The Power In My Blood Ⅶ

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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☬ 25th of Glade, Year 122, A.o.S ☬
Company: Dimitri, Caliburn, Cultists | Thoughts: Kill Them All!!! | Mood: Enraged
Continued From Here!

Having seen what they were capable of, the glee and sheer elation in the way they sacrificed others, Dante was more than over this. When they brought the child out to be killed, he couldn't contain his rage, looking to both of his companions before sending himself forward with a Push in the flux around his feet as he leaped into the air. Using Compression to make quick platforms of hardened air, Dante came barrelling at the Axeman.

With VIssicitude he sculpted a blade of hardened flesh, molding it to a fine point as when he came up on the last compressed air step, he used Push to fly right at the killer, the razor-sharp flesh piercing the brute's flesh through his neck as he was forced to the ground. The body stopped within arm's length of the impaled corpse and the crazed priestess. Rising his hands instinctively fell onto the hilt of the ominous blades, and as he stood up he called the priestess toward him by Pulling on the flux around her.

Within the next moment, another thud sounded on the temple's wooden floors as her head went tumbling across it Dante was seething, removing the robe as the glaring glow of his crimson eyes peered out onto the cultists. "And here I thought humanity couldn't get any more depraved, but you sick lot have proven me wrong! I may be many things, but I am no monster." he snarled, expecting the rest of the cult members to be up in arms at the murder of their beloved priestess.

Surprisingly, however, there wasnt any hostility at all. Instead, they were.......bowing? Dimitri and Caliburn moved through the chanting and bowing crowd to join Dante up on the raised altar, both of them freeing the ones taken captive. Dante was baffled at what he was seeing, they seemed to be praising him, but he didn't understand why. Then he realized it, it was the swords. If he remembered the legend he had found, they believed the second coming of their messiah was heralded when the swords were removed from their resting place.

Dante looked to the swords in his hands and then to the cultists, then back to the sword. He couldnt take his glowing orbs off the sword, now able to see it clearly....and admire its beauty. That was the sword that the priestess was pouring blood over, but as he examined it, there was no trace that blood had even touched it.

The more Dante stared at it, the more he felt as if it was staring back at him....into him. He could feel the resonation of the energy it was giving off, coinciding with the chanting of the deranged cult members. He thought his mind was playing tricks on him, but he could have sworn that it almost sounded like a heartbeat coming from the blade with each chant. It was far more enthralling than he thought, mesmerized but the unique metals used and craftsmanship.

There was definitely something about holding that sword that caused his glowing orbs to ignite a little brighter. It felt right in his hands, it felt like it was crafted just for him. More so it felt alive and ready to head his call. Dimitri came to stand next to his vampiric master, yelling at Dante to answer him. When his words finally reach the vampyre, he looked at the human with a startling realization."We could use them to our advantage, have a group loyal to you to help further your ambitions. Hell, they may even want to fit you for a crown." he implored, a look of concern as his eyes darted between himself, the sword, and the cultists.

Caliburn however, felt differently. "No these bastards are monsters that deserve nothing short of death. Let me have my vengeance Dante, don't deprive me of what you promised me." the larger male argued. Both sides held compelling points, Dimitri being right that these scoundrels could prove useful in the long run, Caliburn also being right in the fact that their actions and methods were beyond reproach. As he weighed his options, a man clad in robes and leather armor approached.
"Messiah of Blood, we beseech thee, guide us to a new era of power through blood!"
He called out to them, kneeling in front of Dante as the vampyre looked down upon them all with building disgust. It was clear they would never be able to be truly useful, their zealous devotion would no doubt lead to them performing more atrocities across the Free North. "I will not. You are all wretched souls that deserve nothing more than death, but I shall take this marvelous sword as compensation for being subjected to being around filth like you." he sneered.

The chanting soon stopped as the robed warrior stood to face the vampyre and companions. The sounds of weapons being unsheathed filled the room, Dimitri using his rune of elementalism to ignite the flames of the candles that lined the temple prayer chamber.
"Then you are no messiah, you are a false prophet, and unworthy of holding those sacred blades."

With a flourish of his mace, the other cultist charged at them, causing both the Vampyre and Caliburn to smirk. "Keep them safe Dimitri." he ordered, leaping into the fray himself, carving down one cultist after another. He refused to allow any to live at this point. In his mind, it would be doing a greater service to the world by wiping them out completely.

As two cultists charged him, one swinging a ceremonial blade, Dante moved in and Pushed the flux around the blade away, stabbing him between the eyes with the sacred sword. In a rising slash to the neck, he ended the second one’s life as well. The other cultists within the room would find the same fate as the first two, as Caliburn was making quick work of them as well, bodies flying apart under the heavy swing of his borrowed axe.

The room was filled with men and women wailing in agony from the two warriors working together to slaughter them. Caliburn also revealed he was an Elementalist, sealing off the exits with stone walls. It was loud and chaotic, but to the vampyre, it was a normal sound to hear. It was like nothing was wrong with him at what he was hearing. Soon the crescendo of death subsided to a dulling murmur as the many seemed to be dead or dying.

Dante then moved to sit on the throne, moving the aged and ancient corpse aside. There he sat and contemplated what would come of this place. He could torch it, burn this den of heresy and insanity to the ground, but then he thought to himself how much knowledge would be lost if this cult was started by a vampyre. As much as he wanted to rid the land of this scourge the curiosity in him wanted to know more about the cult. He was torn about it, but then a more pressing matter came to mind, more so it came charging in.

It was not what he was expecting, to say the least, a large male. He had to be the same height as a mortallen, clad in red armor and cloth, a barbarian in appearance. He wielded a large axe, pointing it at Dante who raised his head as he sat upon the throne. Without batting an eye the barbarian charged forward, throwing the axe at Dante with blinding speed. Its path was interrupted by a push in the flux, a kinetic flush changing its trajectory.

When it was stopped, he whipped it back by yanking the chain attached to it, swinging it around as Caliburn came charging in from behind. Dante quickly realized that this thing was a monster, an abomination born of this twisted cult. In any case, he had no choice but to kill it, as allowing it to run free would be detrimental. Pooling his vitale in and throughout his body, he used Adrenosis. The surge to his system allowed him to charge at the brute, meeting him head-on.

Pulling the weapon back to himself and knocking Caliburn off to the side leaving him with a heavy blow, it came sprinting forward which forced me to pick up several rows of seating to toss at it. It was unphased as it simply darted out of the way, coming around to the vampyre's left flank and sending an upward slash aiming to take his sword arm from him.

I barely dodged out of the way, using the sword to buff most of the impact. Even still it wasnt enough as the blow was able to send him rolling across the temple floor. Getting to his feet it was already upon the vampyre, not giving him a chance to breathe, as he was on the defensive, and a poor one at that. It was clear it was merely toying with him and Caliburn, like a cat playing with the mouse or bird they caught before finishing it.

Dimitri surprised it, finding a firearm that they had hidden, and had shot it in the knee. The bullet hadn't penetrated the thick skin there, but it was heavily warped in such a way that prevented him from straightening it. By the shape of the joint alone, the discomfort was assured, even pain or injury. It could no longer stand fully, his mobility and speed were at least cut in half. That gave Dante enough of a fighting chance, he hoped.

With a determined look in his eyes, he charged the behemoth, coming to slice its axe arm off, only for it to deflect it, with an upward swing of the chain connected to the axe, but that's what the vampyre wanted. When it realized Dante's ploy, evident from the smirk on his face, it was too late. Caliburn came in when he saw the opening, blood running down his chest from the wound he sustained, planting his axe in the abomination's left ribcage.

It fell to one knee, as if it was at the end of its robe, but not before slamming its axe back down across the vampyre's chest sending him flying back. crashing into the altar Dante hissed as the pain echoed across his body, but he was not going to allow it to stop him. Using the flux around him, he shot from the altar, blade in hand as he came flying at the brute. Caliburn saw this and held the thing down using the stone from underneath the temple floor.

Stuck the brute had nowhere else to go, and no way to stop what was coming next. The brute would feel the flux around it being pulled on and would see Dante coming in rather fast before all they could see was a blade in between its eyes. A gruntal gargling sound came from it, before it was silent. Dante fell to his knees as this fight took much more out of him, but after some time, and draining one of the cultists of their blood, he found his strength replenishing itself.

Curiously enough, he looked at the sword, and saw that a small part of it was glowing red. As the dust settled Dimitri did what he could to help Caliburn to his feet. Dante was over this place and the horrors he had witnessed, but he couldn't leave without something going wrong of course. As if something took hold of him, Dante passed out, gripping the sword with a frightening grip. In this sleep, he saw things that didn't make sense, things that didn't seem real even to him. By the time he awoke, he was back in his room, back in the city.

Dimitri was sitting at his bedside, eagerly awaiting his master's awakening. "What happened to me?" he said as he jumped up from his bed. "You passed out, we did our best to get you back here in one piece." he said with a smile, though it soon faded as he glanced over to where the sword had been placed. "You wouldn't let go of the sword, your grip on it was unbreakable."

Dante sat up in the bed as he ran his hand through his hair. "And Caliburn?" he posed, looking to the window as the morning was coming over the horizon. "Caliburn thanks us for our help. With his help, we ended up burning that wretched place down to the ground. He said he was going back home, to Atinaw, and that if we were to ever need him to call on him."

"I see, I'll be sure to take him up on that offer when the time comes." With that Dante rose from his bed and walked over to the sword, feeling refreshed and invigorated. Turning to face Dimitri, his eyes matched the bright blood red glow that emanated from the blade and a wicked smile on his face.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
Last edited by Dreyfus on Thu Sep 01, 2022 3:50 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 2309

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Title: The Iceborne
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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The Power In My Blood Ⅶ

Points awarded:
  • 8 - can be used for Kinetics
  • Blades(Longsword): Pull a sword right out of the corpse
    Blades(Longsword): Making your own techniques
    Leadership: Leading companions into a raid
    Tactics: Determining the strength of the enemy before attacking
    Kinetics: Using Push, Pull, & Compression to vault your way to your target
    Kinetics: Pushing & Pulling yourself across the battlefield
Loot: Injuries:
  • None that couldn't be healed with Vitalis
  • Great thread!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!
word count: 140
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