The Commune of Water (Yeva)

The many small villages of the Ecithian Commonwealth.

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Norani and Yeva had been in Ounokt Nora for three days now. Norani had introduced Yeva to her family and they had gotten settled back in. Norani did have a hut of her own, set upon a large knot in the tree, as all adults did, but she still slept in the communal family home with her dads and moms. But she had extended the hut to Yeva to use, she knew her friend wasn't fully comfortable with the Orkhan style, all of the time at least, so whenever Yeva needed a break for some privacy or alone time, the hut was there for her to use.

Today was a training day, and Norani already knew what her next course of self training would be. It was time to improve her magic. She was sitting there, alone on one of the many branches of her village, looking out over the lake. Ruvaf was out with the flock hunting over the lake for the many large, jumping fish that lived there. Norani smiled at the lake. It always was one of her most favorite of views, the way the sun reflected off of it, crystalline and serene, lifegiving and ever lasting.

Yes, today would be water.

She flicked at one of the coiled vines nearby, guessing that Yeva was still sleeping. Her friend certainly seemed to enjoy sleeping in, dealing with the body soreness that came from truly embracing the Ecithian culture. Norani would not wake her, the body needed however much sleep it required. Norani grasped the now uncoiled vine and slid herself down, following the many series of vines from branch to branch until she was down at ground level.

Norani began down the worn dirt path that led to the lake, the most traveled route on the ground around the tree. Many other villagers were already out and about. A group of the younger children were playing football in one of the clearings, their parents nearby watching while also practicing their crafts. Jara was carving a statue of some sort from a leg bone that stood as tall as him, Ilya was weaving baskets while singing a light tune. All around the village, both up in the tree and down at the base, the village was peaceful as everyone set about their business.

Norani made her way to the water's edge. The Nora people did not build docks like they would in Drathera, but rather, they submerged large stones as a pathway to lead into the water. There were children and adults playing and lounging and laughing in the water. Norani removed her breast wrap and her loin cloth, hanging them on one of the short shrubs that was already laden with the clothes of many, and she walked her way into the cooling, refreshing water.

She submerged up to her neck, closing her eyes, just suspending herself in the crystal clear waters, focusing on the feeling of her home upon her skin. She could lose herself in this feeling, and found herself wishing to do so. She let her legs float upward, balancing on the surface of the water, letting the rising sun warm her skin as she simply relaxed into the embrace of the lake that gave her people life. This was a perfect moment for her and she was content.
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Yeva woke from a dream and rolled over, eyes closed.

There were the sounds of many voices outside. The first was tired, the second frustrated. Another person, higher in tone chimed in, shrill in childish denial. Following this cry was the soft clatter of cutlery as breakfast was completed and the sound of work continued. Yeva stirred, and reached out, half expecting to find Norani, as she had for many mornings since their friendship began. When her palm fell against the pallet with a small thud, she sat up, bleary-eyed, to the wisps of returning memory.

It was far too late in the morning for her friend’s company and they had slept separate, she recalled, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the rays of sunlight pooling through the window. And, while it was habit to finding others nearby, she had opted for a chance at privacy the night before, requesting to stay in Norani’s hut, which from its spartan furnishings, was rarely used.

She managed her way outside, yawning as she leaned against the door frame and observed the family around her. It reminded her of her own, in a small way. Yeva also came from a large family. Four brothers, three sisters. And somewhere in the middle of that chaos, she was born. By the far tree, she could see one of Norani’s mother’s skinning a large animal and treating its hide from the morning’s hunt.

Someone stepped out from around the corner to loom over her, “Hey,” A teenage orc grinned down at her, holding a plate of food with an eager energy. There was a fat baby strapped to his back and he wore a necklace of teeth, “You’re awake.”

Yeva jumped in surprise, laughing off the sense of unease. The baby in his care stared at her with an unblinking expressing from the confines of a swaddling blanket, “Oh, hi.” No matter where she moved, it stared.

“Are you hungry? We already ate,” he lifted a plate, piled high with roasted meats and a giant egg, runny yolk dripping from it as he held it up, “I saved you a plate.”

He handed the food to her and Yeva wasn’t sure what to say. The offering was so sudden, given without expectation of denial, that telling him she wasn’t hungry first thing in the morning felt… wrong. It was poor timing, and she didn’t want to diminish his enthusiasm, “T-Thanks.”

Not far away, another of Norani’s mothers was carving arrows, glancing over to watch the two while dragging her knife across the wooden point. Yeva turned, “I’ll just, uh… I’ll put it inside,” she pushed aside the doorway covering, surprised to see him following after her when she set the plate on a short table and turned. What did he still want? A silence filled the hut and she scratched at her arm at a mosquito bite. She had a sense that conversation didn’t come quite as easy to him as it did his older sister, and hadn’t planned on what he was going to say next. Or how he was going to say it. He spoke common well, but there was still a strong accent to his words. She wondered if that made him a bit more reluctant.

Besides initial introductions when they arrived, Yeva hadn’t yet engaged directly to the youth, “Did you sleep well? You were… alone… last night."

“I did. Slept very well. This is not uncommon to me.” Yeva felt relieved at first, but wasn’t sure about the topic of conversation. Norani hadn’t understood the preference of solitude at first either,

“It is not good to be alone in Ecith,” he grew quiet before looking her in the eye, a recited but restrained hope in his next suggestion,“I could sleep with you.”

Yeva did not move. She could never tell with the Orkan, who were always offering something. There was a distinct lack of tattoos on the boy and although he was more matured than the weakling of Zaichaer, he was young. Certainly not the kind of offer she could consider from a friend’s sibling, no matter the intention, and there was something distinctly adolescent in his proposal, “I… am not alone, not always,” she struggled, trying not to appear too uncomfortable. Speaking of isolation, she hadn’t seen her friend moving about the huts, or hear her laughter, “Where is Norani?”

“By the lake,” he answered, trailing after the redheaded elf, who came popping back out of the hut with a look of restlessness

“I’ll go find her.”

“I could come with you,”

“No! You have baby,” she blurted, quickly correcting herself,The baby. And many chores. Thank you for food. I…” she spotted a pile of her own laundry, sitting in a basket made of reeds, just outside the hut, “I go clean clothes at lake and… pray. Alone. See you after, maybe.”

Yeva remembered roughly the direction of the path and felt confident she could find the way. Others would be there given the humid heat already pressing upon the day, and she rushed to where the basket sat, heaving it up and onto her hip before marching as fast as she could up the path. Her feet were bare, so once or twice she had to slow, carefully stepping over small rocks or twigs, taking the chance to admire how the light played through the leaves above. Clusters of moss and grass tickled her and she enjoyed the sounds of birds calling out, “Norani?” she shouted, hearing the sounds of splashing water and spying colorful giants through the treeline. Giant stones were propped into the water, leading further out, and she smiled politely at those already present.

Others had gathered for the same reasons, washing clothes or dishes, practicing crafts or lounging in the shade while a few of the visitors played by the water’s edge. She scanned the lake for a familiar shade of green, walking the shoreline for a while until her arms tired and she had to readjust her hold on the basket. She stopped from time to time, burying her toes in the silt around the water and letting the waves wash against her ankles. A few people called out to her, suggesting she join them, but the Hytori gently declined. Maybe later, she’d say. Always maybe.

Finding an empty spot near a cluster of cattails, Yeva dropped the basket and leaned against it before sitting beside it shortly after, “Norani!” she called again, sighing in resolution before laying back to rest beneath the sun. She didn’t like feeling as if she was always chasing after her friend, too skittish to be left alone, but…

Her head turned and she watched as two orcs laughed, one of the men barreling into the other while the one beneath threw a knee into his friends side. They grunted and slammed each other into the ground, muscles flexing with a shine from scales and sweat. They wrestled like those on the first day she arrived to Ecith, and unlike Norani’s brother, they had tattoos, although from the distance, she couldn’t see their detailing. Along their arms... and backs.. and thighs. Pressing her knees together, Yeva rolled forward onto her feet and sprinted into the water, still in her night dress.

Taking a deep breath, she dunked her head beneath the surface.

It was hot outside, wasn’t it?
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Norani was trying to do what her father often said. Listen to the water. It will speak to you, in its own way. There was something there, a deep, steady sound. She wasn't even sure if it was a sound or if it was simply the silence. The water was warm here at the surface. She could feel her body drifting, the lake moving her without seeming to be moving. She took a soft breath, and asked a silent question with her aether to the Lake. She had never asked anything of it before, and she offered her aether freely, no expectations.

She just wanted to talk to the lake.

It sounded like that deep, deafening silence wiggled a little. She felt a pull, the Lake accepting her offering. A refreshing coolness rippled over her green skin, and she continue to float there, feeding aether to the Lake. She could feel that it was big, far bigger than herself, far bigger than she thought she could ever be. And old, something about it felt ancient, beyond the simple understanding of a young Orkhan. It did not speak to her, but she sensed that the Lake was... content, maybe. Comfortable.

That pleased her.

She continued to feed it for a while, losing track of time, finding comfort in that which gave her people life and united them and the village across the way. And then she heard a familiar voice calling her name, distant and muffled by the water. A smile grew on Norani's face. Yeva was awake. Norani thanked the Lake for spending time with her and she stemmed the flow of aether. She opened her eyes and began frog swimming toward the source of the sound. She came around a patch of reeds, just in time to see Yeva building up the confidence and go running into the water, dunking her head beneath the surface.

Norani's smile broadened. Her friend had changed so much in the time they'd spent together. She seemed to smile more now, and she was blushing from embarrassment less, and when she would say yes to something new, it often came quicker and more eagerly. Norani stood up in the soft, rocky silt here, walking in Yeva's direction. The sun reflected off the rivulets of water that streamed down Norani's body as she moved into shallower waters. Her hair, dark stuck to her back. Her tattoos, swirling, trailed from her collar bones down between her small breasts, ending just above her stomach. She continued walking toward Yeva, in thigh high water now, waiting for her friend to pop up any moment now.

Once Yeva would emerge, "A wonderful day to embrace Nora's waters, isn't it?"
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She held her breath until her lungs became burning coals. A stream of bubbles rushed from her nose. The world grew distant and distorted, suspended in watery space. Echos of splashing and shifting waves muted her senses and the cool water engulfed her, drawing the overwhelming heat from her body and nullifying it. Yeva touched the earth and pulled at the reeds, grounding herself to the lake. Her night dress billowed around her, her hair defied gravity, shifting with every turn of her body. She blinked, staring into the murk.

The water's surface shattered and the elven woman shot forward, her head rising from the self guided baptism in a splash of flattened curls and clingy hands. Droplets clung to her eyelashes, fingers brushed the air. She sucked in a breath and wiped at her face, gasping.

"A wonderful day to embrace Nora's waters, isn't it?"

She coughed, pushing backwards instinctively, towards land when the voice registered, "Norani," she managed, pushing back a curtain of hair obscuring her sight. She squinted, blurry vision sharpening to spot the naked orc, tattooed more than when they had first met. Yeva tensed, logically knowing that the locals in Ecith favored nudity and yet still not expecting to look upon such a familiar face and see.. well.. everything, "I-"

Was looking for you?

Was wondering where you went?

Yeva felt quite foolish suddenly and didn't know where to look. Before her, her friend stood bare, and on the shore, men were participating in a grand display of strength. She sank further into the water. Wasn't the sun pretty when it bounced across the ripples? She picked an easy starter, "I overslept again." No one had made her feel guilty for her tendency for beauty rest, but it was difficult for her not to feel lazy. While the others began their day and helped with preparations, she was tucked into her cot, dead to the world, except the mornings where she shared a bed. On those sunrises, she stirred only slightly, muttering whispers of dream talk. She stole a glance at her friend, glorious green, "I have chores but also, your brother said you were by lake. You are..."

Swimming? "Uh... Water... water..." she moved her hands, mind blanking. The more she tried to formulate her words, the less they came. With a sudden stop of speech, Yeva frowned at herself and rose suddenly to escape the conversation. If she moved, she could buy time to think. She could redirect to other topics. It was a good plan, but she did not take into consideration the consequences of her former actions.

The mystic stood from the shallow water to turn towards the shore, her soaked nightdress, once oversized like nearly the rest of Yeva's wardrobe, clung to smooth skin, sheer in areas that drapped over womanly curves. Not quite as toned as the men and women of Ecith, her frame had a softer appearance. Slopes, not cuts. The water rushed as it fell from the fabric and she looked down, at her chest that could not be hidden. Two pieces of metal adorned each pink nipple. As soon as the elf registered what had been revealed, she was covering herself, kicking up a flurry with each step as she leapt towards the shore. Her ears were already burning, "Ok! Bye!"
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Norani watched as her friend shot forward, a scarlet trout escaping from its hideyhole, breaching the surface of Nora. And she immediately saw her friend's cheeks and it ears blushing red. For Norani, she was not embarrassed of this, but she'd been with Yeva enough to know that she was still shy about the concept. Norani did not need to point this out to the elven woman. She watched as her friend looked anywhere except for at Norani's body. That was fine by her, she didn't need to be looked upon anyways, not by any other than the sun above and the lake below.

But Yeva was looking to hide in the water. At her admission for this word, "oversleep", one that Norani had never heard of before Yeva, the Orkhan lass only smiled. She did what many an Orc does to try and teach a lesson. First, she did not look at Yeva directly, to not embarrass her further, and she spoke softly, a parable that had probably been spread across much of the continent over the millennia. "It is important to have people who wake early. They can hunt before sunrise, when animals are still active, and they struggle to see us Orks in the grass. This feeds the village." She smiled even more broad now, but still looking out over the lake, and away from her shy friend, "It is also important to have people who wake up for midday, to gather the berries under the sun, to catch the fish that hunt the sunflies, to weave the baskets." A curt nod, "And it is important to have those who rise with the moons, to watch over the others when the sun goes down, to guard against the monsters and suffering of the darkness."

She looked over at Yeva now, a soft smile, "It takes all kinds to make a village. Your body needs to sleep later? Listen to it." And that was that, another nod to follow.

And now Yeva was frowning and shooting upright, seemingly at the beck and call of her nerves. She was a bird taking flight at a perceived danger. Norani watched as the woman started to flee to the shore, seeing her night dress turn transparent, seeing the sun shining upon her, revealing shadows hidden in the curves of Yeva's soft body. She saw the glint of metal upon her chest, and for a brief moment, Norani's eyes showed just a hint of something more. A hunger. Her nostrils flared, her throat swallowed.

But her friend was panicking, escaping to the shore now, saying her goodbyes. Norani opened herself to the winds, hearing the laughter that was normal for them. They were lazily floating about, and she asked them to go play with any who might be looking at the scene that Yeva was unintentionally creating. As she did, her rune of Elementalism between her own breasts shifted into more wind like swirls, glowing softly, and she felt her aether feeding the winds.

Grasses blew into the faces of people nearby, others found their own hair obscuring their view at one particular angle. Nothing sinister, just the natural playfulness of the winds themselves. Norani grew close, placing herself between Yeva and the nearest onlookers, but not touching the elf. She spoke softly in Common, the same voice she used when Ruvaf was uncomfortable, something she did not do toward Yeva any more unless it was to comfort or to be extra clear.

"Yeva, please. Breathe. Close your eyes and breathe, feel the winds." At that, she asked the winds to come to Yeva's aid, blowing her curls to cover her breasts, to start the process of drying her night gown. Norani closed her own eyes as well as she spoke, her words going softer still, "There are no predators here. Nothing is hunting you. There are no eyes upon you. Please, just breathe. Twice through the nose, once out through your mouth."

Norani smile stretched a bit but her eyes remained firmly shut, "I am here with you. The winds and water and sun are here with you." Norani stuck out a hand, palm up, "Let us sit and enjoy them all, if you'd find that pleasing."
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Norani told Yeva to listen to her body, but it was a treacherous and confusing thing. Constantly embarrassing her, and although now stronger than when she arrived, Yeva's delicate form stood out in Ecith. Enough so that she turned away from any prolonged attention, self confidence lacking in the areas where assumptions would suggest positive interest. For majority of her life, the redhead had tried to slip under the radar, yet fate very rarely gives us what we want. If Yeva's mane of red hair wasn't enough to catch the eye, her flushing skin only added insult to injury. Daily, she attempted to push that comfort zone, shifting towards Ecithean culture, hoping that by doing so, those around her would pay her little mind.

But, an elf was an elf, in a region of Orkan, no matter how hard they tried.

And now this elf stood nearly nude upon the shore, with nothing, not even a proper cloth to hide behind.

Well, there was Norani.

Her friend had swooped to her side, Yeva clutching one arm to her own chest, the other clawing at the air as she tore forward, open palmed to catch her in case she fell in the shallow water.

"Yeva, please," Norani's voice was gentle, coaxing, Common. Those beyond were blocked from view and the wind was beginning to blow, sending shivers across her skin, "Breathe. Close your eyes and breathe, feel the winds."

"I feel them," she rushed, almost in a desperate plea as she kicked up water. The wind was warm, yet its quick breeze caught in her hair, the stretch of fabric pressed against her knees.

Yeva's eyes still darted, looking for the closest path to her basket, but came up short as her friend's hand hovered, eyes closed and relaxed, "There are no predators here. Nothing is hunting you. There are no eyes upon you. Please, just breathe. Twice through the nose, once out through your mouth."

Nothing is hunting you.

Such a simple sentence made her stop. Did she feel hunted?

Vulnerable, certainly.

Truth be told, the mystic had never considered why she felt the way she did. She had assumed cultural differences, but her feelings replicated the same flight response that occurred when she had first awoken in the communal bed her first night. Or the first evening when she had slept at Norani's side. Since such stress had reduced over time, it wasn't a fear of intimacy - her avoidance stemmed from inexperience more than whether or not she enjoyed being connected with another - but a lack of trust in her environment.

Yeva didn't know all these people well enough to allow herself to be so exposed. It was either that, or she didn't trust herself.

Norani's smile stretched, flashes of her grin as the sun poured across her face. "I am here with you. The winds and water and sun are here with you."

But... she trusted Norani.

The orc's hand was held out before her, her palm a lighter green than found on her forearms. Almost yellow in color, "Let us sit and enjoy them all, if you'd find that pleasing."

Norani wouldn't let anything happen. Norani could keep her safe.

The tension in Yeva's muscles began to release, and she felt the role of a fool. Idly, she touched the scar upon her cheek, nodding to herself as she lowered the arm blocking her torso and placed her hand upon Norani's. She closed her eyes and followed instruction. Two breaths, through the nose, out the mouth. The sun warmed her shoulders and kissed her freckled nose. The water at her anxious feet began to still. The wind sang against her skin.

She curled her toes in the mud, keeping her eyes closed long after her heartbeat returned to it proper pacing, "I should be better at this by now," she sighed, "Sometimes I wish..." she frowned, still refusing to look. It made everything a bit easier, "I wish I could be bold like you."

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Norani smiled softly as Yeva relaxed, coming at ease. As Yeva dropped her arm, further exposing herself, Norani's eyes remained on Yeva's own, despite the elf's own being closed. Norani was so proud of Yeva in this moment, finding that strength within her to just be herself, in charge of herself. As she spoke, Norani moved in closer, one hand on each of Yeva's elbows. She leaned down, gently pressing her forehead against Yeva's own, a motion of comfort in Ecithian culture.

"You're already bold and brave, Yeva Bleu."

Norani closed her eyes as well in this embracing moment, "You're the most interesting and exciting person I've met in my life here. You shared food with me without fear. You opened up to me, again and again. You even defended me when that woman made me feel a fool. You've traveled so much, and have embraced this life and culture we share here with so much love and curiosity."

A hand moved up Yeva's arm to gently hold her cheek, Norani's eyes opening, "You're so many wonderful things, Yeva, and bold and brave are simply among them."

Opening up herself, "Drathera was scary for me. I know I'm a village Orkhan. I know the city Orkhan think of us as wild, stupid, naïve. And I'm certainly those things while I'm in the city." Norani's dark eyes watered a bit, a sheepish smile growing on her face, "But you helped me to feel proud of myself. You helped me to be bold too. To not concern myself over the sword tongues, that I have my own special strengths too."

Her hand dropped from Yeva's cheek, and she took both of Yeva's hands gently in her own, holding them between themselves, "But most importantly, I never felt alone because you were there. Because you were bold enough to participate in our culture, bold enough to be a good friend to me."

"You're my best friend, Yeva Bleu."

Norani turned to face the lake once more, leaving one hand with Yeva's, and she sat down in the shallow water, coming up to her naval. She leaned back, letting the sun warm her, the waters sooth her, and the winds tease her, the mud comfort her. She gave a gentle, asking tug on Yeva's hand to join her.

"Nature is always beautiful. Here in Ecith, we do not try to cover nature or hide it or shame it. Our villages and cities are built like the markings upon my body, to enhance nature without taking away from it. All of nature is beautiful." Norani looked up at Yeva from her position, "Orkhan are beautiful. Elves are beautiful."

She looked back out across the lake, "And no one can say otherwise without speaking in lies."

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A gentle pressure reached her forehead and Norani's voice was was closer, her breath fell across the redhead's freckled cheeks. Yeva resisted the urge to pull her shoulder's higher and shy away, curling her toes into the mud, and listened as she was adorned in praise. It was direct and specific and held such pure emotion within each sentence, her ears heated just from the unfettered honesty. Then the hand held her cheek and Yeva opened her eyes, surprised.

Norani was so close, Yeva could see the specks of color in her eyes, and she thought the orc might cry.

The mystic did not breathe, even after the green skinned woman let her face go to grab her hands and squeezed them, "You're my best friend, Yeva Bleu."

When Norani look away, Yeva flushed, looking away as Norani lowered herself into the water, gently tugging for her to join her. Despite all the sweet words, there was still a small urge to cover herself and she looked at the basket of laundry with uncertain eyes. Orcs were beautiful, elves were beautiful.

It was a lovely thought, one she wanted to believe. Yeva chewed at her bottom lip, lowering back into the water to sit beside Norani, "You're my best friend too," she added. They were from such different cultures. The Hytori believed in beauty as well, but theirs was an unattainable one, achieved only after lifetimes of perfection. It was hard to think that someone as young could have so much to offer, and Norani held such a confidence in her, "Sometimes... You speak as if I have no flaws. It's- I get embarrassed. But, still... Thank you. It's very flattering."

If she could see herself as Norani did, she would be unstoppable. Yeva tried to imagine it and gave a soft chuckle. As her face cooled, she settled in the water, shivering slightly in her damp dress when the wind blew. After another minute, her eyes wandered over the reeds, down the beach, where the orc men had been sparring. She tried not to stare, flickering her attention around the lake before pulling back. They lounged in the sun now, laughing, "Is it rude to ask to see someone's tattoo?" she inquired, breaking the silence. There had been many orcs that had such detailed ink, she had barely caught a passing glance. And many she would love to admire. Curiosity was treated well in Ecith, yet Yeva still felt awkward approaching strangers with apparent interest, "Since they can be so personal, I... Well, I was just curious. Should you know them before you ask?" In fact, the more she thought about, the less she was sure. She let her free hand dance across the water, causing a wave of ripples, "Is there anything taboo in Ecith?"
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Norani's smile broadened as Yeva slid back down into the water, sitting next to her. Yeva thought Norani saw no flaws in her, and while that was the case, it was not the whole of it. "The only flaws you have are those you decide you have. To me, you are simply Yeva. You are as you are. A rock isn't better or worse if it is polished or if it is rough. It's a rock. You are Yeva, and whatever shape you take, you will still be Yeva. And I will care for you as long as you allow it."

Norani wondered how one was raised, what sort of culture Yeva's homeland was that brought out these worries and insecurities in her friend. Was Ecith really that different from these foreign lands? And how would Norani feel if she visited those places? Would Yeva be there to help her?

She hoped so.

A playful grin at the question posed of her, "It is never rude to ask, and I've not met someone who would not share them. I think us Ecithians have come to expect it, in a pleasing way, of foreigners who are trying to understand. It would be more disrespectful I think to not try to understand our markings. Next time you meet someone for the first time here, watch their eyes, they will search your body, not for how you look, but for the story upon your skin."

At the question of taboo, Norani hunched forward, revealing her muscular back to Yeva, currently devoid of markings, as she rested her elbows on her knees. She thought about it for a bit, "I've never really thought about it. I mean, we all try to keep to our best interpretation of the Tenets, but the biggest taboos? Hmm.."

She shifted about, fidgeting a bit as she thought on this, before looking over her arm at Yeva, "Lying, assault, and murder, obviously.° She turned back casting her eyes out over the lake, "Oh! Deciding a child's fate before they are old enough to decide for themselves. And hindering them from learning, if a child wishes to learn from you, you're expected to teach them. Refusing to do so will result in everyone shunning you. Completely." She cocked her head a bit to the side, pulling her long pony tail over her shoulder and playing with the tip of it, "Telling others how to feel. I remember a human merchant came to our village once and after some story, I can't remember which, accused Papa of not being outraged enough by the story. And that was when Papa truly became outraged, at the man for his expectation."

She leaned back, her palms catching her bringing her back to looking over at Yeva, her ponytail dangling down between her breasts, forming a small pile in the water between her crossed legs, "There's many I suppose, typically related to controlling others. One should only control themselves." Her brows furrowed as she continued thinking, giving her a grumpier seeming demeanour, "Shunning is always temporary. Even banishment is temporary. There's no crime on could commit that is irredeemable." She chewed on her bottom lip as she pondered this for a bit, "I think that's because we don't really believe in letting any be or feel alone. Even those who have made mistakes or poor choices shouldn't be alone." She smiled over at Yeva, "Not to say that we don't respect privacy either. But if you ever come across a campfire and an Ecithian is there, you will always be welcomed. So long as we live, none of us are alone."

Norani began unbraiding her ponytail, "What's taboo in Sol'valen? And Zaichaer? I know nothing about these lands." Her fingers worked the knots undone. Once all of her hair was freed, she layed backwards down in the water, tossing her hair backwards into the water, submerging it a bit, before sitting back up, her hair cloaking the entirety of her back.

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Yeva listened.

Beside her, Norani's fingers unbraided her hair and the orc laid back and then sat up. The strong muscles of her back were hidden by a black curtain, "What's taboo in Sol'valen? And Zaichaer? I know nothing about these lands."

Yeva looked away, wanting to sigh but suddenly feeling as if she didn't have the strength to. Thinking of these places reminded her of the people she had left behind, those she had not talked to in some time either by choice or circumstance, and the pit of guilt she often suppressed was undeniable now. She watched the water ripple around them, speaking in a language she had not used in the presence of Norani before. A flowing, lyrical tongue - Mythrasi, "Maybe that is a good thing."

The elf was pensive.

She was claimed to be bold and curious, but what if she had simply been eager to run away to a place she felt she could belong? If she found a purpose as a Seer, maybe she would finally be able to return worthy of places that valued power and perfectionism, "Sol'Valen is beautiful," she started, "It is ancient city, rebuilt after our hubris destroyed it." she exhaled, "Ecith is a... wild beauty. Sol'Valen is curated. Made with purpose," Precise and contained, "Pious, I guess. It's very... traditional in a lot of ways. I would say it's taboo to go against tradition."

"And in Zaichaer..." she was reluctant to tell Norani about Zaichaer. She imagined the stiffling regimin would contradict Norani's approach to life, "Existing was taboo..."

She thought on this for a moment, a flicker of pain at the treatment herself and other nonhumans received within the city's walls, "There, humans are the only beings that matter. Magic is forbidden unless you gain very specific permissions, and, they tolerated me, but they do not like mystics. They say we are like witches." Witches are prosecuted.

Yeva's eyes were downcast, watching her fingers comb through the lake's silt. She shrugged.

"There are those that resist, and come out stronger because of it," those that had not been beaten down by the state, or were simply too seasoned to be run off, "In Zaichaer, I met a hobgoblin named Franky. He... he took care of me when I needed shelter, and he is largely the reason I have come to Ecith. He owns a tavern there..." she looked up, smiling in memory, "It's become a safe harbor for the outcasts... Like me."

Yeva scooted further into the water, tugging on a stick that had gotten lodged in the ground, "When I left, there was talk of revolution on the horizon. Maybe everything has changed."
word count: 466
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