Black Sun Rising [Paragon]

The sprawling underdark of Karnor.

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Kala Leukos
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Third Deep: The Haunted Reaches
80th of Glade, Year 122 Steel

"This is it," Kaus said. "Set up a base camp."

"Yes, sir," Ceran and Indric chirped in reply. They were all so young, perhaps so foolish, but here they were. Kala was quiet for a moment as the dear mercenaries began to go about their business. They would be leaders eventually, but they were still more comfortable taking orders from the twins, and they always at least seemed more confident. Their native bond gave them both a silent well of strength that lent them an air of confidence. Perhaps if the lads bonded fully and had each other on such a fundamental level, they too would develop that confidence that would inspire their company.

Kaus pulled his longsword out of the aether, making sure he was capable of doing so. Since the reception and the magic-eating clouds, he liked to live on the safe side of that question. Kala let her senses expand. Maps, perserverence, and luck had gotten them this far, but this was a realm within the Warrens that wasn't well documented. Here on its fringes, but properly within its borders, the real dangers hid. But, of course, so too did their objective. She didn't know what the Monument would feel like, but the mysterious G had hinted that the next steps required the entity's guidance.

Soon enough, she was melting runes into the white sand packed hard here. Her scrivening encircled their small camp. Fire had chosen her, and so Fire she used. When the circle was closed, she poured Fire into it. Kaus poured his own element into it: Air. Then she added Earth, he Water.

"Ceran," she called softly. He looked up immediately. She pointed out runes that she had laid at what she felt were the cardinal points, though compasses were funny here. "When you two are on watch, if you need to activate our defenses, just pour aether into one of these spots and they will answer you. Some of them will be activated by anything seeking to cross them, but that way, you can bring them up fully."

He nodded gravely. "Understood."

When he glanced at Indric, he smiled, and the archer smiled back. While not a mage himself, he trusted his partner. Either she or Kaus would have to give Ceran further instruction, however. The Warrens had tested all of their skills already. There were some injuries, but nothing Kala couldn't handle with the skills she had picked up at the Tranquil Gardens—so far.

They were well equipped with weapons, magic, magical artefacts, and supplies. Indric's bow had brought down edible game. Even Kala had, though she had cheated, using Air to fly her arrows more unerringly toward her target. This helped prevent the early depletion of their supplies, and she had made sure with her Semblance that there was nothing poisonous about the things they ate, nor nothing magically afflicting, and so far, so good. From her supplies, she brought forth a small vial that glowed faintly, though more brightly here than it did at home. Crouching by one of the cardinal glyphs, she poured it directly onto it, and the scrivened geometry absorbed it. She had soul darts, too, as well as her various soul totems, as these things were more likely to be helpful here.

The ghostwine had been brewed with a soul totem made of illumite, and the runes took on a faintly golden glow. She could feel her shoulders relax a bit, and she could see the boys relax slightly as well. In this monochromatic grayscape, it was difficult to imagine hope or joy, but her little elixir carried the faintest warmth of the sun's glow even down here. This made her all the more determined to help any restless spirits she encountered find peace in the Shepherd's embrace. Places like this felt wrong.

She sat while Kaus helped the others set up camp. It would be simple, though she didn't know how long they would abide. The Fire in her wards also did something to mitigate the bone-deep chill of the air hereabouts, but she thought she would create a bit of a witchfire when it was time for the boys to take their shift sleeping. She wanted them to rest well so they could be effective sentinels when she and Kaus took their turn.

Ealain came out of her pack, the little silver figurine that Torin had runeforged for her. She liked that the silver lady looked like a dancer; she was flattered that he had thought of her as the Silver Lady while existing more in the Aetherium than in his own body. "Ealain," she said, and the dancer sprouted wings of air and aether and took flight from her hand. She closed her eyes as a flash of silver rose skyward. It was easier to see from her perspective without doubled vision. The boys were used to this, used to her scouting ahead rather than letting them fly first. Her bauble only had a range of two hundred yards or so, but she had learned to just skirt the edges of that limit. Her vision rose to its apogee and then began to descend in an ever widening spiral, always staying at the bounds of her range, then ghosting over the sand to rest in Kala's hands within ten minutes.

"Nothing," she said for their benefit, tucking her device away. "A wasteland of sand or bone. The Desert of Souls, I suppose. But it seems as though we could navigate to the other Hidden Reaches from here..." She paused. "But given how those explorations end, I would imagine it is not so simple as it would seem." The black sun and the pale mists seemed to distort things, both to the mortal eye and the Rune of Semblance. The Rune didn't lie to her, but there was so much going on here and not enough context to understand it.

Kala pulled out an old note from early last Ash and began to read.

"Lady Kala."

Kaus had read it before, but the other boys looked up. To their credit, they had agreed to follow their benefactors even here without a full explanation. But the time had come.

"It warms my heart to see that the daughter of Akshara has such respect for the history of our people. Such questions you ask! My Guiding Lady has given me leave to gift you with a token of Her wisdom. Treasure it well and use it to point your quest on the path you seek. The Doorway to the Skyborn future rests within the ruins of Sol’Valen’s Dreaming past. A heading that only a Monument can mark. -G."

She folded it up and put it away. Then she lifted her wrist. Saedene's relic gleamed in the strange light.

"When we first arrived in Kalzasi, before our Warren March, the Ara Saedene came to us at the Temple when we were paying our respects to our father's spirit. She gave us a hair from her head, which Talon Shinsei worked into this." She let her hand fall back down to rest in her lap. "The next time we saw her, she gave me a quest. I believe it is from the Crystal Lady. I began to research because she spoke somewhat cryptically... And then this note came from someone going by G, who apparently knows our mother. It seems to imply a connection with the Masked Queen, or at least with the Ara who has acted as Her herald, though it could be... someone seeking to stop us. I believe the Boundless Gate that Saedene bade me find was one of the Hytori Rift Gates, and I believe on the other side, we will find Her... and the women of our race. Avialae women with wings. The Monument, then, might guide us to it. But they say nobody can find it unless it wants to be found, that it can call to people in their dreams. I don't know that it has called to me or not, but I propose to take the first shift sleeping in case it reaches out through my dreams. We have come this far, so perhaps it will notice us."

They nodded, eyes wide. If they hadn't worshipped the twins before now, they certainly might now. A whole race. The mysterious Goddess who had helped their forefathers escape the bondage of the Gelerian Obelisk. A divine quest. For orphans, she had given them something like a family. And now she was speaking with Gods and monsters from fairy tales.

She smiled, then glanced at Kaus. He didn't need to speak for her to know that he would sleep soon, too.

Kala got up and laid out her bedroll, meditating with her eyes closed until her mind was calm and her body relaxed, and she slept.
word count: 1513
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Silence settled upon the small camp that the twin and their charges had made. It was a deafening silence. Every movement the small group made seemed louder as the world around them remained perpetually quiet. There was no breeze to break up the stillness. There was no scuttle of insects in the sand. Even the mists that drifted lazily across the sands of the yawning desert made no whisper or noise to disturb the ever present quiet. That was why the sound of shifting sands was so loud.

When Kala opened her eyes it was to the sight of a woman, with her arms folded over her chest and one hip cocked to the side. The camp that they had set up was quiet. Ceran and Indric were passed out upon the ground, looking as though they had fallen asleep where they stood. They were safely within the boundaries of Kala’s circle and appeared otherwise unharmed. Kaus was resting not far from Kala, the steady rise and fall of his chest signaling that he was sleeping soundly.

The woman had long black hair that fell down to her hips in loose curls. Her eyes were a midnight blue-violet that sparkled as if with the light of tiny stars. She wore leather breeches tucked into cuffed boots and a loose blouse with a jacket that seemed to befit the admiral of a great fleet. One epaulet was missing from the shoulders and the bandolier across her abdomen held both pistols and ammunition. A single cutlass was at her hip. She was staring at Kala with a mix of fondness and exasperation.

Get up, Kala.” Her voice held a distinctly Cathenian accent and the stern command of a woman accustomed to wielding authority.

It is time that you and I had a talk.

word count: 331
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Kala Leukos
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The Haunted Reaches were quiet—too quiet. But Kala had been raised with a certain sort of discipline that availed her to magic, blades, and other endeavors requiring self-control. She calmed her mind, she slept, and she woke. There was a woman waiting for her eyes to open. Though she felt a thrill of alarm, her logical mind told her that if the woman wanted to harm her, it could have been done by now. She rose and immediately surveyed the camp. Her boys were fine by the looks of them, their auras gently pulsing with good health. Though they were of an age with them, Indric and Ceran seemed so young when they slept. Even Kaus—she wondered if she looked so young, then realized she likely did. They said she had an old soul, but she was young, and small, and could only hope that her shoulders were wide and strong enough for the burden the Goddess and placed upon them.

The wingless Avialae nodded in response to the woman. A parlay was certainly in order, especially if she felt the boys needed to be subconscious for it. Kala didn't know that she could completely hide whatever might happen from Kaus' waking mind even if she wanted to.

"You are G?" she guessed. The woman wasn't known to her, but the mysterious G had been the person who put her on this path when she had merely guessed that there might be a Rift Gate to find.

Then again, the woman might have been the Monument, and this a dream. Kala was no fabled dreamsailor to know for certain when she was asleep and when she was awake.

"I came to the Monument's realm hoping to find it. Much of what I know of it is likely false, but this seemed to be the best course of action if it wasn't going to reach out to me in Kalzasi."
word count: 326
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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G?” She blinked, confusion passing over her face before recognition dawned in her expression. “Ah. No, young Skydaughter. I am not “G”.

An amused smirk tugged at her lips before she ran a hand through her hair. As her hand came loose from her hair she placed it back on her hip.

The Monument?” The woman barked a laugh, then turned to the mists. “Did you send for her, you old fart? You would meddle in this affair! Well, begone with you! I’ll not have your web spun around this one! She…

The woman pointed at Kala. Her eyes suddenly went dark violet, radiating with the briefest flash of power. mine.” The sound of thunder seemed to rumble in the distance. There came no response from the silence of the Haunted Reaches but the woman appeared satisfied with her display. She sniffed and looked back to Kala.

To answer your thoughts, Little Bird, I am not the Monument. This is not a dream. But you do know me.” She smiled fondly at Kala then sighed dramatically. “Enough lingering here. This place is dreadful and not worth any more of our time.

She suddenly snapped her fingers repeatedly.

Wake up, boys!” The young men around the small camp all came awake, Ceran and Indric jolted to life, clearly not having expected to drift off to sleep. Kaus arose fluidly and with a deft swiftness, practically rising into a defensive stance. When the confusion cleared from his eyes, he looked to his sister, the unspoken question drifting across their bond. The woman paid them no mind. She turned, brought her fingers to her lips and blew a sharp whistle that cut through the eerie silence. In the distance, the call of a boatswains whistle answered her. She grinned.

I hope you all have your sea legs, my birds.” As she stared out over the mists, the shadow of a ship formed in the distance. The yawning creak of wood, shifting among the waves, and sails caught in the winds drifted over the quiet. Closer and closer it came until the large ship came right up to them. A vessel of black, white and gold, with midnight black sails and avian decorations. It floated above the sands of the Haunted Reaches as though drifting in unseen waters. Over the siderail of the deck, a rope ladder was dropped and the woman walked up to it. As she tugged on it she turned to look at the group.

Well? Be quick about it!” Hoisting herself up, she quickly ascended the rope ladder and vaulted over the side-rail and onto the deck of the ship.

word count: 471
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Kala Leukos
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Not G, not the Monument, but someone she knew. If it was Saedene, she thought she would feel it, that numinous gravity that the Ara brought when she was nearby. It occurred to her that she might be some avatar of the Masked Queen, but she contented herself for the moment with the fact that this woman knew more of her environs than she did and she was more likely to find the information she was after if she complied. Maps were all but useless here, after all; there had to be some other way to navigate. Kaus had said he might fly ahead, but she had worried that the magics here might confound even their soul-deep bond.

Kaus was calmed by her own demeanor, and the Silver Wings took their cue from the twins. When she nodded, they all began to pack up their camp, and she helped them. That made quick work of it, and they followed the strange woman aboard. Kaus' eyes fixed on the sway of the woman's hips as she climbed, then shrugged to his sister as Kala hoisted herself up to follow. Ceran and Indric flew up to meet the strange woman aboard her strange airship. Kaus waited for Kala to leap over the taffrail, then launched himself up to meet the party.

Kala's senses were opened through her Rune, cautiously curious about the woman, her ship, and the fabric of this eldritch place.

"Yours?" she asked. Her voice was soft, but there was steel in it. The woman had claimed her, not that she had come hear to offer any fealty to the Monument. She was on a quest for the Most High, after all. She didn't know that the Crystal Lady would smite any who stood in her way, but she did have a divine mandate behind her.

"Do you know why we have come, then? Will you help?"
word count: 321
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Voyager. That is the name her architect gave her. When he died, he gifted the ship to me. I have sailed it ever since.” The woman ran a hand over the railing before turning to observe the deck of the ship. As Kala and her party settled upon the deck, it was abuzz with activity. Men and women of all races went about the business of ensuring the ship was ready for whatever voyage awaited them.

“She’s ready for the journey, Captain.” Stepping up to them was an elven looking man; however his features seemed more aquatic than any elf that had walked through the streets of Kalzasi. He gave the newcomers a smile before returning his attention to the Captain. The woman nodded her head.

Excellent. These fine folk will be our guests for the journey. Get us to the open seas, then…then we shall see.” She dismissed the elven man who quickly turned and went to ensure the rest of the crew was prepared for the task ahead. The woman turned to Kala and her group, eyeing them for a long moment.

I know why you’ve come here, Kala.” Her expression softened. “I know why you look to the skies with longing.

The woman sighed, closing her eyes in thought for a long moment before regarding the small group again.

Are you really ready for this, Daughter of Avaelor? Ready for what it means? Ready for the consequences? Ready for the burdens? My ship can take you home, take you to your family on the mountain but if you set sail with me upon the Aethereal Sea...there will be no turning back.

word count: 306
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Kala Leukos
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Kala returned the strange elf's smile, her mind turning to the possibility of underwater realms inhabited by people like him—elves who belonged in the sea, just as she belonged in the sky. Perhaps if she hadn't been born to privilege and responsibility, she might have been like this woman, captaining an airship if the Gods didn't see fit to gift her with wings of her own. But she turned back to the situation at hand.

Kaus was calm, his native ebullience stilled by the gravity of the situation. The Silver Wings were still, though their insides were awash with emotion. It wasn't that they hadn't believed Kala, but to have strange things happen to corroborate her stories was another thing entirely.

She knew the name of this ship, but not the name of its captain. The woman knew her name, though, and her secret desire, perhaps. But that bore little weight on her mission. Naori Herself had given her a quest; if she was successful and was offered a boon, she would ask for wings. But she wouldn't bargain for them. If the Crystal Lady called, Kala would answer, whether she was rewarded for her service or not.

"I don't know that we are ever ready for what the Gods require of us, captain," she replied. "I am here. The choice has been made."

"Where my sister goes," Kaus added, "I go."

"Here, here!" cried one Wing; "And us," the other.

They wouldn't have been so deep in the Warrens had they not been dedicated to the cause and to each other. She didn't know that Indric and Ceran were particularly religious, but they did believe in the twins.

"If you can take us to the Boundless Gate, then we are ready," Kala said. "Or bring us closer."
word count: 308
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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“Ah, Skyborn.” The woman sighed and shook her head with obvious fondness. “Dauntless as always. That tenacity is precisely why you are all so inspiring.”

The woman’s eyes went unfocused as though she were remembering something.

“And so dangerous.” Sighing once more she placed a hand on her hip with a firm nod. “Oh, we will not be going to the Rift Gate, young Sky Daughter.”

Spinning on her heel, she walked her way to the helm of the ship, beckoning to Kala and the others, encouraging them to follow her. She gave a nod to the helmsman who was currently steering the great wheel. Dipping a hand into her pocket she took out a compass, studied it for a moment and then gave the wheel of the ship a spin, turning it in a set direction.

“We’re going through it.” With a wink to Kala and the others, she began calling out orders, bringing the crew to attention and getting them prepared for their voyage. The sails of the ship unfurled and into them began billowing an aethereal wind. A prismatic sheen touched on the sails and the ship shuddered as it began to shift in the direction of their heading. A terrible yawning moan echoed throughout the Warrens then as the air in front of the ship began to twist and warp. A shimmering veil parted before them and from out of it spilled a veritable tsunami of mist. Beyond that open path there was only the roiling vortex of a terrible storm of mists that flashed with a kaleidoscope of colors. With thunderous flashes of light, great beasts seemed to drift in the waves of the mists, leviathans so colossal that they could have blanketed the skies with their bulk or brought forth terrible tidals waves with but a motion of their tentacles.

“Hold on, young ones. We are on our way!” The ship began moving forward, riding across the currents of the mists that were pouring out of the open portal before them.

word count: 367
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Kala Leukos
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At least the captain seemed to confirm Kala's theory that the poetically named Boundless Gate was one of the Hytori Rift Gates of legend. Or—at least—the captain believed so. It was gratifying to have even that much validation of her beliefs. But regardless, she had faith that whatever the Gate was, it existed and she would find it.

Startled by the fulness of her pronouncement, Kala followed, Kaus at her side. The boys followed as well, though when the captain's commands got things quickly moving, they were only too happy to move the bulk of their gear toward the secure location a crewman showed them before attending their lord and lady.

Her Rune filtered all manner of strange aetheric patterns into her senses from the magic holding their ship aloft to the people and the world around her. Strange mist and eldritch creatures roiled ahead through a portal—a Gate? There was clearly danger ahead, and only uncertain allies. Her hand came up to hold the Stormspeaker amulet, the other to touch Saedene's relic that dangled from her wrist, lest these mists prove as noxious as Zaichaer's weapons.

She could not see whether Naori waited on the other side, nor the winged women, the missing element of her people. But she could hope, and if the Goddess offered her a boon for her service, she could sacrifice her hope of wings to bring their blessed Shinsei and his husband home safely. There were needs greater than her own, and privilege came with responsibility.

Kaus' stance widened, his wings half unfurled to compensate for the bucking of the ship's deck, but Kala, a dancer, found her center without any seeming difficulty. But balance was not perfection achieved; but rather countless adjustments and readjustments, constant adaptations to outside forces as one mastered oneself. Her eyes were open as she looked into their future.

The wind whipped her words away: "Verily, I come, Goddess."
word count: 328
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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“Be ready, young Skyborn. Our passage will not go unnoticed.” As the Captain turned the wheel of the helm, a bubble of prismatic light sprung out from her hands where she touched the wheel. It spread over the full expanse of the ship rapidly until it extended in just a 10 ft. radius around the ship. She reached down to her hip level where rest a set of levers. She pulled them in a sequential order before smiling at them.

“Here we go.” The ship shuddered and then like a caster shell out of gun, it bolted forward. There was a momentary jolt as the force of their propulsion into the open rift. It was not enough to send them sprawling but it would be enough to make them stumble if they were not on their proper footing. Into the rift they sped and like a wave breaking over a large rock, the aethereal mist swirling around them parted. The slithering tendrils of the unearthly creatures drifting in the waves of aether, drew back. A mere glimpse of them revealed something squid-like with too many eyes and perhaps larger bodies obscured by the dense mist.

“Welcome to the Astral Sea, Kala. Somewhere between nowhere and everywhere.” The Captain did not seem at all perturbed by the strange creatures that were only glimpses as they sped through the never-ending expanse.

“The gate is as near or far as it wants to be. We will arrive when we do. Until then…” She looked up, a flare of something flashing in her eyes. The air split with a shrill shriek that had many jumping to attention.

“Right on que. Look alive! Swarmers!” Several members of the crew jumped into action as they drew out weapons. Swooping down out of the mists were creatures that looked like a mix between a bat and a humanoid with the head of an octopus or squid. Tentacles writhed where their mouths should have been. They screeched as they shot down from the mists and entered the perimeter of the bubble around the ship. There had to be at least a dozen of them.

“I cannot leave the helm. Arm yourselves! Defend the ship!” As if summoned by her words, two of the creatures swooped down, landing squarely on the deck of the bridge. Their bodies were hairless but taut with wiry muscle complete with a batlike webbing that served as wings. As others began attacking, the two creatures leapt forward. One of them went for Kaus. The other went straight for the Captain.

word count: 456
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