Searing 47, 122 Age of Steel
The Doom of Zaichaer had resulted in several practical issues for those lucky enough for escape to the Imperium. While they were very trivial compared to the challenges faced by those unfortunate enough to have remained within the Mist filled city, they were nonetheless quite real. Perhaps the most unexpected of these was the matter of funds. Not in accessing them, those who were prudent enough to have accounts with the Guild of Coins found that their deposited wealth was still honored, despite the... difficulties currently facing their local branch.
No, as in all things Imperial, the rub lay in the regulations. There was a plethora of bylaws and ordinances concerning the accessing of certain accounts and withdrawal of certain amounts of monies, especially by non-citizens, not to mention a whole host of tax implications. It was a nightmare that many Zaichaeri, thinking themselves safe, would have to deal with over the course of the ensuing months and even years.
Maria Theresa Michaelis née von Osten had no time for such things. After discussing the matter over with her family, her dearest elder sister Anne had agreed to handle their situation within the OIR. Within a matter of days, a meeting had been assigned with a case agent to expedite her baby sister's accounts through the process. Ultimately the two decided that Anton should be delegated to handle the affair itself, as he would have to be present regardless to pay the registration fee for his Cardinal Rune, and had mentioned something or other about business.
So it was that Anton waited in the Central Bank of Gel'Grandal for the agent, enjoying the refreshments of the Gemütlichkeit. Aunt Anne had been kind enough to show him in and secure the room for him before attending to her own business, located in the building's deepest sub-basement. He had already prepared and reviewed the documents with her prior to their meeting, copies of them having been provided to the OIR in advance.
Well, most of them had been provided in advance to the OIR. Notification of intent to access his mother's dowry account, relevant tax forms, certifications of understanding, the paperwork for his Rune - all of those had been provided. The slim portfolio he held in his hand as he examined the bottles of spirits in Room A7-C however... Its contents had not.