[Dante] Cut A New Path

High City of the Northlands

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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=815
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
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Cut A New Path
Searing 36th, 122nd Year, A.o.S.
Light had enveloped them once again when they'd stepped beyond the portal, and for a moment he felt the gravity around him flip before the lights soon faded. He hated portal magic. Even if this didn't bother his gut the sheer idea was enough to stiffen his shoulders, while he clenched in what he might've expected to be a rough landing. Yet nothing. Just the sound of a world in chaos once more, a sure tell warning to open his eyes, to bear witness the scene unfolding around him and Dante. The whole damn Knob was a wasteland of ruin now, and people were scrambling through the rubble.

Sunsingers slaughtered another abomination of the mists, while others searched throughout the structural debris for any survivors. The immediate storms were now gone but clearly, bodies of the miasmic mist still lingered throughout the reaches of the city. It was a godawful nightmare, one that Rickter hadn't thought he'd wake up in again. The wolf checked above to see that the rift still lingered there, quietly shimmering like a crack in the sky like a bad omen. The sun was out though so it was somewhere late in the morning, and with a simply spun anchor within his fists, the wolf weaved out a barrier dome that warded against their particular enemies.

Already a large creature coated in fingers was wiggling onto the outer surface of the barrier, the brilliance of the Northern Lights burned at the skin of the creature, preventing it from entering any further as it emitted a ghastly hiss to the pair. Without even looking away from Dante the wolf pointed his fist outward toward the creature, and with the flex of his fingers, exerted a Push current into the Flux that sent the creature sprawling back. "We need to get to the Imperium." He hadn't any idea how much time he'd lost here already, just simply by returning to the mortal realm. However, he did know one thing, and that was where the closest trainyard was just beyond the Grungeworks.

"I can think of a way to get us there, but we'll have to make a break for it through these bastards first." Rickter's eyes narrowed at the scene still unfolding, the Sunsingers moving on to cut down their next set of beasts, while the wolf felt a feeling as though somebody walked over his grave. "Ah shit..."

"How the hell are you still breathing?" Alistor's tone was impartial but Rickter knew for certain he was aggravated, not withstanding the minor lack of concern in his tone just now. Regardless, the wolf cleared his throat and turned to gaze at the ghostly knight as if he stood, right there, between him and the Vampyre. "I felt no connection for a time. What happened?"

"Don't take this the wrong way, Dante, but there's a literal fuckin' ghost right here. Only I can see him, but I promise... I'm not crazy." Rickter about blushed at the thought of that, considering how relevant crazy seemed to be in these sorts of situations.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Alistor"
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 621
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1388
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1480


☬ The Vampyre ☬
☬ 36th of Searing, Year 122, A.o.S ☬
Company: Rickter | Thoughts: Let's get moving then | Mood: Anxious, Alert, Annoyed
The sure panic and destruction that Dante and Rickter returned to was not what he was expecting. But he didnt believe that in the time they were gone, however long that was, the government would have come to the aid of their people. It boiled his blood thinking just how callus Zaichaer was. But then he had a thought, what if there was no one left to direct the government after this?

Rickter revealing that they had to get to the Imperium meant that he knew exactly where to find Talon. It also meant the wolf was hiding things from the vampyre, but that conversation could wait to be addressed later. He smirked as Rickter shielded them from a lumbering amalgamation of....... were those fucking fingers?! This was sad for a city once proud of its own ingenuity and progress only to be unable to save its citizens.

Dante scoffed, but he knew the wolf was right, they had to get moving fast. Looking around, he accessed as there was a railyard nearby, but carving through the remnants of the dreadmist corruptions was going to be his first priority. When he went to move he noticed Rickter was acting strange, a brow quirked up as he watched the wolf....talk to himself? Then there were more revelations, as the wolf seemed to be plagued by a spirit. How curious. "After everything we've witnessed, I can hardly call that being crazy. If that's the case, then you deal with your invisible guest, I'll carve us a path, there's an old trainyard not too far from here. "

Hearing and seeing the abominations that still lingered within the area of Knob only served to irritate the vampyre more. Blades of flesh protruded from his forearms as he ran the sharp edges across his palms, blood pooling in them. A group of winged fiends came screeching toward them, and extending his palms out, he fired off bloody crystal shrapnel. It was like antiair fire. He pushed himself off the ground in their direction, using a compressed air platform to launch himself further up into the air with each step.

Thanks to the crystal blood shards the flying things were trying to avoid him while trying to kill him as well. If it wasnt for magic Dante would have had a terrible time trying to take them out. He finally got one of them, shredding their wings with bloody shrapnel, watching as it plummeted to the ground. The other came from Dante's right, and he pulled it towards him with flex within the flux around the beast.

The sound of its screams and wails as it was impaled on the blade of flesh filled the vampyre's ears. With a wicked smile, sent them both back down to the ground, using the beast to cushion his fall. With those demons dealt with he continued on towards the railyard. He could see a hoard of human-sized corruptions barring his path. "Out of my way abominations!!!!! I have a train to catch!!" he roared.

With both bladed forearms crossed in the form of an X, he charged straight for them. The moment that shambling hoard and the vampyre collided, limbs began to fly.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
[Dust to Dust]
Last edited by Dreyfus on Tue Aug 09, 2022 5:59 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 661

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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=815
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


Cut A New Path
Searing 36th, 122nd Year, A.o.S.
Relief filled his eyes as Dante seemed to be rather understanding of the situation, then again, he was also present to see that the wolf clearly had a gift from the Gnarled Goddess. It was high time Rickter did more than just start exploring its existence, if only to utilize it in the best way possible for Talon's sake. "Won't take but a moment, but please, have at it!" Rickter enthused as it would be less harrowing creatures for him to slaughter... as if he hadn't seen enough death already. An intentional clearing of the throat led Rickter to glance at his ethereal companion, with a look of expectancy waiting for the wolf when he focused on Alistor.

"Alright, lad, long story short I met the Gods. Five of them. They were havin' a debate, but ultimately, my companions and I managed to get a ride back home." The knight just stared at him then completely dumbfounded, even more so when Rickter's glum expression didn't really budge at all. "Which, by the way, thanks for the last minute invocation mate! Really fucked me over when I thought I could correct the terminology!" Now that the wolf admitted with a wicked grin, as the ethereal knight chuffed on his own before turning away for just a moment.

"Arcas save me with this one..." The knight whispered with a hardened fist for a moment, before he finally breathed deeply and turned back to the wolf once more. "Why, for the love of Gods would you do that?!"

"Well, hey!" Rickter threw up his arms with a mix of aggravation and humor in his tone. "Maybe next time better explain the rules of a spell, before you unload a mouthful like that onto me in the heat of the moment!" A gurgled roar came rumbling Rickter's way as a bodaciously plump creature came belching their way, a putrid stench filling the air as green acidic bile sprayed across his shield. Fuck him if he weren't prepared for that awful shit! Regardless as the barrier began to sizzle the aether reacted, and with the snap of his fingers, the rebound of a Backlash surged off the surface to knock the jiggling horror off its feet for at least eight feet.

"It's the Old Ways, Rickter!!" The knight barked before groping a hand over his hair with another paced breath. "Those very words have power in them, their very meaning is the magic you convey in the world!"

"Look, it's not like I've got a load of them I don't need to handle already, but I promise you mate! We'll sort this out on the road! Right now, we need to get going! Now!" The wolf expressed with a stern look at his ancestor, before turning his gaze upon the creature he'd knocked down earlier. The barrier had still sustained just enough damage around the wards, causing the aetheric bubble to gradually melt from where the acid had sprayed earlier. With just a flick of his wrist Rickter's pact broadsword materialized, the silver blade giving off a slight ring in the air as he clenched the hilt tightly.

Alistor looked at the obstacles that remained ahead of them, understanding the necessity for time at the moment. Plus, it wasn't like the man couldn't explore his mindscape to see the memories themselves. If Callen had figured that out, then surely Alistor had to have as well... right? The knight's look back to Rickter saw that the wolf took action, his arm hooked over to fling the blade into a horizontal spin. Right away the blade accelerated as he reached out his dominant hand, the rotating weapon slicing straight through 'Big-Bellied-Boy' as visceral and bile splurged from the clean-made cut. Rickter's weapon soared onward like a boomerang, arcing into a return trajectory as Rickter waited for his hand to catch the hilt.

The beast scrambled, quite literally, into two halves that reeked of a foulness the wolf wanted to escape from. With one final look at Alistor the man nodded in agreement, pointing toward a beam that seemed to angled out of the rubble. "Then you know what to do. Soldier." Rickter nodded before the rest of his barrier diminished, the wolf charging into a dash toward another mangled creature. In one quick swoop he slid straight past it, Way to Dawn cleaving yet another clean slice through the beast's form before it roared. One of it's limbs fell straight off as it wiggled reflexively on it's own, while the main body had time to reach out but only for that alone.

Rickter brought his sword into a cross-over motion, the blade swept from left to right as it cleaved straight through the limb he swung at. Within the final rotation where the blade swung back to the left was when the wolf chopped yet another creature in half. The beast went down gurgling it's last roar as another monster approached, Rickter quickly grasping the rest of the hilt with his other hand before the blade was pulled into a swing. With a swift flourish the blade tore through the third aggressor, leaving a little leeway between him and Dante as the wolf shifted his focus on the Vampyre. "Oi!" He called out to the man with a brief wave of his hand. "Keep up with me, mate!"

And with a gesture for Dante to follow him Rickter ran onward, throwing a cone of ice out in front of him to freeze another set of creatures. Rickter pointed forward with another push of his aether, so that the cone continued to freeze onward until they were near the base of the structural debris. With a hop touched by a Levitation spell allowed Rickter to high jump, he then landed onto the base of the beam that jutted out from the fallen structure. After a moment to steady himself Rickter then angled his feet to prepare an aether channel for Seeming, knowing that he and Dante would have to glide the rest of their way to the grungeworks.

"Here goes!" He started with a surge straight along the beam, the brief zip of the leather against wood ended with his launch into the air.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Alistor"
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

Off Topic
Action Queue!
Monster A
Strike Raid

Monster B, then C
Sliding Dash > Cross Slash> Speed Slash

Monsters D, F to Exit Strategy
Ice Rend > High Jump > Seeming
word count: 1186
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: The Blood Wolf
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1388
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1480


☬ The Vampyre ☬
☬ 36th of Searing, Year 122, A.o.S ☬
Company: Rickter | Thoughts: Let's get moving then | Mood: Anxious, Alert, Annoyed
He nodded as Rickter told him to follow him. With bladed forearms, Dante cut through the abominations that came at them, the surviving ones that weren't frozen solid by Rickter's icy advance. He was carving through the abominations making sure their rearguard was covered. Using Push to augment his speed he closed the distance between him and the corruptions. As he ran more and more came out of the debris, Dante taking several seconds to decapitate and cleave them in half as they came, and as their bodies fell to the floor, the other corruptions charged him.

By combining both his magic and swordplay, he didn’t break a sweat as he cut them down one by one. Soon the area was filled with hordes of fleshlings as Dante began the cleave and decapacitated all of the ones that attacked him. He made her way to catch up with Rickter, but as soon as he got close, ten or so monsters came scrambling out of the path carved by Rickter's ice. Without hesitation Dante continued to press the group, flexing forward with the aid of Push, rotating into a spin. He cut down several abominations as he spun through the horde, coming to a halt as a large lumbering one stood before him.

In order to avoid an attack that it was sending his way, he'd simply Pull himself onto the nearby icy debris, using it as a springboard along with a Push in the flux to launch herself back at the beast, landing well-placed slices on the limbs of the brute, causing it to stumble around and out of the way. Seeing no end to them, Dante got desperate and began to tap into Vicissitude to form an amalgamation that began to shoot forth from his back.

They were unlike the wings he had formed when he flew into the rift, no these were far more horrific looking. Two giant webbed hands protruded from his back, he took to the sky, using the flux around those fleshy wings to catch up to Rickter. Landing on a nearby beam he looked back as the monster seemed to give up the chase on them, and turned their attention elsewhere. Looking at the path ahead, Dante let out a sigh and glided down towards the grundgeworks.

"Common Speech"
"Silandris Speech"
[Dust to Dust]
word count: 492

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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=815
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


Cut A New Path
Searing 36th, 122nd Year, A.o.S.
The moment he felt his entire figure float, practically helpless, into the air Rickter felt his stomach drop. With only a second to reapply the Lift effect below himself, he continued to ride the Seeming current with a heavy lean forward with his upper body. So this had to be what flying felt like? Gliding through the air with his own powers did generate mixed feelings within the wolf, however, Rickter would've rather kept focus on the main task at hand. Already a couple of rotund aviary amalgamation flapped their molted wings frantically, determined to swoop in on him when he'd only just taken off in midair. Damned bird monsters...

With Rebuke to activate his Pact Weaponry, two bastard swords in the form of Way to Dawn manifested together, before they did a complete orbital slash around the wolf's form in defense. Both creatures were sliced on impact as their mangled bodies spiraled to the ground, his weapons lingering for no more than three seconds before Dematerializing. The wind gently rushed through his hair and even tickled his beard a little, as he cast his sight on the Grungeworks where one of the nearby train yards still looked intact. "Destination up ahead!" Rickter called out with a glance past his shoulder, surprised to see the new attachments the Vampyre had on his back.

Heh, maybe someday. Though Rickter ever doubted he'd truly have wings, the sensation he felt already from just gliding through air was enough. And the closer they drew to the Grungeworks, the more he could smell ambient aether still lingering in the area ahead of them. "Well, fuck..." It just wasn't going to be any easier for them was it? No matter, or so he thought, as it would just be a temporary stop before they were finally out of Zaichaer for good. So, while they drew closer and Rickter's elevation started to dwindle, he prepared a charged anchor within his left palm, and set the ward to activate the moment Dread Mists were in the vicinity.

Three seconds later Rickter and Dante were safeguarded by a large bubbled barrier, the miasmic mists simply repelled from them so long as the Vampyre flew close to him. When they finally were nearing level ground Rickter pulled his upper body weight back, determined to stall into a hover when he released the Seeming current beneath him. Finally, as he neared the ground he soon felt boots scrape the dirt as he landed in between a railroad intersection within the zone. The train yards teemed with creatures here also, a good number of them already howled and mewled at the two new arrivals in their midst.

But Rickter was done wasting time on them, particularly when they were close enough to getting out of here. Thus, with a flick of his wrist he laced another layer of aether outward, which generated a kinetic push to ward any creatures within the vicinity out of range. He looked to Dante then as he gave the anchor another small charge, expecting to ration a couple more portions before they were finally clear of all the mists and creatures. "You're still a Kineticist too, right? Have you ever utilized Seeming before?" Rickter inquired after his focus rested solely on the Vampyre once more. He gave the man the chance to answer, nodded accordingly as he shifted his eyes along the sets of rails within the trainyard around them.

"The plan is to ride these rails out of Zaichaer and down south. Once we're near Haqs we'll make a break for the border, see if we can't find any industrial tracks when we near the Imperium." Though that would likely require a lot of gliding when they did, since taking the public transit with the refugees was a surefire way to get caught. Searching for a cargo train shouldn't be too hard if they just went looking for tracks in general, but that was all at a time they weren't due to approach for another couple of days. Therefore, when he considered the placement of the sun, compared to the Rift even, he deduced which direction led to south from their location and looked from there.

Past several of the train carts still left here, there looked to be a straight line for them to follow right at the intersection. "We'll use these rails here, and I won't dash off too quickly in case you need a moment to feel it out." It was a strange concept for him too when he first thought about it, but like flying, somehow the concept of riding rails was still fun to the wolf in some ways. "Alright, mate, ready when you are." He assured Dante by taking a position on one of the two rails he'd pointed, his boots placed sideways along the rails with a minor bend in his knees. Once his friend seemed ready to go, Rickter activated Seeming to generate a flow across the surface of the rail, and slowly started to slide alongside Dante before they were set in motion.

And then together, they were off on their journey.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Alistor"
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 967
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
User avatar
Posts: 408
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:12 pm
Title: Forge your Legend

Name: Rickter

Points: 10
Magic: These points can be used for magic. (Reaving, Negation, Elementalism, Kinetics)
Knowledge: 10 Lore Points
Injuries: n/a
Loot: n/a

Name: Dante

Points: 10
Magic: These points can/not be used for magic.(Vitalis, Kinetics)
Knowledge: 8 Lore Points
Injuries: n/a
Loot: n/a

Sorry this took a minute to get to! Enjoy your rewards bud!
word count: 63
Templates, Workshop
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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