Black Sun Rising [Paragon]

The sprawling underdark of Karnor.

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Kala Leukos
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Title: Lady
Location: Kalzasi
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The captain didn't allow her to ruminate for long. The young Avialae watched her at her levers and steering apparatus, always keen to learn more of the world around her and its many wonders. As if a journey deep into the Warrens and now into the Astral Sea wasn't enough, she wanted to learn how to fly an airship. She wanted to understand the complex pattern behind the prismatic light. She wanted to know about the strange—

They were attacking the airship.

The dancer kept her feet. The boys mantled their wings to maintain their balance, not wanting to take flight and be left behind, even if they fought better from the skies. These were not skies, not exactly. Even the air was markedly different to her augmented senses.

"Aye, Captain," she replied, rather intensely, as she pulled out her knives. She might want the reach of her polearm or even her bow, but these were the weapons she knew best, and she wasn't only going to fight with steel.

"For the Blue Star!" Kaus called, using their family's battle cry as he plucked his sword from the aether. With a mighty swoop of his wings and a marvel of aeromancy, he sent one of the beasts staggering back into Ceran's waiting spear. The Silver Wing ripped it free and wasted no time in dancing back out of reach.

Two of Indric's arrows found the other, distracting it as Kala spun, her daggers drawing sparks from the air that bloomed into motes of fire that grew as she whirled, finally launching in a double helix toward the swarmer. The Silver Wings had trained together their whole lives, and with the twins for years now. They knew how to keep track of each other and control the fight.

As the first beast turned to grasp at the retreating Ceran, Kaus charged with his eldritch blade. As Indric nocked another arrow, Kala began to carve symbols into the air with her blades, scriving a more complex spell with surgical presicion. Whatever these creatures were, they wouldn't stand between her and her goal.
word count: 357
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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The beast that stumbled into Ceran’s waiting spear let out a shrill shriek of pain before the young warrior kicked it forward, angling his spear so that it was forced to its knees. The creature barely had time to let out another shriek before it was soundly pierced through the skull by Indric’s arrows. But just as that one fell, another of the beasts swooped down to take its place. The creature immediately went for Ceran just as he was yanking his spear out of the corpse of the fallen monster. The beast was on the young Avialae, the tendrils of its mouth latching onto his shoulder. He let out a cry of pain drawing Indric’s attention.

“Ceran!” Indric immediately began knocking another arrow only for another of the beasts to land with a heavy thud, blocking a clear shot to the struggling Avialae brought to his knees. Ceran let out another shout of pain as the horrid creature began to haul him closer to its body.

The beast being faced by Kala and Kaus was soon bearing down upon them. It slashed as Kaus, dodging out of the way of his eldritch blades. Though deadly looking, the creatures did not seem to move terribly swift when on their feet. As Kala wove her spell, the artifact of Saedene began to emit a soft glow that steadily built in light and warmth. The sound of Ceran’s spear clattering to the deck of the ship was followed by the sounds of him struggling as those slimy tendrils drew him closer to the creature biting into his flesh. Indric frantically began firing arrows at the monster blocking his path.

In the back of her mind, there came a gentle tugging on Kala’s focus, drawing her to the gift given to her by the Ara that had visited her. It shone softly with rose gold light, twinkling within the reliquary crafted for it.

word count: 353
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Kala Leukos
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For all their cohesion as a fighting unit, these beasts were still terrifying. She finished scriving the fiery glyph with her dagger and pushed it forward, and it shot out at a swarmer, catching it in a net of fire. This allowed Kaus to pivot and launch himself at the undefended back of the creature with its tentacles on Ceran. Meanwhile, she gathered Fire to her to attempt to finish the one struggling against her magical net, but her attention was diverted by her relic of the Lady of Midnight Mourning.

She felt Kaus respond to her distraction, knowing as soon as the Silver Wings could handle the one beast, he would turn on the other, not allowing it to escape and savage his sister.

Kala didn't know what the relic could do. It was a holy item to her, not made for use in anything other than meditation and prayer. She didn't know if Saedene was trying to guide her. She didn't know what would happen. Taking a leap of faith, she channeled the gathering power through the runeforged reliquary gem, sacrificing her power to the Ara's direction. Whatever came of it would be what was necessary.

As the power poured into the rose gold jewel, she imagined she felt a tug, as if it were pulling more out of her. She also imagined she was reaching out a hand to the Ara, and half expected to feel a divine hand clasp hers.

They could afford no attention for the captain or their larger journey through the Astral Sea. Later, they would regret not being able to enjoy the view, perhaps. But this was a life or death struggle that required their all, their everything, and they all had to have faith that the unnamed captain would do her part as well.
word count: 307
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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As Kaus jumped from one beast to the next, quickly assisting Ceran, he was soon joined by a volley of arrows from Indric. Together, the two seemed to be able to hold their own. For every one creature that was felled however, it appeared as though another was ready to take its place. Looking to the space around the ship, it was beginning to fill with more. The crew was fending them off as best they could but it would not be long before they were overwhelmed.

But then Kala turned her attention to the relic. She gave her power to it. In her mind’s eye, Saedene reached out and took hold of the hand that the young lady offered. The Ara of Midnight Mourning smiled upon her and nodded her head. The rose-gold jewel flared to life with startling power, turning Kala into a veritable beacon of light that illuminated everything it touched. The Ara became a pillar of radiant flames in her mind and for a moment, it felt as though Kala might be burned away by the pure power she was bearing witness to.

There came a roar that shook the structure of the ship.

“By the gods…” The Captain whispered.

Streaming out of the astral sea, parting the mists in its wake, was the unmistakable form of a black dragon. It flew with speed and ferocity, unleashing a breath of searing black flames that ignited a swath of the ghoulish creatures in its path. The dragon dove down, sweeping beneath the ship and spun upwards, emitting another spout of black fire from its mouth that turned another section of the creatures to mere dust and ashes. Seeing the arrival of the dragon, the creatures shrieked and began retreating, flapping their mangy wings and returning to the swirling mists of the astral sea. The dragon kept pace with the sailing ship easily, chasing a few of the creatures and capturing one in its claws, ripping it in two. It then glided back to the ship and with a flap of its wings, members of the crew scattered so that the dragon could land upon the deck.

Up close, it was not a full size dragon. It was just big enough to certainly be a threat to the creatures that swarmed them while still being small enough to be able to fit upon the surface of the ship’s deck. The black dragon settled its wings and turned its head so that it was staring at Kala. As the two met gazes, a presence reached out and touched upon her mind. A warmth passed over her, spreading through her Bond and wrapping itself around them.

We meet again, Lady Kala. Brave Kaus.

Her voice was gentle, with just a lilt of playfulness to it. Across the gentle touch of minds, the image of a small wyrmling in the arms of Saedene drifted over their consciousness. The dragon let out a huff as some of the crew members gawked at her.

word count: 532
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Kala Leukos
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Kala stood transfixed, though for all she knew, she was floating in the air. It felt like flying in her dreams. She had been wise to bring the Ara's reliquery; Saedene was with them. Her mind reeled and she couldn't tell if she was a channel of divine power, if her own power was being directed, or something else. For all her power, this threatened to overload her Senses.

Indric's keen eye caught sight of the dragon and he paused. Then Ceran gawked. Kaus fought on, and quickly they brought themselves back to the dire matter at hand as their unexpected ally appeared to rout the tide of beasts. Though the black wyrm did most of the work, they and the crew continued to harass the beasts until they flew off in full retreat. Time was funny in a life or death situation, but the battle ended and their savior alighted upon the deck, given a wide berth by those it had saved.

Kaus' weapon disappeared from whence it came, and Kala sheathed her blades, blinking as the young dragon came into sharper focus. It felt as though Saedene were still there, but perhaps it was like the afterimage of the sun burnt into the back of her eyelids. She carefully approached, curious as the creature spoke to her as only Kaus spoke to her. When her suspicion was proven correct as to its—her—identity, she smiled brightly. Her hand came up as if to caress the creature's face, but she paused, holding off, to see if the young dragon would push into it or leave it alone. She did not wish to offend, but the affection she had felt that day at the temple remained and she hadn't been able to hold the infant wyrm as she had wishsed to.

Little one? Kala laughed, delighted. My, how you have grown. We owe you our lives, I think. She offered the reverent bow of her people, as did Kaus. Their young men-at-arms followed suit.

"She speaks to dragons?" Indric whispered to his friend, awed but never more sure than that first failed attempt at their Warren March had been a blessing in disguise. Today, it seemed they were given a miracle.

Will you join us on our quest?
word count: 386
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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The dragon leaned her head forward and pressed her snout into Kala’s hand. There was a soft rumbling almost like a purr. The dragon’s scales were warm and smooth. In the light of the astral sea they shimmered like polished onyx jewels. Her tail flicked happily before the dragon drew back.

I am Nessena. You may call me Sena. I shall guide you through the Gate.

Nessena drew back, carefully extending her wings as she allowed herself to be caught in the unseen currents of the astral sea. With a mighty flap of her wings, the dragon let out a trill then dove down beneath the ship before circling around it. She spun elegantly through the currents and then sailed ahead of the ship.

Worry not for me, Kala. This realm, more than any other, is where dragons come alive.

With that, Nessena soared easily, gliding ahead as though it took no more effort for her than breathing.

“You are full of surprises, Lady Kala.” The Captain shook her head, staring at Kala with amusement. “Truly the gods must smile upon you. Go. Take some time to rest. The cook will be serving in the galley soon. You would do well to patch yourselves up.”

The Captain looked pointedly at Ceran whose shoulder had a nasty bite. Several members of the crew came up the stairs to the bridge and began lifting the corpses of the beasts, hauling them to a central location. Other, more heavily armed members, came to stand beside the Captain.

“You best be quick. We will be arriving at the Gate before long.” The Captain inclined her head toward the bow of the ship. In the distance, beyond Nessena, there remained a fixed point on horizon. What appeared to be an island of floating rock though its details remained blurred by both distance and the swirling mists of the astral sea. Things grew quiet on the ship as the crew began seeing to their duties while embarked.

Below deck, just as the Captain had said, the galley opened its doors and the ship’s cook began serving a simple meal of chowder, bread, and cheese. There among the crew, the group received nods of appreciation and thanks for their display of bravery and skill. Many were gossiping about the arrival of the black dragon, taking it as a sign from the Dragon God of Death that Death Himself had blessed their venture.

word count: 436
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Kala Leukos
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The physical connection with the wondrous being felt magical in a way that even magic hadn't felt magical since she was a child. This was a wonder, a dream come true.

Nessena. Thank you, friend.

The young Avialae watched her fly, then caught sight of the blur on the horizon. Her fingers erred toward the jewel dangling from her wrist as the captain spoke to her. She nodded at the plan.

"Thank you, captain."

Indric already had a shoulder under Ceran's arm when Kaus moved to take his other arm.

"I'm fine," Ceran protested.

"We need to prepare, Ceran," Kala explained. He deferred, not wanting to show weakness. "Let us help you so you can help us complete our mission." He sighed, but nodded, and relaxed a little into his comrades' strength.

Kala led them down into the interior of the ship and they found the galley without issue. Kaus and Indric set Ceran down at the nearest table and then the young lord pulled Indric away and toward where food was being laid out and crew members were waiting. While Kala did her work, they would get food for the four of them.

"Hold still for me," she said firmly. The young mercenary nodded, gritting his teeth, though she was surprisingly gentle with her application of Water to clean out the wound. There was enough water in his blood that she could forbid it from flowing for a time, staunching it with will and aether. She cleansed her hands similarly and then pulled a softly glowing vial out of her belt, as well as a needle made of bone. "Sinew thread," she explained as she drew it out of the vial, and threaded the needle with it. He watched with morbid curosity as she stiched his flesh together, and then again, pulling the skin closed and knitting it neatly together.

All the while, she murmured prayers of thanksgiving to Lyren for the knowledge, requests for Raella's blessings, and begged Wraedan to be patient for this soul, who was dear to her.

"It barely hurts," he marveled. She nodded and bound his wrist loosely to his chest with a length of cord.

"This is mostly to remind you to keep it immobile while it heals. I don't want you to use it for now, though if it comes to battle, you can do what you must. But if all goes well, this will heal quickly and cleanly, leaving nary a scar."

"You have been busy at the Tranquil Gardens, my Lady."

"Doctor Wardell is an excellent teacher," she said, laying a fond hand on his good shoulder.

The other boys returned, a plate in each hand, and sat. The four of them ate quietly, Indric's gaze often on Ceran to ensure that he was all right. He certainly seemed to be. After they finished, a friendly crewmember bussed their plates, thanking them for their help with the monsters. Kala checked everyone for minor wounds, and then they all got up to return to the deck. All of them wanted to see the Astral Sea, the black dragon flying proudly, and the approach of the Boundless Gate.

This was what they had risked so much for.

Beautiful... She didn't even realize she was projecting; she was so used to a constant back and forth of words, images, and concepts with Kaus. There had never been another person who could hear them.
word count: 577
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Returning to the deck of the ship, the four would be able to see that the rocky island drifting through the mists of the Astral Sea was considerably closer and rapidly approaching. Nessena was guiding them fluidly through the mists. As Kala projected her thoughts, they were met with the voice of the dragon.

Brace yourself, Kala. We go now into a new realm and from there…to your Destiny.

The crumbling island in the mists was now beneath them. It was a barren place with cracked ruins of what looked to be the remains of a city. The gate rose high above the ruined towers and crumbling buildings. Two colossal pillars of white marble that had been blacked by fire. Woven into every inch of the pillars surface were symbols of magic that still glowed with the might of ancient powers. Crackling between the two pillars was a swirling vortex of violent power that occasionally released bolts of magic that lanced into the ground.

Behind them, the Captain began shouting orders from the helm. Crew members began rushing to secure themselves to the ship. Some pressed their hands to symbols carved into the masts. Others brought out dragonshard crystals that had runic markings carved into the surface. A member of the crew came over to the group and began helping them secure themselves to the ship. He gave each of them a dragonshard crystal covered in pictographs. Upon close inspection, they were markings of absorption meant to draw in errant aether. Ahead of them, the screaming roar of the Gate began to rumble in their ears. At any moment it seemed as though the gate was going to split the skies open and tear this realm asunder. A bolt of magic screeched forth from the swirling vortex and struck Nessena who let out a pained noise. But the dragon continued onward. The dragon’s form began to glow, black fire wrapping around her body as she opened her maw in a defiant roar that split several bolts of aether that blasted out of the portal.

As the ship neared the gate, more bolts jutted out from the vortex and began striking at the ship. All across the surface of the ship, pictographs flared to life. Those crewmates above deck, huddled together, clutching their crystals and making sure they were near clusters of these runic symbols. Nessena emit another defiant roar and soared directly into the heart of the vortex in a flash of fire and light. Not but moments later, the ship struck the heart of the vortex and there was a groaning shudder as the ship met resistance. Bolts of power began striking the ship on all sides and slowly, the ship pushed into the vortex. The moment stretched on, the light growing brighter and brighter until finally it swallowed Kala, Kaus, Ceran and Indric. What felt like a thousand hot knives poking into their skin passed over them and though it likely only lasted a mere breath of a second, that second was agonizing. The roar of the vortex filled all of their senses and then…


Everything was a plane of white. Too bright. Too silent. Too loud. Too everything.


Nessena’s voice came to her softly. The sensation of gentle nudging tugged at her consciousness.



As Kala’s vision cleared, before her was a sky of pillowy soft clouds. Up above, two suns shone brightly in the heavens giving everything a brilliant radiance. And ahead of her…was a city unlike anything seen on Ransera for millennia. The black dragon landed on what appeared to be a landing pad, stumbling as she did before collapsing in seeming exhaustion. On the platform, winged people rushed forward to inspect the dragon’s form. The ship sailed forward until it came to a shuddering halt, turning so that the broadside of the ship hovered parallel to the platform. As soon as the people aboard the ship managed to get their wits about them, the voice of the Captain rang out over the deck. Men and women began moving to secure the ship and moor it properly.

There came a flap of wings.

Five winged warriors landed on the deck of the ship. Armed with weapons that seemed to be made from Light and wearing plate armor, the five warriors folded their wings. Each of them easily crested near or just over seven feet. One of them strode forward just as the ship’s Captain came down from the bridge.

“Always you make an entrance, Starlight.” A woman’s voice came from the helm of the warrior walking forward to meet the Captain. The woman reached up and removed her helm to reveal black hair woven into a tight braid. Tucking her helm under her arm she leaned down and both her and the Captain shared a moment of intimacy.

“Would you have me any other way, love?” The Captain smirked and the winged warrior narrowed her eyes. “I have brought visitors.”

That took the winged woman by surprise. Following the Captain’s gaze, a pair of fierce brown eyes locked onto Kala, Kaus, Ceran and Indric. There was momentary shock before it cleared and she looked annoyed.

“Lia, what have you done?” The winged woman pinched the bridge of her nose in agitation. The Captain, Lia, folded her arms over her chest.

“My Goddess given duty, is all.” The Captain tossed her head imperiously which earned a wry smile from the winged woman.

“Meriel put you up to this, didn’t she?” The Captain flicked an imaginary piece of dirt off her chest.

“Maybe.” There came a long suffering sigh before the winged woman shook her head and turned to address Kala and her group properly.

“I am Emerea, Captain of the Port Guard. Welcome, Children of Avaelor, to Atoria.”

word count: 1002
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Kala Leukos
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Thank you, friend.

Kala passed along the warning just as they were handed dragonshards to ward them. She quickly examined the work, marveling at it. There seemed to be similarities to the aether nets they used to harvest dragonshards, keyed to absorb aetheric energy if a mistake caused a disastrous discharge. They lashed themselves to the taffrail. She tried tos ense everything as they passed, wondering the name of the ruined city, trying to understand the magic still functioning below them. The energies that attacked Nessena, and then the ship—she wished she understood them so she could protect the dragon and the ship. Perhaps she ought to have mastered Negation before coming, but while she didn't know the Goddess' sense of time, she didn't want to wait overlong.

When she felt herself slipping from consciousness, she tried to fight, but she could not prevail this time. And the world went white.

Nes... sena...?

She fought against the disorientation, as though she were waking from the drugged sleep of an apothecary. Still lashed to the traffail, she looked as the dragon bade her do. Had the Shepherd's own dragon come to take her to the afterlife? Had the Boundless Gate taken them to the Aetherium?

The young Avialae had so many questions, but that was nothing new. It was merely exacerbated by the circumstances.

Kaus was growing more alert, as were the boys. Her hands fumbled at the lashing even as they all tried to take in this new vista. Kaus began to hum, barely audible, and the words of their old nurse's song came unbidden to her mind:
I know a place where no one's lost
I know a place where no one cries
Crying at all is not allowed
Not in my castle on a cloud.

The young questors recovered rather quickly all things told, physically if not their aplomb. There were only so many wonders one could take in at once before the mind had trouble juggling them.

The presence of Avialae was comforting; the sound of wings was a sort of lullaby as well. But none of them were prepared for the voice that greeted their captain. Even Kala, normally so composed, was agog when the woman revealed herself a winged Avialae. The blows to rationality kept coming, however. The Boundless Gate had taken them to Atoria, homeland of the necromancer who had created their race to battle the cursed Hellmaw. Her studies into the history of her race had led her down the path of necromancy as well, seeking to understand the nature of her people.

But the histories had made it sound as though Atoria had been an island in the sea, perhaps destroyed by time or violence. Had it only been lost to the Aether Sea?

Thankfully, the woman made polite introductions, and out of habit, Kala was able to respond as was proper.

"Thank you, Captain Emerea. I am Kala of House Leukos, and this is my corebonded twin, Kaus. These are our doughty warriors. We have come to answer the call of the Crystal Lady, Her quest brought to me by the Lady of Midnight Mourning."

They bowed.

"I'm... not quite sure what She wanted me to do when I arrived, though..."
word count: 547
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Emerea watched and listened to Kala as she spoke. Her eyes flicked over to Kaus and then to Ceran and Indric when they were introduced. She offered a polite nod of her head at each introduction. When Kala was finished, the guard captain gave a wry smile.

“Her Ladyship’s quests are often as chaotic and unpredictable as the goddess herself. We will take you to the Elders. They will know what to do.” Emerea shook her head then gestured to the city in the skies behind them.

“At any rate, the city is yours to explore while you are here.” The woman turned to Captain Lia. Emerea ran her gauntleted hand through the ship captain’s hair before bringing their brows together. “I will catch up with you later, love.”

The woman donned her helm once more. She gestured to the platform below.

“When you are ready.” With that she took off at a light sprint, spread her wings and leapt into the air. She was followed by the four other armored guards. Watching them, they flew together as a unit, gliding through the air until they reached the platform where they landed gracefully. The group approached the dragon Nessena, joining others who were attending to the exhausted dragon.

“I realize I never gave my name.” The ship’s captain approached Kala and her group. “Captain Talia Cyorvil. Now that you’re here, I can tell you a thing or two. The Voyager is a trade vessel. We travel between here and other planes, bringing back goods to the city. We’re not the only one but certain oaths forbid me from revealing too much to those who have not been here.”

She gave a smile, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

“I was sent to fetch you. By who? Well, you’ll meet her soon enough. Now, off with you.” She made shooing motions with her hands. “There’ll be time for more talk soon.”

word count: 356
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