from?” Her tone, the enunciation — perfectly sane, but the speed. A slight jumbling, slurring of words as she gestured with each word, a mocking in her respect paid and question ended in a smile that didn’t fit quite right on her face.
word count: 407
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There was an ominous chuckle that echoed through the entirety of the world the adventuring party was currently in, “Maybe better luck next time…” Then with little more than the instant it takes one to think, they were all gone from the hidden worlds of Nasiim’s Tower, returned to their bodies in the world outside. All memories and acquisitions would arrive on their person suddenly sometime in the most current time. Except for Talon, for having ascended while both inside and outside the Tower, he had become concurrently conscious in both places and times.

A small mark, nothing more than a black circle filled in was placed upon each adventurer. And with it, the inherent memory that if they wished to return, they would simply have to focus on that mark and think about the Tower.

18 Skill Lores

Loot: One Mark of Returning for the Tower
Injuries: None

Points: +12, may be used for Semblance or Elementalism

Comments: Always fun to see Talon being leaderly, caring, confused, and getting pissed off all in one go. Maybe he can return one day. Contact me if you engage in Talon’s Mark of Returning.


18 Skill Lores
Loot: One Mark of Returning for the Tower
Injuries: None

+12, may be used for Aether Siphoning

Comments: Cool headed and level Florian, always helping. Contact me if you engage in Florian’s Mark of Returning.


18 Skill lores
Loot: One Mark of Returning for the Tower
Injuries: none

+12, may not be used for magic
Comments: Absolute nutcase with no chill, love it. Contact me if you engage in Euripides’ Mark of Returning.


18 skill lores
Loot: One Mark of Returning for the Tower
Injuries: None

+12 May be used for Elementalism, Semblance and/or Negation

Comments: Rickter stepping up and stepping up hard! Well done :D Contact me if you engage in Rickter’s Mark of Returning.

word count: 367
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