A Bump in the Road

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Location: Kalzasi
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Glade 3, 120

With her head lifted, she walked. Or, well, it wasn't lifted that high. The architecture around her was absolutely fascinating. For one, it held features that seemed to accommodate the winged biology of the residents of the city. Platforms that loomed over even her head were scattered about the streets. But it was the houses that drew her attention. The roofs sloped and dipped, arched and twisted in ways that reminded her of boats, but upturned. Something bubbled within her at the different everything radiated. Though, she was a little displeased to note that not all places would be able to accommodate her larger stature. The tallest person she'd seen not of her own kind was still a foot shorter than she.

The thought almost brought a scowl to her face. Almost. But the trouble with being as tall as she was not just that doorways might not fit her, even if she stooped low, but was that she had to wary of the things around her. It was something that was forced to deeper depths of her mind, mostly forgotten as she pulled her horse along. Daisy clip-clopped behind her obligingly, as if she had nothing better to do than follow the nine-foot tall Jastai around on her journey. And if Minea had anything to say to that, it was that the horse had kept up quite well.

Wide eyes slid from one building to the next, peering into the establishments and down at stalls as people conducted business or visited friends. It was nothing short of interesting, to say the least. Several people turned their heads to face the reason the sun may have been temporarily obscured, only to see her. The woman clad in a slim number of articles of clothing and a cloak wrapped around her waist because she couldn't be bothered putting it in one of the saddlebags. The breeze kissed his cheeks and she grinned, feeling a bit more at home.

Home. Right. She let her eyes scan for what might have looked like the building she needed. The Office of Registry had been her immediate destination. She'd been fortunate in that the person she'd stopped had spoken Common well enough for her to get directions to the Commons. That was what they'd called this place, apparently. She glanced down, dodged people as she walked. The whole point of being here was to figure out the legality of her presence within the city. So she could, at the very least, get something to eat and have a place to stay that wasn't under a tent. (She loved the tent. She really did. But she would have loved to stay somewhere that someone might tell a story to pass the time a lot more). Brows furrowed, she glanced up at one of the higher buildings, not sure if she was supposed to be looking for a specific signage.

The Jastai, however, should have been looking down again. Her slow trot was not a leisure ambling, as if she were more on a tourist's walk. But it was still not slow enough to avoid the faint bump of a collision that could have been much worse if she was moving any faster.

"Oops!" She dropped Daisy's reigns, hands flying to cover her lips. "Didn' see you there." Her grin was nothing shy of sheepish as she stared down at the person.
word count: 595
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Location: Kalzasi
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?t=94
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Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=220

☵ A Bump in the Road ☵

☵ Glade 3rd, Year 120, Age of Steel ☵

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

☵ The sun enveloped his skin as he walked around the city, the threshold sickness of his new rune of Elementalism on the tail end of its duration. This was the first time since getting the rune and falling ill that he has been outside, getting some fresh air as it were. He was not with Sojin this day, so he decided he would walk the streets, take in the sights of his home.

While in the city he found lost in thought wondering about many of the past occurrences in his life. His new rune of magic, that attack in the woods, his life being in danger, but more so for the first time feeling genuine fear. He had never truly known what fear felt like till that moment, and it was a feeling he rather not feel again.

For him, there was no room for it, it would just hinder his work, the work of the family. He knew it had changed him, but the more he brushed off the feeling the better he felt. If he simply just left it as is, he could focus on other important things. "Yeah, that's what I'll do, just brush it off and move forward." he assured himself.

He hadn't even noticed the stares he had gotten as he strolled the streets of the city, wrapped up in a cloak as his chills were still prevalent if not minimal. Most of his walk was himself lost in thought so he wouldn't have had any notion of his own surroundings. His mental machinations dulling the senses his parents spent time sharpening, he was off his edge and he knew it.

But for the simple fact he would need to still perform his nobility obligations despite his own hardships, he would suck it up and deal with it. He was so wrapped up in his mind that he didnt even notice the figure coming at him, which would be surprising given they loomed over everything around them. The collision was undoubtedly unavoidable.

With a loud and glaring hiss, he turned to face the idiot that bumped into him. "Watch where the hell you are going!" he hissed in the Availae's native tongue, quickly realizing this girl wouldn't have a clue what he said.

"Pay attention to your surroundings." he clarified, noticing her size compared his own. A look of child like fascination filled his eyes, clearly whisking him out of any thoughts he was mulling over. ☵
Last edited by Kotoru on Wed May 06, 2020 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 499
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵
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Glade 3, 120

Small. It was the first thing that came to mind, after the fact that the man had probably just cursed her out in his mother tongue. Her brows rose as she stooped down a little, eyes wide. The man was nice to look at, she would admit that. But he didn't seem all that well. Minea grimaced. But it was gone as quickly as it came, a grin replacing it. She cocked her head to the side, knees bending a little more. She tucked hair behind her ears, placed her hands on her knees. It felt similar to talking to a Jastai child, but she wasn't going to say that aloud.

"Thought I was. My 'pologies; you're just so small!" Her grin widened marginally. While the statement had been entirely good-natured (her brain to mouth filter had all the best intentions, and yet that had made it through without correction), she realized somewhat belatedly that that might not have been the best thing to say to him. "I'll be more careful in the future." Her first true interaction in the city, and it was her apologizing for not watching where she was going. It wasn't the easiest thing to do when she couldn't really see her feet. She squinted. It had not been a problem when she'd been home, but she was finding that people were smaller the farther she strayed from her kin.

"Question, uh --" No name to go by. She continued on. "'M lookin' for the Office of Registry." Okay, that wasn't really framed as a question, but she could fix that as she went. "Was wondering if you could point me in the right direction?" Well, if she couldn't watch where she was going, she could at least get some help in getting to where she needs to be. Her lips pressed together. Something was missing here. Brows furrowed, she thought on it. Something rudimentary to greetings. But not the Jastai kind of greeting she was used to getting (some including getting thrown through a wall or something like that). "Oh, I'm Minea, by the way." She pat the horse on its head. "This is Daisy. Not much of a talker, but she's certainly good company."
word count: 400
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Location: Kalzasi
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?t=94
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=351
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=220

☵ A Bump in the Road ☵

☵ Glade 3rd, Year 120, Age of Steel ☵

"Common Speech"
"Synskrit Speech"

☵ Shaking his head he waved off her apology, he was too brash and knew it was not the way someone of his standing should have reacted. He could look at her and tell she was sorry, or at least taken aback by bumping into him, and he couldnt blame her. With a sigh, he bowed to the blonde giant. "My apologies, I was lost in my own thoughts and didn't even noticed. Don't worry about it, it was my fault for not giving enough room for others to walk by." he said, raising his head to look at her.

She was taller than he had expected, even up close. He couldnt help but wonder why she was so tall, to begin with. His glowing amber orbs amidst the black of his eyes scanned over the giant woman with sharp discernment. She seemed nice, if not clumsy, but he was certain this was her first time in the city, so first impressions were everything.

"I can show you the way. I'm Kotoru by the way." he introduced with a bow, before sneezing. This allergy of his was really messing him up. But he could endure it for the sake of magic. He would turn his attention back onto the woman.

She seemed nice enough and it would be his duty as a nobleman to show her to where she was going. Granted if she were to cause any trouble, he would surely be sent out to handle it. He did think she could be fun to hang around though. She was bound to get herself into some dangerous fun, be it her size and all. Some may try to take advantage of her, and that could lead to some interesting excitement.

In any case, he proceeded, leading the way to the office along with the giantess. "So what brings you to Kalzasi?"
word count: 395
☵ Sometimes it's not the people that change, its just their mask that falls off ☵

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