The Power In My Blood Ⅴ

Explore the Wildking's Forge and the vast open wilderness that covers the Region of Karnor.

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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
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☬ 25th of Glade, Year 122, A.o.S ☬
Company: Caliburn & Dimitri | Thoughts: Lets find them | Mood: Intrigued
Outside the city, Dante and Dimitri waited for the third to join them. Dante had used the money he had gotten from his aunt to purchase a new set of armor, one he dubbed "Blood Shadow". Along with a cheap longsword, Dante was ready to hunt down some cultists. He was curious about how this was going to go, but slaughter was slaughter, and he was no monster, and he wasn't about to stand for any more roaming around.

Dante saw the figure of Caliburn coming over the ridge and he waved the man over, who had three horses he had procured for the journey. Dante had never ridden a horse before even growing up so this was going to be quite the experience for him. "I must say I am not adept with riding one of these things?! he whispered in a frustrated tone, which made Caliburn laugh. He helped Dante onto the saddle and gave him a quick tutorial on how to steer and give commands. When he felt he was confident enough to go on his own, they set off.

"From this map, it appears that their hideout is heading this way. We shouldn't be too long by horseback, and for that, I thank you weak cultist for the map you gave us." with that Dante, Dimitri, & Caliburn set off to crush the Scarlet Chosen. The galloping of horses echoed throughout the landscape as they rode onward, being mindful of the map and the directions that were given to them. According to the map, this alleged base of operations was nestled somewhere near the Astralar Mountains.

The three men continued to ride out Caliburn decided to break the silence by asking something that seemed to be on his mind for some time. "I never asked, but are you sure you can handle this? I have no doubt that the place will be crawling with cultists." he inquired, a look of concern on his face as they galloped forward. The inquiry was enough to cause the vampyre to chuckle a bit. "Me? Well, let's just say I'm a man of many talents, some good, and some downright horrific, let's pray you never see the latter side of my skills. All in all, I'm a rather skilled kinetic mage, and I am also somewhat adequate with a blade as I'm sure you are aware. I can assure you, these cultists should be very afraid of my arrival."

Dimitri laughed at those words as they continued to ride, though Caliburn was still concerned but said nothing else about it. Besides, where would any fun come from giving away all his secrets to a complete stranger? No, he rather keep some things to the imagination. Vitalis was not for everyone, and the vampyre wasnt sure how mortals would take what he could do with that magic. The only person who understood and was ok with what he could do was Dimitri, but he was a special case for sure. As the group ventured forward, deeper into the wild king's forge, Dante looked to the map, realizing a patrol was within range of them, at least 40 to 50ft ahead.

Stopping his horse he signaled for everyone to stop as well. "Dimitri you come with me, we are close to the patrol group the assassin spoke about, which means there could be sentries out watching the perimeter. According to the details given by the assassin, there should be ten of them. We need to take them out before they can warn the others. Caliburn, I want you to wait till we give the signal that the majority are dealt with before you charge the center and take the remaining ones down. I'll take the ones on the far right, Dimitri, you go left."

He disembarked his horse, tying it to a nearby tree, and began to crouch low within the forest to keep visibility low. Stealth was something he was going to have to work on, taking slow steps through the foliage and making sure not to give himself away was important. That and the fact he needed to be as far away from Caliburn in order to feed his otherworldly hunger. Like a predator stalking his unsuspecting prey, Dante eased through the forest like a snake, making sure his presence was non-existent to the scouts. Soon he was right on top of one, catching the robed woman off guard from behind, taking one of the arrows from the quiver on her back, and jamming the arrowhead into the woman's neck. In the same instance, he sent the dying woman into the robed male next to her with a push within her flux, slamming them into a nearby tree.

Forming a blade of flesh with Vicissitude, Dante engaged the other three, launching himself at the first one with a push of his own flux to ram his flesh-crafted blade into the robed sentry's chest, taking him to the ground. Ripping it from the dying man, Dante came to block a strike from one of the other patrolmen present, blasting him back with kinetic force, and pulling the other towards him as they knocked an arrow into their bow. As they came soaring to the Vampyre, Dante swiped his bladed forearm and took the bowman's head.

The sound of it hitting the forest floor caused the two remaining to watch in horror as blood sprayed from the headless torso. Before they could turn tail and run, Caliburn came riding up and hacked them both down with his axe. With his group dead and dealt with, Dante was ok to go aid Dimitri in his efforts, and not a moment too soon, as he saw the young mortal man fight the last patrolman as well. He was glad to know the mortal could handle himself in a fight, but death could come at a moment's notice in a fight if one was not careful.

The naer wasted no time heading over to aid Dimitri, Leaping forward as the robed woman was backing away to gain some distance. Her eyes widened in shock as she looked down, horrified as the fleshy blade of Dante's pressed further out of her chest, blood pooling and falling from her mouth. The vampyre simply tossed her to the side as she took her final breaths, looking to Dimitri to ensure he was alright. Save for a few scrapes and cuts the human male was fine. However, their reprieve was short-lived as more sentries appeared from the forest.

"Looks like they sent a welcoming party to greet us." he snarled, the grip on his axe tightening as he looked to Dante who held a grin on his face. This was the perfect time for the vampyre to cut loose, as the rune of Vitalis began to glow, the vampyre having this feeling that spurred him forward. "You two leave them to me." he sneered, staring down at the group that stood before him. With the blade of flesh on his left forearm, Dante cut into the flesh on his right arm, filling his vitale with aether.

"Perish!" he roared extending his bleeding arm forward. His entire hand was engulfed with his own blood and with the excitement of this vitale, bloody crystals came shooting out at them pelting them, killing some and injuring the rest. Sprinting toward them, Dante began to carve through them, stabbing and slicing some with his flesh blade and impaling others with the use of bloody crystals.

When they went running, Dante would fashion lances of crystalized blood chasing them down and raining bloody death upon them, pinning them to trees or leaving them dead on the forest floor. Dante spared none of them as he tore through them all, perfecting his swordsmanship with his flesh-formed blade, or running them through with a blood lance. Returning back to his two companions, Dante was covered in blood. Dimitri went to wipe the blood from his master, as Caliburn looked at the vampyre with curiosity, then something came to clarity in his mind.

He never said anything as the two made eye contact, but Dante knew he had come to the realization of what it was he was dealing with, and with who he had come to be working together within this endeavor. With nothing truly said between them the three gathered their horses and set out along the path to take out the base and cultist within.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
word count: 1539

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Title: Most Unemployed Janitor In The World
Location: Ecith
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Sculpting: Fashioning a blade of flesh with magic
Vitalis: Making a lance from crystalized blood
Vitalis: Dual casting abilities
Vitalis: Crystalizing your blood to weaponize it
Blades{Flesh Blade}: Decapitation
Blades{Flesh Blade}: Works well against regular swords

Points: 8, may be used for Vitalis

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: None

Notes: Vivid description of Dante's attacks; I'd like to see him show off defense, too, maybe suffer what should be a killing blow and ignore it? But good fight, regardless!

word count: 108
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