Supply Run (Mayhem) [Ouno'uve]

The many small villages of the Ecithian Commonwealth.

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Norani checked the straps one last time for the travel sack that she was securing to Ruvaf's torso, to be against his belly. Ruvaf still wasn't used to having things secured to him so he was still fidgeting. Norani cooed, and in her native tongue, "It's okay, Ruvafi. I know you don't like it. I'm trying to make it more comfortable for you." The pterodactyl slowed his fidgeting a little, but cast a frustrated eye on his rider. She pat him along his neck, pressing herself against him "You're doing so good. I'm so proud of you."

Ruvaf gave a little gargling scree, a sound of annoyance but trusting her. The sack against his belly was filled with some long bones, some roles of untreated hides and skins, and a collection of small bones, teeth, and scales from the latest successful hunting party. Norani had been tasked with delivering these to the village across the lake, Ouno'uve. They had the superior craftsmen in that village, while Ounokt Nora had the better hunters. It was a symbiotic relationship the two who shared the lake.

Once Ruvaf's travel sack was fully secured and he was calmed down, she smiled at him and he crouched down and Norani jumped up onto his back, a smooth, well practiced movement for the pair. She made a clicking sound with her tongue against her teeth, a sound similar to how Ci'uvan communicate with one another. And with that, Ruvaf dove off the branch of Ounokt Nora's great tree. Norani slid her knees back abit where they held onto his back, and this signaled him to tuck his wings back as they dove down vertically.

They didn't need to move so quickly, they could've taken a more relaxed and slower style of flight, but Norani was taking the time to train them both. Every chance she could. She let out an "Ay ay!", a common warcry call among her people. It came out to roughly "Scatter, evasive maneuvers." She tucked her knees forward, and squeezed just a bit tighter and Ruvaf banked hard right and upward, leveling out a bit. She now was balanced on her thighs and was using exaggerated motions of her abdomen to lead Ruvaf in their shared dance. Lean her torso a bit left and forward, they banked left and downward. Stretching back but straight, Ruvaf did a hard upward climb. She had them run through a made up chase in her mind, evading on of the great predatory birds that hunted the skies of Ecith.

Her abdominals were burning from the extensions in her control, and eventually she wore out before Ruvaf did. She eased down, settling back into a more comfortable position on her haunches, and Ruvaf knew that to mean to settle into a level and comfortable flight. They coasted, largely gliding on the warm updrafts, as Ouno'uve came into vision. She led him down toward the small clearing that they used for their regular arrivals.

They landed softly and she made sure to thank Ruvaf for his great flying, giving him a big hug. She then set to work, undoing the many leather straps keeping his sack together. Norani wondered what her aunt was doing today, she lived over here. She was one of the spear riders, the land based cavalry that Ounu'uve. Norani had only been tasked today with this shipment of goods and to continue her training. Perhaps she could visit Aunt Hijuka. She hadn't seen her since Norani got her Life-Story started on her torso, with her official acceptance into the Ecith military.
Last edited by Norani on Wed Aug 10, 2022 12:02 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 617
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Ouno'uve was a village of skilled craftsmen. The denizens of Ounokt Nora and Ouno'uve often moved between the two, with some even changing their residence permanently depending on their favored skill or desired apprenticeship, which even further solidified the symbiotic bonds of the village. Norani's blood was one of these split-families, with those who remained near the lake living on either side. Her Aunt Hijuka was one such split.

She did not have to wait long to find her Aunt Hijuka. It was clear she had spotted her niece overhead, because minutes after Norani had landed, Hijuka rode into the clearing atop one of the large raptors this village was known for.

"Norani!" She shouted, and immediately dismounted and approached the young Ork for a hug. After a moment she ended the embrace, but she still grasped Norani by the arm. "I thought it was you flying over. What brings you to Ouno'uve?" Her eyes visibly traield to Ruvaf, and to the pack that she had recently taken off of the pterodactyl, and then to the beginnings of the Life-Story, visible on Norani's skin.

"Come, let's return to town." She finally released Norani. "I've just finished my patrol. It has been too long. Have you eaten? — No, I will save my questions until we return." With quick, practiced movement, Hijuka mounted her raptor and already began guiding him through the trail between the clearing and the village. It was up to Norani to keep up.
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As Aunt Hijuka broke through the clearing, both Norani and Ruvaf elicited happy, surprised noises. Norani pushed forward, embracing Aunt Hijuka in a tight hug, while Ruvaf wandered over to her raptor, Arhana, the pair of dinosaurs nuzzled one another. As Hijuka grasped Norani's arm, keeping her close, Norani clasped her aunt's opposite arm at the bicep lovingly, "I was tasked with bringing supplies. The hunting has been bountiful so far this season."

At the offering of food, Norani smiled brightly. Despite having access to largely the same wilderness, Ouno'uve and Ounokt Nora had distinctly different cuisines. And Norani loved both greatly. "Yes, I would love to eat. Ruvaf is hungry as well, he's growing so much these days."

Norani kept pace with long strides, at a bit of a jog really, while Ruvaf did his wingy crawl, which while it appeared awkward, allowed him to keep up quite easily. The sun was bright, Norani's task near complete as she lugged the heavy pack over her shoulders. She huffed and puffed, making sure to push heavily off the ground from the balls of her feet, a method of traveling with heavy packs to both strengthen the body and conserve energy without wearing out the joints of the legs.

Today was all about training after all, since her task was a fairly simple one. Strengthen the body, the soul, and the mind. Norani was ready to truly push herself, to become a good soldier. She wished to hunt more, and now she could join the hunting and patrol parties. She was no longer a child and was more than eager to prove it, to herself, to her family, and to the Lands, Waters, and Skies. Maybe she could see if anyone needed some help here today, she had long since learned that helping others with tasks was a great way to find training.

She kept pace with Aunt Hijuka, huffing and puffing but smiling about it as they reached the village proper.

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Hijuka had her mount walk a bit slowly to lead the way without too-quickly outpacing Norani. Soon, Ouno'uve was before them, arrayed on the flat ground rather than the massive tree of Ounokt Nora, but no less beautiful. Instead of in the trees, the building were laid out around them, and the smoke of forges and the work of craftsmen could be seen and heard as soon as the village came into view. While all craftsmen were the pride of Ouno'uve, those who created the weapons and tools from the shed scales of the metal pangolin primal, N'uveai Kai, were sought out most of all. For a primal, it was rather docile towards the village, and the metal shed from its back were hard and difficult to work with, making whatever was made prized for its strength and power.

Hijuka would accompany Norani as she dropped off the supplies, chatting happily with whoever they went to, and then would guide her to her home. She was a well-respected resident of the village and her home was closer to the center of activity. Being not only a warrior and guard for the village, Hijuka was a blacksmith and a summoner of nature spirits, and used fiery spirits to help heat her forge. All of this was well-known to Norani.

Food was not yet prepared as they entered her home, the raptor and the pterodactyl waiting outside, untethered and free to travel as they wished. It was cool inside thanks to the architecture, and Hijuka opted to relax than to start cooking immediately. As she reclined on a cushion, she opened her eyes slightly to peer at Norani. "Make yourself at home, Norani. What's happened since I've last laid eyes on you? Tell me everything."
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Every single time Norani walked into Ouno'uve, she found herself calmed and at peace. The village was built in the shelt of the children of the tree that carried her own village. Something she had discovered as a child, and had explained later was how the village was designed, carefully, by those who built the huts as a way to blend in with its natural surroundings. She had made a game of it when she was smaller. Close one eye and look away, then look back, no matter where you stood, there were angles where you couldn't see the village, but others you could. It was a careful camouflage designed from centuries of survival at here in the grasslands.

Ounokt Nora hid via height, Ouno'uve hid via careful line of sight and embracing the nature around them.

Another reason why Norani enjoyed it here was how shiny so many things she saw were. Metal was typically fairly scarce in Ecith, even in the city. Norani didn't actually own anything metal herself. However, here, this village, specialized in the rare and powerful materials, thanks to the Primal who claimed the territory on this side of the lake. And Norani was not alone in falling under the allure of how it reflected the sun, how smooth and shiny it could look and feel.

The young soldier hefted her pack to the local tanner, unloading. She didn't bother to try to haggle or bargain, these resources were not part of that trade, but rather were of the long standing agreement of coexistence of the villages. Norani presented the gifts, first to the tanner, and later to the bonewrights, knowing that by giving them more than they would need, they would in turn do the same. Her own village's success did depend often on the weapons, armor, and tools that were made here.

Once Norani's task was done, the small family made their way to Hijuka's home. It was small, as most Ecithian homes were, but adorned in the crafts and arts of both Hijuka, as well as her mates and her own children, younger than Norani, likely off chasing frogs at the lake's edge. Norani found her favorite cushion, the same one she'd apparently proudly proclaimed her own when she was four summers old, and it had been her spot ever since. Smiling at Hijuka, "Well, since that day you found me and Ruvaf hiding in the grasses, we've trained hard. He's grown so much!" Her voice carried the youthful enthusiasm she was well known for in her family. "We fly every day." Both Norani and Hijuka knew this also included the days of rest as deemed by Ounokt Nora's cook. Every village had one, so it was a fundamental truth.

"Most of last season, we were in Drathera. I had not been since I was knee high. It is so beautiful and so big! And so many people! And smells!" Norani was practically bouncing as she spoke, "We found a friend on our first day! A foreigner with hair the color of fire. Her name is Yeva Bleu and she's a Sky Reader. We made sure to climb Jarkor's Tail all the way from the bottom to the temple!" She smiled devilishly, "Oakinne was scolded because he flew to the peak rather than climbing the tail." Oakinne was one of the recruits who joined alongside Norani, and like everyone else in her village, was known here too. "The Seerscribes marked my joining of the Shield upon my chest." She removed her leather breast straps to show off the full markings. She needed not explain how the curves of the lines were the winds she soared on, how there was interpretation of duty and growth there. It was understood within the natives, to read the stories. "Me and Ruvaf have trained hard. And on our rest days, we've explored the city with Yeva. She grows stronger too!" Norani said this with pride, "Did you know northerners don't usually sleep in the same beds with each other?" A reference to Yeva's hesitancy and nervousness about sharing the communal bedspace common to Ecithians.

Norani leaned back on her cushion now, unperturbed by her half nudity. Here, it was just as normal as the sun shining or the winds blowing. "I brought Yeva to visit home. She's very curious and smart, always paying attention and trying to learn more. She's speaking our tongue well now!" Norani didn't notice it in herself, though Hijuka was sure to do so, but there was a light flush, a small darkening of Norani's skin above her breasts and high on her cheekbones. Even Orks get flush, though less obviously than the pale skin of the northerners. "Ruvaf made new friends in Drathera too. I saw him cavorting with a blue dragon several times, playing wind tag."

Norani leaned forward now, smiling at her aunt, elbows resting on her knees, "And how are you auntie? Are you well? What have you been up to?" Norani always paid attention with rapt curiosity. Her aunt had several mates, some romantic, some sexual, some that lived with her, some that did not, and she had two children that she had birthed herself, and two more that were brought home.

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Hijuka listened, nodding and making noises of affirmation without interrupting the excited girl until she was directly asked questions. The house was empty besides them, bereft of Hijuka's partners and children. At this time of day, most everyone was busy, whether they were eating, working, training, or playing. There was no reason to be inside unless they were relaxing away from the direct heat of Searing.

"I've met a few foreigners eager to share beds. But most, yes, do not." She took note of Norani's clear infatuation with the flame-haired foreigner. "Did you bring her to the village, or did she stay in Drathera?"

Hijuka sat up, her face creased with wrinkle of concern before it smoothed out again. "We have been talking, the chief and I. I'm glad you've come. I'm proud of what you've accomplished." She pushed herself up, and held out a hand to help Norani up as well. "We have one thing to do before we eat."

Hijuka would lead Norani out of her home and to the home of the chief of Ouno'uve, hidden in the brush and trees as much as everything else was. But to Hijuka, finding the buildings was a second nature. It would still be easy for Norani to pick out everything, too. Any questions that Norani had, Hijuka would deflect, claiming it was a surprise. The chief, who most knew as Vine, was waiting for them on a padded stool. Hijuka had managed to get word to him that Norani was there without her noticing.

When they arrived, Hijuka clasped Norani on the shoulder and turned the girl to face her. "I have long thought it time to pass my rune to you. You know I have been a summoner for many years." She started, "And I hope that you will accept this gift. Vine is going to assist me to keep an eye on you, if you wish."
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Smiling bright, "She came with me to the village. She sleeps in so late into the morning! She often misses dawnmeal."

She saw just a hint of concern cross Hijuka's face, listening as she spoke. Norani took the offered hand and stood up, following her aunt out into the village. Trying to pick out the homes, the hidden wells, and every little feature of the village had always been a fun game for Norani, ever since she was a small girl. "Where are we going, Hijuka?"

"It's a surprise, little one."

And soon, they were before the Chieftain's house. Norani had discovered it years ago but had never had reason to go inside. But in they went, and there was Vine, sitting there, waiting. Norani looked from the Chieftain to her aunt, feeling a pit of nervousness, but she knew not why. Then when Hijuka spoke, Norani's eyes grew wide. She looked back and forth between the two, realizing how big of an occasion this had just become. The nervousness blossomed into a flower of excitement for the young woman.

Her aunt was an accomplished summoner. She was by no means famous in Greater Ecith, but in the outer villages, she was certainly known. Norani had always listened to the stories of her aunt with rapt admiration. To be able to reach into worlds beyond this one? To meet new friends one had never seen? It was fascinating. Many had called her the Shaman of Ouno'uve, and Norani certainly did so whenever she spoke of her.

"Yes! I accept!" Practically bouncing in excitement before gaining some semblance of control. "Thank you for offering this to me, Hijuka. It is an honor and I will continue to make you proud."

Looking at Vine, "Thank you for offering assistance. I, of course, accept your aid in this."

Back to looking at Hijuka, steeling her face, straightening her shoulders, nodding once for good measure. "I'm ready. What must I do?"

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Hijuka smiled lightly, "Follow my instructions carefully and stay focused, little one. We are near to a thin spot between our mortal realm and the aetherium. It won't stay here much longer I do not believe, and it is impossible to predict where it might end up. When we begin, you will be thrust through the veil between the worlds and you will meet several spirits. This is the choice you must make. These spirits may try to trick you, deceive you, entice you, steal you away. It will be up to you who to follow and where to go, but to do so, you must take charge of them and remember who you are. If you fail, we will lose you forever."

Norani's eyes grew wide. She might be a soldier but she'd never done anything so dangerous. Her initiations into Elementalism and Animus were dangerous, sure, but this was different. This was a vast unknown, and she'd be alone.

But then... "Why do you need Chieftain Vine's help then?"

Aunt Hijuka frowned slightly, "Because if we lose you, that means the spirit has taken your body. And we will have to destroy it."

Norani's mouth grew dry and she nodded lightly. Her chest was tight and she could feel her heart beating in her tusks. But she closed her eyes and knew that if Hijuka thought she was ready, then she must be. She was family, and family was always to be trusted. "I'm ready."

Hijuka nodded "Disrobe."

Norani watched as a cloud of purple smoke began to appear in front of her as she undressed, cackling maniacally. It took no real shape, but slowly ebbed and curled around her. "I bet she comes for my kind... She could use some fun..." Geltan, Hijuka's aidolon, a tricky, teasing pervert of a cloud, floated around Norani, and she could feel its eyes upon her naked form. "We are going to draw the rune in the middle of your spine. Summoning is both the bond of those working together, while also facilitating travel. I believe this location will better unite all three of your runes." Norani nodded, dropping to her knees, sitting on her heels and felt as Hijuka began to paint the rune, focusing on controlling her breathing. Control began before the problems started. It took a long while as Hijuka work, being precise in her details, until she whispered, "Good luck little one," and completed the rune.

With that, Norani's slumped forward, entering the coma that came with this initiation. Hijuka and Vine picked up her body and laid her on some furs, binding her wrists and ankles together.

Norani's eyes opened and she found she was no longer in the Chieftain's hut. She was surrounded by darkness. Endless darkness in all directions and when she looked down at herself, she found herself glowing lightly and was a bit transparent. Was this what her soul looked like? What a strange sensation, to see one's own soul.

From behind her, "Are you lost? You look a bit young to be here."

Norani turned and suddenly found herself in a world of light and clouds and endless sky. It was breathtakingly beautiful. There were golden birds flying around, and great and powerful beings that clearly weren't of the world she was raised in, flitting to and fro among the clouds. And one was before her, a statue of gold and sunlight and pristine white marble that was constantly twisting and turning, and glowing. It was beautifully and impossibly alive.

Norani shook her head, "No."

The being made no movement to indicate emotion, "Well if you need help, I'll give it freely. Just say my name."

Norani nodded. Then a piercing scream that was neither woman nor man, orphan or human, creature or beast caused Norani to nearly jump out of her skin. Again. She spun suddenly on her heel, crouching defensively, bringing up her hands, finding herself surrounded by screams, staring at what she could only later describe as a giant, inside-out spider made of tears and somehow the physical concept of rage, but with many more mouths, many that didn't belong to spiders. It lunged toward her, reaching for her spiritual body and she dove to the side. Its screaming grew infinitely in volume and the amount of mouths uttering it and it began to chase Norani through the endless darkness. She ran and ran and ran, keeping just out of its reach, losing track of time in this timeless place, not realizing that she wasn't tiring from all the exhertion.

But when she did, she stopped, turned and planted her feet. The demon caught up to her quickly, one of its many screaming mouths lunging down at her face, and Norani screamed at the top of her spiritual lungs back at it. Her scream resonated within it, and soon all the mouths began mimicking her scream and then the demon began to boil and started to melt away until it was nothing more.

Norani sighed, looking around the endless darkness once more, wondering what would pop up now. She continued looking but couldn't find anything else. And then she found the darkness all around her getting smaller and smaller. Or rather, further away, until she saw a gigantic being made of rings and tentacles and stars, somewhat Orkhanoid in shape, in a seated pose. She watched as a world of stars exploded in its chest and another formed in its knee. She shook her head and walked in the opposite direction.

And she walked.

And walked.

And walked.

Until she felt a gentle breeze in her hair. She stopped and felt it continue to breeze by her. She followed after the winds, smiling a bit. They guided her around nonexistent and unseen obstacles in the darkness as she followed. And then she found herself in a picturesque little lake, with a waterfall, where the breeze went on to play with the water's spray and play the cattails like a masterful bard. It was warm, sunny and peaceful, and there over the lake was a small, swirling entity of light green and crystalline hues. Living wind.

This would be the one, she knew it. She felt it. She stepped toward it when a voice rang out, one that sparked joy in her heart, but it was not a voice she recognised.


The Orkhan paused, looking all around her, both in the little oasis and the darkness and saw nothing more. "Hello?"

"Norani, it is you!"

Perplexion crawled across Norani's brow, "Who are you? How do you know me? Why can't I see you?"

There was a long pause. Then a pained voice broke the silence, "Oh, you don't remember me? That makes sense..."

Norani stopped, wondering why she wouldn't remember someone, "What's your name?"

Softly, "Juno. I'm your best friend, Norani. Always have been."

Norani's brow furrowed further, she had never heard of anyone called Juno, and she knew everyone in her village and the next. "I'm sorry, I don't know anyone named Juno."

A longer pause.

"You did. You're older now. We both are. How's Ruvaf? Did the Matriarch accept him after you saved him from her? You were so brave, glaring her down like that to protect him."

Norani's eyes grew wide. Who was this? No one knew this story. She'd never told a single soul. When Ruvaf had been born in the Ci'uvan nest, he was too small, frail, and the Matriarch had determined him to die. But Norani wouldn't let her eat him. She stood her ground against the largest Ci'uvan for hours, stubbornly refusing to move away. The Matriarch eventually gave up, allowing the runt to live, and Norani named him Ruvaf. How could this voice possibly know this? Norani's chieftain, her family, not even Yeva knew this. She'd never told a soul, always worried that talking about it might result in Ruvaf being reselected to die anyways.

"Who... how? I never told anyone this."

A lighter lilt in the voice, "You told me."

"Why don't I remember you?"

A long pause, "Because I was taken." Another pause, "By the Unknown."

Norani's eyes went wide. It couldn't be. No one had ever heard anything from those taken by the Unknown. Not once in the tens of thousands of years of Orkhan history. The scurge that existed alongside Norani's people for all time had never divulged a single detail. Panic was rising in Norani's voice, "How are you here? Where are you?"

"I... I don't know. I never expected to..." Juno hesitated, "It's coming, I have to go."

Norani's voice went up a pitch, frantic, "Wait! How do I find you?! Don't go! Don't leave me!"

Juno's voice reflected the tears that went unseen, "I don't know, Norani, but please find me, find all of us. It's so dark here. And when it takes us..." There was a trembling there, "I can't stay. Find us Norani! We're here and we always will be if you don't free us!"

Norani was looking all around in the unending darkness, trying to find some semblance of anything, any sort of clue, a light, anything to guide the way to Juno. She kept looking, screaming into the darkness but finding no response. Until she felt the darkness looking back at her. She squinted, wiping away the tears that she hadn't known were falling. The darkness twisted and shifted and formed the shape of an animal she recognized. The raptors of Ouno'uve, the favored partnered creature of the village her body was in. But this one was made of pure darkness, except for the shining crimson eyes. It stepped forward and Norani reached out with a hand, touching the side of its reptilian muzzle.

The same determined stubbornness from when she saved Ruvaf came over her. She knew she had to find Juno. And all the rest. If she understood Juno's words, everyone taken by the Unknown might still be there, somewhere.

"Will you help me to find Juno?"

It looked her directly in the eye but did not move. She knew that to be confirmation.

"What is your name?"

'Vaka' was answered in her mind. Norani stepped closer to Vaka and pulled it him into a hug, and the spirit merged into her soul and the world flashed white.

Norani woke up, naked, hands tied over her stomach and ankles bound. She looked over at Hijuka who breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh good, it's you, little one. You did so well, I am so proud." Hijuka knelt down, cutting the bindings and pulling Norani up to a seated position, bringing a waterskin to her lips, "You were gone for nine hours, drink." Norani greedily drank from the skin, then gently pushed it away, and Hijuka looked on expectantly.

"Hijuka, who was Juno?"

She saw panic wash over her aunt's face, and she felt Chieftain Vine nearby stiffen. Norani looked around confused, "She was my friend, wasn't she?"

Hijuka, whispering, "Where did you hear that name?"

Why wouldn't she just answer the question?

"Beyond the veil. Why has no one told me about her? Mama Kiki writes down everything. Papa told me about who was taken from him."

Norani felt a pit of fear building within her. Why would they not tell her?

Hijuka looked nervous. Norani had never seen her look nervous. "You were young. The family thought it best to just let you forget. To let you grow up without that pain."

Norani's eyes shot wide open and her nostrils flared. A deep gutteral growl escaped between her tusks, "How DARE you?!"

She stood up violently, Hijuka joining her, shrinking, Chieftain Vine stepping close. Norani turned to him, "Don't touch me!"

Glaring back at Hijuka, tears streaming down her face, "You had no right!"

She started to sob, "You lied to me... All of you lied to me..."

"Norani, please, just list--"

"NO! You do not get to say anything to me!" Norani turned toward her, snarling and raising her hands, her draconic claws extending from her nails.

Norani grabbed her clothes and dressed quickly, Hijuka, stunned, made no attempt to stop her.

"Norani, plea--" but she petered off.

She stumbled toward the doorway, only now noticing the howling winds outside.

Continued here...
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Name: Norani
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Note(s): Norani has been granted the Rune of Summoning. Additionally, she had been granted a vision from the Darkness that those taken by the Unknown...are not quite as lost as once thought. What road will this take her down, I wonder?
word count: 64
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